What is asparagus, what does it look like? The asparagus is green, white, soy, medicinal: benefits and harm to the body, value, composition, vitamins, calorie content per 100 grams

What is asparagus, what does it look like? The asparagus is green, white, soy, medicinal: benefits and harm to the body, value, composition, vitamins, calorie content per 100 grams

Asparagus as a valuable product. Hardening of asparagus beneficial properties and harm.

What is asparagus, what does it look like?

Asparagusvery useful, dietary vegetable culture. Looks in form shoots, stems or shrub pryachkov. it early vegetable, ripening already in beginning april. Varietal view includes more two hundred varieties.

Asparagus 2
The asparagus is white and green

Most tender and delicious counts young fetus. AT him saved all useful properties. Asparagus counts delicious product. AT cooking apply only upper parts sprout. Before asparagus cook only in the best restaurants Europe.
Cultivate her started in Greece. The most old culinary book includes recipes dishes from asparages. Asparagus close to origin family luke and porea. Wonderful combined asparagus with dishes from eggs, bacon and shrimp. Italians often use her in preparation fundamentals pizza and pastes.

Famous chef recommend select only the most young and juicy fruit for preparations culinary masterpieces.

Video: the best side dishes from asparagus

What is the name of the asparagus differently, by scientific?

Another name is asparagus.

The asparagus is green, white, purple, soy, medicinal: description

AT cooking use grassy kinds asparages, so how they possess beautiful taste qualities and beside useful elements. The contained in vegetables microelements possess also therapeutic properties.

Asparagus green is yourself commonHer homeland consider coast Mediterranean. Taste qualities neither how not differ from white. Contained in her vitamin group  BUT and AT, selenium, potassium, phosphorus. Price asparages green most available. Assembly crop in the course round of the year. Inclined to long storage.

Asparagus white favorite foreign restaurants and counts yourself delicious. Period maturation crop springsummer. Complete removal sveta, curses to assembly crop asparages in white color. Vitamin compound white asparages presented vitamins groups BUT,AT,FROM, big content calcium and potassium.

White asparagus
White asparagus

Asparagus purplevery  interesting and individual variety. Grows in complete darkness, with small sunny sessions. On the taste purple  a little is different from ally, it has small deviations in taste and a little little.Thermal impact changes color in side green.

Violet asparagus

Soy product it will turn out in process processing soyu bobs. Legumes mass soak, press and separate from soybean milk. In time boiling such liquids accumulates film, which after dry and they call it soyeva asparagus. The main one quality such asparages prevention diseases oncology and osteoporosis. Soy asparagus it has original aroma and taste. She is contains kholin, calcium, iron, lecithin.

Soybean asparagus
Soybean asparagus

Medicinal asparagus it has row unique healing properties. Use green and soyeva cultures actively influences on the work important organs hearts, liver and intestines. Doctors urgently recommend eat asparagus at obesity, epilepsy, arthritis, allergic diseases.

Asparagus and asparagus beans: What is the difference?

Asparagus and office beans -absolutely  various cultures. Asparagusthis is plant with separate root system, crossing cold and darkness. Represented pods and shrubs, grown in open soil. It has similarity with fern.
Office beansrepresentative family legumes. Grows in anyone climate, not whimsical in care.
Similarity  asparages and parge beans only in volume, what both plants  contain lots of vitamins and minimum portion calorius.

Asparagus: composition, food and energy value, proteins of fats carbohydrates

Asparagus it has rich reserve,in him enter squirrels, food cellulose, carbohydrates, vitamin group AT, FROM, E, acid folic, gland, calcium, selenium, coppervital important elements and minerals.
Asparagusit has richprotein compound. She is helps human to the body replenish protective functions, functions on structures cells and recovery fabrics. Daily protein needseventy gram asparagus. AT one hundred grams soybean vegetable Contained before50 gram clean squirrelwhat it means high energy the value of the product.

AT 100 grams plants contained more 6 gram carbohydrates and 50 gram squirrel. AT vegetable contained asparagin acid, which playing important role in exchange and digestive process. Kumarins in asparagus, in time food they will help deal with diseases vessels and not admit education blows.

What vitamins are there in the asparagus?

Asparagus contains huge baggage vitamin:

  • Vitamin BUT, betacarotene, which the beneficial affects on the vision and skin. AT 100 grams asparages contained near 4 gram vitamin A.

Microelementscalcium and phosphorus in asparagus very useful for development bones and blood circulation.

  • AT asparagus contained zinc, helping heal faster old wounds and damaged fabrics
  • Also with asparagus contained iodine, useful for female health at pregnancy
  • Potassium, which protrudes diuretic remedy, exactly that's why asparagus recommends use at weight loss and compliance diets
  • Vitamin groups R in form nicotinova acids that warns avitaminosis, heals hepatitis and cirrhosis liver
  • Vitamin AT 9 contained in form folic acids. Recommend such product pregnant, for normal growth and development fetus
  • AT increased quantity also contain vitamins FROM and E

How many calories are in the asparagus?

Asparagus has high energy value , But the number of containers calorius It is minimal in it.
100 grams of asparagus may contain no more than 20 calorius. One portion of the finished asparagus contains 16 calorius.

One stalk of asparagus contains only 3 kcal.

The taste of asparagus looks like?

Asparagus it has unique taste .That's why her use for feed in restaurants, on the level with truffels. Her taste look like mixture taste chicken and color boiled cabbage. Present light walnut aroma. AT ideal to asparagus prepare light creamy sauce.

Asparagus: the benefits and harm for the body of women, men, children

Use asparages very healthy for human organism:

  • Asparagus beneficial affects on the health pregnant woman. AT her contained folic acid, which will help with to rule with anemia and take out healthy fetus. Daily norm use woman folic acids it is 0,3 mg
  • Global meaning asparagus it has for male health. Doctors ancient Egypt recommended use his own rulers dishes from asparages for increased potency. It is used for prevention diseases prostates. AT asparagus contained aspargin, which the reliable fights with male diseases
  • AT treatment sugar diabetes asparagus also it has important meaning. She is saturates fully organism nutritional substances, without extra calorius. If a constantly use dishes from asparages u man comes in norm level sahara in blood, much improves work pancreas glands, b estrya it is produced insulin
  • Asparagus useful for small children, so how in asparagus contained fibers, improving digestion, beneficial influencing on the microflora growing organism, reducing education gases

Asparagus: Children can be given from what age?

During the first year, vegetable puree is introduced to the child. At seven months, you can already do feeding from asparagus. It is enough to boil it a little or steamed to steam to ascorbic Acid did not collapse. This is a very easily digestible and healthy vegetable for a children's growing organism.

Asparagus during pregnancy and breastfeeding: beneficial properties and contraindications

Use asparages at pregnancy and feeding breasts very healthy:

  • On the formation bones child actively act content in asparagus vitamins and microelements, which contained in very concentrated form, in difference from others vegetables. it iron, zinc, magnesium, folic acid
  • Positively acts asparagus on the formation connecting fabrics child and blood formation
  • U many future mothers often arise swelling. Asparagus will help take off them, per check diuretic actions, a Also removes fatigue and displays not necessary slag, thanks to magnesium and potassium
  • In time pregnancy very important save vision. Vitamin BUT in asparagus will help improve condition skin pregnant and improve vision

There is and contraindications to use asparages pregnant and nursing breasts. Vegetable provokes allergic reactions. Check before food asparagus allergen specifically for you.

Also n fighting eat dishes cO  asparagus, if u pregnant there is diseases  stomach and digestion.

Is it possible to eat an asparagus on a diet?

For losing weight and effective diets asparagus fits perfect. AT her contained a lot of fiber and vegetable squirrel. Organism saturated and simultaneously get it minimum dose calorius.

Asparagus very low -calorie. AT 100 grams ready vegetable contained 20   kcal. Delicacy use in most popular dietary programs.

Can I eat asparagus in fasting?

In time post it is forbidden use lots of products, especially meat and fish. But organism must saturate sufficient quantity proteins and carbohydrates. Dishes from asparages replaced carbohydrate and protein compound meat products in complete meres. That's why in time compliance post recommend prepare recipes dishes from asparages.

Asparagus for pancreatitis and gastritis

In time treatment pancreatitis, in stages remission patients recommend eat dishes with boiled and baked asparagus. For receipt from vegetable healing properties and saturation of the body zinc and folic acid. Also asparagus p radiva in norm high cholesterol.
In time gastritis recommend stick to vegetable diets, the main thing component, in which protrudes asparagus. She is will help facilitate pain symptoms and and thanks to the rich content of fibers, it carefully cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of asparagus for diseases of the cardiovascular system

As mentioned above, Asparagin is useful for diseases of blood vessels, heart. Below in the picture, see recipes for using asparagus for arrhythmias and increased blood pressure.

Why does urine smell like after asparagus?

Shoots asparages change smell urine through ten minutes after food. it is happening fromper content in asparagus compounds sulfur. When she is split in stomach, he select appropriate products cO peculiar smell in urine.

How to choose an asparagus?

The picture below is given the criteria for choosing asparagus.

Video: Asparagus Useful properties

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