Avocado Haas: What is different from the usual, description of the variety, key characteristics

Avocado Haas: What is different from the usual, description of the variety, key characteristics

Avocado Haas - This is a unique fruit, which is not only tasty, but also filled with many beneficial substances, vitamins, fats and minerals. On the shelves of supermarkets, you can mainly find this particular variety.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Avocado: where it grows, what is useful, how to grow at home, what to cook from it?".

Below we will describe in detail Avocado Haas, and we will also talk about its differences from the usual. Read further.

Avocado Haas: description of the variety, key characteristics

Avocado Haas
Avocado Haas

Variety avocado Haas He was bred back in the 30s by Rudolf Hass from two other species-Guatemal and Mexican. It was the maternal tree of this variety of avocado that became the first patented tree in the world. In America, Avocado Haas is called California, and in the CIS countries there are two names - Haas and Hass.

Here is a description of this fruit:

  • The fruits of avocado Haas are dark green, somewhat reminiscent of the skin of alligators.
  • In the peak of its ripening, the peel can be almost black.
  • Ripe avocados are very soft and oily to taste, nuts are also felt.

Further about the key characteristics of the variety:

  • The weight of one fetus can be from 300 to 500g
  • The peel is dark, dense, can be either bugrous or smooth
  • Fruits resistant to prolonged transportation
  • Trees give fruits all year round

Up to 200 kg of fruits are collected from one tree of the avocado of this variety per season. This is possible only if the plant is careful and all conditions are met.

What is the benefit of Avocado Haas?

As mentioned earlier, avocado Haas filled with useful substances. But what exactly? What is the benefit? Here is a list of vitamins and minerals:

  • Pyridoxine - A substance that is contained in large quantities in the pulp of avocados. Due to it, atherosclerosis prevention occurs.
  • Omega-3 - Acids that supply energy to the human body and allows you to use it longer.
  • Many different micro and macroelements - Elements that can improve important processes in the body, including digestion.
  • Cellulose - carbohydrates that also improve digestion.
  • Mannogeptulose - Monosaccharide, which favorably affects the work of the central nervous system.
  • Vitamins C, Eand AT - substances that positively affect the condition of the skin, nails, hair, blood vessels and bones.

It is also believed that variety avocados Haas Helps to lose weight thanks to mono -saturated fatty acids. All due to the fact that these substances regulate blood sugar, and fats harmful to the body, do not allow to absorb biological fluids. In addition to all beneficial substances, such a fruit is a hypoallergenic product, that is, it causes an allergic reaction only in units.

How to choose avocado haas?

Avocado Haas
Avocado Haas

Choose mature avocado Haas Simple enough - you should focus on the color of the peel. It should be either dark green or almost black. It is also one of the distinctive features of the variety, because the remaining types of peel are brighter.

But if the peel does not work out in color, that is, a few more criteria for choosing a good fruit:

  • The fetus should be soft evenly, and not just at one point, but at the same time elastic, so that with a slight pressure on it there are dents remain on it.
  • There should not be any damage on the fetus peel, ranging from scratches and ending with dents.
  • The mass of the ripened fruit will be slightly larger than that of the unripe.
  • With a small shaking of the fetus, the bone should be shook.

If the flesh of the fetus is only soft and not elastic, then it is considered overlooked and is not recommended for use. After all, the number of useful substances in such a fruit will decrease, and there is a chance to poison.

Avocado Haas: How is it different from the usual one?

The main difference avocado Haas From the usual appearance is the color of the peel. If in the variety of Haas the peel gradually darkens, ripening, then the usual does not have any changes. That is, the peel of other varieties remains light green. Avocado Haas skin is more dense, due to which it is much better for transportation than a thin skin of the rest of the avocado.

  • The fetus of the Haas variety also has a pulp. He has it more fat, oily, and in most other varieties, on the contrary, less fat.
  • In addition, a well -known Mexican cold appetizer is prepared from the pulp of this variety - Guacamole. This dish was one of the most beloved Rudolf Hass.
  • Also in ordinary avocado there is less benefit than in Haas. Due to the fact that it has much less fat.
  • When using ordinary avocados, there will be such benefits to the heart, the skin, or hair, nor digestion.

It is worth noting only that the calorie content of Avocado Haas is higher than that of the usual:

  • From 124 kcal to 170 kcal per fruit

It is not surprising that avocado Haas It is known and popular all over the world. The fruits of this variety are a storehouse of nutrients that favorably affect the entire human body. Thanks to resistance to transportation, it is delivered to all countries of the world, and everyone can try it, as simple, cutting into pieces, and as part of a dish.

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