How to determine the ripeness of avocado by appearance? How to store avocado correctly so that it does not deteriorate?

How to determine the ripeness of avocado by appearance? How to store avocado correctly so that it does not deteriorate?

In this article, we will talk about how to correctly determine the ripeness of avocados and how to store this fruit.

It is customary to use avocado in a variety of dishes, ranging from salads to desserts. It is attractive not only by its taste, but also by the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition. Most people already perceive this fruit not as exotic, but everyday, which can be purchased at any time of the year. Despite such a high popularity, many do not know how to determine how ripe avocados. Our article will tell about this.

How to determine the ripeness of avocado by appearance?


Avocado will please you with its taste if you choose it correctly. Determining the ripeness of the avocado is quite simple if you adhere to a few simple rules. However, first, let's talk about the most popular varieties.

In stores, the following are most often found:

  • California. This variety can be purchased in stores at any time of the year. He has a dark -skinned peel of dark color. It differs with soft pulp. At the same time, she does not hold the form, so if you decide to add it to a salad or roll, this is not the best idea. But for the preparation of a paste or sauce, the fruit is well suited. By the way, some spread the pulp on bread like butter.
  • Florida. You will not find this variety in the store earlier. His skin is always dark green. It differs with dense pulp, which holds the shape well. Tender fruit to taste.
  • Pinkerton. This variety has the smallest bone. The peel differs in density and dark green. There are also pimples on it. This variety is also year -round.

Avocado, first of all, can be determined by tactile sensations. In particular, the hardness of the fruit is checked. Take it in your hands and impress it without much effort on the peel. If there is no dent, then this speaks of underpandering. Accordingly, the pulp tastes bitter. But if a too deep dent appears and it seems like porridge inside, then this already indicates a supported and possibly slightly rotten fruit. Perfectly ripe avocados can be determined by the appearance of a small dent. At the same time, it is quickly smoothed.

Another point that must be taken into account is in the ripe avocado the bone inside the pulp exfoliates. And in green, she fuses with her. Try to shake the fruit. If you hear a tapping of the bone, then you can not even doubt the ripeness of the fruit. If you hear silence, then it is better to leave this fruit, let it ripen.

Also, the fruiting helps to determine the ripeness. If it is brown, then the fruit is already rolled up. The yellowness speaks of disdain, but bright green-indicates an ideal state.

Avocado - how to bring to ripeness at home?

If you purchase avocado for transportation or storage, then it is best to choose immature fruits, which remains 6-9 days until the readiness of which remains. Keep in mind that unripe fruits cannot be eaten.

So, you have acquired an unripe fruit and now you need to bring it to readiness. In this case, do the following:

  • Take the fruit and wrap it. Newspaper paper is suitable for this. After that, place it in a bag. Or you can use the fabric;
  • The ripening process will proceed much faster if you put chili pepper along with avocado;
  • The fruit storage temperature is+20 ...+22 degrees. You should not lay it out in the refrigerator or in the sun;
  • The optimal ripening period is 3-8 days.

If the avocado is almost ripe, then he will need no more than three days to mature.

Avocado's ripeness
Avocado's ripeness

How to store avocado correctly so that it does not deteriorate?

In order for Avocado’s ripeness to remain for a long time and the fruit does not bother, immediately after buying it is recommended to be removed in a darkened place. The main thing is that sunlight does not get there. The optimum storage temperature is +10 degrees. If you have acquired several fruits at once, then place them at a distance so that they do not contact each other. The largest storage duration is seven days.

If you want to store the fruit for more than 10 days, then first wrap it in the newspaper.

When the fruit is already cut, it is stored as follows:

  • If you have already removed the bone, then apply lemon or lime juice to the existing cut. Silicone brush will help you cope with the task. After that, cover the fruits with cling film or an ordinary plastic bag. Now you can remove fruits. Just keep in mind that it will turn out to maintain freshness in this way for no more than 1-2 days.
  • If the bone is not removed, then the fruit will last longer. A sealed barrier is created in the same way as in the first case. Well, instead of lemon juice, you can take olive oil.
  • It is possible to even freeze the purified avocado. To do this, you will have to make it mashed from it. Transfer the resulting mass to the container with a dense lid so that air does not penetrate there. Just keep in mind that 2-3 centimeters of free space should remain on top. In the form of mashed potatoes, the taste of the fruit remains for six months.

Video: How to choose an avocado? Full test. Avocado varieties\u003dv4gfoluopgq

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