Avocado without a bone and peel: calorie content per 100 grams, 1 pc. Chemical composition, energy value, glycemic Avocado index: proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Avocado without a bone and peel: calorie content per 100 grams, 1 pc. Chemical composition, energy value, glycemic Avocado index: proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Avocado has a small calorie content, despite the high fat content. Therefore, it is often used in diet.

Avocado - This is an evergreen tree growing in a hot climate. The plant has oily fruits of pear -shaped shape, with a large bone inside. In cooking, it is used as the main ingredient in salads, sauces, in the preparation of pasta for sandwiches. Due to the high content of nutrients in it, it is considered useful, and is also widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology.

Read on our website an article about where the avocado grows, what is useful and is it possible to grow it at home.

This fruit is often used in a diet people who want to lose weight. In this article you will find information about the calorie content of this fetus, as well as the benefits and dangers for the body. Read further.

Avocado - benefits and harm: more useful properties?

Avocado - benefits and harm
Avocado - benefits and harm

Only a ripened fruit has a pleasant, delicate taste. Unfinished fruits store less valuable food substances, more solid in taste. When choosing a ripe avocado, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • Fruit softness. Before buying, you need to press a little on the skin. The matured avocado should have a slight dent at the pressure site for a short time. It remains at the opposed fruit.
  • The sound of a bone. If you shock the fruit a little, then you can hear a knock. This simple technique determines the ripeness of the avocado.
  • The integrity of the surface of the fetus. There should be no spots, damage on the skin.

What is the benefit and harm of a tropical fruit? It has more useful properties? It is worth knowing:

  • The positive and negative properties of avocado will help to understand the need for its use.
  • It is believed that its fruits have an anti -aging effect.
  • The constant consumption of avocados also increases the concentration of attention, affects memory, performance.
  • Oil is used in perfumes and cosmetology.
  • In the medicine of Asian countries, skin diseases are treated with pulp of this fetus.

Only the fruit pulp is suitable for usehaving a large number of minerals, vitamins, folic acid. This fruit contains mono -saturated fats that contribute to weight loss, it does not have cholesterol.

Natural Sahairid - Mannogeptulose, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces the feeling of fatigue, drowsiness. Scientists offer in the future on its basis to produce “diet pills”, as it helps to get additional energy for the body, while reducing the amount of food consumed.

Avocado - benefits and harm
Avocado - benefits and harm

There are several valuable and useful properties of avocados:

  • Favorably affects the cardiovascular system. Avocado is rich in potassium necessary for the full operation of blood vessels and heart. Its reception lowers the possibility of ischemia, atherosclerosis and stroke.
  • Has a diuretic effect, Helping to remove excess fluid from the body, preventing the formation of swelling.
  • Produces cancer prevention. Folic acid in the fetus reduces the risk of growth of malignant tumors.
  • Reduces the degree of cholesterol, improves liver function. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in it have a positive effect on human health.
  • Located in avocado vitamin K. It affects the improvement of blood coagulation, helping to heal wounds in the rehabilitation period.
  • Affects skin cells as an antioxidant. Microelements, vitamins, as well as glutathione help create a protective barrier from toxins, bacteria and infections.
  • Helps to achieve the desired harmony.
  • Vitamin E, located in avocado helps saturation with oxygen, slowing down their further quick aging.
  • Normalizes the digestive tract. The oily consistency, dietary fiber positively affect the intestines, helping in the fight against constipation.

A tropical fruit with a valuable nutrient composition brings the body more benefit than harm. You need to know that the bone and peel are toxic. Avocado also causes an allergic reaction, therefore, at the initial stage, a little is introduced into the diet.

Calorie content of fresh avocado per 100 grams, 1 pc: Energy value

Calorie content of fresh avocado per 100 grams, 1 pcs
Calorie content of fresh avocado per 100 grams, 1 pcs

The product has a fairly high power and energy value.

  • The calorie content of fresh avocado depends on its fat content, is about 160 kcal per 100 g.

In addition, it depends on the form in which the fruit is used. The calorie content of the fresh fetus will differ from the thermally treated fruit.

  • Weight 1 PC. Avocado is 150-250 grams.

Knowing the weight of one unit (on average 180 g), it is easy to calculate on their own the number of calories contained in the fetus (180 grams of x 160 kcal) - this about 290 kcal.

Half of the avocado: calorie content

If the calorie content of the whole fruit is on average 290 kcal, then the energy value of half of the small avocado is 135 - 150 kcal. The difference in the coefficient depends on the oily or fat content of the product, the variety and the place of its growth.

Avocado without a bone and peel: calorie content of pulp

You can calculate the calorie content of the pulp of fresh avocado, having previously learned the mass of the whole fruit. The peel and the bone weigh together - 30 gr. Therefore, from the total mass of the fruit it is necessary to subtract this weight, and in the end only the gram of the pulp will remain. To calculate calorie content, the pulp is multiplied by the number of calories of 100 g. It will turn out about from 160 to 190 kcal.

Avocado Haas fruit: How is different from the usual, calorie content

Fruit Avocado Haas
Fruit Avocado Haas

In 1935, the Avocado hybrid, who received the name of California, was bred by American Rudolf Hass. In Russia, he is called by the name of the breeder Haas or Hass. Both names are true, used and considered correct.

The Guatemal and Mexican hybrid has several differences:

  • The main thing is dark, almost black peel color.
  • Due to its increased density, the Khaas fruit variety can be collected and transported even in a spray form, without fear of injuring the fetus.
  • This type of avocado has a pear -shaped shape, its weight reaches 500 gr., but the average size of the fetus does not exceed 300-350 gr.
  • The taste of avocado Haas is a little oily, with a pronounced walnut tint.
  • The ripe fruit is softer than other varieties, with an easily separated bone.

Its calorie content is slightly higher than that of ordinary green. It is about 167 kcal per 100 g., and contains in 1.5 times More unsaturated fats compared to other fruits.

Avocado sandwich - calorie content: with cottage cheese, egg, red fish, fried toast (bread)

Avocado can be consumed as an independent dish, adding the necessary spices to increase taste. Its flesh is quite tasty and does not require large additions. Creams, salads, sauces, cocktails for seafood are also prepared from the fetus. As an intermediate light snack, it is ideally combined with grain bread, dietary bread. For lovers of a tropical fruit, you can recommend trying to prepare several simple dishes - sandwich sandwiches. These are dishes with low calorie content, but very nutritious and tasty.

Avocado sandwich and cottage cheese
Avocado sandwich and cottage cheese

Avocado with cottage cheese:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 198 kcal.
  • Cut the half of the small avocado slices.
  • Put on Borodinsky bread: avocados, then soft cheese, cover the fetus.

Avocado paste:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 70 kcal.
  • Mix avocado and tomato in a blender.
  • Add spices: salt, pepper, dry basil, spices.
  • Put a paste on whole grain bread.
Avocado sandwich and egg
Avocado sandwich and egg

Benedict egg with fried toast (bread):

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 120 kcal.
  • Boil the egg: Add a little salt to boiling water. Break the egg into a cup, and then carefully pour it into boiling water without damaging the integrity of the yolk.
  • Cook over low heat for 2-5 minutes, depending on preferences.
  • For 2 minutes, the yolk will remain liquid, with prolonged cooking it will acquire a creamy consistency.
  • On a toast of fried white bread, a slice of avocado is laid out, then the egg.

Sands with red fish:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 213 kcal.
  • Beat soft cheese, avocado, lemon juice in a blender.
  • Lubricate the slices of bread with the stove.
  • Put the fish chopped with small pieces on top.
Sandwiches with avocado, mozzarella and tomatoes
Sandwiches with avocado, mozzarella and tomatoes

Sandwiches with avocado, mozzarella and tomatoes:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 176 kcal.
  • Fry in the toaster 2 slices of wheat bread.
  • Mash the avocado pulp thoroughly with a fork, add a little salt.
  • Grate mozzarella on a coarse grater or cut into slices.
  • Cut the tomato in layers.
  • Put on a slice of bread: avocado, tomato, mozzarella.
  • Close with bread on top.

A sandwich with an egg, cucumber and avocado:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 186 kcal.
  • Boil the egg, cut into slices.
  • Cut the fresh cucumber and avocado with plates.
  • Put it in a sequentially in black bread: avocado, egg, cucumber.

If you prepare such snacks for yourself, you will get food rich in vitamins and trace elements. In addition, you will not have a feeling of hunger during the day, and you will not overeat in the evening.

Salads with useful avocados and tomatoes: calorie content

Avocado is part of many salads. But the most popular of them is with tomatoes. Few housewives know that on the basis of an exotic fruit and red fresh tomato you can prepare a large number of options for this simple dish. Here are recipes for salads with useful avocados and tomatoes indicating the calorie content of the dish:

Evocado salad and tomatoes
Evocado salad and tomatoes

Tomato and avocado salad with a Mediterranean dressing:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 83 kcal.
  • Cut into the same pieces: tomato, avocados.
  • Add finely chopped onion.
  • Separately prepare the fill: 2 tbsp olive oil mix with 1 tsp. Balsamic vinegar.
  • Add to the taste of spices. Season the salad.

Tomato salad, avocados and cheese:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 176 kcal.
  • Cut the same cubes: hard variety of cheese, avocados, tomato.
  • Chop Petrushka.
  • Put all the ingredients on the leaves of the salad.
  • Prepare a refueling: 2 tbsp. Mix vegetable oil from 1 tsp vinegar, add a chopped half of the garlic head, a little sugar.
  • Pour the salad with refueling, mix before serving on the table.
Salads with useful avocados
Salads with useful avocados

Broccoli tomatoes salad:

  • Calorie content of the dish per 100 gr. - 110 kcal.
  • Cut the tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper.
  • Grind the avocado pulp with a fork, sprinkle with lemon.
  • Make a refueling: 1 tsp. Mix sesame seeds with 1 tbsp. olive oil.
  • Boil broccoli.
  • Mix all the ingredients, add a gas station.

Such salads are excellent sources of useful trace elements. Eat them every day for dinner and dinner, and your body will receive all the substances necessary for health.

1 avocado - chemical composition, BJS: proteins, fats, carbohydrates

1 avocado - chemical composition, BJU
1 avocado - chemical composition, BJU

It is paradoxical that a sufficiently high calorie content of the fruit does not interfere with the use of it in fasting days. The composition of BJU 1 avocado may vary slightly, depending on the fetal variety. The average indicator of the chemical composition suggests that per 100 gr. It is:

  • 67% fat, 16% of protein compounds, 17% carbohydrates

Based on these data, we can note the significant nutrition of the fetus, its high fat content. It is not necessary to use such a fruit in large quantities to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and trace elements - it is enough to eat a half. The body will still receive all the necessary beneficial substances.

1 avocado: glycemic index

Glycemic index 1 avocado is low and is 10 units. Therefore, it is allowed by diabetics, included in the diet programs. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, saturating it with useful components. The composition includes oleic acid that reduces blood cholesterol and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Calorie content of avocado oil

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

Avocado oil is actively used in cooking, cosmetology, and traditional medicine. It turns out by cold push -ups. The oil has an emerald, transparent color, barely noticeable herbal smell. Its calorie content is 884 kcal per 100 g. The great energy value is compensated by the benefits of its consumption.

In cooking The fetal oil is used as:

  • Salad refueling
  • For baking in the oven of vegetable dishes, potatoes

Due to the high combustion temperature, when frying, it does not emit dangerous carcinogens and is popular in the process of cooking and frying vegetables, fish.

Avocado oil is used in folk medicine as a means:

  • Against insomnia
  • With disorders of the nervous system
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Interesting: In Mexico - the homeland of an exotic fruit, it is considered the strongest Aphrodisiac.

Cosmetological procedures With avocado oil, they help get rid of peeling and redness of the skin. It is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin.

Avocado, due to its specific taste, does not apply to a popular product. Its beneficial properties are not in doubt, and the composition is replete with a large number of vitamins. Therefore, having tried an unusual fruit, you can try to love it, gradually introducing it into your diet.

Roll with avocado: calorie content

Roll with avocado
Roll with avocado

Rolls are one of the varieties of land and the most famous brand of Japanese cuisine. Its distinguishing feature of the preparation is that the filling is twisted into an elongated cylindrical shape, then it turns into a dried pressed sheet of algae. The oblong "Bank" is cut into parts. The oily fruit, as an additional ingredient, is part of many rolls, but the traditional consists of three products - nori (a sheet of algae), rice, avocados.

  • Roll calorie with avocado per 100 gr. is only 105 kcal.
  • The weight of one roll is usually about 30 grams. Accordingly, the calorie content of one roll is less 35 kcal.

Rolls are useful and small -calorie. Sea algae contain iodine, iron, phosphorus. Rice rich in microelements and minerals works in the body as a “sponge” - absorbing harmful substances that enter along with other foods, helping to remove toxins, toxins. But people suffering from iodine intolerance are not recommended to be carried away by the consumption of this dish. Good luck!

Video: How is there avocado for weight loss? Avocado consumption standards.

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