How to clean the avocado from the bone, for salad: step -by -step guides, tips. Is it necessary and how to clean the avocado from the peel?

How to clean the avocado from the bone, for salad: step -by -step guides, tips. Is it necessary and how to clean the avocado from the peel?

How to clean the avocado?

The fruit of the evergreen fruit plant of the laurel family can increasingly be seen as an ingredient on the festive table. The fruit is pear -shaped, with a dense peel. In some varieties, the peel of the fetus is smooth, in others - rough. The pulp inside the avocado is oily.

How to clean the exotic fruit of the peel? This will be discussed in our article.

Do I need to clean the avocado before use?

Before we start cleaning the avocado, we suggest you familiarize yourself with how to choose a truly delicious fetus.

  • An overripe fruit (dent remains from the finger after pressing the fruit) is better not to use for food, since the taste of such a fetus is unsatisfactory.
  • You need to buy an exotic fruit with a hard peel. If there are cracks or damage on the peel, then it is better to leave such a fruit on the store shelf.
  • Do not load the basket with too soft exotic fruits. If the avocado is soft, then it is overripe, and most likely spoiled.
  • To check the stage of maturity of the avocado, you can conduct a small test: press on the pulp with your finger and if the resulting dent will disappear within 20 seconds, then the avocado has matured and it can be eaten. The bright green tint of the exotic fruit also indicates its ripeness.
  • The matured avocado has an amazing smell and taste. And the immature fruit is unsuitable for food. Someone eats avocado with a peel, but for someone it is tasteless.
How to clean avocado from a bone
Avocado pulp can be separated from the skin with a spoon

Clean or not avocado - you decide for yourself. The peel of the fetus will not affect its taste. However, if you decide to cook rolls or salad, then avocado needs to be cleaned from the peel.

How to clean the avocado from a bone?

Avocado is used simply as a fruit or added to various salads, snacks, and other dishes. We will tell you how to clean the avocado from the peel correctly and as quickly as possible, what are the methods of cleaning the avocado and when they are used.

The avocado cleaning procedure can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  • The fetus is washed.
  • It is divided using a knife into two halves.
  • A bone is removed.
  • The fetus is cleaned of the peel.
  • If the avocado is ripe, then its peel can easily be placed with a knife and removed parts. The immature fruit is not very simple: you have to cut the peel.

One of the simple and fast ways to clean the avocado:

  • We take a tablespoon.
  • We place a spoon between the pulp of the fetus and the bone.
  • We turn a spoon along the edge of the fruit pulp.
  • As a result, such a simple manipulation of the bone itself is separated and the pulp of the avocado can be used as intended.
The dark color of the skin of the avocado speaks of the ripeness of the fetus

How to cut avocado with plates and cubes?

  • Avocado is an excellent ingredient for salads. Fruit juice gives the finished dish of sweets and originality. But if you leave the peel on the avocado and cut the exotic fruit for salad, then the dish will be bitter.

For rolls, avocados also need to be cleaned from the peel. The cleaning technique does not change, but there are some nuances that should be taken into account:

  • The fruit is thoroughly washed under running water.
  • It is cut into two halves. The bone is removed (it can be thrown out or planted, but for eating a bone is not suitable).
  • Halves of avocado are also cut in two.
  • The resulting quarters are cut into two parts again.
  • Only after that can you start removing the peel.
  • Avocado cut in this way can be added to various rolls.
  • For one roll, you need 2 or 3 pieces of avocado.

Avocado has a neutral taste of the pulp, a delicate consistency that resembles cedar nuts. The bone is oily, but inedible.

Avocado pulp has a neutral taste and delicate consistency

The first method of cleaning avocado

  • This method is used for further cutting fruit with thin records or straws.
    I dry the avocado under running water and paper towel.
  • Gently cut the avocado for two halves, until the knife rises into the bone. Next, we make a cut in a circle along the bone. We should get two identical in size of the fetus.
  • We turn the upper or lower half 90 degrees, separating it in this way from the bone.
  • From the remaining half, the bone is separated by the tip of the knife. You need to pick up the seed and raise it.
  • Each half of the avocado is cut in two. After that, the peel is removed, and the exotic fruit is cut with plates or strips.

The second method of cleaning avocado (for slicing on a salad)

  • The avocado is cut into cubes that are added to salads. We repeat the same actions as in the first method of cleaning before extracting a bone from two halves.
  • We take one half of the fruit (with a peel), turn the pulp up and with a knife make cuts inside the fetus in the form of a grid.
  • Now we take a teaspoon and each segment of the pulp is carefully separated from the skin. The resulting cubes can be cut into two or four parts and used as an ingredient in salad or sauce.
Avocado cutting method with cubes
Avocado cutting method

Is it necessary and how to clean the avocado from the peel?

  • The taste of the pulp of avocado can be compared with a mixture of butter and fresh herbs. Exotic fruit is often added to dietary cuisine dishes.
  • If the avocado is pureed, then the resulting mixture can be used as oil, provided that further preparation does not include heat treatment of the dish.
  • Avocado is used as a dressing for salads, as a prayer for sandwiches. The crushed fetus is added to the paste.
  • Avocado pieces are used as components of various salads, as an independent snack.
Avocado pulp to taste resembles a mixture of butter and greens

To clean the avocado from the skin and further cut, we need a sharp knife and a teaspoon. Of the products, in addition to avocados, you will need a cut lemon cut.

  • We clean the overseas fruit from the skin. You can simply cut off the thin layer of the skin of the fetus as we do with potatoes. This method is used for an immature fruit and for ripened. If the skin without effort is separated from the pulp, then four longitudinal cuts on the skin are made along the entire length of the fruit. Each segment of the skin is pulled by the tip of the knife and removed.
  • After the fetus is cleaned, we proceed to the cut. We make an incision of the narrow part of the fetus and lead the knife down until it rises into the bone.
  • Turn the fruit, holding the knife on the surface of the bone. We should get two equal in the size of the half of the fruit.
  • Holding the two halves of the cut fruit, we remove the upper part with the bone, helping yourself with a knife.
  • The bone is easily removed with a teaspoon. You just need to pick it up and remove it. If the bone does not separate, then we turn it with a teaspoon, trying not to grab the pulp.
  • After extracting the bone, water the halves of the fruit with lemon juice to preserve the natural color. Lemon juice will help to avoid darkening of the fruit.
    Cut the avocado with slices or strips.
To preserve the natural color, the pulp of the avocado is sprayed with lemon juice

Do you clean the avocado peel in a salad?

  • By adding avocado with an unpeeled skin to the salad, you can greatly ruin the impression of the dish. After all, the skin will make its taste somewhat bitter.
  • Therefore, when cutting an exotic fetus per salad, it is better to get acquainted with various ways to get rid of the peel and cut the fetus.
  • Then the guests will appreciate the efforts of the hostess, and the exotic fruit will become one of the main components of festive dishes.

How to cut avocado at home?

  • The fetus is cut in half, bypassing the bone.
Halves of avocado are separated from each other
Halves of avocado are separated from each other
  • The cut halves of the avocado turn in different directions. Two halves of the fetus are divided and the bone remains in one of them.
  • The bone can be placed with a tablespoon and removed from the pulp. There is another method: you need to slightly hit the bone with a knife and carefully remove it from the fetus.
You can hit the bone slightly with a knife to extract it
  • If it is planned to prepare rolls, then the avocado is cut into stripes: the half of the fruit is cut in two, the skin is removed from each part of the fetus and the pulp is cut in stripes.
Cutting with avocado plates
Cutting with avocado plates
  • For salad, avocado is cut into cubes. In this case, the fetus is not cleaned, and the pulp is cut into cubes and removed with a spoon.

Detailed instructions for extracting a bone from avocados are presented in the video.

Video: how to cut avocado

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