The benefits and harm of avocado. Avocado oil in cosmetology. Tips

The benefits and harm of avocado. Avocado oil in cosmetology. Tips

Avocado is the fruit of the evergreen tree of Persei, which grows in South America, Africa and Israel. To date, more than 400 varieties of this fruit are known. But, only a few of them can be eaten. Avocado is called "alligator" pear. In addition to pear -shaped form, this fruit can have an oval and spherical shape. To taste, avocado resembles at the same time nuts, greens and butter.

The benefits of avocadoThe oily yellow-green pulp of this fruit is consumed for food. It contains many substances useful for the body. But the bone of this fruit is poisonous. It contains substances that get into the body can affect the digestive system.

Avocado is used in vegetarian and traditional cuisine. Salads and sandwiches are made from the pulp of this fruit. Very often, avocados are used as part of various diets. Thanks to its composition, avocado can replace eggs and meat in the diet.

Important: in the ripened fruit, avocados are more useful substances than in an unripe fruit. That is why you need to choose the right avocado in the store before buying. To do it is very simple. You need to take the fruit that attracted and press on it. If the peel is not pushed, then the avocado has not matured. But, do not deny yourself a purchase of an unripe fruit. In a few days in room temperature, he will “reach” to the desired state. And, here are dark spots and cracks, on the contrary, they say that the avocado has overheld and soon deteriorate.

What is the useful avocado: composition and properties

The benefits of avocadoAvocado is a very useful fruit. It includes a large number of vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to which avocado provides healing properties on almost all human organs. Studies have shown that this fruit has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Important: Avocado contains a large amount of fatty acids. Thanks to them, the use of avocado improves memory and creates the prevention of atherosclerosis. Conductive substances from this fruit will help to return the body's water-salt balance and improve its opposition to stress.

The composition of the avocado includes copper and iron. These metals reduce the risk of anemia and improve the amount of red carts in the blood. It also improves the composition of the blood of riboflavin, which is contained in the fruits of avocado in large quantities. This fruit is also used to treat gastritis and constipation. The pulp of the avocado is easily absorbed by the body and establishes the digestive system.

The use of 70 grams of avocado three times a week reduce the risk of cancer cells, and has a significant effect on the general strengthening of the body.

100 grams of avocado contains:
• 33% of the daily norm of dietary fiber;
• 27% of the daily norm of vitamin B5;
• 20% of the daily norm of vitamin B9;
• 19.5% of the daily potassium norm;
• 19% of the daily norm of copper;
• 17% of the daily norm of vitamin K;
• 13% of the daily norm of vitamin B6;
• 11% of the daily norm of vitamin C;
• 9% of the daily vitamin pp;
• 7% of the daily norm of vitamin B2;
• 7% of the daily rate of magnesium;
• 7% of the daily norm of manganese;
• 6.5% of the daily norm of phosphorus;
• 5% of the daily zinc norm;
• 4.5% of the daily norm of vitamin B1.

Important: beneficial substances from avocados are widely used for the treatment of prostate and mammary gland. The content of potassium in avocado is more than the content of this trace element in bananas. Thanks to the regular use of this product, it affects blood pressure.

How to use avocado to reduce weight?

Avocado dietAvocado is widely used in dietetics. There is an effective three -day diet based on this fruit, which activates metabolic processes in the body and will help lose several unnecessary kilograms. With such a diet, you can use avocado, low -fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken and greens.

The author of a more “advanced” diet based on this fruit is the Greek culinary specialist Blazas. He believes that avocado in his composition has all the necessary useful substances. Which, when adding protein and fiber, will not only help reduce weight, but also cleanse the body of various harmful substances.

Blazas’s diet based on avocado is divided into three stages. At the first stage, the “unloading” of the body occurs. It lasts three days. At this stage, there is a decrease in excess fluid in the body, stabilization of blood sugar and intestinal cleansing.

The menu of the first stage of the diet for avocado:
• Breakfast: pulp half an avocado with low -fat cottage cheese (100 g) and herbs. A cup of coffee or tea.
• Lunch: four proteins, one yolk, one cucumber, a bunch of greens and the pulp of the Avocado halves are mixed in a blender. The yolk and protein should be boiled.
• Dinner: also a dish, as for breakfast.
• Before going to bed: boiled beef (90 g) with a half of lemon.

At the first stage of this diet, snacks are prohibited.

At the second stage, work takes place on reducing excess weight. The menu of the diet on the avocado of the second stage repeats the menu of the first stage. But, snacks have already been allowed. You can add fruits and meat to the menu. The duration of the second stage of this diet is 3-4 months.

At the third stage of such a diet, the menu can be expanded due to a pair of glasses of wine per week, sweet fruits and even a small amount of baking. The duration of this stage is not limited. As soon as the weight begins to increase, you can return to the menu of the second stage of this interesting diet.

IMPORTANT: Avocado diet is quite easy to transfer. The pulp of this fruit is very nutritious and with its help you can quickly satisfy hunger. But, it is not worth using a mono dot for avocado. The use of only this fruit can provoke a metabolic disorder.

Useful recipes with avocado

Avocado sandwichAvocado is widely used in cooking. This fruit can be used for the manufacture of home rolls, healthy sandwiches and salads.

Shrimp salad and avocado

Seafood goes well with this exotic fruit. To prepare this salad, it is necessary to boil 125 grams of large shrimp and clean them of shells. Shrimp can “collect” water when cooking. It can be removed by pressing on these crustacean tablespoons.

Then you need to take four medium -sized avocados, cut each of them into two halves and extract bones and pulp. This must be done so that 4-5 mm of the pulp remains on the peel. So then it will be easier to stuff avocado.

When extracting, the pulp should be separated by pieces. They can be mixed with pieces of banana, boiled chicken and herbs.

Important: so that the avocado does not blacken it, you need to sprinkle it with lemon.

The pulp of the avocado is mixed with the rest of the ingredients (except for shrimp). Then it must be immersed in the molds of the fruit peel and place the shrimp on each on top.

Avocado sandwich for a useful snack

Avocado sandwich can be used for a useful breakfast or for a snack in the middle of the day. Such a sandwich is prepared very easily. To do this, cut the avocado into two parts, remove the bone and peel. Then the pulp must be cut into several pieces, sprinkled with lemon and chopped with a garlic press or blender.

The resulting mass must be pepper and salt. Add olive oil. It is advisable to use the oil of the first spin. It is more useful.

In order for the sandwich to be really useful, you need to take bread with bran or cooked from whole grains. The resulting "pasta" must be smeared on bread, and put a lemon on top.

The benefits of avocado oil in cosmetology

Avocado oilAvocado oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is believed that it contains more polyunsaturated fatty acids than in fish oil. You can use it as part of ready -made cosmetics, or adding it to your favorite cream, lotion or balm. The optimal dosage of10 drops of avocado oil per 10 grams of the base.
You can add this fruit oil to shampoo. This will help strengthen the hair and reduce the problem of split ends. This fruit oil will give the hair a healthy shine.

To strengthen nails, you can also use avocado oil. Moreover, it can be used in its pure form or mixed with apricot almond oil in 1: 1 proportions. Such a tool can be applied to the nails every day. After application, you need to massage your fingers until the oil is completely absorbed.

Important: Avocado oil is used as a tanning product, for anti -cellulite massage and as part of face masks. The uniqueness of this product is that in its fat composition it is close to human skin fats. What helps beneficial substances from this oil is better absorbed by the body.

Avocado: Useful tips

Council #1. Avocado is an enemy of cholesterol. That is why people, with a high level of this organic compound in the body, need to regularly eat avocado pulp. Daily use of the Avocado halves leads to a significant reduction in blood cholesterol in a month.

Council #2. Avocado goes well with poultry meat, fish and seafood. But, as a result of heat treatment, the fruit loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to use the pulp of this fruit in those recipes where it is not subjected to such a process.

Tip #3. People, with a predisposition to cancer, are mandatory to include avocados in their diet. The thing is that in this fruit there is a lot of folic acid, which reduces the amount of cancer cells in the blood.

Video. Avocado Polsa for a slender figure

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