5 proven ways to avoid skin pigmentation: prevention, home methods, antioxidants -based cosmetics, whitening creams, sparing peels

5 proven ways to avoid skin pigmentation: prevention, home methods, antioxidants -based cosmetics, whitening creams, sparing peels

If you want to get rid of the pigmentation of the skin on the body or face, then read the article. It describes 5 proven methods that will help remove these spots.

Hyperpigmentation on the face is a common problem that many women are perceived as a serious cosmetic defect. And this is really so, because brown spots covering the skin strongly spoil the appearance, and it is difficult to disguise them with decorative cosmetics.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Body signals: What are our diseases talking about?". You will find out what diseases bruises, bags under the eyes are talking about, a raid on the tongue, smell from the mouth, hair loss, acne on the priest, face, balls under the skin, stretch marks, early wrinkles, gray hair, seizures, as well as pigmentation of the skin.

The main reason for the appearance of age spots is melanin hypersecretion. This is a substance that is a pigment and is responsible for the skin of the skin. Someone has its content too high from birth, but often certain factors contribute to this. You can avoid the formation of hyperpigmentation using simple preventive measures. Below will be described 5 wayswhich will help to avoid skin pigmentation. Read more in this article.

How pigment spots appear on the human body: Reasons

Dark spots
Dark spots

There are a lot of reasons for the formation of age spots. They can be both pathological, and nonpathological, and sometimes physiological. How do age spots appear on the human body?

Based on scientific observations, it was found that melanin hypersecretion is caused:

  • Endocrine disorders
  • Excessive insolation
  • Changes in the body occurring during pregnancy
  • Taking oral contraception
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Taking funds or products, as well as the use of medicines, cosmetics and other products related to the group of photosensitizers

In some situations, there is a combination of several factors and causes at once. But most women have excessive craving for tanning - natural and artificial - causes hyperpigmentation on the face and body almost in 90% of cases.

Why is it necessary to deal with pigmentation on the face and other parts of the body?

When the first pigment spots appear, it is necessary to take all possible measures to get rid of them and prevent their new education. Why is it necessary to deal with such a skin defect on the face and other parts of the body? All for the reason that:

  1. Pigment spots look ugly, even if it is “cute freckles”. And this is one of the signs that the mechanism of preliminary aging of the skin was launched. And he became the result of excessive exposure to the epidermis of ultraviolet rays. In this case, a special term is used - photo starting.
  2. In the absence of timely measures aimed at combating melanin hypersecretion, the spots will multiply and increase in size. In addition, they will become darker and more saturated in color. It is much more difficult to get rid of such a defect, this will need more effort and time.
  3. Hyperpigmentation visually adds 15 years. Thus, even young girls may look much older than they really are. But this is hardly their goal.

Pigment spots spoil the appearance, and this is quite obvious. Especially in the case when open areas are open areas - face, shoulders, arms. Such an unpleasant phenomenon can cause the development of complexes. Yes, it is not always possible to prevent it, but modern cosmetology has means that allow you to get rid of pigmentation.

Video: The best products from pigmentation. The most effective ways

If the skin of a man, women is prone to brown, white pigmentation - prevention: use of sunscreen

Dark spots
Dark spots

Special creams with filters that do not allow ultraviolet to penetrate deep into the thickness of the skin are an integral part of the epidermis in the hot season. Although in the cold season you should not refuse such a product, because sunny weather is dangerous for the dermis in any season. It is best to give preference to the so -called mineral screens, which are called in English sun Block. So, if the skin of a man, women is prone to brown, white pigmentation, then prevention measures are important. It includes the use of sunscreen. The choice of creams is very diverse, here are a few of them:

Anthelios Anti-Imprefectinos SPF 50+, La Roche-Posay:

  • The cream is suitable for problem and oily skin, protects well against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and fights with rashes on the face.
  • It includes salicylic acid and niacinamide.

UV Essentiel Complete Protection SPF 50, Chanel:

  • A branded cosmetic product that is ideal for all skin types.
  • The product is quickly absorbed and does not leave fat traces on clothes.
  • In addition, this product can replace the base for makeup or any cream for everyday skin care.

Dry Touch Sun Care Cream SPF 30, Clarins:

  • The cream has an ideal texture, and this is noted not only by women, but also by experts.
  • It is delicate and light, it is not felt on the skin and does not stain clothes.
  • The product has a pleasant smell, easily and quickly distributed over the entire surface of the skin.
  • Reliably protects the epidermis from the negative effects of sunlight, nourishes and moisturizes.

It is worth noting that on the site Iherb big choice creams, lotions, balms and other means with a large protection index in a special section. Here are a few of them:

Useful advice: When choosing a sunscreen, be sure to be guided by generally accepted principles, the main of which is your type of skin. This is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the cosmetic product will not be effective, or even harm.

Strong pigmentation of the skin on the body, face during pregnancy - how to get rid of: homemade proven methods with bleaching activity

If pigmented areas began to appear on the surface of the skin on the body or face during pregnancy, or you have a tendency to this, use simple home remedies. Moreover, when a woman expects a baby, she can not use drugs, even with severe pigmentation. How to get rid of this case?

Natural products have bleaching properties, and also suppress excessive production of melanin. The most effective are house -tested methods with bleaching activity:

Lemon juice:

  • Its whitening properties have long been known, and all thanks to the high content of ascorbic acid.
  • Use the product daily, several times a day.
  • To get started, clean your face from cosmetics, wash yourself and wipe your skin dry.
  • Squeeze a little fresh lemon juice and wipe it with problem areas.
  • It is not necessary to wash off the liquid - it must dry and stay on the greased epidermis zone.


  • The whitening properties of this greenery have been known for a long time. And the reason for this activity is the same: a high concentration of vitamin C in the product.
  • To obtain the useful composition, the greens of fresh parsley must be finely chopped with a knife and squeeze the juice.
  • Dilute it with water in equal ratios.
  • Use the resulting tonic to wipe the pre -purified epidermis 2-3 times a day.


  • The decoction or infusion of this medicinal plant is able to slow down the production of melanin.
  • However, it must be used with extreme caution, since it can harm.

Choose a suitable home remedy for you - and start using it for its intended purpose. The plus of such methods is that they can be combined with store cosmetics. So, the effectiveness of procedures will increase at times.

Means for diseases and age -related skin pigmentation: cosmetic products based on antioxidants

Age -related skin pigmentation
Age -related skin pigmentation

With age -related skin pigmentation, as well as with diseases associated with this pathology, it is difficult to fight. It is necessary to look for a reason, contact a dermatologist and other specialists. While the examination is underway, you can use cosmetic products based on antioxidants. These substances will nourish the skin, saturating it with beneficial substances.

The antioxidants necessary for the skin are:

  • Retinol (vitamin A)
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • Alfa-tocopherol (vitamin E)

Creams, serums, lotions based on them are very popular among girls tired of the fight against hyperpigmentation. Such products not only allow you to lighten the skin - they prevent the re -appearance of age spots.

The best ages with antioxidants:

  1. Botanik-Cream "Green Tea" from Garnier. Suitable for oily and problem skin. Contains green tea extract, which is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
  2. Cream Slow Agecontains a unique substance of Baikalin, which stops oxidative processes in skin thicknesses. And in combination with vitamins C and E, this component has a powerful protective effect, plus to everything it removes free radicals from the dermis. This allows you to rejuvenate and refresh your face.
  3. Skin Best Day Cream, SPF 15, BiotherM.Antioxidant cream, which includes UV filters. Thus, it reliably protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and prevents hyperpigmentation.

Antioxidants -based products are good in that they are multifunctional. This means that their composition is aimed not only at the inhibition of melanin production and protection against ultraviolet radiation. The active components of such products are whitened, rejuvenated and tightened by the skin.

Video: Real Pigmentation Treatment

Removal of pigmentation spots on the skin of the face, around the eyes, on the stomach, legs: brightening, whitening creams

Flying and whitening creams must be selected with particular caution:

  • Some of them contain substances that can cause serious harm to health. In particular, products with watering and retinoids.
  • These components are highly effective.
  • They are remarkably whiten and simultaneously suppress the production of melanin.
  • However, with prolonged or improper use, they can provoke the depigmentation of the epidermis.
  • Therefore, use such creams with caution, and strictly following the instructions.

So, if you need to remove the pigmentation spots on the skin of the face, around the eyes, on the stomach, lower legs, then use special products. Here is a rating of the best whitening face cosmetics:

Nevskaya cosmetics "Cream for citrus fruits":

  • Inexpensive cosmetic product, the main part of the basis of which is natural substances.
  • The product contains a lot of plant extracts, as well as vitamins and extracts from citrus fruits.
  • You can use the cream for the prevention of age spots and the fight against them, if they have already appeared.
  • If you believe the reviews, the skin becomes lighter after a month with the daily use of a cosmetic product.

Achromin whitening face cream

  • The cream contains arbutin, but, despite this, the product is allowed for use even during pregnancy.
  • The product is suitable for any skin type.
  • It can be applied not only to the face, but also to the skin of the neck, the areas of the neckline, and shoulders.
  • Thanks to the presence of UV filters in the product, it is advisable to use it as a sunscreen.

RCS SNOW Skin Facial Cream White daytime:

  • Contains niacinamide and arbutin - two powerful components that lighten the epidermis and suppress the secretion of melanin.
  • Using this tool, you can prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation, and if necessary, remove even the darkest and large spots.
  • It is recommended to combine the product with the regular use of homemade masks, but they need to be done in the evening every 2 days.

Remember the precautions when buying clarifying creams. Before starting their active use, do not forget to conduct a home -made test for allergies. If your body is excessively sensitive to individual components of cosmetics, its application can seriously harm the skin.

On the site iherb you can find natural bleaching creamswho contains only natural ingredients:

  • Sea salt
  • Rose extract
  • Celandine
  • Swallow nest extract
  • Gold
  • Lanolin
  • Aloe
  • Peppermint
  • Various enzymes, etc.

Using such a composition in creams, you can effectively cope with pigmentation in any parts of the body.

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin - treatment: sparing peels

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin
The appearance of pigmentation on the skin

Home peeling is another highly effective cosmetic procedure that helps to prevent the appearance of age spots on the skin and get rid of existing ones. Fortunately, in cosmetics and online stores stores, the choice of gels for delicate and athletic exfoliation of the skin is quite large. In treatment with such skin defects, sparing peels help well.

The following options for cosmetic products are good:

Secret key:

  • Lemon sparkling peeling gel.
  • The tool gently and carefully exfoliates the keratinized particles of the skin and removes pollution.
  • It contains lemon extract and microscopic abrasive elements.
  • They allow you to remove pigmentation and prevent its appearance in the future.
  • The product is suitable for daily care for delicate and sensitive skin of the face, neck, neckline.

Grapefruit gel for peeling:

  • It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that nourish and improve the skin, and also saturate it with oxygen.
  • Thanks to the presence of vitamin C in the composition, reliable protection of the epidermis from hyperpigmentation and the gradual elimination of existing dark spots are ensured.
  • In fact, the peeling gel formula consists of more than 10 ingredients, and this is what its versatile effect is ensured.

Peeling gel with the aroma of apple darkness:

  • Contains natural plant extracts, cellulose, carbomer, chopped seeds of apples and other fruit crops.
  • Pilling gently cleanses the skin, improves it, strengthens local immunity and increases resistance to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Due to the light and natural basis, this cosmetic product can be used daily.

Peelings can be combined with creams with a brightening effect and UV filters. But remember the protection of the skin from the influence of open sunlight. In hot weather, always wear a headdress with a visor or a hat. Such products will prevent excessive insolation, and will also help to avoid a sunburn. Take care of your skin - and it will remain healthy, beautiful and young for a long time. Good luck!

Video: How to get rid of age spots on the face and body? Causes of appearance. Senile pigment spots

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Comments K. article

  1. I just use sunscreen in advance before going out on the street, I like Bronzeada Librederm protection against age spots for the face and neckline, SPF 50

  2. Indeed, sunscreens help prevent pigmentation. If the skin is already with spots, you can do peeling very well in winter: for example, lubricate the skin with retass for a week so that the upper layer exfoliates.

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