Pigment spots on the face - how to disguise? Why do age spots appear on the face and how to get rid of them?

Pigment spots on the face - how to disguise? Why do age spots appear on the face and how to get rid of them?

In this article, we will talk about how to remove pigment spots on the face and how to disguise them.

Pigment spots can appear at any age. The reason for this is hormonal disorders, as well as a lack of vitamins. At the same time, this drawback looks different for everyone. The spots can be barely distinguishable, or can spoil the whole view. Both types of spots will have to be masked, but you need to do it competently.

What are pigment spots?

Dark spots
Dark spots

When pigmentation appears on the skin, this phenomenon is called hyperpigmentation. It suggests that the skin pigment melanin is distributed unevenly. So, if you have freckles, then you already know what it is. Such is your genetics that created in some areas of the skin such cells that produce more melanin.

Although, freckles are already for everyone - this is a familiar thing and their owners are often even proud of their peculiarity. But pigment spots are already different. They always appear unexpectedly and differ in large area and uneven form. To hide such a stain, you have to use dense foundation, and they are not suitable for everyone.

The main cause of spots is a failure of the body, when cells suddenly begin to produce a lot of melanin. In fact, pigmentation does not cause any harm, it just looks ugly, but it is a symptom of internal changes. This may be due to not very dangerous diseases and vice versa.

Why are age spots on the face: Causes

Why do pigment spots appear?
Why do pigment spots appear?

There are many reasons why age spots appear and we will call the main of them.

  • Too strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet always affects melanocytes, which are producing melanin. By the way, this also contributes to the appearance of tanning. But, if the exposure of the sun is constant and a lot of it, then the cells can fail and begin to actively produce melanin around the clock.

By the way, those who go to the solarium too often face the problem of pigmentation.

  • Skin injury, sunburn

Many do not know, but tan is a protective reaction of the body in the sun. Melanin allows her to protect herself from burns. This dark pigment allows you to create a barrier that allows you to dissipate the rays.

The body works as follows: when ultraviolet radiation affects the skin, it according to the body is damaged and it is actively trying to protect it. That is why Melanin begins to actively be produced, and damaged skin begins to darken more actively than other areas. For example, you received a burn or even just combed your knee.

  • Hormonal disbalance
Hormonal disbalance
Hormonal disbalance

The body independently regulates the production of melanin and with the help of hormones too. So, when pregnancy occurs, contraceptive, as well as various diseases, hormonal levels can change. As a result, this leads to a malfunction of different processes, including the production of melanin. As a result, this leads to the appearance of pigmentation.

  • Pigment spots on the face - age

With age, the skin becomes thinner and melanocytes in some places are closer to the surface. If before you have these cells hid under the skin and they were not visible, then over the years they may appear. By the way, this is the cause of age spots.

  • Medication

Tetracycline antibiotics, retinoids, as well as some drugs for chemotherapy may affect the production of melanin.

  • DISING in the work of internal organs

When age spots appear, this may indicate the problems of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, as well as other organs.

What are the masking agents from age spots on the face?

Pigment spots
Pigment spots

Today, masking funds are offered in the market in a huge assortment. These are concealers and proofreaders. They are superimposed on top of stains and hide them. These products show themselves better than simple tonal creams. Conceler can hide other skin defects, and not just pigmentation.

Each product must be chosen carefully, based on skin characteristics. For example, if the skin is dry, then you should choose a liquid concealer. For oily skin, a dense corrector in the form of a pencil is suitable. By the way, see that the product is long. Then it will definitely stay all day.

How to remove pigment spots on the face using a concealer - the choice of a shade: Features

Each masking agent has a certain shade. The color of the concealer is usually beige and other shades are added to it. Everyone has its own purpose. For example, a concealer with a bluish tint is well suited for brown spots. If you want to hide dark freckles, then take a white product and a light corrector. You can not apply a very fat tonnel on a pencil on top so that makeup does not “swim”.

It happens that a lot of spots appear on the face or they are large and they cannot be hidden by point masking. In such a situation, a purple concealer helps out. It must be applied with a special sponge. Your goal is not just to paint over all the spots, but to kill their color, making a face in a single tone. After that, you can apply makeup.


Cosmetologists took care of solving common problems:

  • Light pigment spots are perfectly disguised as a dark corrector
  • Yellowish spots are easy to hide with a lilac concealer. It is important to note that all lilac shades remove yellowness
  • If the defect is light brown or gray, then a pink corrector is suitable for it
  • If you have bluish paths from capillaries left on your face, then use the corrector of orange and yellow
  • When spots are of different colors, you can mix several concealers of the desired shades

Not always the right combination can be selected immediately. Therefore, for saving, it is better to buy sets of corrective tools that are similar to shadow palettes.

How to make masking makeup from age spots: Features

Masking makeup
Masking makeup

By itself, the technique of masking makeup, as well as corrective products, are selected depending on the type of skin and the nature of the spots. For example, it is better to shave out a liquid consistency with a liquid consistency with a brush, sponge or latex sponge. And point disguise is best done with steers or special pencils. Just try to be careful, because you should not go beyond the boundaries of the spot.

So that you get the perfect disguise and a good background for makeup, be sure to adhere to several rules:

  • Concealer is always applied to dry skin
  • An extra product is removed using a napkin
  • To complete the disguise finally, powder and foundation are superimposed
  • It is important to note that with the application of the tone, you must be neat in order to maintain the adjustment layer
  • The concealer is distributed on the skin from top to bottom. Be sure to make sure that there are no transitions from dark color to light

How to remove pigment spots on your face with disguise: sequence

One of the possible options for preparing the skin for makeup looks like this:

Preparation for makeup
Preparation for makeup
  • First, clean your face from pollution and moisturize it
  • Then you can use the foundation. Preferably water
  • After that, using special tools, apply a corrector with the desired shade. Your movements should be driven
  • Start imposing it from the boundaries of the spot and move to the center
  • It is important to understand that the cream should be combined with a shade of your skin. You can check it in a simple way - apply a little on the chin or cheeks.
  • Apply the foundation with especially carefully so that the previous result is not spoiled
  • Use powder to complete makeup

Final makeup can be applied after the face is toned. By the way, if you have severe pigmentation, then it is better to choose this option for a make -up so that your eyes stand out.

How to prevent the appearance of age spots on the face?

How to prevent the appearance of pigmentation?
How to prevent the appearance of pigmentation?

The appearance of age spots is due to various factors that you may not even guess about. The main reasons include:

  • Long -term stay in the sun
  • The use of aggressive peeling products, removal of acne by squeezing
  • Dermatitis, as a result of which spots could remain
  • The use of drugs that make the skin more susceptible to ultraviolet

In most cases, pigmentation can be reduced if you eliminate the cause of its appearance. But, if you have a hereditary predisposition or skin ages, then defects can occur even for no reason.

By the way, some believe that freckles are dangerous, because these are also age spots, but in fact they appear simply because a person is predisposed to this. Today it has become fashionable to mask them using special cosmetics or bleaching the skin.

How to get rid of age spots on your face: tips, methods

How to remove pigment spots?
How to remove pigment spots?

Yes, it is undoubted that the spots are not visible, they can be masked, but you can get rid of them. The main thing is to know how to do it. By the way, it does not always work to get rid of spots. The fact is that this is possible if you have everything internally in the body, and pigmentation began for harmless reasons. In this case, you can remove it. Otherwise, first you have to cure your body, and then the spots themselves.

There are two main ways that allow you to eliminate pigment spots:

Method 1. Make the skin more dense and filled

  • Your goal is the top to increase the skin layer over melanocytes so that the pigment is hidden. This is done like this:
  • Competently approach the choice of everyday cosmetics. Select such products that provide strong moisturizing and food
  • Remember the drinking regime in order to get your body and skin enough fluids

Method 2. Delete pigment spots

This is done in different methods, starting with simple and not the most effective and ending with professional. We are talking about them a little lower.

Immediately make a reservation that each method will injure the skin, and therefore, when combating pigmentation, it is important not to spend a large amount of time in the sun or use a cream with protection against ultraviolet radiation. If this is not done, then the situation can be done even worse.

So, you can remove pigment spots in the following ways:

  • Whitening ointments and creams
Bleaching creams
Bleaching creams

Such creams contain hydrochinone and retinoic acid. These substances allow you to provide light peeling and skin cells begin to active regeneration. However, you should not select the drug yourself. Better contact a dermatologist. This will help you avoid irritation.

  • Bleaching masks

These funds can be purchased at a pharmacy or supermarket. But often girls make masks on their own, and from easily accessible products that are often in any house. The main secret of effectiveness is the acid in the composition.

Masks differ in their composition, but they are all effective. You can try to make the following masks:

  1. Yeast mask with lemon. Mix 20 g of yeast and a tablespoon of warm milk. Next, enter a small spoonful of lemon juice. Now your mask is ready and can be applied to the face. Keep for 10 minutes and rinse. By the way, some advise using a cold compress after washing so that the skin calms down.
  2. Mask with lemon and honey. Take an equal amount of honey and lemon juice. Wash your face and put the mask for 20 minutes, and then rinse your face well.
  3. Kefir mask. Instead, you can still use yogurt or yogurt without additives. Just apply them to the face and rinse it after 20 minutes. We recommend adding a couple of drops of lemon juice to the water. This will allow to wash off the fat film.
  • Mesotherapy

These are special injections with drugs that allow you to bleach the skin. In fact, they work as a cream, only better. After one procedure, a good effect is noted after one procedure. But, if you want to completely remove it, you will need to carry out several procedures.

  • Micodermabrazia

Often women use scrubs to eliminate stains. Micodermabrazia works on a similar principle, but is made by a special tool. The nozzle allows you to "polish" the skin and remove the layer of the skin, affected by the pigment.

  • Chemical peeling

The essence of the procedure is that the chemical composition containing acid is applied to the skin. It can be milk, glycolic, wine, apple or any other. Thanks to this composition, you can remove the upper layer of the skin, where the pigment is already sitting reliably. Moreover, thanks to peeling, cells are renewed. It is important to carefully select a beauty salon for procedures, because only a professional can conduct them.

  • Laser therapy

Spots are removed using a laser of a certain wavelength. This method is good in that the effect is carried out pointwise, only on painted cells, while others remain untouched. The laser actively destroys melanin as a result of which the skin becomes whiter. By the way, this method is considered the most effective. If the area is small, then you can carry out only one procedure.

Video: How to mask pigment spots?

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, it is better not to allow this, but in general you can get rid of them, I personally managed thanks to lemon juice, but I also heard that aloe juice helps, in general, after I brought these spots, I began to use the protective cream of Laura SPF 50+ so that the situation did not happen again, And indeed this cream perfectly protects the skin and my spots no longer appear after the sun!

  2. I used the cream bleaching "before and after." Since freckles appeared in the summer. The cream helped for a month rubbed into the pigmentation zones and they gradually disappeared. The cream nourishes moisturizes and still rejuvenates

  3. If the pigmentation has begun, the disguise is certainly a way out. But then you have to spend much more time on makeup !!! It is easier to highlight the spots with masks and creams. And be sure to use sunscreen. I was well suitable for the cream of Laura SPF 50. It is universal. The composition includes a chromaberiter - a substance that lights up pigmentation and levels the complexion. As well as peptides and hyaluronic acid. And of course, it provides maximum protection against UVB and UVA ray.

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