Mole - pigmenting nevus: causes of appearance, removal. What will happen if you tear off the mole?

Mole - pigmenting nevus: causes of appearance, removal. What will happen if you tear off the mole?

Are pigmenting nevi harmless? Is it worth it to remove a mole that causes anxiety? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Spots forming on the skin are pigmenting nevi or, as people say, moles are not a disease and, in most cases, do not pose a danger to human health. These formations are most often formed in early childhood, and in old age they independently disappear.

Important: the appearance of pigmenting nevi of a certain group may indicate the onset of a serious disease - skin melanoma.

Pigmenting nevi (moles)
Pigmenting nevi (moles)

Pigmenting nevus - what is it?

Pigmenting nevus - Education located on the skin and consisting of newar cells saturated with a pigment. Negus is formed due to the accumulation of these cells in the skin layers or subcutaneous tissue and has the form of stains.

Important: pigmenting nevi arises mainly among representatives of the Caucasian race. For other people, a mole on the body is a rarity.

Pigmenting nevi on the face
Pigmenting nevi on the face

Why do moles appear on the body on the face? Why are moles grow?

Throughout the life of a person, moles may appear or quietly disappear on his face and body. The main causes of the appearance:

  • heredity - moles appear in the same place as the older relative, while they have a similar form and other features
  • solar radiation - contributes to the production of melanin in the body that provokes growth of pigmented nevus cells
  • hormonal changes - Disorders of the pituitary gland can cause both the appearance of new moles and the disappearance of previously appeared. This explains the active appearance of moles during pregnancy in women and during hormonal maturation in adolescents
  • the use of a woman hormonal drugs during pregnancy - if the pregnant woman is prescribed hormonal treatment, the risk of the formation of moles on the body of her unborn child increases significantly
  • x -ray irradiation - the passage of an X -ray can become an impetus for the accelerated formation of melanocytes and their exit to the skin in the form of moles
  • insect bites - Multiple microtraumas on the skin occasionally serve as a “launch” to start the appearance of cells saturated with a pigment

Important: no matter what the reason for the formation of moles on the face and body, it is necessary to follow their growth and note the changes in the state that are taking place with them.

Moles on the body appear due to a long stay in the sun
Moles on the body appear due to a long stay in the sun

Red moles: Causes of appearance

Red moles ( angiomas) consist of clusters of the smallest blood vessels. They can also appear on any areas of the skin of different parts of the body. For angias, as well as for simple moles, a sudden appearance and disappearance is characteristic.

Red moles
Red moles

Red moles are frequent satellites of children's and adolescence. This is due to changes in the blood system that occur in all children. However, the nature of the appearance of Angiom has not yet been completely opened by medical luminaries. The reasons for their occurrence are supposed to be considered:

  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • deviations in the operation of the circulatory system
  • violation of skin pigmentation

Video: Why do red moles appear on the body?

Red moles on the body: What kind of illness signal?

The presence of red moles is dangerous to fusion or rebirth into tricky angiomas and hengamomatosis. These diseases are an excessive growth of blood vessels and capillaries, their pathological accumulation and requires surgical intervention.

Also, the appearance of red moles can indicate discreasures in the work of the cardiovascular system.

The appearance of red moles may indicate the development of diseases
The appearance of red moles may indicate the development of heart disease

Important: if red moles appear in small quantities (up to 5 pieces at the same time), while they do not bother and do not show themselves, you should not panic. Most likely, these moles are harmless and are not a signal for the development of any serious diseases.

Consider a doctor if a red mole:

  • grows, "swells", changes forms
  • it delivers painful sensations
  • it scratches, burns
  • bleeds
  • comers through neoplasms
  • appeared at the "uncomfortable" place - in the field of depilation, on the face, on the bends of the arms and legs

Video: red moles on the body - a signal of dangerous diseases

Why does a person have many moles?

Depending on what lifestyle a person leads, what health he has, the number of moles increases or decreases. The bodies of those who spend a lot of time in the sun are often literally strewn with nevi of various sizes and shapes. There will also be many moles in a person whose body undergoes serious hormonal disorders.

Important: people with a large number of moles on the body are not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, since under the influence of UV rays, one of them can degenerate into malignant.

A lot of moles on the body may appear due to hormonal failure
A lot of moles on the body may appear due to hormonal failure

When are the moles in children dangerous and are there dangerous?

The first moles appear on the body of each child after six months in the form of barely noticeable small spots. Their quantity and species with the age of a person change - there are more moles, they increase in size and darken.

Important: moles are absolutely not dangerous for the health of the child if their type and size do not cause concern.

Typically, children have moles of one of the species:

  • home spots of various shapes and sizes
  • brown moles
  • red moles
  • mongoloid spots-oblong spots in the lower back, occur mainly in mulatto children
Moles in children appear after six months
Moles in children appear after six months

What moles are dangerous?

Any mole can become dangerous if:

  • cracks appeared on its surface
  • she became noticeably denser
  • pain, burning, itching or other unpleasant sensations in the location of the mole appeared
  • the color has changed dramatically
  • the mole has increased in size
  • blood appears on the surface or around the mole
  • the mole was inflamed

Important: “problematic” moles require examination by a dermatologist and, possibly, removal.

Also, the danger of medium and large -sized congenital nevi (from 2 cm and above) is a danger, since it is they who can be transformed into malignant.

Dangerous mole
Dangerous mole

What to do if you ripped off the mole?

The "horror story" known to everyone since childhood scares death from cancer after tearing a mole. In fact, the process of mechanical damage itself will not affect the degeneration of a cooled mole to malignant formation if you perform actions immediately after the injury:

  • stop blood
  • process the wound with peroxide
  • put the bandage
  • urgently contact the surgeon. He will examine the damage and, if the mole is not completely ripped off, remove its remains. It is the remaining particles of the sodar skin that can harm human health, when it enters the bloodstream
  • to find out if the co -wound mole was melanoma, it should be transferred to the medical laboratory for research

Important: only malignant formations that were disguised as ordinary moles are dangerous. After damage, melanomes begin to grow, bleed and cause inconvenience. Moreover, the pain after damage to malignant formation is aching, but not acute.

If you ripped off the mole, you need to consult a doctor
If you ripped off the mole, you need to consult a doctor

I inflamed, the mole hurts and itch: what to do?

If the mole is inflamed, it hurts or itchs, firstly, do not touch it, and secondly, to urgently go to the doctor.

Important: moles become inflamed for two reasons: mechanical damage and degeneration into malignant formation. Both of these conditions require medical observation.

Damage to a mole is possible when wearing tight clothes, washing, shaving, combs. Also, hormonal drugs may affect the state of nevi.

Video: What to do if a mole is inflamed?

Mole doctor

Which doctor to contact if anxiety causes the appearance or state of a mole? The first doctor who examines a problem mole will conduct diagnostics and, if necessary, prescribe treatment - a dermatologist.

Important: if the mole does not pose a danger, visiting doctors end there. If a dermatologist considers it necessary to send you for an inspection to another specialist, then a surgeon, a cosmetologist or an oncodermatologist will take up the dinde.

Mole doctor - dermatologist
Mole doctor - dermatologist

Can I make a mole tattoo?

A tattoo cannot be done over moles, as this can contribute to their rapid degeneration into melanoma. It is especially dangerous to disturb the nevi, somewhat rise above the surface of the skin.

If the tattoo is already made on top of the mole, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition and mark any changes that are taking place.

Important: Tattoos are safe, made on top of a completely remote mole or bypassed moles.

The responsible master of the tattoo will never take work if the client asks to apply a drawing over the nevus.

Doctors do not recommend making a tattoo on a mole
Doctors do not recommend making a tattoo on a mole

How to remove moles?

Modern surgery and cosmetology have effective ways to remove moles, such as:

  • laser evaporation
  • surgery with a surgical method
  • cryodestruction
  • radio wave exposure

You can read more about these and other methods of removing nevi in \u200b\u200bour article: How do molars remove? Methods for removing moles on the face

Video: The whole truth about mole!

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Comments K. article

  1. Tell me, did someone already remove the moles of a laser? I want to do it. I have a large mole on the face that does not adorrate me.

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