Pigment spots on the hands. How to get rid of age spots at home?

Pigment spots on the hands. How to get rid of age spots at home?

Pigment spots on the hands and face are a serious cosmetic problem. You can get rid of such a lack of skin using folk remedies, creams and masks.

Pigment spots on the hands do not inflam and do not hurt, but this serious cosmetic defect causes inconvenience and even causes complexes. Such a disadvantage of the skin is visible even in photographs, so women, when it appeared, try to fight it by any means.

But first, it is necessary to find out the cause of the appearance of age spots, at what age this drawback can occur and what is it connected with?

Why do brown pigment spots on the hands arise?

The appearance of this problem cannot be ignored, since it indicates a prolonged violation in the work of important organs and systems - liver, blood cleansing, eliminating carcinogens from the body.

So, why do brown pigment spots on the hands arise? They appear in men and women over 40, due to the inability of cells at this age to interrupt the production of age substances.

But this does not mean that every woman or man will have such a drawback when they turn 40 years old. Such a problem overtakes someone much later, while others live all their lives and do not know that it exists. It all depends on the health and general condition of the body, its ability to cope with the accumulation of melanin - coloring pigment substance.

The causes of age spots on the hands after 40 years and 50 years

Unlike freckles, such age -related spots do not disappear with the onset of winter and do not change their color depending on the season. They can be of different shapes and sizes with uneven edges.

The cause of age spots on the hands after 40 years and 50 years, as mentioned above, is the accumulation of a coloring pigment in the body. But they can appear in people who love to be in the sun for a long time.

Tip: In the summer, when the sun's rays are too active, you need to hide in the shadow, put on light clothes with long sleeves and lubricate the body with a special cream with high UV protection.

Such prevention will help protect yourself from the appearance of an unpleasant problem - age spots.

The causes of this problem can be associated with a lack of vitamins, the occurrence of hormonal disorders or various skin diseases in the body.

Tip: visit the doctor to establish the true cause and prescribe treatment that will help the rapid and effective course of the disease.

How to get rid of age -related age spots on your hands?

Everyone knows that any disease is better to prevent than to treat. This statement applies to age spots. Before going to the sun, put on clothes that will cover your hands. Wear the headdress and sunglasses in the summer. If you have a question how to get rid of age -related age spots on your hands, then feel free to go to the doctor and do a liver examination and a blood test.

If you notice that brown spots on your hands began to appear, go to the medical SPA-Salon. Specialists of such a salon will offer dermabrasion, chemical peeling or laser therapy.

Dermabrase is a surface grinding of pigmented skin. They will be removed by opening healthy layers of the skin. It is updated and becomes beautiful and smooth.

With chemical peeling, the spots are removed with special acidic compounds. It will be possible to evaluate the final result no earlier than in a week, when the skin is updated and becomes clean. It is worthwhile to tell more about laser therapy.

Laser removal of age spots on the face and hands

The action of this technology consists in the destruction of melanin, which begins to heat up and absorb laser light when exposed to rays. The beam affects only affected areas and does not burn healthy skin. Before starting the session, the specialist applies a colorless gel, thanks to which there is a tight contact of the emitter and the skin.

Such a procedure is performed in medical salons of beauty, which have a license to conduct it. The number of laser sessions to remove brown spots on the face and hands is determined depending on the degree of damage. If the coloring substance is deep and the spot is large, then several procedures should be performed.

Remember: after one session, a break is performed for a month so that the skin has time to take a break from the effect.

What whitening hand cream is used from pigmentation on the hands?

The action of creams and masks that are used in cosmetology for bleaching pigment spots is carried out due to the presence of substances that destroy melanin. What whitening hand cream is used from pigmentation on the hands, and which cream will really be effective? Such types of these funds should be noted:

1. In the first place in popularity are creams containing Hydrokhinon. This substance oppresses the coloring enzyme, and the skin acquires a light shade

Important: hydrochinon is a carcinogen that does not suit all people. Self -medication can be dangerous - you need a consultation of a dermatologist!

You can find unsafe substances, for example, mercury. It is cheap and therefore is often used in cosmetology for bleaching the skin. Give a sample before using a cosmetic product. If it is negative, then start treatment.

2. Cosmetics with glycolic acid. This substance favorably affects the upper layer of the epidermis, exfoliating it and lightening the cells of the following layers

3. Cream s adelainic acid perfectly bleach the skin and remove all existing inflammations

4. Creams and masks with vegetable oils and other natural components have an excellent effect in the treatment of age spots of different complexity

Folk remedies for age spots on the hands

If you have an allergy to cosmetics, and laser therapy is expensive, then you should try folk recipes to remove pigmentation on your hands.

Folk remedies for age spots on the hands are simple and affordable methods that allow you to quickly get rid of the problem. Such methods consist of such ingredients:

  • lemon juice. Mix 9 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice with any baby cream. Get an excellent tool for whitening the skin of the hands
  • fresh cucumbers. Grate the vegetable on the grater and apply the mixture on your hands or lower them into a bowl with grated cucumbers. After that, rinse your hands with cool water and dry with a towel
  • kefir is an excellent bleaching tool that is used as face masks and hands
  • white clay. Sold in all pharmacies and supermarkets. Make the mixture and apply in your hands, wash and lubricate the skin with any cream after 15 minutes

Important: do procedures with the application of creams and masks daily so that the result is effective and immediate.

How to bleach pigment spots on your hands? Recipes

Many people panic when they have age spots on their hands or face. Someone immediately spends a lot of money to make expensive procedures in the salons. But they do not give an instant result, they need to make up to ten sessions, and not everyone has funds for this. Therefore, it is worth bleaching pigment spots on the hands using simple and affordable recipes.

Recipe 1: Take half a teaspoon of any clay, talc and baking soda. Mix all these ingredients and dilute 3%hydrogen peroxide to make the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to the skin, hold for several minutes and rinse with warm water.

Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy that helps to quickly lighten the skin. Therefore, in most recipes you can find this particular ingredient.

Recipe 2: Dilute 3%hydrogen peroxide in half with water. Drink a cotton swab in the solution and spread the skin. This procedure is done once a week, as an addition to other recipes.

Recipe 3: Mix the sauerkraut juice with white clay and apply to the skin. Keep for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Recipe 4: Take 25 drops of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Mix all this with two tablespoons of sour cream. Squeeze the skin with the resulting mixture, wrap it with polyethylene and a large towel. After 25 minutes, wash the mask and get your hands with a dry cloth.

Recipe 5: Prepare a whitening lotion for the hands - take one part of the vinegar (9%), vodka and half of the hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients, add the juice of one lemon, stir and pour into a bubble with dark glass. Lubricate the skin of the hands with this lotion twice a day. 10 minutes after application, rinse and apply any cream.

How to remove age -related pigment spots on hand: tips and reviews

Each manufacturer of cosmetics has a line of whitening creams. Their difference consists in composition and price. Each person chooses a product that meets his financial capabilities and personal requirements.

Back in Soviet times, Ahromin cream was popular. The Bulgarian factor of this cream still offers it to consumers who want to quickly get rid of age spots.

Important: people's reviews indicate that this is an effective tool. But its composition contains hydrochinon, the use of which was banned in many countries.

If you do not know how to remove age -free pigment spots on their hands, tips and reviews of people who have coped with this problem will help you in this situation.

Currently, the whitening cream "before and after" is currently very popular. It contains no harmful substances, only natural ingredients and vegetable oils: corn, avocados and shi oil.

Helps the skin to find the old healthy look of this composition of this cream:

  • hood of red algae
  • licorice
  • vitamin C and E

Try different recipes, masks and creams-be sure to help! Help your hands keep youth for a long time - protect from their sun, so as not to resort to expensive salon procedures.

Regularly take care of the skin and do not start the disease. If it appears, consult a doctor, otherwise it will be difficult to fight him then. Be healthy and take care of the skin of your hands and face!

Video: pigmented spots on the hands. How to get rid of?

Video: How to get rid of age spots?

Video: Chinese mask from age spots

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  1. i have lived with freckles all my life and I have long been used to them, but the spot that began to cry out on my cheek is an unpleasant news for me and not a spot but on Friday. As a result, at first the bio cream is an ahrofactor, and when he had ceased to act already heavy artillery with hydrokhinon. So I saved.

  2. My mother has age spots in her arms, she doesn’t really complex, but she is trying to remove them all the time, then he makes some kind of lotions. I learned from a friend about the whitening cream before and after, I bought my mother, rubs twice a day, for more than two weeks, the pigmentation has decreased.

  3. I use the pigmented spots before and after, a good cream, I had dark spots on my hands and now they have decreased in the radius, and they have become practically not visible.

  4. Well, they can be on any part of the body, I personally had on my shoulders after I was burned, but I was able to get rid of them with lemon juice, now I regularly smear Laura SPF 50+, which helps to protect the skin from the appearance of these spots )

  5. Protection from the sun is definitely since my spots in the sun were generally dark. And the protection is wrong. I am 37 and my hands are all in pigmentation, I feel so uncertainly. I learned about the cream from the pigment spots “before and after”, with regular use, it levels the color of the skin, and also gently exfoliates the keratinized layer of the epidermis, thereby contributing to the rejuvenation and renewal of the skin.

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