Body signals: What do our diseases are talking about? What diseases are bruises, bags under the eyes, plaque on the tongue, smell from the mouth, hair loss, acne on the priest, face, balls under the skin, stretch marks, early wrinkles, gray hair, outfits, skin pigmentation?

Body signals: What do our diseases are talking about? What diseases are bruises, bags under the eyes, plaque on the tongue, smell from the mouth, hair loss, acne on the priest, face, balls under the skin, stretch marks, early wrinkles, gray hair, outfits, skin pigmentation?

From the article you will learn what signals our body is trying to warn us about the disease.

Few people know that the human body is able to signal the presence of internal problems. Moreover, he does this even when pathological changes are just beginning to harm. But unfortunately, most people pay little attention to the signals that their body sends them, and try not to notice an unhealthy face, rash on the skin and unpleasant odor.

If you want to learn how to recognize all these hidden signals, then let's figure out what manifestations the body can warn about the presence of a serious disease.

What diseases are bruises under the eyes: causes, which doctor to contact?

Bruises under the eyes: Reasons

Bruises under the eyes are perhaps the most common problem among women. Unfortunately, most often they write off their appearance on banal overwork and simply mask cosmetics.

Of course, if you work a lot and rest a lot, then your lifestyle can be the cause of such a defect on your face. But still, as practice shows, in most cases, bruises under the eyes provoke completely different reasons.


  • Dehydration of the body. We are used to believe that only edema can provoke darkening of the skin under the eyes. But in fact, if a person drinks an insufficient amount of water, then this can also become an impetus for the development of such a problem. In addition to bruises under the eyes, the fluid deficiency in the tissues is also manifested by severe lethargy and dry mouth.
  • Kidney disease. In this case, in addition to bruises, a person will also have very noticeable bags that will not disappear throughout the day. In addition, a man or woman may have problems with urination and also blood pressure. With increasing the inflammatory process, it can sink very much.
  • Heart diseases. With the development of this pathology, bruises appear closer in the evening, and in the morning they completely disappear. Also, a person may periodically appear unpleasant sensations in the chest area, especially during strong physical exertion.

A therapist or a cardiologist will be able to help you get rid of all these problems.

Backs under the eyes, what diseases are the bags under the eyes, which doctor to contact?

Backs under the eyes: Causes

The most common cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes is renal failure. As a rule, in this case, problems begin with the urinary system, as a result of which the liquid begins to accumulate in the body.

In view of this, if you began to notice that in the morning there are bags under your eyes on your face, then be sure to consult a nephrologist or urologist for a doctor. If your clinic does not have such a specialist, then sign up for an appointment with a local therapist and be sure to do an ultrasound.

In addition, bags under the eyes can provoke the following diseases:

  • Allergy. With this pathology, the bags will be present on the face all the time that the body will fight the allergen. After the amount of allergen in the blood reaches its maximum to the aforementioned symptom will also connect tears, runny nose and redness of the eyes (turn to the allergist).
  • Pathology of the sinus of the nose and oral cavity. If an inflammatory process occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal sinuses, then outwardly it will be manifested by the formation of ugly bags under the eyes. In some cases, the bag can form only on one side (contact the ENT).

What does a raid in the language indicate: the causes of what doctor to contact?

Language raid: causes

Most people consider a raid on the language of the physiological norm, which must be fought exclusively with the help of a toothpaste or a special mouth rinsing. But if you consult with the dentist about this, he will tell you that the cause of the raid may be, for example, caries, the treatment of which will require quite a lot of effort.

Another reason for the appearance of this little trouble may be problems with the stomach. If you eat not quite healthy food and regularly overeat, then your body will show that the stomach does not work correctly.

Diseases that can provoke a plaque on the language:

  • Scarlet fever. This disease provokes the formation of gray-white plaque, which in itself disappears approximately a week after infection (heals ENT and infectious disease specialist).
  • Dysentery. In this case, the plaque will have a pronounced white color and a very thick consistency. It begins to appear as soon as the body begins to fight toxins, which in huge quantities produce pathogens of this disease (infectious disease specialist treats).
  • Gastritis. If you develop this particular disease, then your tongue will cover a gray plaque with mucus. In addition, a sick person will necessarily have a dull pain in the stomach area (a gastroenterologist treats).

What diseases are the unpleasant odor from the mouth: the causes of the occurrence, which doctor to contact?

Unpleasant odor from the mouth: causes

As a rule, people with an unpleasant odor from their mouths almost always have a white plaque, located on the very extreme of the tongue. This is due to the fact that the cause of this unpleasant symptom was problems with the digestive tract. Most often, people who smelled unpleasant from their mouths diagnose ulcer, gastritis or cholecystitis.

In view of this, if the unpleasant odor in the oral cavity does not disappear even after brushing your teeth, then immediately undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist. He will be able to find a more accurate cause of your problem and it is quite likely that you will be able to restore the correct operation of the gastrointestinal tract without resorting to prolonged therapy.

Other reasons for the smell from the mouth:

  • Hypovitaminosis. In addition to the aforementioned symptom, a person will have a metal taste in his mouth, and severe fatigue and weakness will also be observed (consult with the therapist).
  • Diabetes. If this problem occurs from the human mouth, it begins to smell like acetone. Moreover, very often this smell intensifies if the patient eats fat or acute food (consult an endocrinologist).
  • Thyrotoxicosis. The smell will also be acetone, but in addition to it, a person will have a strong thirst and practically not passing diarrhea (consult an endocrinologist).

At what diseases do hair fall on the head, and which doctor to contact?

Hair loss in women: causes

Most often, the cause of hair loss is banal stress. If a person is nervous all the time and is in a depressed state, then this will inevitably lead to the fact that his hair will begin to thin. The main reason for the appearance of this problem is that the amount of adrenaline will be increased in the blood all the time.

As a result, this will provoke a spasm of blood vessels that are responsible for the microcirculation of blood in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair follicles. Therefore, if you know for sure that stress was the reason for hair loss, then you will definitely need to consult a psychologist and only after that visit a trichologist.

Causes of hair loss:

  • Hormonal problems. This problem is most affected by women whose menopause should begin. During this period, the hormonal background of the fairer sex gives a strong failure and this literally immediately affects the hair (seek help first to the gynecologist, and then to the endocrinologist).
  • Seborrheic alopecia. The reason for the appearance of this problem is the excessive production of subcutaneous fat, leading to the fact that the scalp begins to cover the oily dandruff, interfering with the normal hair growth (seek help from a trichologist).

Why do acne on the pope of women and men appear: Reasons

Acne in a pope in women and men: Reasons

Not every person is decided to tell about such a delicate problem as acne on the pope. It is easier for people to write off their appearance on skin features, uncomfortable clothes or sitting work than to admit that something is wrong with their body.

Yes, all this may well cause this problem, but as practice shows in most cases the impetus for the formation of acne in this place, other problems are sore.


  • Problems with hormones. Since hormones are involved in many processes taking place in the human body, their sharp increase or decrease leads to a malfunction of the body's metabolic processes. As a rule, our skin reacts the first to this, covered with ugly pimples (an endocrinologist will help get rid of the problem).
  • Venereal diseases. If this problem became the reason for the appearance of acne on the pope, it means that it aggravated so much that from the genitals began to move to dermatological covers (a venereologist will help to get rid of the problem).
  • Allergy. The skin rash may be the result of the use of certain fruits, vegetables or the use of not quite high -quality hygiene products (an allergologist will help get rid of the problem).

What do acne and rashes on the face mean and why do you mean?

Acne on the face: Causes

Perhaps it is by acne on the face that you can correctly diagnose the development of diseases. Moreover, scientists have developed a special map in which they indicated the connection between the internal bodies and a certain part of the person. After looking at it, you can understand which internal organ is now working for wear and thanks to this you will begin to listen more carefully to your body.

In addition, the appearance of acne on the face can provoke:

  • Inflammatory process. If a sluggish pathological process takes place in any organ, which does not yet manifest itself with more obvious symptoms, then at first the body will signal the presence of a problem with a rash on the face (consult with the local therapist).
  • Poor immunity. You probably noticed that in the spring the rash on dermatological cover appears more often than in summer or even in winter. This is connected with the fact that by the beginning of spring our body is exhausted so much that it simply ceases to fight with all viruses and bacteria that fall into our body. Against this background, there is an intoxication of the body, which provokes a skin rash (consult with an immunologist).

Seal seals under the skin: why do they appear?

Sealing in the form of balls under the skin

Both men and women are subject to such a problem as balls under the skin. As a rule, this pathology begins to appear in people after forty years. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that all metabolic processes begin to slow down in the human body, as a result of which malfunctions in different organs and systems begin.

The reasons for the appearance of balls under the skin:

  • Lipoma. The reason for the appearance of this benign tumor are problems with metabolism. This may be due to the fact that it is very slow and with the fact that it is very fast. In view of this, in order to get rid of this problem once and for all, you must first put in order the gastrointestinal tract (seek help from a gastroenterologist and nutritionist).
  • Atheroma. It is also a benign tumor, but unlike lipoma, an impetus for its appearance is considered to be a metabolism in the body. If you do not establish this process, then atheroma will begin to increase very quickly in size and you will have to remove it surgically (seek help from the therapist and surgeon).

Stretches on the body of adolescents: reasons, signs of what health problems?

Stretch marks on the body of adolescents: Reasons

The adolescence is a great stress for the child's body and most often from the processes occurring in this period of time, the skin suffers. Modern children grow in a spasmodic and for this reason the skin does not have time to stretch evenly and as a result, cracks, and stretch marks appear on it.

In boys, they are most often localized on the arms, legs and back, and in girls on the priest, hips and chest. If you notice that your child’s body has become covered with stretch marks, then immediately show it to the endocrinologist. He will not remove stretch marks, of course, but they can suspend their further distribution.

Other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  • The lack of collagen in the dermis. If the amount of this substance in the body is minimal, then even a thin and slowly growing teenager will encounter such a problem as stretching. This will be due to the fact that his skin will not be elastic and will crack first in the joints, and then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe soft tissues.
  • Lack of muscle mass. If your child moves little or, in general, spent a day sitting at the computer, then his muscles atrophy and will not be able to play the role of a pillow between the skeleton and skin. As a result of this, in some places it will be pulled stronger than necessary, and this will lead to the formation of stretch marks.

Why do gray hair appear at a young age?

Gray hair at a young age: Reasons

Early gray hair is a big problem for a huge number of men and women. As the latest studies have shown, even thirty people began to face a similar phenomenon. Experts associate this with the fact that in the human body the amount of vitamin B10 is sharply reduced, which directly takes part in the production of the pigment that dyes our hair in a dark color.

In addition, the early gray hair may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Pathologies of the endocrine system. Above, we have already mentioned that the hormonal background has a huge impact on the entire human body. If the number of hormones deviates very much from the norm, then this inevitably affects the production of a coloring pigment and, as a result, the curls begin to light up (consult an endocrinologist).
  • Vascular pathologies. If the vessels of a man or woman become fragile and almost impenetrable, then this leads to the fact that hair follicles begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which they begin to age ahead of time (refer to a vascular specialist or cardiologist).

What health problems speak of early wrinkles premature aging?

Diseases that can affect the condition of the skin

We are used to counting the aging of the skin with a completely normal process, so we practically do not be upset when we notice new wrinkles on the face or in the neckline. Of course, if this happens at the age of 40, then you should not worry.

But if such changes began to appear at 25 years old, then you need to contact the therapist as quickly as possible and undergo a thorough examination. It is likely that pathological processes occur inside your body, which leads to the fact that your skin is aging ahead of time.

Diseases that can affect the condition of the skin:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the cause of wrinkles is a violation of blood circulation in the face, which leads to a malfunction of all metabolic processes (visit a cardiologist).
  • Hidden depressive state. This disease also greatly affects the vascular system. With stress, a spasm occurs, interfering with normal circulation of blood and oxygen. And if the dermis does not receive for a long time, then what she needs, then he inevitably begins to fade (visit a psychologist and vascular specialist).

Why are cracks, seizures appear in the corners of the lips?

Featers on the lips: Reasons

If we talk about the shows, then most often the cause of their appearance is not quite the correct hygiene of the oral cavity, especially if a person has dental implants or prostheses. If a person does not care for them correctly, then a large number of pathogenic microorganisms will inevitably accumulate under them, which will begin to irritate the gums first, and then the area of \u200b\u200bthe corners of the lips. If precisely these problems were the reason for the appearance of the appearance, then you can get rid of them correct and timely hygienic procedures.

The appearance of a jam can also provoke:

  • Candidiasis. As a rule, the candy fungus will initially enter the oral cavity, affects absolutely the entire mucous membrane in it, and only after that goes outside. In order to get rid of this problem, you will have to rinse your mouth with antibacterial effects, as well as take inward tablets with the same property.
  • Lack of vitamins of group B. It is these vitamins that help our skin remain elastic, soft and beautiful. The disadvantage of these substances leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the dermis cells, which provokes severe dry skin, which subsequently leads to the formation of jams.

What is responsible for the pigmentation of the skin, what health problems anomalous pigmentation of the skin indicates?

Skin pigmentation: causes

Skin pigmentation is not very pleasant, especially if it appears on the face. And although some of these spots are most often just a cosmetic problem, there are those that our body signals the appearance of internal problems.


  • Pigmentation of ideal round shape. Most often, such spots on the skin are provoked by ordinary lichen, the carriers of which are homeless cats and dogs (seek help from a dermatologist).
  • Yellow pigment spots. It is indicated that a person has problems with the digestive system, and even more precisely, with the pancreas (seek help from a gastroenterologist).
  • Red pigmentation. It may indicate that the human body is fighting an aggressive allergen. Allergies are necessarily accompanied by tealness of the eyes, sneezing and drowsiness (visit an allergist).

Video: What does our body and our diseases tell us?

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Comments K. article

  1. Premature wrinkles are genetics, I think. And you need to fight with her, this is certainly! Well, how, how it will turn out there ... For example, I use the Imira C & E serum. Great remedy against wrinkles! I advise everyone!

  2. Absolutely everyone has a nightmare, there are absolutely everyone, there are absolutely healthy people, you should not focus on this much, but the body needs to help all the same, I can help me with Coenzyme Q10 Evalarovsky and a complex of minerals, a duplicate my general condition of the body is maintained in order)

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