12 products that can harm your dog

12 products that can harm your dog

There are harmful and even dangerous products for the dog. All of them are described in this article.

Almost every dog, when its owner sits down at the table, will look sympathetically into the eyes and ask her to give her a piece of something tasty. But it is very important to know how it is possible and what is forbidden to feed the dog so that it is healthy and happy. Very often human food, even one that is useful for people, can be harmful to the dog.

Below are 12 types of products that the dog should be avoided. It must be borne in mind that not all dogs are the same - the size and breed of the animal are determining qualities, when responding to a particular type of product. At the same time, even if the dog ate something from this list and everything was in order with her, it is better not to feed her with this again so that she remained safe. Read further.

Avocado: a harmful product for dogs

Avocado: a harmful product for dogs
Avocado: a harmful product for dogs

Read on our website article about dry food norms for a dog by weight. This is the most suitable type of animal feed.

Avocado contains a toxin called peach, which can have a toxic effect on dogs or cause poisoning of the body of the animal, depending on the breed. The dog who ate avocado may have various problems:

  • Stomach upset
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Breast fluid accumulation

Avocado bone is especially dangerous and can be accidentally swallowed by the dog.

Beecon: Dangerous Product for the Dog

Beecon is meat, and it is very tasty. But it is forbidden to give it to his dog. Beecon and other fatty products can lead to pancreatitis in animals. This is a disease that causes a number of problems with digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Therefore, remember: a bacon is a dangerous product for a dog.

Yeast dough: a product that cannot be dogs

Everyone knows that a person gets away from bread, but even worse for a dog. Raw yeast dough from bread can roam in the stomach and after a while it will become toxic. In addition, yeast dough can also expand in the stomach or intestines and create a large amount of gas in the digestive system. She will be very painful and it can even lead to a gap of the stomach. Therefore, yeast dough refers to those products that cannot be given to dogs.

Milk: Dangerous Product for Dogs

Milk: Dangerous Product for Dogs
Milk: Dangerous Product for Dogs

Many dogs drink milk. But milk is different. Homemade, for example, a natural product. Unlike a store that can consist only of vegetable fats.

Just like people, some dogs can suffer from lactose intolerance. In this case, the use of the home product will be undesirable. Milk consumption can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Of course, this is not life -threatening, but it can contribute to a serious bacterial effect, which is unpleasant for both the owner of the dog and for itself.

Chocolate: an allergenic product for dogs

Dogovs are well aware that chocolate is harmful to dogs. It contains caffeine and theobromine that are dangerous for many animals, including dogs. When eating chocolate, the dog can allergy will appearas well as vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, severe excitement and, in extreme cases, death. In addition, it is an allergenic product, the use of which can lead to irritation on the skin, runny nose and frequent sneezing.

Onions: a product that cannot be given to dogs

If the onion causes only tears in a person, then things are much worse for dogs. It contains compounds that can be harmful to dogs and can damage red blood cells in the blood. If the dog eats too much onion, a transfusion may be required to return it to healthy blood. Therefore, remember - this is a product that cannot be given to dogs.

Grapes: not suitable for dog nutrition

Grapes: not suitable for dog nutrition
Grapes: not suitable for dog nutrition

Grapes and raisins are extremely toxic for dogs, and the results of their consumption can be destructive. The most unpleasant consequences are fast renal failure, vomiting or diarrhea. Death from renal failure can occur within three to four days, so you should not take risks if you love your dog. Grapes are not suitable for nutrition of dogs and other animals as well.

Coffee: Forbidden product for dogs

Coffee is another big contraindication for dogs. This is a prohibited product for them. Animals have such a calm life and so many natural energy that they really do not need it. Coffee contains a stimulator known as methylated xanthine, which stimulates the nervous system. This can make the dog extremely restless, lead to vomiting, heartbeat or even death.

Forbidden products for dogs
Forbidden products for dogs

Apple stub: feeding the dog with natural products can be dangerous

Many owners often give bunks from apples to their animals. Of course, this is a natural product, but it is not suitable for feeding a dog. Despite the fact that in the stump of apple there are many useful substances that are contained in seeds, their use can be dangerous.

The seeds of apples thrown to the ground or in the garbage bucket may pose a real danger to the dog. The core of this fruit and many other similar seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, also known as cyanide. This can cause dizziness, difficulty breathing, convulsions, collapse, hyperventilation and shock in an animal.

Macadamia nuts: Dangerous product for dogs

Macadamia nuts: Dangerous product for dogs
Macadamia nuts: Dangerous product for dogs

Macadamia nuts are part of the recent discovery of products that are useful for humans, but harmful to dogs. This is a dangerous product for them. Specific chemicals are still unknown, but they cause a toxic reaction in dogs when it enters the body. Symptoms such as weakness and inability to walk, as well as vomiting, depression and tremor appear.

Cheese: a harmful product, can dog milk products be for dogs?

Both milk and cheese, kefir, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products are harmful to the dog. They contain sugar and fat components that the dog is difficult to digest. Symptoms such as gas, diarrhea and vomiting are possible if the dog eats too much cheese.

Garlic: Dangerous for a dog product

The garlic from the dog needs to be kept away. It is also harmful and dangerous for it, like onions. A few days after using garlic, the dog will be tired and reluctantly move. Another good way to find that the dog has eaten garlic is its urine, the shade of which will be from orange to dark red color. As when eating onions, in severe cases, blood transfusion may be required.

Video: How can you not feed the dog? Harmful products for dogs

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