The dog does not eat anything: disturbing symptoms and causes of lack of appetite. How to increase the appetite in the dog: tips

The dog does not eat anything: disturbing symptoms and causes of lack of appetite. How to increase the appetite in the dog: tips

If your pet refuses to eat, it is important to understand the reason and eliminate it in time. Especially if this is any ailment.

The alarm of the hosts is quite explained if the dog refuses the usual food. The lack of appetite often suggests that the pet is sick. Refusal of food is an unpleasant phenomenon, however, before drawing the appropriate conclusions, it is necessary to carefully consider other symptoms, predecessors of the dog’s poor health.

The dog does not eat: disturbing symptoms and reasons for refusing to eat

Refusal of food is a consequence of certain reasons. Whether they are dangerous or not, will help to establish the following signs:

  1. Dog behavior - Her activity during the day. It is necessary to observe the dog how its activity changes throughout the day: whether she responds to the proposal of playing, her behavior is familiar or the dog has become more drowned and not very active in reactions.
  2. Appearance - Explore the condition of eye sockets, wool, posture and gait. It often happens that some of the external signs of the disease occurs even before the dog shows a lack of appetite, and in this case, the refusal of food indicates a progressive state of the disease. However, there are also signs that can only be detected after the dog signals his well -being with a loss of interest in food: a retracted and stressed belly, the dog does not allow to touch the abdomen or other painful place.

    Pay attention to the appearance
    Pay attention to the appearance
  3. In this case, there are others Alarm symptoms: Wet eyes, sometimes there is increased discharge from the eye or nose, the dog’s gaze is not cheerful, the wool is dull or strayed - the dog can lick a causal place, as a result of which the wool in this zone will be wet with a yellowish tint. You should also look at the posture and gait of the pet, with the development of pathology - the dog is in an alarming state and the dog’s tail is lowered down, the back is hunched over, the dog walks not confidently and sways slightly from side to side.
  4. A separate place in the diagnosis if the dog does not eat, occupies the nose - an indicator of the body's body temperature. It is necessary to feel the nose: a wet and cold nose - a sign of health, a dry and hot nose - it's time to take a doctor.
  5. The frequency of refusal of food. If this happens once-perhaps the dog just didn’t like something, and she was attacked. But if this happens regularly within a few days - this is a clear sign of health problems that requires immediate contacting the veterinarian.
  6. Reason refusal of food You can become vomiting or diarrhea in an animal. Such signs definitely do not promise anything good. You can’t wait and hope that everything will go on its own, as well as to treat your discretion. The spectrum of factors that cause such phenomena is great - from a foreign body entering the esophagus to serious infectious diseases. In this case, you should stop insisting on feeding and contact the veterinarian.
The dog does not eat

If the refusal of food is not accompanied by anxious symptoms and lasts a short period, and the pet is cheerful and energetic - there is no reason to worry. First you need to understand that the dog sometimes refuses food due to its culinary preferences - perhaps she simply did not like this product. This is especially true of cases when the owner changes the brand of the feed manufacturer or makes some new additives to the usual food.

The sensitivity of the dog’s smell allows her to quickly recognize any changes in food - this can push away from eating. So before masking vitamins or a drug in food, it is recommended to try to do this with a small amount of food so as not to spoil the entire portion of food.

You should also remember about the quality of products - Try to give a pet fresh and high -quality food, guided by recommendations for different breeds. Many owners make an irreparable mistake, giving the dog not to feed dogs: smoked sausages, remnants of dishes with spices and acute sauces, sweets, products containing aromatic additives and dyes, chocolate and citrus fruits. All these products sometimes fall into dog plates for fun, but are extremely dangerous to health - the dog’s stomach is not able to digest such food.

Do not feed the harmful
Do not feed the harmful

And if the dog is forced to eat like this for some time, then soon we can expect a refusal of food with all the ensuing consequences. It also happens that the refusal of food is caused by overeating the dog the day before. The pet can arrange a "fasting day." In this case, it is necessary to provide the pet such an opportunity.

Forcibly force me to eat, feed with individual treats instead of standard meal is not recommended. You can offer food according to the usual menu and feeding schedule, when the proposal is ignored - to hide a bowl of food from the animal’s visibility field until the next time of meals. There is nothing wrong if one feeding is missed.

The next meal remains unchanged - do not increase the amount of food due to missing feeding. It is necessary to give the dog the same food that was offered last time.

Important: it is strictly forbidden to play along with the whims of the pet-there is no need to persuade the dog to eat, offering her something more tasty. This can cause the pet to ignore feeding in favor of goodies.

When the favorite had breakfast and ate half the portion, offer the remaining half to the dining of the dinner. A similar portion of food must be served in the evening. It is possible to increase the mass of food only when the pet interest in the stern intensified, and the dog actively licks the bowl after eating. Each time, remove a bowl after the end of meals, even if not all the contents are eaten. And serve the remaining food with the following feeding.

What reason
What reason

The restriction of constant access to food normalizes the appetite of the dog. The owner must be aware of the dog’s body, like a person, is sensitive to many internal or external factors. Thus, the deterioration of appetite is sometimes associated with a change in climatic conditions - the onset of heat.

Stressful situations also provoke a desire to get rid of - the dog is in a depressed state. The reason may be the punishment of the pet for misconduct, a change of residence, a change or loss of a former owner. Any unusual situation can negatively affect the desire of the pet to take food.

The dog eats badly: how to increase the appetite of the dog?

There are several actions working to improve the appetite of the pet if the dog eats badly. All these methods are individual. Correct, will take into account the character, breed, age and physical capabilities of the animal. It is necessary to take care of security measures in advance.

  • For large breeds - this exercise stress. The dog can lose interest in food from a lack of physical activity. It is possible to return the appetite: it is recommended to play with the dog more often, arrange long walks, long -distance runes, high jumps, swimming in the river. You should arrange a bicycle walk - running a dog near the bicycle, will positively affect the metabolic process in the body of the pet.

Important: at the time of the execution of physical exercises, it is necessary to control the overall well -being of the dog - to give moderate loads with subsequent increase. You should not very depleted the dog with activity - exaggeration can cause the opposite effect, and the tired dog will again refuse to eat.

It is important to rely on the experience of guessing the mood of the pet and his willingness to be involved in the game or walk.

  • The second, no less effective way to increase appetite is fish diet. This method will work well if before that there was a low content of fish and seafood in the dog’s food. By adding several pieces of small fish to the standard meat menu, you can increase not only the interest of the dog in food, but also the amount of nutrients in the body. You can give fish both a separate dish - before eating, and mixing it with porridge.
Fish diet
Fish diet
  • In addition to individual menu components, you can change the entire main diet if the dog does not eat it. The dog can ignore monotonous food - a fed for a long period of porridge of a certain variety, it thus makes it clear that such a kitchen is tired of the pet. It is recommended to change the diet: replace buckwheat with rice, wheat cereal, is good for assorting different types of cereals. The replacement of the diet must be carried out carefully - offering the dog a small portion of a new product. The same applies to varieties of meat, fish and vegetables. The variety of products consumed will improve the motility of the dog’s intestines and will help to avoid severity in the stomach and refuse to eat.
  • Psychological method - Designed for the natural instinct of the dog, protect the prey from competitors. This method does not require special training, quite effective, widely used in nurseries and is popular with many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders. Dog trainers recommend artificially creating a competition of competition for a bowl of food, thereby causing an animal instinct - desire, defend food and eat. It is necessary to demonstrate that another eskin claims to be a bowl of food, to use it well for the example of the second pet - a cat, a dog. It is enough to offer a competing pet to eat from a plate of a refused dog - the instinct of prey will work, and the dog will begin to take a bowl so that the competitor does not get.
  • If there is no one to offer to eat from a bowl, the improvisation of family members will help: after food is offered to the dog, one of the family members should try to select a bowl, it will be good if I fix the action with the “picking up” command. Such manipulations act on the dog and its interest in food. However, it is important to remember that some dogs can be quite jealous and aggressive. The owner must control the dog’s behavior, and suppress attempts to aggression at the time of the experiment.
Take the food
Take the food
  • Do not abuse this method and use it only if necessary. It is important to realize that dogs do not like to share prey and can punish the “offender”, therefore, using this practice, it should be shown to the dog that the situation is under the control of the owner: not to tease the pet overly and any attempts to attack the competitor, to stop “cannot be“ impossible ”,“ ” ugh".

The loss of appetite in females during estrus is quite natural, which takes place at the end of the cycle. It is worthwhile if the situation is delayed, and the hunger strike continues even after estrus - this is the reason for the visit to the clinic. In puppies, refusal of food can provoke the beginning of the slots of the teeth - you need to make sure that the food has small grinding and soft consistency. Dogs of large breeds are most affected in food preferences - this is their physiological feature. To normalize digestion, they need everyday physical activity.

Video: What to do to improve dog appetite?

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  1. We had worms, so the dog did not eat anything (

  2. Irina, what did they give against worms? In this regard, I gave the dog pusice in the form of a suspension. And since I liked the result, it turned out an effective tool, now it has become and as a prevention to give this tool.

  3. Oh, our dog has not eats anything for three days. The nose seems to be not hot and wet, which is the reason and we do not know (

  4. Galina, I'm amazed at you. And you talk about it so calmly. I would have been alarming in full. Yes, actually I did so. And when it turned out that the dog had worms, the veterinarian appointed Helmimax to us. By the way, after the reception, they took more tests for my reassurance, and they turned out to be negative, and the dog now feels good.

  5. We have not eaten anything with us for 4 days (

  6. Lera, and you write so calmly here? I would have put everyone on my ears. We, too, did not eat the dog for several days, it turned out to be worms, gave helmimax and got rid of worms. Now the dog is fine.

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