"The World" - how to make a story about pets: an example of an essay

If you need to make a story about pets, then we will help you. In the article you will find a plan and examples of essays.

Pets surround children and adults in almost every family. Some have a pet, others have a dog, or exotic - a lizard. From childhood, pets become real friends, who are so pleasant and interesting to tell classmates and acquaintances. In schools, children are asked to write essays on a similar topic.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Life expectancy of different animals". You will learn a lot about birds, reptiles, rodents, fish and mollusks around the world.

In this article we will talk about how to come up with a plan and write an essay about your pet. In fact, it's simple. Read further.

How to make a plan for a story about a pet?


The plan compiled in advance is the main attribute for writing a story or essay. From the outside it may seem that there is nothing complicated in drawing up the plan, however, this process requires the author of the ultimate concentration and serious work of the mind, no less than writing the work itself. Therefore, detailed instructions on the correct and phased preparation of the work plan will help to be excellent when writing.

So, a plan of a story or an essay about a domestic animal should be as follows:

  1. First you should write about who the pet (cat, dog or other animal) is, tell us about his nickname.
  2. The second point is a description of the appearance of the pet. Write about the color of its wool, eye color and other similar details.
  3. In addition to appearance, you can talk about temperament. What is your pet: is it obedient, cheerful, cunning or affectionate?
  4. Life with a pet in the family does not do without funny situations and incidents. Tell us the most interesting and funny story related to pets.
  5. To finish the work with a detailed answer to the question: why I love my pet, or what feature in his character I like the most?

Shortly, such a plan will look like this:

  1. My pet is nickname
  2. Description
  3. The nature and temperament of the pet
  4. Life in the family
  5. My favorite pet - why do I love him?

The plan of the composition of the pet is ready. These several points described above will simplify work on the work for the author. The rest is already a matter of fantasy.

The surrounding world is a story about a cat: composition

One of the most popular and common pets around the world is a cat. It is difficult to even imagine a family in which this animal would not be. The purring pets are also frequent characters in school works around the world on the topic of pets, which is not surprising. Let's look at one of the examples of such a work. Here is an essay, a story about a cat:

« Once my parents bought me a kitten, so miniature that he was placed in her mother’s palms. We gave him the name Tikhon, and gently call the Tishka.

Now our pet has already grown. He has white with red, long wool. The legs are thick, with pink pillows, almost without claws. Our Tishka is very affectionate. He likes it when they are stroked and held in his arms. Then he begins to purr.

And recently it turned out that Tishka is a girl. But it's okay, because we did not have to change her name, she remained Tishka. Moreover, it has been responding to her own nickname for a long time, especially when they give me food. We are waiting for kittens that we will give to all our friends.

I love our Tishka because she is very kind and always purrs. It was funny when we thought that we bought a cat, and it turned out to be a cat».

Here is such a short and uncomplicated essay about pets - a cat named Tishka.

How to make a story about a rabbit on the "surrounding world": an example of an essay

Another popular pet is a rabbit. You can also write an essay about him. An example of how to make a story about a rabbit on the “surrounding world” is an essay:

« I recently had a birthday, and my parents gave me a small, fluffy rabbit. It turned out to be a girl and we called her fields. She has a very beautiful wool. She is all white, and around her eyes-black, because of which the small eyes of the rabbit look more beautiful and more.

When the field was only brought home, she was afraid of everything and did not even allow herself to stroke. But time passed, and the little rabbit was used to us. Now she is not afraid of anyone and we can even pick her up.

Fields eat carrots, and also loves different cereals. When our rabbit wants to eat, he turns a bowl and begins to make noise. It looks very funny.

When the fields climb onto the bed, my parents and I stroke it. I like it and the rabbit. In general, our fields are so funny and carefree that looking at it, you can forget about your problems. I like to watch the fields - it's always fun, funny and cute».

A great example of a short and simple essay about a pet, which very vividly reflects the attitude to the animal and how much joy and happiness the pet of the child and his parents gives.

The world around us is a story about a parrot: an example of an essay

Parrot - pet
Parrot - pet

In addition to the usual pets for all pets, there are also very exotic, for example, parrots. Moreover, they are also popular. Let's look at an example of a small essay around the world about a home parrot. This story:

« My favorite home pet is a speaker. Once, dad brought him home. Then it turned out that our parrot is a girl and we gave him a nickname Tosya. She is amazing, he loves to talk very much and does it constantly as soon as the sun rises.

Tosya is wavy, green, with a yellow beak. She is mobile and loves games very much.

Tosya loves us all very much. She likes to sit on my shoulder when I do lessons or eat. And also, she sometimes sits on her mother's head. All friends who are visiting us, like to play with a parrot. Tosya is a member of our family. We buy her food and have fun together. Our Tosya is the best parrot ".

An example of this composition shows that even a small parrot can become a real member of the family. He will delight children, adults and even people who are just coming to visit with his presence, forcing everyone to forget about their affairs and problems at least temporarily.

The world around us is a story about a dog: an example of an essay

Speaking on the topic of essays about pets, it is impossible to bypass dogs. Indeed, along with cats, these pets occupy the upper lines in all ratings of the popularity of human friends. An example of a short essay around the world is a story about a dog:

« I have long wanted to have a dog. Friendly and not too big, for example, spaniel. Recently, my parents gave me a puppy to whom we gave the name Rocky.

It is fluffy, with hanging, long ears, and its wool is tricolor: white, black and grayish. Our puppy is very kind, obedient and affectionate. When I return from school, he barks and joyfully jumps. So far, Rocky is small and loves to sleep with me on the bed, but my parents already want to choose a place on the floor, near the door so that he moves there.

Rocky and I often walk. He has to put on a leash all the time, although he does not like it. But he really likes to run along the street behind sparrows and pigeons. Here is our Rocky - cheerful, kind and affectionate. And we all love him very much».

This composition is a great example of a small, but at the same time a capacious work about the friendship of a person and a dog. Following the example of this story, you can write your story from life related to pets.

How to make a story about a hamster: an example of an essay

Hamster - pet
Hamster - pet

The popular species of pets are rodents, among which such an amazing animal as a hamster is especially distinguished. How to make a story about this pet? Here is an example of an essay:

« A hamster lives in our house. This is a girl. We called her a redhead. They gave it to me for my birthday, mom and dad.

My hamster has a white tummy and a red -haired back. The coat is soft and fluffy. The tail is short. If the redhead hears some sounds, it rises to the hind legs and begins to look in surprise with her round, like beads, black eyes.

Ryzhka likes to eat seeds, apples, carrots, bread and oatmeal. And she constantly stuffs her cheeks with food, which she then hides in sawdust. This is because the hamsters are very stored.

I often open the cage to walk around the room. Then she begins to run, and we play merrily. I love our hamster and always try to do so that the redhead is satisfied. After all, as my parents say: "We are responsible for those who have tamed".

With the help of such a short story, you can brightly and interestingly talk about your domestic animal, its character and features, as well as show how much you love and take care of your animal.

How to make a story about pets - a turtle: an example of an essay

Do not forget about such pets as turtles. These animals are also popular for maintaining a house and children love them. We will talk about how to make a story about a home turtle. Here is an example of an essay:

« For the last New Year, my parents gave me a turtle. It turned out to be a boy whom we called Tolya. Our Tolya is still very small. He most often sits in his own aquarium, but it happens that I take out a turtle and then, she begins to crawl along my written table.

Tolya is beautiful. He has a shell with red spots and small, very mobile eyes. He knows how to stretch his long neck and it becomes even longer.

After Tolya appeared in our house, no one misses. When I get it out of the aquarium, he necessarily dumps something from my desk, for him this is the best entertainment. He constantly pushes pens and pencils that lie on the table. And if Tolya gets tired, then falls asleep right among the textbooks and then, I put it in the aquarium».

You can write an interesting essay about any pet, be it a cat, a dog or even a turtle. In any case, the most important thing is to love your pet and take care of him. After all, care and love are needed by everyone, both people and pets.

The story of amazing pets: 10 options

Raccoon - pet
Raccoon - pet

In addition to ordinary pets, to which we are all used to, there are unusual and even exotic ones, which are difficult to even imagine in the form of pets. However, this also happens. Let's look at a few examples of essays about amazing pets. Here are stories in 10 versions:

  • Pitian's essay raccoon:

I have a pet. This is a raccoon named Enchik. He is very beautiful and cute. We often play. And although raccoons are wild animals, our Yenchik is very kind, neat and affectionate. He is a real member of our family. I love my raccoon.

  • Composition about the pet - spider:

I have a pet - a spider. This is a girl named Rose. Parents bought it to me. The rose is large, brown, with pink stripes. She is very obedient and calm. Rose lives in a transparent aquarium with a hole for air. When I go, she always recognizes me and raises her paws. I love a rose and I really like to watch it. It gives me a lot of pleasant sensations. Thanks to my parents for giving me a spider.

  • The story of the pro homemade guinea pig:

Recently my parents gave me a guinea pig. This is the male, whom we called Dima. He is very kind, small and shaggy. When I return home from school, Dima meets me with a whistle, so he shows his joy.

Our pig is long -haired. This means that she has fluffy and very thick wool. Therefore, it needs to be combed every day. And Dima also has a very funny and sweet face.

Dima loves to eat greens, especially juicy and fresh. When we bring him hotels, he rises to his hind legs and begins to whistle.

In the summer we often go for a walk and take Dima with us. On the street, everyone pays attention to our guinea pig and she likes it. Dima gives himself to touch everyone and does not bite anyone. I love my pet. And it seems he also loves me and always misses me when I leave for school.

  • Pitian's essay ferret:

In our house lives a ferret named Sonya. Parents gave it to me, for the New Year. Sonya is very funny and mobile. She has a completely white and fluffy wool. Sonya loves to play and we even bought her toys. And we often leave the whole family to nature to rest - in winter and summer. We always take Sonya with us. She really likes it. She begins to frolic and wallow in the ground or in the snow.

Another favorite lesson of Sony is to sleep at home, next to me, on the couch or bed. I like it both the ferret and me. I really love my ferret, I always feed her and try to take care of her. And I think Sonya loves me too.

  • Pets hedgehog:

I have an unusual pet - this is a hedgehog. His name is Fufic. Once, my parents and I found him on the street and he remained to live with us. Many people do not like hedgehogs. But I really love Fouss, although it cannot be stroked like a dog or a cat.

Our Fufic is beautiful. He has legs with claws and a small tail. And also needles that are needed to protect. Fufik loves to eat insects, beetles and caterpillars. It happens that we let the hedgehog out into the street, and there he always hunts.

I believe that hedgehogs are beautiful and very useful animals that need love and care, like other pets. I really love my fun.

  • Pets story iguan:

An unusual pet lives in our house. This is a big iguan. We purchased it in a pet store. At first it seemed to us that our iguana was a boy, and then it turned out that the girl. We called her Busya. She has a very long tail, yellow back and green belly.

Our Busya is very calm, quiet and manual. She eats with her hands and loves to play. She often wakes me up in the morning. When we go to rest in the summer in the summer, we always take Busu with us. She really likes in nature, there she walks and hunts for insects. I really love Busu because she is very kind, beautiful and funny. And although she lives with us recently, we all already consider her a real member of the family.

  • The composition of the home chinchilla:

We have an unusual but beautiful pet. This is a chinchilla named Shun. This is a very funny animal that likes to bite wood and boards. My parents say that it is useful for chinchillas. Shuni has a black-gray color. And also a fluffy and very beautiful tail.

I often release a shuni for a walk around the room, and when I start to catch, he is hiding under a cage, from where it is difficult to get. We often bathe chinchilla in a special bath, only instead of water we use sand.

Shunya loves all sorts of delicious ones that we often give him. I like to have a pet, all the more so beautiful and funny as Shunya. We all love him very much and are glad that we have him.

  • The story about home big snail:

I have a very unusual pet - a snail. I was presented to me recently. I called my snail Garry in honor of the character from the cartoon.

After the snail settled in our house, I try to take care of her to be a good mistress. I like to bathe Garry, feed and look after her. Garry lives in the aquarium, which stands on the windowsill. There are different stones and twigs on which the snail really likes to crawl. Sometimes I get Garry from the aquarium so that she can stay on the table and take a walk.

Garry loves to eat vegetables, as well as salad leaves and cabbage. She really likes to swim. Since Garry gave me Garry, we became very friends. I really love my snail and believe that she also loves me and understands that I care about her.

  • Pets story horses:

My favorite home pet is a horse that is called Mila. It was given to us by a friend of the father, still a foal and since then, she lives in our area near the house. Mila brown, with a long and fluffy tail. And she is very strong and fast. She likes to eat bread, apples, carrots, hay and grass.

I really like to take care of Mile and feed her. I often ride it. Mila is very friendly and I, too, love her very much.

  • The writing about the aquarium fish:

We have a fish that lives in an aquarium at home. Her name is a blot. She is very beautiful and bright, with a brilliant, dark scales.

Before we had a blot, I did not even know that the fish needed such careful care. So that she does not hurt and feels good, you need to constantly observe the temperature of the water, with the help of a thermometer and, if necessary, heat it with a special device. And oxygen should constantly enter the water, this is necessary for the life of fish.

In the aquarium, our blots have many different, colored pebbles and beautiful plants, between which the fish floats and sometimes hides. And when I go to the aquarium, she recognizes me and sails me to the wall. I really like to care for a blot, feed her and watch how she has fun swimming in the aquarium. I really love my fish.

It remains to add that there may be a lot of similar works about unusual and even amazing pets, as well as these pets themselves. And this means that any person can find a similar story if you wish, and once again surprise how vast the list of animals that people dare to start at home today.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that in this material we have given many examples of children's works about pets, from ordinary, to the most exotic ones. Thanks to this, this article will be an excellent visual aid, as a child who is going to write a school essay, and parents who may also take part in the creative process.

Video: Project "My pets"

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