The dog eats grass: the causes of the phenomenon and action of the owner at the same time

The dog eats grass: the causes of the phenomenon and action of the owner at the same time

If you notice that your dog eats grass during a walk, you should not immediately panic. Study, for starters, our article.

Each owner of the dog, of course, noticed that during a walk, their pet bites this or that grass. As a rule, the animal is guided by the instinct, and there will not be to pull in the mouth, unlike you and me,. But why it does this is a question that many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders would like to know the answer to.

The dog eats grass: causes of phenomenon

It is generally accepted that the dog eats grass in order to:

  • Replenish the supply of vitamins. But it is known that in the digestive process that occurs in dogs, enzymes that break down the grass are absent.
  • Balance your diet in which there is not enough greenery. It is proved that the diet of the animal does not affect the eating of her greenery on the street.
  • Get rid of the presence of worms. Again, not a fact, because those dogs that do not have worms are gnawing the grass.
Chews grass
Chews grass
  • Destroy the stench coming from the mouth. A completely absurd opinion, since such aspects do not care at all.
  • Cure. The dog can really instinctively find some herbs that can have an antibacterial effect. But it is unlikely that in urban conditions she will be able to do this - this is possible only in rural areas.

The dog eats grass - explanation of specialists:

  • The dog is led by instinct. A predator in wildlife, eating herbivore, eats a scar with all its contents, including not digested grass. Dogs are driven by the same instinct, dictating to them to replenish the reserves of similar enzymes and microorganisms, but this is completely useless for them, since digestion and splitting in their stomach does not occur.
  • Often, after eating grass, the dog plunges the contents of the stomach. Thus, it is cleaned of excess bile, the remains of undigested food. In order for the effect to be maximum, the dog can choose the hardest plants for more irritation of the walls of the stomach.
  • Fiber and moisture contained in herbaceous stems contribute to fecal liquefaction and, accordingly, enhanced cleansing of the body. In the process of this, those parasites that live in the intestines may stand out.
  • Perhaps the dog develops diseases such as gastritis, it was poisoned, swallowed something foreign, or any infection fell into the body. If such behavior is accompanied by a change in temperature, liquid stool, lethargy, lives of blood in the vomit, firing wool, dry nose - immediately to the veterinarian.
  • Fresh grass likes dogs with their taste.
  • The dog thus attracts the attention of the owner. After all, she wants to run, and preferably without a leash, and the owner does not pay much attention to her, just waiting for the dog to finish toilet matters. Because of this, the animal can behave non-standard, including Eating grass.

The dog eats grass: what to do?

  • If you do not notice any negative consequences from eating grass-let him eat to health. True, if you live in an industrial zone, where there is a lot of dust, factory emissions, and even more so near transport highways, it is better to take the animal for a walk in more environmentally friendly zones. Just follow that there are no dog excrement nearby - they can contain various infections, worms.
  • Special greens for animals are sold in the form of seeds in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores, so you can grow such a treat for a dog at home, and so you will be sure that it is not contaminated with any harmful substances. You can also germinate cereals for the dog yourself - oats or wheat.
  • If the dog has constant vomiting after eating grass, and it itself looks slarged, with faded wool - be sure to show the animal to the veterinarian. Perhaps the dog’s diet is not balanced, it has few vegetables and fiber - a specialist consultation is needed here. And never scold the dog if it tears it after eating grass. Better walk longer so that this process occurs outside the house.
  • So that the dog does not eat grass, play a little more with it during a walk, throw the ball, in a word, distract her attention to physical activity.
Eats grass
Eats grass
  • If you notice that the dog was sick after eating grass or the chair became liquid - give it activated charcoal and watch the animal. If this is all over, there is no reason for concern, if the phenomenon is repeated, it is better to examine the dog from the veterinarian.
  • If the dog does not feed on food, but with “home” food to facilitate digestion, you can add a few drops of vegetable oil, vegetables, and greens to food.
  • In the case of eating a dog too much grass, try to transfer it to feed, which contain a lot of fiber. It is advisable, of course, to consult with a veterinarian.
  • If the dog bites the grass from boredom to take possession of your attention - take care of it with training, offer chewing toys.

In a word, don't worry if your the dog eats grass. If at the same time the pet is cheerful and playing, it simply periodically cleanses the body.

Video: The dog eats grass: Why?

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