GOU feed for dogs: composition, daily rate by weight, reviews of veterinarians

GOU feed for dogs: composition, daily rate by weight, reviews of veterinarians

Review of GOU feed for dogs: composition, daily norm, reviews of veterinarians.

A home dog is a great joy and a huge responsibility. In this article we will talk about the food of the GOU for dogs, about its composition, the number of servings and other most important aspects regarding the nutrition of the beloved pet.

GOU feed for dogs: country manufacturer

The GOU feed line for dogs is produced by the Petcurean Pet Nutrition brand in Canada. Due to the high quality of raw materials and unique production technology, the feed belongs to the holistic line (super-premium ruler).

GOU feed for dogs: Types of food

The RRN concern has developed a widest assortment of GOU feed for dogs:

  • Assortment of dry balanced feeds;
  • Prosnovy meat of balanced feed.

Feed is both dry and in canned foods, belong to the line of super premium class and are a full-fledged balanced diet for dogs.

GOU feed for dogs: composition

It is important to understand that the composition of GOU feed for dogs depends directly on factors such as:

  • Dry food or canned food;
  • Feed for an adult dog or puppy;
  • Highly specialized rulers, type of feed for pregnant women, with sensitive digestion;
  • Depending on the recipe (with chicken, duck, lamb).
Detailed information about GOU feed is always indicated on the back of the package.
Detailed information about GOU feed is always indicated on the back of the package.

We offer to consider the composition of the GOU for dogs - a daily recipe for protecting the lamb (with the addition of lamb meat):

  • A balanced mixture of meat and fillet of a young lamb with an extract of an organic flavor. This is the basis of feed and the main source of protein. An important factor is the hood of the flavor. It is 100% organic and is a fragrant addition to meat, not carrying negative factors;
  • Dried algae. Dogs, like people, need sufficient iodine for the full functioning of the body. If you do not live on the sea coast - most likely your dog will have a deficiency of iodine that will fill this food;
  • Rice - One of the few cereals, permissible in the diet for dogs. The stern uses a mixture of bran and whole brown rice - an ideal component for sensitive stomachs that help digest food;
  • Oat groats It overtakes the food with a sufficient amount of fiber, contributing to the rapid and high -quality processing of food, and also enriches the diet with a wide sector of trace elements;
  • Flax seeds They have established themselves as an ideal source of fats and a storehouse of vegetable vitamin. Adding flax seeds to dog food made it possible to enrich the diet of animals, as well as add antioxidants to the diet;
  • Potassium chloride - a component that saturates the dog’s body with so necessary potassium, capable of digesting 100%from food;
  • Rapse oil - a storehouse of fatty acids, as well as a unique source of vitamin E, which is absorbed from rapeseed oil by 99%. It is also characterized by mono -saturated fatty acids of the oleic series;
  • Alfalfa enriches the food with a wide range of amino acids, fluorine, calcium and potassium, and is also saturated with essential oils that are useful for dogs. An indispensable component for lowering cholesterol, improves metabolism and, most importantly, increases hemoglobin;
  • Coconut oil enriches the food with fatty acids, improves digestion and accelerates the digestibility of feed. Adding coconut oil to food to dogs, helps to balance the diet and resolve digestion;
  • Apples are a source of fiber, vitamins, and most importantly, pectin, as the basis for the joints. Regular pectin consumption guarantees healthy joints of dogs, even at old age;
  • Carrot -It is a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, but the main substance that dogs from this vegetable is necessary-beta-carotene. It is necessary from the first days of the puppy;
  • Cranberry It is added to GOU food as a taste supplement that shakes the taste of the lamb, and is also an inexhaustible source of vitamin K1, as well as vitamin B, and PP;
  • Dried chicory root - A storehouse of amino acids, useful trace elements, but most importantly, it gives energy throughout the day. The addition of chicory to the dog’s nutrition will help activate the animal on walks and adjust the biological clock and wakefulness;
  • Lactobacillus - useful bacteria for the digestive tract;
  • Enterococcusfaecium - bacteria restoring the intestinal microflora;
  • D-pantotenate calcium - is responsible for stimulating corticosteroids, several times accelerates the processes of regeneration and healing of wounds. A particularly important element in nutrition for pregnant dogs, as well as for animals of which they are prepared for competitions;
  • Riboflavin - The most important water -soluble vitamin, which is responsible for the coofers of chemical processes in the dog’s body. Helps to maintain high level immunity;
  • Dried rosemary - A plant assistant for digestion, enriching food with useful essential oils. Adding rosemary to dogs of dogs improves digestion, establishes appetite and eliminates gas formation;
  • Vitamin A - is responsible for good vision and regeneration of bone tissue. This vitamin is completely replenished only through nutrition, therefore it is the most important ingredient in the feeds;
  • Mononitrate thiamine - The subspecies of vitamin B1, responsible for the regeneration of cells. Regular use slows down aging and is responsible for rapid recovery after diseases;
  • D3 - vitamincontributing to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is especially important that vitamin is present in the nutrition of dogs in the cold season, when the sunny day is short;
  • Inositol - A substance responsible for liquefaction of blood. Helps to avoid cardiovascular diseases, as well as problems with veins and blood clotting;
  • Vitamin E - the most water -soluble antioxidant responsible for rejuvenation of the skin and the quality of the wool;
  • L-Askorbil-2-polyphosphate is responsible for the synthesis of protein, which supports the condition of bones, cartilage, teeth in the dog's body;
  • Niacin -supports the cardiovascular system in the body;
  • Folic acid converts carbohydrates into energy, and also is responsible for red blood cells and leukocytes in the dog’s bone marrow;
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride - The correct synthesis of nucleic acids meets and delays the aging of the body. It is important for the full life of dogs;
  • BIOTIN - helps the proper operation of the sebaceous glands, is responsible for the skin and health of dogs;
  • Mineral series: Proteinate zinc, iron, copper, manganese. As well as zinc and manganese oxide, copper and iron sulfate;
  • Taurin - increases the endurance of the dog, improves the functioning of the nervous system and the functioning of the heart;
  • Yeast Selena, as well as yeast extract - They are responsible for metabolism, as well as regular use of these components are directly reflected on the skin and hair of the dog. The coat in this case becomes brilliant and saturatedly bright;
  • NACL - rapid bone regeneration and preservation of elastic bone mass throughout the life of a dog;
  • L Lizin - is responsible for high digestibility of calcium, lowers cholesterol, and also prevents the aging of the animal’s body earlier;
  • DL metionine - is responsible for the normalization of hormones and other important processes in the body;
  • Yucca Schidiger extract - Activates digestion, eliminates inflammatory processes, improves liver and intestines.

In the dry stern under consideration, strict proportionality of the components is observed.

The name of the component Percentage The name of the component Percentage
Squirrels 24 Calcium 1.6
Fat 14 Phosphorus 0.85
Cellulose 2.5 Omega 6 2.5
Moisture 10 Omega 3
Ash 8

The calorie content of dry food for dogs is 409.8 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

GOU feed for dogs: daily rate by weight

In order for the dog to be normal by weight, it is important to observe the proportionality of food. When selecting a diet, pay attention to the following factors:

  • The weight of the dog. Be sure to weigh the dog once a month and track the schedule of its weight. It must comply with the standards by age, growth in the withers and breed of the dog. Thus, you can adjust the ideal weight of GOU feed for dogs for one portion of food;
  • The age of the dog. For the puppies, a separate line of the amount of food for the weight of the puppy is allocated;
  • The activity of the dog. Remember that the more active the animal, the more energy he needs.
Gow food for dogs
Gow food for dogs

GOU feed distribution table for dogs in grams

The weight of the dog 1-2.3 2.3-4.5 4.5-9 9-13.6 13.6-23 23-32 32-41 41-50 50-64
Puppy 42-85 85-144 144-173 173-230 230-316 316-431 431-489 489-601 601-661
Active dog 34-68 68-115 115-144 144-201 201-259 259-374 374-403 403-474 474-546
Low -acting dog 25-51 51-86 86-115 115-173 173-230 230-288 288-345 345-411 411-460

GOU feed for dogs: Advantages of food

Veterinarians claim that the animal can be fed with ready -made food, and the dog will feel great if these are balanced high -quality feed of the Holistic line. It is this supermarium class that includes Canadian GOU feed for dogs. They have a number of advantages:

  • The ruler holistic - a full -fledged balanced diet for the growth and maintenance of a healthy state of the dog, which is allowed for daily feeding;
  • The formulas take into account the features of dog nutrition. For each feature of the dog, an individual series of feed has been developed;
  • Contains meat in a large percentagetherefore, a natural source of protein;
  • Vitamins necessarily consist in the formulas, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics and the most important omega 3 and 6;
  • The formulas do not contain offal, gluten, empty calories, growth hormones and useless dyes;
  • The formulas do not contain corn, wheat and soybeans harmful to dogs.

GOU food for dogs: veterinarian reviews

Reviews about gow feed for dogs:

  • Andrew: For my wards, I recommend gow food for dogs as the main diet, and as an addition to ordinary food. At a frantic pace of modern life, it is difficult to make a full -fledged balanced diet even for yourself, to say about pets. But in the case of four -legged friends, everything can be much easier - we look at the condition of the dog, if necessary, we take the tests, analyze and write out high -quality feeding holistics.
  • Irina: Dogs are brought to our veterinary clinic every day, and sometimes puppies with the gastrointestinal tract already spoiled. People think that all feeds are equally useful, but even worse - they believe that feeding the best idea “from the table”. Do not forget that the diet of a person and the diet of a dog are two different concepts. The basis of the dog’s nutrition is animal protein. And sweets for dogs are generally poison! For many years now I have been transferring dogs to holistic food for dogs, and in all cases an improvement in the condition of dogs on the face! The animals are active, healthy and delight the owners with an excellent condition.

Video: Dry food GO! For dogs with a lamb. Review of feed and tasting feed. Gow food for dogs

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello, from 4 months what is the food for the puppy ?? in your Puppy line ?? and at what age, well, so that I can give it correctly for both the puppy and then to the adult?

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