Is it necessary to salt food to the dog: veterinarians' advice, dogovoal reviews

Is it necessary to salt food to the dog: veterinarians' advice, dogovoal reviews

The feasibility of introducing salt into the dog to the dog.

The diet of dogs is significantly different from the human nutrition system. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body and the need for certain minerals and trace elements. The question arises, is salt necessary for dogs? We will try to figure it out. 

Can a dog give salt: veterinarian advice

In general, there are several theories regarding whether it is necessary to salt food to the dog or not. As for the production feed, which is sold in the form of canned food, everything is clear here. The manufacturers themselves made sure that there were sodium and chlorine ions in the composition of food. Typically, a small amount of salt is added in industries. Accordingly, such food is not necessary to salt such food. 

Can a dog give salt:

  • If the issue concerns natural nutrition, when meat, fish, porridge, which are prepared independently, the situation here is different.
  • In most cases, experts argue that the lack of sodium, as well as chlorine in the body at a young age, leads to a deterioration in the growth of the skeleton, and acute disorders.
  • Sodium is a trace element that is involved in the formation of bone tissue, a cartilage skeleton, usually this happens at the age of one year.
  • FROMfor this period, it is still necessary to introduce a small amount of salt during this period so that the dog is enough.

Do the dogs need to salt food?

If the dog is adult enough, then it is necessary to consider all the options, to evaluate that the dog eats. If it is raw, fresh meat, then it is not necessary to administer salt. Fresh meat mainly contains blood, in a small concentration in it there is sodium chloride. This is usually a saline from which the blood of a dog and a person consists of. Accordingly, together with the blood, part of the sodium chloride enters the body of the pet. This also applies to offal. 

Do the dogs need to salt food:

  • Necessaryestimate, How often the dog eats from the master table. This refers to how often a variety of goodies fall the pet, such as herring, cheese, or a piece of raw, smoked sausage.
  • The fact is that these products contain a huge amount of salt, so 1-2 pieces for the whole day for the dog will be quite enough to make up for the deficiency of sodium chloride.
  • Remember that such products spoil the stomach and intestines of the dog, so they need to treat the dog very rarely. Sometimes it is recommended to give hard cheese, it also contains a large amount of sodium chlorine. 
Fighting the dog
Fighting the dog

Do the dogs need to salt food when cooking?

If you treat your dog with products from the refrigerator, semi -finished products, as well as meat processing products, then there is no need to salt the food you cook.

Do the dogs need to salt food when cooking:

  • If, nevertheless, the dog is on natural nutrition, but at the same time in the diet of extremely little fresh meat, mainly boiled porridge, bone broths, and soups, then salt is necessarily, but in a small amount.
  • It should be approximately 3 times less than for itself. That is, salt is necessary, but in a much smaller amount. Please note that salt is a white death, and really the consequences of an overdose for a dog are much worse than for a person.
  • If we can afford to regularly consume a large amount of salt, and for a long period of time not to observe chronic ailments of the bladder, as well as the kidneys, then in dogs the disease develops and proceeds much faster.

Salt poisoning in dogs

It is enough only a few times to overfeed it with salt food, the reaction will not make itself wait long. In most cases, very serious troubles arise with the work of the kidneys, bladder.

Salt poisoning in dogs:

  • Stones may occur in them, or fluid departure worsens, with the formation of edema. Please note if you still add a little salt to food, be sure to take care of a bowl of water. It should be a lot, because after taking salt, the dog can dry. It is necessary that it mandatory to fill the deficiency of the liquid. 
  • Remember, if you give a dog sour -milk products, that is, kefir, cottage cheese and cheese, then there is no need to introduce salt. Many radicals say that wild dogs are relatives of dogs and wolves, do not consume salt and live a long life.
  • In fact, the body of domestic dogs differs significantly from wild, but at the same time, wild animals receive salt. It is found in large quantities in the blood. Since small living organisms are the main diet of wild animals, mainly rodents, rabbits, their blood contains sodium chlorine. It is the basis of all fluids in the body. 

Can dogs salt food in natural nutrition?

Another thing is that a pet can not consume raw meat daily, not all dog breeders have funds for the purchase of such products. If this is meat,sold on an industrial scale, in stores, then in most cases it contains salt.

Is it possible for dogs to salt food in natural nutrition:

  • Many sellers soak meat in salt water to increase its weight. Accordingly, in this case, there is no need to introduce additionally. If the meat is bought from the hands of a familiar farmer, then it is necessary to suck such food.
  • Let us give an example that in all Soviet nurseries, dogs with the introduction of salt were fed. When cooking food, it was added in the amount of half of the norm that people introduce themselves. All dogs grew healthy and strong.
  • Accordingly, a small amount of salt is still permissible. In no case do not salt how much in yourself. Introduce sodium chloride in a small quantity so that it is practically not felt.
Dog cutlets
Dog cutlets

Do I need to salt food to dogs when cooking?

Many believe that the dog should also feel the taste of food, and without salt it is completely tasteless. In fact, taste receptors in a dog differ from human ones, they are less sensitive. 

Is it necessary to salt food to dogs when cooking:

  • If you add more or less salt, the dog is more likely to not understand. Therefore, salt in this case is added only as a way to introduce nutrient components, such as sodium and chlorine.
  • Chlorine- this is A harmful chemical element, but it is involved in all processes in the human body and dog. With its help, hydrochloric acid is formed in the stomach. Therefore, without this component there may be digestive problems. 
  • Sodium solid blood kidney chlorine, brain, skin, solid blood of a kidney and liver. 
With a pet
With a pet

Salt food to the dog or not every day?

If every day one of the salted products enters the diet of a dog, then there is no need to introduce salt. This rule acts only if offal and meat are given in raw form, that is, they are not boiled. 

Salt food to the dog or not:

  • Many fans of natural nutrition claim that wild breeds did not use salt. Many note that the dogs that guarded the sheep were constantly with shepherds, practically without receiving food. 
  • Almost everything that they eaten was of natural origin. These are small animals, insects. Often the shepherds fed their assistants with cakes moistened in serum. Accordingly, in such food, salt was present in large quantities. 
  • If the dog is on factory feeding, then you do not need to salt. If from the table, while you feed the dog with goodies, additionally, salt that you cook, you do not need to add. If you strictly follow the diet of the dog, you do not even give anything as an encouragement from your table, then salt must be added only in a small amount, about 3 times less than you add to yourself.

Do the dog add to the dog: reviews

If you additionally give the dog the vitamins that the veterinarian prescribed, there is no need to introduce salt. Usually chlorine, as well as sodium in the required quantities are contained in vitamin preparations. Below you can find the reviews of dog owners.

Do you add salt to the dog, reviews:

Evgeniy. I have a German shepherd, so I cook food on my own. I do not buy food, I consider it not the highest quality. Food is not in salt, since often in the diet of my girl there is a large amount of raw meat. I think that my dog \u200b\u200bfeels great, it is not necessary to introduce salt. 

Elena, owner of Beijes. I get food for my dog, extremely rarely give goodies from the table, such as cheese and sausage. I try not to abuse, since once my zhuzha was poisoned from such food. Food is not to salt, I feed mainly with food. 

Alexey, owner of Husky. When he started a dog, he had no idea that there would be a large number of questions and problems. Initially, they kept the dog at the stern, but then the financial situation worsened, now we cook on our own. Often we introduce raw meat. Food a little salt. I add a very small pinch, 3 times less than myself. The dog is healthy. 


As you can see, the responsibility for the health of the pets lies with their owners. Everyone independently decides whether the dog needs to give salt or not. Veterinarians, as well as experts did not come to a consensus, regarding the additional introduction of salt into the diet of a dog. 

Video: salt food to the dog

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