Women's name Barbara, Varya: Name options. What can you call Barbara, I cook differently?

Women's name Barbara, Varya: Name options. What can you call Barbara, I cook differently?

The female name Barbara is an old beautiful name. There are in different forms and almost all countries of the world.

Surely everyone knows the heroine of the fairy-tale Soviet film “Barbara-Beauty, a long braid”, the brave Varya Sinichkina from the painting “The meeting place cannot be changed”. Varys called both characters of folk tales, and heroes of books, famous actresses, poets and athletes. And in modern parents this name is popular.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

From the article below, you will find out what forms have the name Varya, Barbaraas well as about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Barbara name, Varya: meaning, origin

Barbara name, Varya: meaning
Barbara name, Varya: meaning

On the right to be considered the homeland of the name Barbara Three ancient civilizations may claim.

  1. The first of them is the Holy Roman Empire. The speech of strangers reminded its inhabitants the repeated sounds of the Var-War, so all the people who communicated in the languages \u200b\u200bincomprehensible to the Romans began to be called "barbarus." Over time, this word was transformed into a name, but the meaning of “foreigner”, “foreigner”, “savage” remained.
  2. The ancient Hellenes, according to legends, called barbarians of all representatives of less developed crops. The literal translation of the word "barbarian" from Greek - "rude", "cruel".
  3. According to the third version, name Barbara It appeared in the east and contained the root "Var", which meant "protection", "loyalty".

The name came from Byzantium and was entrenched in the Orthodox saints to Russia. The heavenly patroness of all the barbarian began to consider the Christian great martyr Varvar Iliopol.

The name Barbara, Varya: What will be the full name?

The full name of Vari - Barbara. It is in this form that it is recorded in the passport and other official documents. In combination with the middle name, the full version of this adhesion is also used.

Barbara name, Varya-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

The most unusual and interesting synonyms of the name are formed from the complete - Barbara. Varia can be called such beautiful forms - a barbarian or barbar. Another option, somewhat unusual, but consonant with a friend of “Anyuta” - “Varuta”. However, the owners of this name themselves often prefer a simple form " Varya»To everyone else. In a different way, the owners of this adherence are also called the synonym names-Barbara, Barba.

Barbara name, Varya: Brief form of the name

Name Barbara It contains combinations of sounds that can be not easy to pronounce, especially small children. Therefore, having undergone a number of transformations, " Barbara»Reduced to such short options:

  • Varya
  • Vara
  • Ara
  • Arya
  • Vava

Most often, such forms of the name are used by kids or close friends Var.

Barbara name, Varya: affectionate form

Gently call it Barbara You can one of these names:

  • Varushechka
  • Varenka
  • Varechka

Some Varya will also be pleasant to such appeals:

  • Varyulchik
  • Varyunchik

And relatives usually actively use forms in speech:

  • Varyulenka
  • Warm
  • Varunya
Barbara name, Varya: affectionate form
Barbara name, Varya: affectionate form

Barbara name, Varya: Squeezing Form

Reducing forms of the name Barbara It is better to use it carefully: some of them sound rudely and can offend the girl. However, from the lips of friends or good acquaintances, they will sound quite acceptable:

  • "Varyukha"
  • "Varvarka"
  • "Varka"
  • "Warcher"

A playful "barbaron" can have a little amuse a girl with this adversary.

Varvara name, Varya: Form of the name in Latin

Named Barbara looks like that: Varvara. This form can be found in passports, in tickets and landing coupons. It is important that abbreviated Varya In official documents it is not transliterated.

How to write the name Barbara, Varya in Ukrainian?

Ukrainian version of the name Barbara It is no different from Russian. Both writing and pronunciation in Russian and Ukrainian completely coincide. Also, the diminutive-abominative forms of the name of the name do not undergo any changes.

How to write the name Barbara, Varya in Japanese?

To translate the Russian name into Japanese, they use the transliteration system developed by the Soviet scientist E.D. Polivanov. Barbara in Japanese:

Barbara name, Varya in Japanese
Barbara name, Varya in Japanese

Translated means "cruel." Moreover, Russian letters recorded not the sounds that the Japanese would say, but the names of the Japanese symbols.

How to write the name Barbara, Varya in French?

In French, you can find two options for writing the name Barbara: Full " Barbara"And abbreviated" Barbe". Also common in Western Europe, analogues of the Russian name are considered:

  • Babetta
  • Barb
  • Barbi

The stress in all words, of course, falls on the last syllable.

How to write the name Barbara, Varya in English?

In Europe, in England and America, name Barbara transliterated using the letter "B": Barbara, Barbie. This happened because the Christian "barbar" came to them from the Romans, from the Latin language. In it, the letter “B” was called “beta” and transmitted the sound [b]. But in the eastern part of Eurasia, where Barbara’s name came along with Christianity from Byzantium, in the pronunciation of the name the sound usual [in] has been preserved.

How to write the name Barbara, Varya in German?

There are three forms of name in German Varya. The first, complete and official " Barbara", Use in documents and when addressing unfamiliar people. Less formal "Barbe" more often found in friendly communication, and affectionate "Barbel" Mostly consumed with the family.

Sound name Barbara They gave girls at all times. At the end of the 18th century, such a girl could meet in the society of noble nobles, then Vari appeared among merchants and peasants. But at the beginning of the 20th century, this name ceased to seem so attractive. Representatives of the intelligentsia considered him rude and stopped giving him to their daughters. Only by the end of the century the name Varya I fell in love with the public again and to this day does not lose ground.

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