Women's name Alena: Options of the name. What can you call Alena differently?

Women's name Alena: Options of the name. What can you call Alena differently?

The female name Alena is fabulous and beautiful. In its different forms, you can find tenderness, warmth and kindness.

Sunny and warm name Alyona We are familiar to us from ancient Russian fairy tales. It is also associated with a rosy large -eyed girl with a well -known chocolate. It is interesting that from different languages \u200b\u200bthis naming has different translations. For example, in Yakutsk, it means “rain that is noisy on the river”, translates from Jewish as “oak”, and “torch” from Greek. In the Belarusian language, Alena means "Scarlet Flower."

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From this article you will learn what other forms of Alena have, as well as what meaning and origin he has. Read further.

Name Alena: meaning, origin

Name Alena: meaning
Name Alena: meaning

Opinions about the origin of this name diverge, so we will consider some of them.

  • The first is that the name Alyona It is an Elena folk, non -church form, which, in turn, has Greek roots and has the meaning "Light", "illuminating".
  • The second version claims that this adherence appeared in Ancient Russia from the name of the pagan goddess of the rising sun and translated from the ancient Slavic language, as attractive, sprouting, spiritualized.
  • There is also a theory that this name came from the Caucasian tribes who called themselves Alans. Who, as their symbol, chose “Flame” and “Sword”. Based on this version, the name Alyona has the meaning "Scarlet", "fiery".

Nowadays, an increasing number of experts areproofing this naming on behalf of Elena and believe that each of them has its own significance and personal history. By the way, like many names, Alena There is a male version - Alain, not so popular, but having a place to be.

Name Alena: What will be the full name?

Of course, many people might think that the full version of the name Alyona Elena is, and some even use these naps that way. But Alyona It has no full shape. This navigation invariably remains Alena, in spite of any situations and forms.

Alena name-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Initially, the name Alyona It sounds nice and beautiful. But, of course, there are other no less good forms of this adversary. So, what can be called differently? For example, consider the following options:

  • Olena
  • Helen
  • Helen
  • Elena
  • Lean
  • Alya
  • Lesya
  • Lucy
  • Ali

Such versions will sound interesting, and distinguish from a number of other people of your acquaintances to whom you turn in this way.

Name Alena: Brief form of the name

What to call our familiar Alena With an informal meeting? As mentioned earlier, the name Alena is both a brief and full form. Also, owners of this adversation can be called this:

  • Lena
  • Helen
  • Lenusha
  • Lenusya
  • Lesya
  • Elena
  • Elya
  • Ate
  • Elyusha
  • Julus
  • Lucy
  • Elenka
  • Alenka
  • Alya

You can apply these versions to any of your good familiar ones with such an adversary.

Alena name: affectionate form

The affectionate forms of the name have an important role in our circulation. Such a variation of this name can be:

  • Alyonushka
  • Alchik
  • Lelya
  • Leka
  • Alik
  • Elya

Here are another options:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

You can safely use them in your speech, of course, if the owner of the name does not mind, since many people do not like it.

Name Alena: Squeezing Form

Often diminutive forms of names coincide with their affectionate and abbreviated versions. This situation did not bypass and name Alyona. You can use any of the above or use such forms as Alenka or Lelya. The choice of diminutive forms for this name is quite extensive to choose one to your liking.

Name Alena: Form of the name in Latin

One of the important aspects of modern life is documents, and many of them require a recording of the name Latin, since it is such a record that is understood in international space. Alyona With this record, it will be recorded as follows: Alena. It is this form that will be used in the passport and many other official papers. Just remember that personal data is written in large, in capital letters: Alena.

How to write the name Alena in Ukrainian?

In the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthere are many similar adversaries with each other, which may slightly differ in the intonation of pronunciation or used in their writing letters. Name Alyona It will look like this in Ukrainian: Olena, Alon. It will be pronounced with a small, but noticeable accent, different from Russian. A similar situation in other Slavic languages.

How to write the name Alena in Japanese?

How will it be pronounced and recorded in Japanese? In writing, the adversation looks like this:

Alena's name in Japanese
Alena's name in Japanese

It will sound like " ARENA". As we know the Rules pronunciation of sounds "L" and "R" In Japanese, it differs from ours, so the name well familiar to us may sound unusual and even exotic.

How to write the name Alena in French?

French is the language of love and tenderness. It is not for nothing that people go on a honeymoon in France and dream of visiting there in any case. When filling out documents in this country, a transfer of personal data may be needed. How to write a name Alyona French? This option:

  • "Allen"

This form is pronounced with all the features of this language.

How to write the name Alena in English?

English accompanies us everywhere. We study it at school, it can teach objects at the institute on it, and with its help we communicate with foreigners from other countries. This is an international language.

It is impossible to do without knowledge of this language. Especially if you fill out international documents and other papers. Name Alyona in English - "Alena". As well as in Latin.

How to write the name Alena in German?

Another important language that we cannot forget about is German. Many companies work with Germany, others go to rest in this country, etc. Writing a name Alyona For a German or a person learning German, it will look like "Aljona". This form is slightly similar to the English variation, and by sounds it repeats the Russian pronunciation, with an emphasis on "E".

Name Alyona - One of the most “Russian” names, it immediately evokes thoughts about the fairy tales that we read in childhood. It has many forms, types of spelling and even pronunciation. With the help of this article, any Alyona It can choose the form of their name to their liking, and their friends call them in any special way that both sides will like. And all the material above gives more than sufficient information about the name Alyona, its variations, writing in various languages \u200b\u200band use in life.

Video: The meaning of the name Alena: Karma, character and fate

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