Feminine name Tatyana, Tanya: Name options. How can Tatyana be called, Tanya is different?

Feminine name Tatyana, Tanya: Name options. How can Tatyana be called, Tanya is different?

The female name Tatyana is considered primordially Russian. But he has an interesting version of origin and many forms of sound and spelling.

Tatiana - A very popular name in Russia. It takes 4th place in the ranking of Russian names. 4% of Russians proudly call themselves Tatyana. The popularity of the name in Russia is an unusual reason written in the article below.

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Also from this article you will learn what forms of name exist Tatiana. It is interesting. It will be entertaining to learn about the meaning and pronunciation of the name. You do not even know how many versions of the origin of this name exists. Read further.

Name Tatyana, Tanya: meaning, origin

Name Tatyana, Tanya: meaning
Name Tatyana, Tanya: meaning

Experts study a couple of versions of the origin of this nation. In the first of them, it is assumed that the naming originates from Latin. This is the frequent case of a derivative of the derivative of a woman. For comparison, Julia came from the nasal of Julius. Tatiana, in our case, came from the name of the Sabinsky ruler of Titus. Full form - Tatiy. Women of this kind called Tatyanos, which, when translated, means "ruler from the Tatia family." In turn, Titus has such a translation: “venerable”, “honor”. From Roman is translated as “defender”, “honorary”.

Supporters of the second version build a name for ancient Greek origin. It is translated - “prescribe”, “install”, “determine”, “appoint”. Then the name from the ancient Greek has such a meaning as “organizer”, “founder”, because the Greek word “tatto” means “I put, establish, affirm”.

Name Tatyana, Tanya: What will be the full name?

Like most other names, in Russia it became known in the X century. This was due to baptism in 988, in which it was necessary to choose a name for the holy. But it did not become popular for a long time, it seemed exotic and was chosen only for girls of noble origin. The situation has changed thanks to Pushkin. He created the image of Tatyana Larina. I turned to her in full form - Tatiana. The name in the work seemed exotic, unusual and clearly contrasted by the name Olga. After the novel was released, the image of Tatyana became folk, associated with the best features of a Russian character and quickly spread to all classes.

It is worth noting that the name Tanya Two full forms. The use of one of them depends on the preferences of the parents or their religious beliefs. Traditionally for Catholics, this Tatiana, and for the Orthodox - Tatiana. Form exotic Tatyani.

Name Tatyana, Tanya-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

The name has a large Christian tradition, because it is revered both in Catholicism and in Orthodoxy. Orthodox option - Tatiana. Catholic - Tatiana - This is a very beautiful form of adherence. Even modern parents prefer to call their newborn daughters like that.

But it is worth noting with the confidence that all forms Tatyana Really beautiful. However, some sound especially exquisite, even pretentious. So, what can be called differently? These forms include:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

Other variations of adversary sounds easier.

Name Tatyana, Tanya: Brief form of the name

In informal communication, beautiful and full forms are rarely used. They are replaced by short forms. The most familiar to our country - Tanya. She is common, universal, she has no emotional connotations. Other shapes of form:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

They are more often emotionally painted, show a special attitude to the owner of the adults.

Name Tatyana, Tanya: affectionate form

Gently call it Tanya It is possible in different ways. These forms include:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

You can also call such girls, girls and women like this:

Name Tatyana, Tanya: affectionate form
Name Tatyana, Tanya: affectionate form

Often so called little girls, less often they turn to adult women in this way.

Name Tatyana, Tanya: a diminutive form

At the name Tatiana There are several diminutive shapes that will help to express respect for Tatyana. These are the forms of form:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

Of course, these forms are suitable for other options, for example, to an affectionate form.

Name Tatyana, Tanya: Form of the name in Latin

The male form of the name in Latin - Tatianus. Most likely, a female form came from her - Tatiana. By origin is associated with the name of the famous Sabin ruler - Titus tatius.

How to write the name Tatyana, Tanya in Ukrainian?

Name Tanya Popular in Ukrainian. It differs in sound and spelling. Recorded as Aunt. In Ukrainian there are specific forms of the name:

  • Aunt
  • Aunt
  • Aunt
  • Lurking
  • Tatsya
  • Tatsenka
  • Tacochka
  • Tatsunya

By the way, in this country, such adversary is considered their own. Previously, in Ukraine, children were called in situations. For example, if the family was revered, then a newborn girl was given a name Aunt.

How to write the name Tatyana, Tanya in Japanese?

Since the Japanese language does not belong to the European language, the translation of names into it is carried out based on significance. Etymological meaning Tatiana - Lord. Hieroglyphs are recorded as translated - Dzashiko.

Tatiana name in Japanese
Tatiana name in Japanese

How to write the name Tatyana, Tanya in French?

Russian naming is translated as French as French Tatiana. The French prefer a different form. It sounds and is written like this - Tatienne.

How to write the name Tatyana, Tanya in English?

For the British and Americans the name Tatiana perceived as Russian. The Catholic calendar is recorded - Tatiana. For English hearing is more familiar and dear Tanya, tanja.

How to write the name Tatyana, Tanya in German?

In German, the following options for writing the name are used: Tanja, Tanya, Tania. Squeezing forms are popular - Tani, Tanni, Tata. There was no such name in German, it was borrowed from Russian. The full name is recorded in three ways: Tatjana, tanja, tatiana.

In the adversary Tatiana Everything is fine: the combination of sonority and softness in the sound, the presence of complete and short forms, religiosity and literature of the name in the Russian version. It is no coincidence that it is popular and suitable for girls, girls and women. The holy Tatian is honored in our country. She is considered a student’s intercessor and in honor of her in the Russian Federation there is a student celebration entitled “Tatyana's Day”, which coincides with her names. It passes on January 25. The date is connected with the decree on the foundation of the Moscow Univer. It was signed by Empress Elizabeth personally.

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