Feminine name Polina, Fields: Variants of the name. What can you call Pauline, a field in a different way?

Feminine name Polina, Fields: Variants of the name. What can you call Pauline, a field in a different way?

The female name Polina is beautiful and original. Its forms help to call the owner affectionately and cute.

The name is what accompanies the personality of a person during her whole life. A person receives a name from the very first and most important people in his life - from parents, and goes with him in life, hand in hand.

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Owners of a beautiful name Pauline Incredibly cheerful and slightly impulsive personalities. Most often they choose the type of activity that will require great physical activity. There are many beautiful names in the world that denote and distinguish a person in a person, but in this article you will learn more about the specific female name of French origin - Pauline. Read further.

Polina name, fields: meaning, origin

Polina name: meaning
Polina name: meaning

This is a female name that has several meanings. There are 2 theories of origin:

  • The country of origin of the name Polina (Pauline) - France. If we consider the word from the point of view of science - phonetics, then it is a derivative of the male name Paul (Paul). And the name Paul originates from Latin "" paulus "what means "Little", "baby". If we consider this origin of the name fundamental, then Pauline denotes "Modest".
  • The second option-refers to myths and legends: the adversation originates from the name of the ancient Greek god of the sun Apolone (Assistant in art, the god of the sun and light, the leader and patron of muses and immigrants, the son of Zeus and Latons, one of the most revered gods of the Greek pantheon), which gives a name Pauline meaning "sunny". With this assumption of the origin of Polina’s adventure, this is one of the variants of the name Apollinaria.

With a similar version of the origin of calling Pauline Not everyone agrees. Selected experts assure that its roots are not from the ancient times, but in the 18-19th century. During this period, it was widespread in the Russian Empire to call children in French, which also made it possible for children to be “fashionable and modern”. It is believed that it was here and in this historical period that Pauline’s nasal appeared. There is also a less popular theory of origin, but no less exciting. This adversation also has Greek roots and translated means "Meaningful".

Polina's name, fields: What will be the full name?

Complete adherence sounds so - Pauline. He also has abbreviated options, but the full version remains the same. It is suitable if the conversation is official and does not require rapprochement with the interlocutor (at work/study, at the interview, meeting, etc.)

However, there is a rather exotic version of the full form of the name Polina - Apopoloria. On the territory of our country, it happens when the passport indicates this rare form of adherence, and in oral speech the owner of this excellent adherence is called more briefly: Pauline.

Other sources also report information about the brief and complete form of this name. Polina - independent, Russian, brief conversational form of the Greek, Latin name Apollinaria (with one letter "P"), female form of the name Apollinaris (Polinarius - Prev. Apollo, Apollonov).

Polina's name, fields-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

This name has quite a lot of beautiful forms that will be pleasant to the ear of the interlocutor with this name. So, what can you call it differently? Here are the options:

  • Pole
  • Polynochka
  • Pole
  • Pole
  • Lina
  • Fox

Below are described many other options, more interesting and beautiful. Read further.

Polina name, Fields: Brief form of the name

The most commonly used abbreviated version of the name is Fields. Man named Pauline You can also briefly be called:

  • Panya
  • Pan
  • Pusya
  • Lina
  • Pasha

Such options are suitable if the situation during the conversation is unofficial.

Polina name, fields: affectionate form

If you want to arouse in the interlocutor the most cute feelings and qualities during dialogue, you can use the following affectionate forms of pronunciation of the name:

  • Pulled
  • I am a sink
  • Linochka
  • Linushka
  • Pole
  • Paul
  • Polyusha
  • Fields
  • Pole
  • Panulya
  • Panylulya

You can come up with such variations yourself. They will be for you and your loved ones the kindest, most sweet and warming soul.

Polina name, fields: diminutive shape

At the name Pauline There are also diminutive forms: for example, Polinkaor Linochka. This option is most often used in a friendly conversation, when both participants in dialogue of the same age are in close relationships. You can also use the options that were described above. Pay attention to the following forms:

Polina Name: Squeezing Form
Polina Name: Squeezing Form

Polina name, Fields: Form of the name in Latin

Latin, as the language of the ancient Romans and a whole Indo -European language group, offers us the next variation of pronunciation Pauline -  Polina - From Latin paulus ("small", "baby").

How to write the name Polina, fields in Ukrainian?

The Ukrainian language, which is also part of the Indo-European language family, is located in the same group with the Russian language (Slavic-East) and offers the following variation of writing and pronouncing the adults Pauline:

Polina name in Ukrainian
Polina name in Ukrainian

How to write the name Polina, fields in Japanese?

Japanese, not related to the Indo -European language family, and is quite exotic for Russian -speaking people, gives such an pronunciation Pauline:

Polina's name in Japanese
Polina's name in Japanese

In the Russian language, the Japanese version of writing and pronunciation of calling sounds like this: Porina.

How to write the name of Polina, field fields?

In French, like the ancestor of the adult Pauline, this name is written as Pauline. Read how Polin (POPO).

How to write the name Polina, fields in English?

English is international. Many know him, and they have to use it in everyday life. Someone is talking with his help at work, others communicate with English-speaking friends, etc. Therefore, you often need to know how, for example, personal data are written.

English gives the same option for writing a name as French - Pauline (Lina). Pronounced as Polina (Lina).

How to write the name Polina, field fields?

The Germans write the name as in English - Pauline (Pauli). Pronounce somewhat differently - Paulin (Pauli).

In the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl: "The name of a person is allegorically his quality, and therefore glory or fame, dignity". The name can be judged by a person. No wonder they say: "As you call the ship, so it will float." So by calling the girl the name of Polina, you give her such qualities as ambitiousness, willpower, dedication along with sociability and sociability. This is also a rather commonplace and bored with a Russian -speaking person. However, at the same time it is relatively rare, which makes it noticeable and does not give the owner of this name “getting lost in the crowd”.

Video: The meaning of the name of Polina - Karma, character and fate

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