Feminine name Arina: Variants of the name. What can you call Arina differently?

Feminine name Arina: Variants of the name. What can you call Arina differently?

The female name Arina is unusual and beautiful. Even more interesting is his form and origin.

Girls with the name as Arina,smash and dynamic, with bright temperament. It is easy to make friends with such ladies, but, unfortunately, things can be done very hard. Such a girl almost in any case fights for her business to the end and defends her point of view to the last.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". You will learn how it affects the decoding of numerological significance.

Let's try to figure out the origin of the name Arina, in his significance, and also deal with various forms of this adversary. Read further.

Name Arina: meaning, origin

Name Arina: meaning
Name Arina: meaning

Like other names, Arina There are several options for origin.

  • According to one of the very first version and the most recognized, this is one of the options for outdated pronunciation name Irina. If you translate from Greek, then in the end we will receive: "Calm", "peace". In myths about ancient Greece, there is such a goddess as Eirena. It was from here that the name Irina came, and even later - Arina.
  • Another version is a name Arina It is connected with the name of the main Slavic hero - the god Yarilo. From here it went.
  • There is another version that states that Arina - This is a female form of male Jewish Aaronwhich means translated: "Mentor", "seer", "elevated", "bright mountain".

In Orthodoxy, such a name is not used, but it is similar to a more obsolete name Irina. Therefore, with the baptism of their child, parents can take the second name of the girl, that is, more obsolete and not particularly popular - Irina. Such a name as Arina Now it is very popular with newborn children in Russia. The mystery of this advent is in cheerfulness, caring, goodwill and absolute confidence.

Name Arina: What will be the full name?

When we want to turn to a person more officially, we can start a dialogue by naming a full name. At the name Arina This will be its full shape.

The name Arina-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

In the original, the name Arina It sounds original, but let's look at what other beautiful forms of the name will be. For example, women with such an adversary can be called differently:

  • Arisha
  • Rina
  • Irene
  • Irena
  • Yarina
  • Irena
  • Erina
  • Irina
  • Orina
  • Irinia
  • Aryanda
  • Irene
  • Aryna
  • Irinia

There are still options below. Read further.

Name Arina: Brief form of the name

You can call the name in a completely different way Arina, for this it is worth applying a short form. There are a lot of similar options for such an adherence. The most popular are collected here. Here are a few of them:

  • Ira
  • Arya
  • Arch
  • Rena
  • Rina

There are also such short forms:

  • Arinka
  • Arisha
  • Aryuha
  • Aryusha
  • Irunya
  • Irusya
  • Irusha
  • Irinka
  • Irisha
  • Arysia
  • Arina
  • Arishka
  • Rinka

Many people use abbreviated forms instead of affectionate. Fill this list with other options. Read further.

Name Arina: affectionate form

When we turn to a girl by name Arina, we can apply an affectionate form. Naturally, it is impossible to leave such options without proper attention. If you need to treat tenderness, without any officials, then such affectionate forms of this name are suitable:

  • Arishka
  • Areshka
  • Arishenka
  • Arishechka
  • Arik
  • Arishik
  • Arysia
  • Arinochka
  • Arishechka
  • Arusia
  • Arinulka
  • Arrino
  • Arinulya
  • Rinulik
  • Aryusha

You can come up with your original options that will be the most cute and unique.

Name Arina: a diminutive form

A few more name options Arinabut in a diminutive form. These are also tender and cute variations with which you can call children, favorite second halves and just women. These options:

  • Arik
  • Arya
  • Ira
  • Rena
  • Arysia
  • Rina
  • Arysia
  • Irene
  • Rena
  • Rinka
  • Rinke
  • Rinny
  • Ari
  • Arch
  • Arisik
  • Aryuha
  • Irusha
  • Arina

This is all a diminutive form of such an amazing advent. It is worth noting that such options for any name, whether female or male, coincide with an affectionate form. A very curious fact.

Name Arina: Form of the name in Latin

In Latin Arina will be written " Arina "and translate: "Christian". It is worth noting that in this option, personal data may be needed when filling out some official documents. But remember that in this case the name is written in large, capital letters: Arina.

How to write the name Arina in Ukrainian?

In Slavic countries, there are many names that are similar to each other, but they can slightly differ from each other in intonation or in the use of letters. In order to write such a beautiful and unusual name in Ukrainian, you do not need to have any special skills. But the naming will sound a little different.

  • Arina It will be written like this: Orias

It will be pronounced with an insignificant accent, after the letter "R" Speaking "Y". This situation is similar to other Slavic languages.

How to write the name Arina in Japanese?

Japanese is of interest among many people. It is very beautiful and unusual, since in the letter all the words and letters “lie down” on paper with the help of unique hieroglyphs. This is how the name will be written Arina In Japanese:

The name Arina in Japanese
The name Arina in Japanese

How to write the name Arina in French?

Do not forget about French, which plays an important role in the history of the origin of almost all names. France is a country of people in love. She has a magical and beautiful capital. In French in question Arina will be written as follows:

The name Arina is in French
The name Arina is in French

How to write the name Arina in English?

In the most popular language, which in the modern world cannot be dispensed with, writing names and knowledge of forms, is very important. In English, this name is written like this: Arina. It is very easily remembered and pronounced.

How to write the name Arina in German?

But you should not forget about one more important language, about German. Writing the name Arina in German will be like this: Arina. You can still pronounce and write like this: Irene. The second option is written in almost the same way as in English, but it will sound like this: Irene. By the way, in Spanish and the spelling and sound of the name Arina will be the identical German.

So, summing up the results of today's topic, which was touched upon as part of this text, we can say the following: name Arina Popular today not only in Russia, but also abroad. It is also known in Kazakhstan, Belarus, as well as in other countries of the CIS, Europe, etc., a lot of girls are now named with a name. It is suitable for a sociable, creative, bright girl who knows exactly what he wants from this life. The roots of origin go deeper and are of Greek origin, but some experts believe that this name also has Russian -speaking roots.

Video: The meaning of the name Arina is the secret of the name

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