The female name Alice-as can be called differently: forms of name

The female name Alice-as can be called differently: forms of name

The female name Alice is fabulous and beautiful. He has many interesting forms and translation options.

A popular name, they are often called girls, find it very beautiful. He has a smooth sound, many forms. It is good for Russian patronics.

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From this article you will learn about the meaning and origin of the name of Alice, and we will also talk about the forms of this advent. Read further.

Alice's name: meaning, origin

Alice's name: meaning
Alice's name: meaning

There is an assumption that Alice Reduced from Elizabeth. In Russian, this is Elizabeth, "reverers of God." The name came from the Latin language, its meaning "wings". They are a symbol of the desire to achieve goals, glory, success. Perhaps that is why it appeared. One of the versions that the name is coherent with the Greek Callist or possibly formed from aletheia in translation "true".

More inclined to the probability of what came from French Aalis. Its ancestors are considered it ADELAIDE - French version of the name, emerging from the ancient German Adalheid - "The noble estate." Any version has the right to exist.

Alice's name: What will be the full name?

Alice - full name. And he has forms that have also become independent names. For example: Lola, ala, fox. The name itself is also continued to be used as an abbreviated form. In the Orthodox calendar, the name is not mentioned, and in the Catholic there are three appeals. When baptized, they offer to choose Adelaide or Alexander.

Alice's name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

You can choose a different form for the name thanks to different languages \u200b\u200band countries where it is accepted. What can be called differently? Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Ales
  • Alicia
  • Aliz
  • Ally
  • Liisa
  • Ailis
  • Alicia
  • Alich
  • Alicin
  • Lilika

Choosing a beautiful sound will not be difficult, preserving in the form of a diminutive shape Alice.

Alice's name: Brief form of the name

Some like conciseness. And if you consider your name too long in pronunciation or tender, so use short forms:

  • Alya
  • Alice
  • Alice
  • Elish
  • Fox
  • Alex
  • Isa

Such types of name are selected by creative people as pseudonyms.

Alice's name: affectionate form

Certain associations with this name often arise. Tales of Lewis Carroll, Kira Bulycheva, where the main character is a little girl Alice. Apparently, from childhood, parents come to name the daughter so. And come up with the name of affectionate forms:

  • Alison
  • Alisochka
  • Lisunya
  • Alechka
  • Alsik
  • Alisyusha
  • Fox

The affectionate name for the child is an opportunity to come up with it by himself, making it unique and special.

Alice's name: diminutive form

Friendly communication has to call a girlfriend not a complete name Alice, and come up with something tender and special, causing the response of the hostess of the name. Here is a diminutive form of adversation:

  • Lisi
  • Alisha
  • Ala
  • Alka
  • Aili
  • Lexa
  • Eli
  • Alex
  • Leaf
  • Listesha
  • Lysesha
  • Alisite

In any case, you should ask whether it can be called that or not.

Name Alice: Form of the name in Latin

It is believed that the name was formed from the Latin root "Ales" And it matters "Angel" -  "Inspired". In modern spelling in Latin - Alisa.

How to write a name in Ukrainian?

In writing names, the Ukrainian language is very similar to Russian and other Slavic languages. They can only have minor discrepancies. Sounds Alice, As in Russian. Written with the replacement of the letter "and" On Ukrainian "I".

How to write the name Alice in Japanese?

To begin with, let's pay attention to the sound of the name. Alice in Japanese is pronounced as Arisa or Arisa. In Japan, the name will be translated to katakan - The alphabet for writing foreign words and names.

Alice's name in Japanese
Alice's name in Japanese

But, if the hieroglyph, Alice, will sound to each letter of the name, will sound Eidzokumi. But, of course, the Japanese will not call you that.

How to write the name Alice in French?

Translated from the Russian language in French, the name Alice can be written like this:

  • Alisa
  • Alicia
  • Alyssa
  • Alissa

In French, the name is written and sounds in the following versions:

  • Alizee - Alise
  • Licette - Lisett
  • Alison - Alizon
  • Alice - Alice

Many people use these options as nicknames for social networks or pseudonyms.

How to write the name Alice in English?

If you need to fill out the documents, you will need to write a name in English. According to the rules of transliteration used to translate own names, Russian letters are transferred to Latin. We get - Alisa. In English, the name is written in several more versions:

  • Alise - Translated Alice
  • Alison - the name is preserved from the Middle Ages, Alison
  • Alicia - Elisha

Reducing for these names will be: Ellie, Eli and Lisha.

How to write the name Alice in German?

In German, there is a small difficulty with translation:

  • Alise - translates like Alice, but Alice sounds.
  • Alissa - according to the Rule of Reading, there will be Russian Alice, but there is no such name.
  • Alisa - if the registration of the child was in Russia, then in the passport the name will be written like this. But in German it will be pronounced Alice.
  • Alissa - the closest in sound to Russian pronunciation, doubled “S” is read as Russian “C”. And just “s” will be “z”, then Alice will sound alice.

In German, you can meet:

  • Alix - Alix
  • Alice - Alice

Such confusion occurs only when reading, if you call the name correctly when communicating, there will be no problems.

Video: The meaning of the name Alice is karma, character and fate

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