The female name is Lyudmila, Luda: Variants of the name. What can I call Lyudmila, Luda differently?

The female name is Lyudmila, Luda: Variants of the name. What can I call Lyudmila, Luda differently?

The female name Lyudmila is sonorous and unique. He has beautiful derivatives in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

The name for any person is something important. After all, he has been next to him all his life - in childhood, youth, adult life, old age. Each adherence has derivatives that make the appeal more cute, gentle, adding love and a positive attitude to the conversation.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

From this article you will learn about the meaning and origin of the name Lyudmila. We will also tell you what forms of this nationwide exist. It is interesting. Read further.

The name of Lyudmila, Luda: meaning, origin

Name Lyudmila, Luda: meaning
Name Lyudmila, Luda: meaning

The well -known name well known to many has received special prevalence in the last century, in the era of romanticism. It gained popularity not so much because of its sonority and simplicity, but thanks to literary works, such as the ballad of Zhukovsky "Lyudmila".

This is the name of Slavic origin. As with other Russian names, in order to understand its meaning, you should turn to lexicology or morphemic, in particular: "People-Mila" - means, "People Mila".

The name Lyudmila, Luda: What will be the full name?

Short name from "Lyudmila" obviously - Luda. But the one who first meets with a girl named Luda will not always be able to guess that the full form of this name is Lyudmila, since the second conditional part of the word is completely cut off. This will seem especially surprising to foreigners.

There is another case when, with ignorance, it is impossible to guess the full form of this adversation - when the usual brief form "Mila". The reason is the same: the conditional forming part of the word disappears. Therefore, you need to remember that the full form of names Luda and Mila - this is Lyudmila. It is also official and is indicated in personal documents.

The name of Lyudmila, Luda-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

Despite simplicity, a relatively large number of forms can be formed from this name. So, what can be called differently? The sweetest, beautiful, not causing any difficulties in pronouncing the form of the name:

  • Lucy
  • Mila
  • Ludasha
  • Milasha
  • Darling

The first two forms can also be attributed to the category of brief and affectionate. This is usually called girls who are treated with love and affection.

It is worth noting: Derivative form Mila It is also a reduction from other names - Milan, Milena, Miloslav.

Name Lyudmila, Luda: Brief form of the name

In addition to the above derivatives, there are other shortened variants of the name Lyudmila. The most famous - Luda. Less common:

  • Mile
  • Lulia
  • Mika

They are used by the people quite rarely. Due to the simplified sound series, they are similar to short forms of other names, for example, “Lelya” - on behalf of Olga.

Name Lyudmila, Luda: affectionate form

The affectionate formations of names are almost always distinguished by special suffixes "–ASha", "–Yusha", "—enka"And others. However, short forms can be considered reducing or affectionate.

Options with affectionate forms:

  • Ludasha
  • Lyudochka
  • Milasha
  • Darling
  • Milusha
  • Milus
  • Lucisha
  • Ludusha
  • Ludasya
  • Lucy
  • Lyusenka
  • Lusechka
  • Mila
  • Lyudmilka
  • Lyudmichka

Names are used in this form infrequently due to emotional connotation and not always an obvious way of education. Those who first encountered these names may not recognize the basis in them.

Name Lyudmila, Luda: a diminutive form

The diminutive form is related to affectionate. To indicate the age of the girl or her external characteristics using the name, you can use brief forms, some options for affectionate, as well as the following:

  • Lyudmilka
  • Ludonka
  • Darling
  • Milka
  • Milka

Some find formations with the suffix "–K" rude or chin and prefer to avoid such forms. But such derivatives still sound unusual and beautiful. Here are still interesting and original options:

  • People
  • Luduk
  • Lyudochka
  • Lyudushka
  • Ludasik
  • Lucy
  • Lucien
  • Mila
  • Cute
  • Lyudmilushka
  • Milushka
  • Ludasya
  • Ludasha

At the name Lyudmila quite diverse forms, but the most recognizable remains "Luda". This is the simplest and most familiar derivative of this name.

Name Lyudmila, Luda: Form of the name in Latin

As personal data, passwords on many IA Internet resources, bank cards, foreign passports and tickets, a Latin name of the name is required. In this case, two options are possible:

  • Liudmila - according to the established rules
  • Lyudmila - In informal correspondence or personal unofficial accounts

The same methods can be attracted in the languages \u200b\u200bof the German group: English, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and others, as well as the Romanesque group: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and others.

How to write the name Lyudmila, Luda in Ukrainian?

Ukrainian and Russian languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the East Slavic language group, so the writing of many names of its own does not change or changes slightly (1-3 letters, as a rule, vowels). Name Lyudmila saves each of its letters, is written "Lyudmila".

When translating into the languages \u200b\u200bof the same group, the sound-considerable series can undergo minor changes or completely avoid them. With the languages \u200b\u200bof other groups and families, the situation is different.

How to write the name Lyudmila, Luda in Japanese?

In Japanese, the Russian name can completely change in sound. A person who does not know the grammar of this foreign language will not determine the well -known Russian name by ear. Hieroglyphs are written as follows:

Lyudmila name in Japanese
Lyudmila name in Japanese

It sounds something like this: “Ryudomir” or “Ruda”.

How to write the name Lyudmila, Luda in French?

In French, writing is almost no different from Latin: Lyudmila. A simplified version of transliteration is also possible - Ludmila, whose reading is not entirely true, due to the question of the softness of sounds. In France there is a common option from a brief name - Lucie, with a characteristic emphasis on the last syllable. In some cases, it is also used in English-speaking countries.

How to write the name Lyudmila, Luda in English?

English spelling of the name Lyudmila - This is Latin and, according to the spelling standard, the right option would be Lyudmila. That's just English spelling involves the use of a softening letter "U". So it will be considered true and Lyudmila. Disputes are still underway, but this issue is not fateful or fatal, so there may not be the only true option in both countries. In extreme cases, it is allowed to replace vowels "IU" On the apostrophe.

How to write the name Lyudmila, people in German?

German spelling involves the option Lyudmila. However, the absence of the letter is also considered permissible "U". Some prefer to completely change the name to the official and complete Mila - Mila. In transliteration, there is a place of assumption, since the pronunciation of sounds is not always possible to unambiguously convey in a letter to another language group.

Thus a simple and popular name Lyudmila It can take various forms in both Russian and other languages.

Video: The meaning of the name Lyudmila - Karma, character and fate

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