Female name Love, Lyuba: Options of the name. What can you call love, Lyuba is different?

Female name Love, Lyuba: Options of the name. What can you call love, Lyuba is different?

The female name Love is tender and sweet. It appeared a long time ago, but still popular.

Love - One of the most common and beautiful female names in Russia. It means "beloved", "born of love." Who does not know Lyubochka? Everyone knows Lyuba! And although this name is enough for many years, it has not yet lost its relevance - and to this day you can easily meet the charming carrier of this name.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

Let's talk in more detail about how to contact a girl or woman named Love, if you happened to meet her. So, the article below describes the name Love. What are the forms of this adherence, what is the meaning and origin? Read further.

Name Love, Lyuba: meaning, origin

Name Love, Lyuba: meaning
Name Love, Lyuba: meaning

Love is the female Russian name of Old Slavonic origin. It is believed that it appeared as a result of borrowing a literal translation of the ancient Greek name Agapa (or Agapia).

As a personal name, it appeared about the 9th century during the translation of liturgical books from the ancient Greek language to the Church Slavonic. The history of the appearance of this advent is associated with the history of three sisters - faith, hopes and love, considered Christian martyrs. The girls lived in the II century. And they were brutally executed for their love for God. The youngest according to legend was only 9 liters. It was she who called with love.

It is worth knowing: Many believe that this name is one of the first to appear in Russia after its baptism in 988. Perhaps this is true.

Name Love, Lyuba: What will be the full name?

It will be a complete name Love. It is worth noting that this full form is also church. This name is present in the Orthodox calendar (the list of saints, which is honored by the Christian Orthodox Church), therefore, the baby can be called such an adversary at baptism.

Name Love, Lyuba-As you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

At the name Love There are several synonyms that unites the root “love”, which means “beloved”. This adolescence and synonyms with a common root, which are translated as a "beloved". You can classify names such as Lyuboslav, Lyubomir, Lyubomila. These names are of Slavic origin, but in Russia are not common.

What else can you call it differently? Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Lyubava
  • Love
  • Lyubasha
  • Anyu

Below are even more options. Read further.

Name Love, Lyuba: Brief form of the name

The simplest reduction in the adversary Love The well -known will be Lyuba. More informal and somewhat rude options are Lyubka and Lyubaha - Immediately a certain image of a strong and independent Russian peasant woman or just a brisk girl draws up. More affectionate brief forms are Lucy and Busya. You can use such brief forms of the name:

  • Liu
  • Love
  • Fishing
  • Fishing
  • Admire
  • Lubtsya
  • Loveokha
  • Lovella

Abbreviated options are usually called family or friends. It is important that the owner of the name herself is not against.

Name Love, Lyuba: affectionate form

Name Love It is for good reason that many with a sense of tenderness and beauty are associated. The affectionate appeal to the owner of the adult, which allows you to express warm feelings, also promotes this. Among the most common affectionate forms, the following are distinguished:

  • Lyubonka
  • Lyubusha
  • Lyubun
  • Lyubunechka
  • Lyubusenka
  • Lyubusechka

Still study this list:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

The first version of the affectionate form of adhesion often sounds in songs and verses with it. For example, the famous composition of the group “Masha and Bears” - “Lyubochka”.

Name Love, Lyuba: a diminutive form

The diminutive form of adversary is also used with the most native people. But friends can also call it. Here are options for the name Love, Lyuba:

  • Love
  • Love
  • Lubtsya
  • Lyubina
  • Lyubasik
  • Lyubeha
  • Lyubchik
  • Lyubuchik
  • Love
  • Lyubantius
  • Lyubanichka

As diminutive options, both affectionate and short forms can be used. But there are still forms in Latin. Read further.

Name Love, Lyuba: Form of the name in Latin

"Amor Vincit OMNIA" - "Love defeats everything". In this quote, we are talking about feeling, and not about a lady by name Love. In Latin, this naming is written as Liubov -according to the rules of transliteration. The form " Lyuba " In Latin, it will also be simple - Lyuba.

How to write the name Love, Lyuba in Ukrainian?

Since the adoption Love It is Slavic by origin, in Ukrainian it is written similarly to the Russian spelling - just without a soft sign at the end: Love. The name Lyuba will remain any. Squeezing in Ukraine will be- Lyubunka, Lyubochka, Lyubusya, Lyubka, Lubtsia.

How to write the name Love, Lyuba in Japanese?

But what will they call Lyuba in the country of the rising sun, traditions and paper cranes? In Japanese there is an analogue of the name Love - AI (or AI). Denoted by a hieroglyph:

Love in Japanese
Love in Japanese
  • Literally such a hieroglyph means "love".
  • However, as a general rule, their own names are not translated, but transmitted using the rules of transliteration and transcription.
  • Therefore, in Japanese, this names will be indicated as follows:
Love name in Japanese
Love name in Japanese
  • Pronounced as a “ruble”, the letters “email” in Japanese are not.
  • The name Lyuba will be written a little shorter:
Lyuba name in Japanese
Lyuba name in Japanese

This form of the name in Japanese is pronounced as follows: "Ru-ba."

How to write the name Love, Lyuba in French?

In French - the language of love, as in many others, there is no accurate corresponding advent Lyuba, love. When we talk about love as a feeling, we use the famous French word l’Amour. And what about us with a female name? Transcription and transliteration come to the rescue again. In French, the name will be designated as Liouubov. Brief form - Lyuba - will be written like this: LiOuba.

How to write the name Love, Lyuba in English?

On the foggy Albion, the Russian beauty will simply be called love Lubov (love). In English, there is no soft sign, so it will sound a little harder. But for a brief form you will already need the letter "y" to show a soft sound Lyuba (It will be pronounced so - "Lyuba").

How to write the name Love, Lyuba in German?

The German language is considered rude, but for the word form “Love” there is a beautiful designation in it - Liebe. Analogue for Russian navigation Love Again, there is no German in German, so we use transliteration. For this naming, writing will be the same as in English - Lubov. A brief form is written even easier - Luba.

All female names are beautiful in their own way, and the name Love is no exception. His consonance with one of the most beautiful human feelings makes him special. This name was often used by various authors in fiction. So, for example, love was called the heroine of Alexander Fadeev’s novel “The Young Guard”, any-the heroine of the poem by Sergey Mikhalkov, Lyubka-the heroine-spray from the novel by Dina Rubina. Many well -known personalities wear this, for example, Lyubov Grigoryevna Polishchuk - People's Artist of Russia, who debuted in the 1977 film “Twelve Chairs”.

Video: The meaning of the name Love - Karma, character and fate

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