Kira female name: Name options. How can Kira be called differently?

Kira female name: Name options. How can Kira be called differently?

The female name Kira - sounds beautifully and simply written, even in foreign languages.

Nowadays you will not meet the girl who is called so often KiraAlthough this name is certainly very beautiful and strong. In the ranking of popular names, Kira It is located in 25-27 positions and falls on statistics for 10-11 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

Among the famous people who bore this name, Kira Knightley (the English film actress), K. Ivanov (Soviet skater), K. Chaplin (granddaughter of the English actor and director Charlie Chaplin) can be distinguished. Let's analyze where this is a majestic name from, what forms wears and where is popular. Read further.

Kira name: meaning, origin

Kira name: meaning
Kira name: meaning

The history of this beautiful name remains a mystery to this day.

  • According to one version, it has Persian roots, a derivative of the male “kurush”, meaning “sunlight of light”, “throne”, “lord of the world”, “guide”. Therefore, you can be sure that the designation of the adults is associated with something bright and warm.
  • In eastern culture, this form of the name came from Sanskrit and it sounded like a kiran.
  • According to the third version, the name of Kir came from the Greek female “Kiriya”, “Curios”, derived from the male “Kiros”, translated “Lord” or “Mr.”, “Lord”.
  • According to one more version, “Kyuros” means “power”, “strength”, “law”.
  • In the Russian version, the sound "Kir" has a large strong message. Therefore, this name is of vivid personalities.
  • In ancient Greek mythology, the name of Cyren was called the beloved of the god Apollo.
  • There is another designation of the name in Irish, Kira means “dark -haired”, “dark”.

It is impossible to accurately say that one of the versions of the origin of this name is the only true one, just like a designation or translation. Everyone chooses a meaning to their liking.

Kira name: What will be the full name?

In Russian, the form of the name Kira It is a brief sound of female Cyril or Kiriakia, but more often acts as an independent full name. Although in other countries there are more multifaceted forms, for example, such as:

  • Shakira
  • Kiara
  • Kerker
  • Kiriakia
  • Chiara
  • Shekira
  • Shakura
  • Sira
  • Siara
  • Chira

Also a name Kira - This is a brief form of such male adversaries:

Male names for which Kira is a short form
Male names for which Kira is a short form

In Bulgarian, this naming is used as an abbreviated form to the following options: Kiralina and Kirien. In the Russian language, Kira is a complete form of the name. Below are even more forms of adherence. Read further.

Kira name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of names

The Russian language has only a few derivatives from this name. This means that a person can be called any of the options that will most likely have a diminutive form. Since this name itself has a simple morphemic composition. What can be called differently?

You can hear the following arrangement options:

  • Sira
  • Chira
  • Sirus
  • Kirra
  • Kiryaha
  • Kirusya

Below you will find different forms of this adversary. Read further.

Kira name: Brief form of the name

Only the male form has a more short form for this name "Cyrus". However, in colloquial speech, such an option is often used as an appeal to women. You can use the following options:

  • Pick
  • Kirusya
  • Kirusha
  • Rusha
  • Kirya

You can use affectionate or diminutive as a short form. Read further.

Kira name: affectionate form

As we see, this short form of the name has many forming and options. It is used as an independent name, and as a diminutive form of more complex advents. Now Kira is gaining popularity again, it becomes fashionable.

The affectionate form of the name is formed by connecting various endings. For example, the following options are obtained:

  • Kirusya
  • Kirisha
  • Kirochka
  • Pick
  • Kirusha
  • Kironka
  • Kirinka
  • Kirulya
  • Kirik
  • Kiryushka
  • Cyrena
  • Kirusik
  • Ryusha
  • Kirilka
  • Kiruha
  • Kiryash
  • Kirya
  • Kiryunya
  • Kirulka
  • Cyril
  • Kika
  • Kiryuha
  • Kirchonok
  • Kirishka
  • Kirunechka
  • Kirchik
  • Kirya
  • Kiryaha
  • Kiryusha

More complete forms of this name form the following affectionate names: Sirusya, Sirisha.

Kira name: diminutive form

As we already said, the name Kira It is short and it can only be reduced by applying it in a male gender, " Cyrus". You can use options from affectionate shapes, or you can consider these diminutive forms:

  • Kirusya
  • Kirunya
  • Kirusha
  • Kirushka

Below are described options for the forms of naming in different languages. Read further.

Kira name: Form of the name in Latin

In the Latin layout, this adhesion is most often written with the addition of another letter “R”: Kirra. Although it is worth being attentive and asking his carrier about the correctness of writing this name, since there is a chance of getting two different names, simply adding one letter.

How to write the name of Kira in Ukrainian?

Kira celebrates the name day on March 13 (February 28), and the patroness is called the Monk Virgin Kira Berian. The name and day of Angel are celebrated by people regardless of nationality. Orthodox Christians are everywhere. There are many names in Ukraine that have occurred in this country, but Kira They do not apply to them. However, sometimes you need to know how to write this name in Ukrainian. This option:

Kira name in Ukrainian
Kira name in Ukrainian

How to write the name of Kira in Japanese?

Name Kira Very popular in eastern countries, including Japan. In this country, it translates as "Shining (s)", and it is written in Japanese as follows:

Kira name in Japanese
Kira name in Japanese

How to write the name of Kira in French?

France is a country where all lovers want to come. Romantic dreams come true here and desires are fulfilled. If you need to go to this country, then in French the correct form of the name Kira will look like: Cyrus.

How to write the name of Kira in English?

I wonder that the name Kira At the same time, it is considered both Russian Orthodox names and Catholic. In the English version, there are many options for this adherence:

  • Kira
  • Kyra
  • Kirah
  • Kyrah
  • Khira
  • Sira
  • Sirra
  • Shakira
  • Kirilla
  • Chiara

In the English version, there is also an abbreviated form of this adhesion "Cyrus" - "kir".

How to write the name of Kira in German?

The German form of the name in harmony is the same as in the Russian language, but it is written like this: Kira, khira.

In different languages, name Kira It seems in sound with spelling on transliteration, in other languages \u200b\u200bthe spelling of this adverb is excellent. When choosing the name of your baby, you should learn more about its origin and the correctness of writing, including in various languages. Choose a name from many of the presented forms, it will definitely like others and the owner herself!

Video: The meaning of the name Kira: Karma, character and fate

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