Feminine name Inna: Name options. What can I call Inna differently?

Feminine name Inna: Name options. What can I call Inna differently?

The female name Inna is old and very beautiful. Strong importance and many interesting forms and derivatives.

The name is the first thing we learn about a person. Subconsciously, we are already forming our opinion, based only from its sound. There are a great many adversaries, each country, people and even individual families, have their own traditional names. Their meaning plays a large role in choosing. Calling the child so, parents mainly want his character to correspond to the meaning of the chosen name, predict his fate.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

Inna - The name inherent in an energetic, capable and very mobile child, who, becoming an adult girl, woman, reserves these qualities and strives for the constant development of his abilities. From the article below, you will learn about the meaning of this adherence, as well as about its forms and derivatives. Read further.

Name Inna: meaning, origin

Name Inna: meaning
Name Inna: meaning

There are several common theories of the origin of the name Inna in modern world:

  • From Latin - translated as “stormy stream”, “floating”.
  • The name of Greek origin, derived from the goddess of fertility of Inana.
  • From the Scythians, one of the 3 Christian martyrs. Initially, only a male form had, it became female because of an error made in the census of an ancient text.
  • Jewish origin from the name of John.
  • From Arabic, the translation is “natural”.

It has become popular in Russia at the end of the twentieth century, and is still widely used for girls. In church shrines, this name does not exist, only a male form. Therefore, for girls at the time of baptism, they choose something else.

Name Inna: What will be the full name?

Many interesting famous people, with an amazing fate, bear this name:

  • Theater and film actress Inna Churikova
  • Inna Druz is a member of the strongest team of the intellectual game “What? Where? When"
  • Athlete Inna Zhukova
  • Popular fashion model and winner of the title of Miss Universe-2006 Inna Tsimbalyuk and others.

All these and other people are called a complete name. It is officially and beautiful. So, the full form for this name remains unchanged - Inna. But now, more and more often, this name is used as abbreviated from Inessa, although this is not right. Or synonymize with another common form - In.

Name Inna-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

In various situations, any name can take not only the initial form. As a rule, I would like to call the child most affectionately, friends love abbreviated or changed appeals. So, what can be called differently?

Name Inna is difficult to change, but it has beautiful forms, for example, Inyuta, Inyusha, Inushka, Inessa.

Name Inna: Brief form of the name

In everyday communication relatives Inna They prefer to contact briefly. Although the adoption is not long and has no difficulties in pronunciation, in everyday life I want to avoid an official tone, then it acquires derivatives for the convenience of communication. The most common abbreviated circulation is:

  • In
  • Incha
  • Nusya
  • Inhy
  • Zero

These forms are easier to pronounce and help to avoid officialdom.

Name Inna: affectionate form

Inna - It sounds officially and a little tough, so more often, especially in the family, they use affectionate, more delicate derivatives:

  • Innochka
  • Inusya
  • Innushka
  • Injobka
  • Inyusha
  • Inni
  • Innok
  • Innchik
  • Inch
  • Nusechka
  • Innosha
  • Innoshenka
  • Innoshechka
  • Nessie
  • Ness

Such appeals are more tender and affectionate. There are more brief affectionate options - Inusha, Inyuta, Inuly.

Name Inna: a diminutive form

In a friendly circle, diminutive forms of names are more often used. The imagination of a modern person is not limited by anything. And derivative forms of names can be really amazing and unique. For example, Inna Friends can be called Incha, here is such an original affectionate or diminutive form. In addition, communication is used - Inca, Inon, Inunus, Innusichk, Innasik.

Name Inna: Form of the name in Latin

Latin - one of the most ancient and most beautiful languages, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, became a "dead" language. Many names are of Latin origin, and a literal translation from this language is often an accurate description of the nature of the adults. Inna No exception, and also has its own translation.

In the language of the ancient Romans, this name has two known forms of origin:

  1. Innocentia - translated means "innocent, disinterested, clean"
  2. Inno - The literal translation means "floating on the ship"

This naming in other languages \u200b\u200bsounds no less beautiful. Read further.

How to write the name Inna in Ukrainian?

The Russian-Ukrainian dictionary offers us the following spelling:

Name Inna in Ukrainian
Name Inna in Ukrainian

It differs slightly from writing in Russian and has the same meaning.

How to write the name Inna in Japanese?

In Japan Inna has the same meaning - "Brozen stream". This nation is written as follows:

Inna name in Japanese
Inna name in Japanese

This set of hieroglyphs is translated as "Hayakava".

How to write the name Inna in French?

Writing a name Inna In French, a little more complicated than in Russian and Ukrainian. It looks like this:

The name Inna is in French
The name Inna is in French

This form is two signs longer than Russian -language spelling.

How to write the name Inna in English?

The English version of writing is classic, and practically coincides with the Ukrainian and Russian, has the same number of signs, and looks and is written like this: Inna

How to write the name Inna in German?

The German spelling absolutely corresponds to the choice of the British. Inna -The option of writing in German, in Germany.

Inna - A unique multifaceted naming. As a rule, it symbolizes a strong energetic nature. The woman who is so called is decisive and wayward, punctual and compulsory. She has an analytical mindset, uninhabited and has a bright attractive appearance. Patient and condescending to others. The mistress of this name is accompanied by adventures and risk. Inna is the oldest adversary for bold and cheerful personalities.

Video: the meaning of the name Inna - karma, character and fate

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