Feminine name Eva: Options of the name. How can Eve be called differently?

Feminine name Eva: Options of the name. How can Eve be called differently?

The female name Eve is the very first, gentle and sweet. Despite only three letters in the composition, has many forms.

Among the many female names, Eve - This is the most famous in all corners of the world. No matter how it sounds in different languages, which does not take forms, any person knows its meaning.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

From this article you will find out what forms the name has Eve, what is the meaning and origin. Read further.

Eve name: meaning, origin

Eve name: meaning
Eve name: meaning

Biblical Hebrew is the first language of Jews. It has a chauvo name. In Hebrew, it was Hava. Eua sounded on the biblical Greek. And in biblical Latin appeared Eve. So it came to the Russian language. Now it is translated in such values \u200b\u200bas: “mischievous” and “living”. But the Hebrew Hawa is a "giving life."

The story from the Bible tells that God created the first man. He pulled him out, breathed his life into the body and placed Adam into the Eden garden. There, having strewn him, the Lord took one rib from a man. God created the first woman from him, giving her a name Eve. Subsequently, she became the culprit of exile from Eden because she herself tasted the fetus from the tree of knowledge and gave Adam. So they learned about good and evil, violating the ban on the Lord. Eve is the ancestor of all mankind. She is a biblical character. And in all the branches of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, the first woman and wife of Adam. The mother, Cain and Sifu, who became mother.

Name Eve: What will be the full name?

In popularity, the name Eve It is included in thirty of the most commonly given at birth. But there was a time in our country, and the girls were not called that. After the 1917 revolution, Russia became an atheistic state. Everything related to religion was betrayed by oblivion. As a result, biblical names have gone out of use. It was preserved only in Jewish families. And according to the census of those times, a city where there were many women and girls with this name, Odessa became. It is Orthodox and is in the holy. Does not require replacement at baptism.

Eve is a Russian full female name. This is the full name. But it is often used by a brief form for others: Evelina, Eugene, Evlampy, Evangeline, Evdokia.The option of reduction is not excluded for male: Evstigney, Evstrat, EU Eustachius.

Eve name-As you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

The name itself is interesting, attractive, tender. What can be called differently? There are other, no less beautiful forms:

  • Evita
  • Evika
  • Enita
  • Eba
  • Chava
  • Evvi
  • Evelyn
  • Yevika
  • Enuta

Formed thanks to other languages, special pronunciation Eve In them.

Eve name: Brief form of the name

A brief form is selected if the name is long or difficult. So often happens with borrowed from other languages. Sometimes Russians specifically reduce or change letters, creating a new one, and then make a birth certificate. This is not prohibited by law. So such options appear. Here are the forms for the name Eve:

  • Ava
  • Ev
  • Eve
  • Willow
  • Eva
  • Efi

Parents of their child or friends can be called briefly. In other cases, it will be indecent.

Eve name: affectionate form

About how to name the child, parents think even before the birth of the baby. And here it is chosen - Eve. But the baby is clearly not so called at home. The affectionate form expresses a special attitude towards a person, a manifestation of tenderness and love. We select the forms:

  • Evela
  • Veva
  • Evus
  • Eugene
  • Evochka
  • Evan
  • Evanyushka
  • Eugene
  • Evchonok
  • Ivochka
  • Eugene
  • Evonka

Leaning over the bed of your daughter, you yourself will come up with a special affectionate name for her. It will be the sweetest and most beautiful for you.

EVA name: diminutive form

There are not so many such diminutive options, because they are formed as derivatives from official, and in the name Eve Only three letters. A girlfriend can be called this:

  • Evik
  • Evka
  • Enya
  • Evchik
  • Evasya
  • Vava

It turns out that the name does not decrease, but on the contrary, it becomes longer, with the formation of diminutive shapes.

Eve name: Form of the name in Latin

Two options are possible in simple writing in Latin: EVA and AVA. To receive a bank card, passport, personal names are written on a translite, the document is filled out in the Latin. Name Eve will be EVA. Always pay attention to the correctness of filling out documents.

How to write the name Eve in Ukrainian?

In this name in Ukrainian instead of " E»There will be a letter "E». Eva - Eva, But pronounced, as in Russian. Other forms also change according to this rule.

How to write the name Eve in Japanese?

All foreign personal names in Japanese are written by a special alphabet - Katakana. The name is pronounced Eve,how E-Ba.In the writing by hieroglyphs, the name in Japanese will be - Say. This option:

Eve name in Japanese
Eve name in Japanese

How to write the name Eve in French?

As in other European languages, in the French name Eve written EVA. The little exception is the first letter "E", It is written with Gravis, in Russian it looks like an emphasis over the letter.

How to write the name Eve in English?

In the Middle Ages, the name Eve received several options that still exist in English: Evott, Evot, Evett.Writing is currently permissible Eve, EVA. Pronounced Eve and Willow. Reducing forms will be: Evie, Evvie.

How to write the name Eva in German?

Some linguists suggest that the name Eve It has ancient German roots. Based on the fact that it is very popular in places of their compact residence. This is modern Germany, Poland and the Baltic states. It was simply chosen closer in sound than the biblical hava. Everything is simple: Eve - EVA. Pronounced Efa or Eva. There is an option Eve. Other forms considered reducing on behalf of Eve in German:

  • EV
  • EVI
  • Evy
  • Evchen

Eve - The name will certainly attract attention. It is believed that such a significant name promises the owner a good fate. The meaning of the name gives a lot of vital energy, strength, desire to live. Such adhesion cannot but fill life with bright colors and emotions. The name endows with talent for creative professions. It is enough to see how many well -known actresses with this global name: Langoria, Mendes, Rutk and Olin, Lungrin, Green.

Video: The meaning of the name Eva: Karma, character and fate

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