Feminine name Darina: Variants of the name. How can Darina be called differently?

Feminine name Darina: Variants of the name. How can Darina be called differently?

The female name Darina is beautiful and unique. Its forms are used to create nicknames in social networks, as well as to fill out documents and when communicating.

Name Darina Now it is very popular among many female names not only in Russia, but also around the world. Many people suggest that the name Darina and Daria - This is one and the same, but this is far from the case. The origin and significance of these advents is fundamentally different from each other. Let's try to figure out everything in order.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

From this article we can learn about the origin and meaning of the name Darina And much more, about which interesting and cognitive. Like any other female or male adult Darinka Something means from some word. It is necessary to figure it out, because such a bright, memorable, unusual and mysterious name cannot remain aloof without the due attention to it. Read further.

Name Darina: meaning, origin

Name Darina: meaning
Name Darina: meaning

At the moment, there are three main versions of the origin of this calling. The first and most common states that Darina - exclusively Slavic adversation, which was formed from a short word form "gift" and can mainly be interpreted as "Donated", "granted". A curious fact: there is a similar in importance, but another in writing adoption " Darena ".

From the second, less common version, it follows that this nasal has an ancient-Persian origin, which goes far to the Persian name "Darayavaush". It consists of 2 parts. They mean: "Dara""Owning", "Vaush" - "Good".

The third version of origin is one of the forms of female adults " Darren ". This word form is translated from the Irish language as "Stone Mountain".

Name of Darina: What will be the full name?

The full version will sound like this name: Darina. He has no more complete name. It is worth noting that such adversary is very rare, but recently, parents are increasingly choosing it for their newborn girls. He has other, no less beautiful short and other forms. Read further.

Darina's name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

In the Russian language, there are approximately forty -one derivative word from the adult Darina. And this can indicate only one thing: he has plenty of beautiful forms. So, what can be called differently? Further, beautiful forms will be presented:

  • Daryana
  • Darinochka
  • Daryusha
  • Darochka
  • Daria
  • Dasha

Below you will find more options for this adherence. Read further.

Name Darina: Brief form of the name

Like any other female or male name, ado Darina There is a brief form. The options are presented as follows:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

Parents love their children to call an abbreviated varant name. But most give preference to affectionate options. Read further.

Name Darina: affectionate form

In an affectionate form, we turn to a person when we want to call him somehow gently, warmly, kindly. Usually, we turn to a person to us so much, it doesn’t matter, be it a man or woman, as well as to our children. If we say so to a girl by name Darina, then her name can sound differently:

  • Darinochka
  • Darinushka
  • Darinolka
  • Darinchik
  • Daryushechka
  • Daryushka
  • Daryushenka
  • Rinochka
  • Danochka
  • Danulechka
  • Daria
  • Daryusha
  • Darena

There are still such forms as:

  • Danushenka
  • Danusechka
  • Rinulenka
  • Darinka
  • Dashuta
  • Dashura
  • Giving
  • Dara
  • Dashun
  • Dashunichka
  • Dashunchik

There are still diminutive options. They can be similar to affectionate, and even similar. Read further.

Name Darina: Squeezing

As mentioned above, name the name differently Darina You can, and these are interesting options. It is also worth noting that all of the above -mentioned adversaries can be applied to a brief form of this name, that is, to name Darina in an informal meeting.

The diminutive form of the adversation practically coincides with the brief form of the name. It will sound as follows:

Forms of the name
Forms of the name

These are also beautiful options. There are still forms in other languages. They are no less interesting and are often used when creating nicknames in social networks, etc. Read more.

Name Darina: Form of the name in Latin

In Latin, the form of the name Darina will look as follows: Darina. It is worth noting that this option will be spelled out in various kinds of documents, for example, in a passport. But remember that for many documents, personal data are prescribed in large, in capital letters: Darina.

How to write the name Darina in Ukrainian?

In Slavic countries, there are many names that are similar to each other. But they can slightly differ from each other in intonation or in the use of letters.

  • Name Darina In Ukrainian, it will be written as follows: Darina.

Almost looks like Russian sound and writing this adversary. One difference is the letter "and" pronounced as "Y". As you can see, in order to write such a beautiful and unusual name on Ukr. language, you do not need to have any special skills.

How to write the name Darina in Japanese?

Japanese is of interest among many people. It is beautiful, and the words written by hieroglyphs are often used as sketches for tattoos. They turn out to be stylish and beautiful. Therefore, it is very curious how the name will be written Darina In Japanese for its owners?

In Japanese, this name will look as follows:

Darina name in Japanese
Darina name in Japanese

How to write the name Darina in French?

French is also very beautiful. He is called the language of love. All words on it sound in a special way interesting and unique. So how to write a name Darina French? This option:

  • Dedurin

If you need to call a girl with such a call briefly, for example, a gift, then in French, it will sound like this: Don - Simple and easy.

How to write the name Darina in English?

Write a name Darina In the most popular language of the world - English, it will not be difficult and it will look as follows: Darina. There is something similar to the Latin spelling, but they are pronounced a little differently-the Latin version speaks with the sound "a" after "D", and English - with sound "about".

How to write the name Darina in German?

In German, such a name as Darina will be written as follows: Darin. The sound will differ from the sound in English and in Latin. This word is pronounced without sound “a” at the end and the specifics of the pronunciation of the letter “r” differs. You can listen to how the name will sound in different languages in Google-translator - very comfortably.

Having summed up the results of today's topic, I would like to note the following: Name Darina - A rare, but currently becoming more and more often becoming more popular, not only in Russia and former CIS countries, but also in Europe. Girls with such calling are very cheerful, kind and responsive. Do not confuse the name Daria With name Darina, Since these are fundamentally different names, their meaning and origin differ from each other. The only thing that can be argued about these two names is that Daria’s name can act as a brief derivative of Darin, that is, to contract.

The name Darinka is a very memorable and sounding name, which in any case will not stand aside and will definitely attract the attention of not only the male, but also the female.

Video: The meaning of the name Darina is karma, character and fate

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