Feminine name Alla: Name options. How can Alla be called differently?

Feminine name Alla: Name options. How can Alla be called differently?

The female name Alla is rare and unique. He has few different forms and derivatives, but they are all beautiful.

The name popular in our country Alla -Simple and complicated at the same time, because it is a name-palint. Reading it from either side, we will get the same result. But the dignity of the name does not end there.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

From this article you will find out what forms the name Alla has, and we will also talk about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Alla: meaning, origin

Name Alla: meaning
Name Alla: meaning

The very sound of the name speaks for itself - Alla, scarlet. This is an explosion of feelings, femininity, brightness, passion. The life of such a person is saturated with events, he does not stand still, all the time strives for the new.

  • Roots this name passes in the times of the ancient Arabs. In their religion, Allat was a feminine reflection of Allah. Therefore, it is believed that the meaning of the name is the goddess, the patroness of the sky and rain.
  • But in the Greek version, the following story happened with this name. Initially, Alla was called any women, not specific, but others. But during the translation, an error was made and the word was transformed into the female name.
  • In the Greek version, Alla's word meant something comprehensive, everything together, able to do everything.

The very history of the origin of the name and its meanings indicate the characteristics of the person who bears it. Alla - The personality is far extraordinary. It will not be meek and shy. This is a man with frantic energy, active and purposeful.

Name Alla: What will be the full name?

Being a creative person, prefers to engage in art. He does not show much love for the exact sciences, although he learns to love and does it well. But by the nature of the humanitarium. Maybe the leader and boss. Therefore, such a woman is most often addressed by a complete name and patronymic.

  • Allathis is the full name.

The church version is the same. It is already beautiful in itself and various forms are used much less often than in other names.

Name Alla-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

It is difficult to choose many forms for such a name. But if you consider the pronunciation options, then double and rudely sounding "L", You can replace with a single short sound. Ala It sounds much softer and more poetic, and so it can be called if you want to do it in a special way, differently. Pronounced easily and at ease. This is a beautiful form of the name. Very often used in everyday speech.

Name Alla: Brief form of the name

It has long been known that the name affects the character of the child. It does not determine it, but contributes to it. Indeed, it is enough to recall the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva, and you can make an opinion about this name. She is his bright representative, who embodied all the main qualities and features. But, despite the status of such a woman, her relatives and friends can be called brief form. This is interesting and stylish.

If you want to call it Alla Briefly, then you can Ale or use a fashionable option Ell. Children often call their peers just Help.

Name Alla: affectionate form

Of the affectionate forms, these are the following options:

  • Allunchik
  • Allechik
  • Allyunchik
  • Allochka
  • Allashka
  • Alik
  • Allaus
  • Alki
  • Allenok
  • Allunia
  • Allyunya
  • Alonka
  • Alchetok
  • Lelya

In general, there is a spaciousness of fantasy, since according to this principle you can create a dozen forms of a name.

Name Alla: a diminutive form

The most popular diminutive form of the word is Allochka. It sounds a little different, much more tender and more interesting Allashka. And you can focus not on the first letter, but on the sound "U", and then the same name will play in a new way- ALLUSHA. You can use as diminutive options and names in affectionate forms.

Name Alla: Form of the name in Latin

It is important to know the spelling of the name in Latin, because it is a global standard for passports, international correspondence, hotel reservation and other cases. In such cases, you should write Alla.

How to write the name Alla in Ukrainian?

It would seem that in Ukrainian this name should sound different, ala, for example. Many people think so, but this is not so. According to Ukrainian dictionaries, this name exactly coincides both with writing and pronunciation in Russian - Alla. This language is characterized by more tender options-diminutive or abbreviated forms.

How to write the name Alla in Japanese?

But with the Japanese language, everything is much more interesting. Due to the fact that there are several writing systems in Japan, foreign names can be translated either by their significance, which is incredibly beautiful and romantic. But they can also select the closest analogue in sound. In order not to mislead foreigners, the Japanese more often use the second option. Then Alla It will sound like "Arra".

Name Alla in Japanese
Name Alla in Japanese

But it is worth translating the name according to its generally accepted meaning - “other”, as it will be a completely new adversation:

Name Alla in Japanese
Name Alla in Japanese

How to write the name Alla in French?

Melodic and melting French has many equivalents of Russian names. Which is not surprising, because their origin is one, only the sound has changed with centuries. Nevertheless, the name Alla It is written in the same way as in Latin - Alla.

With pronunciation there are characteristics. It is no secret that the grammar of the French language implies stress on the last syllable. The same things are with names. And since the French will not have a local analogue, they will say this name, stretching the last letter "a". It is useless to convince them to speak differently. It will simply be very difficult for them to rebuild.

How to write the name Alla in English?

The standard of translation of names is that Russian letters, or rather the sounds that are obtained during their pronunciation, write Latin. With name Alla Everything is very simple - the spelling will look like this: Alla.

How to write the name Alla in German?

With the German language, things are similar - Alla. Only pronouncing an accent, it will acquire a shorter form of sound than in the Russian language and will be pronounced as " Ala ".

The fashion for names has always been. And despite the fact that it is now commonly called old -Russian names, long forgotten, Alla I began to gain popularity. Simple, but sonorous, it will certainly draw attention to its owner no worse than complex and multi -component adversary.

Video: The meaning of the name Alla: Karma, character and fate

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