Why do women tolerate coronavirus easier? Why is there a member of menstruation after coronavirus? After the coronavirus, periods do not come: reasons - what to do?

Why do women tolerate coronavirus easier? Why is there a member of menstruation after coronavirus? After the coronavirus, periods do not come: reasons - what to do?

The influence of coronavirus on the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle.

Data on the number of coronavirus is updated daily. But there is not much information regarding this disease. Due to the lack of places in the hospitals, patients were left alone with them, having acquired a large number of additional diseases, after transferring the disease. In this article we will tell you how coronavirus affects menstruation. 

Coronavirus and female hormones

According to some data, pregnant women tolerate the virus much easier than women who are not in position. In contrast to this, some scientists have found that women who have been ill with coronavirus up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, higher the risk of developing fetal pathologies, premature birth, and hypoxia during delivery.

Regarding the impact on the menstrual cycle, there is also very little data. Most doctors agree that the virus practically does not affect the female reproductive system. Although, according to some reports, the disease can lead to infertility. However, there are no extensive studies and reliable data on this issue. Doctors noticed a certain connection between the disease and the health of the reproductive system.

Coronavirus and female hormones:

  • US scientists conducted a number of studies and found that only a quarter of women, and three quarters of men in hospitals. They were interested in why women have a virus much less often and tolerate it easier than men.
  • Research is now being conducted and men are introduced in small quantities of estrogen and progesterone. These are female hormones, which, according to scientists, impede the development of the virus. It is far from the end of the research, but there is still hope that with the help of hormone therapy it will be possible to defeat the virus. 
  • On such studies of American scientists, the fact that pregnant women who were distinguished by reduced immunity were relatively easily transferred to coronavirus. Scientists have found that these patients have increased levels of estrogen and progesterone. That is why scientists decided that the hypothesis can be checked on men using female hormones for their treatment. 

Why do women tolerate coronavirus easier?

Scientists note that women of reproductive age are much easier to tolerate coronavirus than men. There are several assumptions why this happens.

Why women more easily tolerate coronavirus:

  • First of all, the protein of the virus wedges into the gene, which is located in the X chromosome. Since the woman has two of them, this causes a very violent reaction of immunity. The work of the virus slows down using an immune response.
  • In most cases, women tolerate the virus much easier than men. According to another theory, women are less often ill with coronavirus and are easier to endure, due to the body isolated by the body of a large number of estrogens.
  • It is believed that this hormone affects the work of the virus, inhibiting its distribution. Estrogen inhibits the development of new particles of the virus and their introduction into the cells of the body. That is why women during menopause are more susceptible to the virus than ladies of reproductive age. 

Why is there a member of menstruation after coronavirus?

In general, this ailment can wedge into almost all organs and systems. At the moment, there are not many extensive and thorough studies regarding the effect of the disease on the female reproductive system.

Why is menstruation failure after coronavirus:

  • Increasing the concentration of cortisol
  • Increased blood coagulation due to platelet secretion
  • Critical decrease in body weight
  • Excessive decrease in blood density when taking anticoagulants

Why don't you come after coronavirus?

The virus does not affect the cycle, but can significantly affect the health of other systems.As a result of the failure of the whole organism, Cycle disturbances may be observed. Particular importance should be given to panic and severity of the disease. Many women who suffered a severe disease were in the hospital under the artificial ventilation of the lungs, or in oxygen, are subject to depression and stress. Such patients need the help of a psychologist. Stress causes an increase in the level of the hormone of the adrenal glands. Cortisol- this is The stress hormone, which in turn significantly affects the endocrine system, and the production of sex hormones in women. 

Why do not come after coronavirus:

  • Cortisol is an antagonist hormone that reduces the production of estrogen, which significantly affects the possibilities of ovulation. Due to severe nervous shock, prolonged coronavirus treatment, there is a lack of menstruation for several months.
  • This is due to a persistent and constant increase in cortisol due to stress. Monthly can go randomly, disappear for several months.
  • To treat and reduce the level of cortisol, sedatives are prescribed, also meditation, which allows us to normalize the work of the nervous system and reassure it. First of all, such patients are shown rest, hobbies, pleasant pastime. It is best to go on vacation to the warm edges. 

Sad menstruation after coronavirus: Reasons

Covid-19, according to researchers and doctors, wedges not only into the cells of the lungs, but also of other organs. It can cause damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and female reproductive system.

Scarring menstruation after coronavirus, reasons:

  • As in the whole body, due to the release of a large number of cytokines and an too bright immunity reaction, some body cells “explode”. As a result of this, hemorrhages are observed, and thrombosis.
  • Such a mechanism can be launched in the female reproductive system, which affects the duration of the cycle, and significantly affects menstruation. Usually, women who have been ill with coronavirus can advance on time, but in front of them, smearing discharge is possible in front of them for three to four days. This is the release of endometrial cells in which hemorrhage occurred.
  • First of all, the damaged layer leaves. Also possible discharge during menstruation with clots. This indicates high temperature, and increased blood coagulation, which is facilitated by coronavirus.
  • Doctors often prescribeVikasolDicinonFucking. Their main purpose is to increase the amount of prothrombin in the blood, reducing bleeding. In coronavirus, during the breakdown of healthy cells, a large amount of prothrombin and platelets is released.
  • As a result of this, an effect is observed as from taking hemostatic drugs. Therefore, menstruation become very scarce. If the patient is in a critical condition, drugs that thinning blood are prescribed, breakthrough bleeding is possible. If the absence of menstruation is associated with body weight deficiency, then the cycle will be restored when weight normalization. 

Abundant menstruation after coronavirus: reasons

If a woman was in a hospital, then most likely took drugs that deliver blood. 

Abundant menstruation after coronavirus, reasons:

  • The coronavirus treatment protocol usually includes drugs that prevent blood coagulation.
  • In such cases, on the contrary, breakthrough uterine bleeding is possible. Monthly can be long, with bright scarlet discharge.
  • Moreover, the amount of blood is greater than usual. 

Why is there no menstruation after the coronavirus?

Monthly after the severe course of the COVID-19 may disappear due to the deficiency of adipose and muscle tissue. This is characteristic of women of thin physique. As you know, estrogens produce not only ovaries, but also adipose tissue that is on the body of a woman.

Why, after the coronavirus posted, there are no menstruation:

  • That is why its reduction to critical values \u200b\u200bcan lead to the absence of menstruation, and the occurrenceanovulation.
  • After about 2 weeks of fasting, the body burns fat, and can switch to the muscles. What often happens during a Covid with a severe course. Many patients have constant vomiting, nausea, impossibility of eating. If a person is sick at home, there is no way to put droppers. In such patients, complications are observed. 
  • Due to the deficiency of body weight, and with prolonged vomiting, special drugs are administered that replace the nutrition. Most often, women who were on hospitalization are faced with a violation of the menstrual cycle or the cessation of menstruation, or connected to artificial ventilation of the lungs.
  • The goal of the woman’s body is to survive. Now there is no talk of any kind of childbearing function. Therefore, the body adapts, mobilizes, directing all strength to recovery from the disease. Therefore, do not be surprised if for several months after the difficult course of Covid, there are no menstruation. When normalizing nutrition, and restoration of health, the cycle will return to normal. 

Delayed menstruation after coronavirus - what to do?

For patients with body weight and weight loss after coronavirus, good nutrition is very important, in compliancehigh -speed. For 1 kg of body weight, at least 30 kilocalories are required.

Delayed menstruation after coronavirus, what to do:

  • Be sure to turn on a large amount of liquid, natural juices. If the appetite disappears, and I don’t want to eat anything, the easiest way to increase the amount of fuel inside the body is to have bread with butter, drink drinks with milk, and consume low -fat meat.
  • Protein is a building material for muscle tissue from which the uterus consists. Its use after coronavirus leads to an improvement in the state of the whole organism. Indeed, with coronavirus the amount of muscle tissue decreases, due to an increase in cytokines. itsquirrels, which pull raw materials from muscle tissue. 
  • Most often, menstruation ceases due to a lack of animal proteins, with a sharp decrease in cholesterol. It occurs in the absence of appetite, or severe vomiting. If a woman has lost more than 15-20 kg in a short time, menstruation may stop. 
Abdominal pain
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A lot of interesting things can be found in articles:

You can not take hormonal drugs if the doctor has not prescribed them. If there are no menstruation for three months after recovery, or a huge amount of blood is released, we recommend visiting the gynecologist. 

Video: The influence of coronavirus on the menstrual cycle

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