Riddles about summer for children of preschool and school age, school, preschool educational institution, adults: a collection of the best riddles with answers. What are there, and how to find riddles about summer for children?

Riddles about summer for children of preschool and school age, school, preschool educational institution, adults: a collection of the best riddles with answers. What are there, and how to find riddles about summer for children?

In the article you will find a large number of puzzles about summer with answers for children.

Riddles about summer for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with answers

Riddles are a fun and interesting way to diversify the child’s leisure. Riddles are often included in extracurricular and festive events, but their task is not only entertaining, but also to teach children, to acquaint with different phenomena and events.

One of the most popular categories of riddles for kids is about the seasons. With the help of such puzzles, children begin to understand what the time of the year is and how to distinguish it from other seasons, begin to highlight the most favorite season and get acquainted with the environment.

Important: in this article you will find many interesting riddles about summer with ready -made answers.

Riddles with answers "Summer":

I am woven from heat, I am warm with me,
I warm the rivers, "Bow!" - I invite.
And you love me all me, I ...

The sun bakes
linden blooms,
rye keeps up with
When does it happen?

In the generous field is collapsed
Golden wheat.
Berries in the forest ripened,
Bees hide honey on cells.
A lot of warmth and light,
This happens only ...
The door will rise
It will fly out into the pipe.

Meadows turn green
In the sky-a rainbow-fool.
The sun is warmed up by the sun:
Everyone calls to swim ...

You are heating the whole world
And you don't know fatigue,
You smile at the window
And everyone’s name is ...

The long -awaited time!
The kids screams: Hurray!
What kind of joy is it?
It has come ...

Guess the season:
The weather is hot
The sun gets up early,
During the day he warms and bakes,
The river beckons us with coolness,
In the forest for berries, you need
Start the strawberries,
Do not be lazy, to collect.
In the field rye is noisy like a sea
Nightingales sing on the dawn,
Juicy herbs are worth
Kosari hurry in the meadow.

Riddles with the answer "Sun" or "Sun ray":

Rolls on a blue saucer
Golden apple.

He stopped above the river
The ball is air, gold.
And then he disappeared behind the forest,
Swaying above the water.

Not fire, but warms.
Not a lamp, but shines.
Like a ball, round.
Like a pumpkin, yellow.

You are heating the whole world
You don't know fatigue
You smile at the window
And everyone’s name is ...

Shines, sparkles,
He warms everyone.

Well, which of you will answer:
Not fire, but painfully burning,
Not a lantern, but shines brightly,
And not a baker, but baking?

In the morning I will wake up early
I'll look - and laugh
After all, in my window
Shines brightly ...

A painter without brushes walks around the sky,
Brown paint paints people.

Every day in the morning
He enters the window.
If he has already entered -
So the day has come.

Who enters the window
And does not reveal it?

Will come to the house -
Do not drive a stake.
It's time to come -
He will leave.

I'm always friendly with the light,
If the sun is in the window,
I'm from a mirror, from a puddle
I run down the wall.

Well, which of you will answer:
Not fire, but painfully burning,
Not a lantern, but shines brightly,
And not a baker, but baking?

He walks around the sky
Painter without brushes.
Brown paint
Paints people.

Children's riddles about the sun and summer
Children's riddles about the sun and summer

The best interesting riddles about summer for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with answers

Older children can set riddles about natural phenomena that can occur in the summer, as well as the summer months. Before preparing a list of riddles, be sure to make sure that your baby really understands what you are talking about so that unraveling is successful.

Riddles about summer and what is associated in the summer:

In the morning, the beads flashed
All the grass was stuck,
And let's go look for them during the day
Looking for, we are looking for - we will not find.

Fire arrow flies.
No one will catch her:
Neither the king nor the queen,
Not a red girl.

He is green, jumping,
Absolutely non -inhabiting
In the meadow, it shrugs all day,
He wants to surprise us with a song.

They moved at the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to disrupt him
And he fluttered and flew away

He is a swing and a bed
It’s good to lie on it,
He is in the garden or in the forest
Walking by weight.

Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes,
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears.

Like blood, red.
Like honey, tasty.
Like a ball, round,
I lay down in my mouth.

Either purple, then blue,
He met you at the edge of the edge.
The name was very sonorous to him,
But he will hardly be able to ring.
(flower bell)

It was a green dress - satin,
No, I didn't like the red,
But it's also tired of this
I put on a blue dress.

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Bonds and baskets weave for me.
He who loves me is glad to bow.
And the name gave me my native Zemlyatsu.

First shine,
For shine, a crack,
Behind the bang -

After the rain, it happens
polnoba closes.
The arc is beautiful, colored
It will appear, then melt.

Everyone, I think, will find out
If it visits the field
This blue flower
A well-known …

Hair, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are a lot of legs
It still cannot run.

On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
Warm coat rustled
And I dispelled this ball.

Warm, long, long day,
At noon - a tiny shadow,
Blooms in the Kolos field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
Dares strawberries,
What a month, tell me?

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens are looking for a shadow.
The kosba of bread has begun,
Time of berries and mushrooms.
His days are the top of the summer,
What, tell me, is it in a month?

Maple leaves yellow,
The southern countries flew away
Small winged haircuts.
What a month, tell me?

Riddles about summer and nature for children
Riddles about summer and nature for children

Small, short puzzles for children about summer: a collection with answers

These riddles are suitable for the smallest children and those who have never encountered such a puzzle.

Different riddles about summer:

Colorful rocker
It hung over the river.

The gate rose - beauty to the whole world.

She's not a network and not a net,
The fish catches on the hook.
(fishing rod)

Balls hang on the knots,
They turned blue from the heat.

Ah, don't touch me:
I will burn without fire!

He flutters above the flower, dances
The fan Middle waves.

Round, like a ball
Red as blood,
Sweet like honey.

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears the tailcoat and walks.

Golden Reshet
Black houses are full.

Not a beast, not a bird, a toe like a spoke.
Flies - squeaks, sits down - is silent.

Riddles about summer are short
Riddles about summer are short

Complex riddles about summer for high school students and adults: a collection with answers

These riddles are suitable for medium and senior children, which already have enough knowledge and experience to find answers to questions and solve puzzles.

Complex puzzles about summer:

What is it from a tick?
A thread on a stick,
Back in hand,
A thread in the river.
(fishing rod)

Bend and prickly
Sweet and smell,
You will tear the berries
You will wrap your whole hand.

Two sisters:
Green in summer,
By autumn, one blushes,
The other is green.
(currant red and black)

Grounds in the field of rye.
There, in rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It’s only a pity that not fragrant.

Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Fragrance and beckoning
Gives delicate flowers,
You will hold out your hand by the wander -
And it will be in it ...

I remember this year
They blossomed in the garden
Lay down like actresses,
White dresses ...

Egor is worth
In Red Ermolka,
Whoever passes -
Everyone will bend.

Bearing, yes, prickly,
Sweet and smell,
You will tear the berries - you will pull the whole hand.

Not motors, but noisy
Not pilots, but fly,
Not snakes, but sting.

Sister and brother live:
Everyone sees one
Yes, he does not hear
Everyone hears the other
Yes, he does not see.
(lightning Thunder)

What a miracle beautiful!
Painted gates
Appeared in the way! ..
Neither enter them,
Neither enter

Lies, lies a penny at our well.
A good pretty penny, but not given in your hands.
Go bring fourteen horses,
Go call fifteen strong men!
Let them try to raise a penny,
So that Mashenka could play a penny!
And the horses jumped, and the strong men came,
But a small penny was not lifted from the ground,
They did not raise, did not raise and could not move.
(sunlight on Earth.)

The sun ordered:
Wait, the seven -color bridge is cool!
Was green, small
Then I became Ango.
I turned black in the sun
And now I'm ripe.
Holding his hand by the cane,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You eat me, and the bone
Glating in his garden.

There are many thin stems on the hemp,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stems - collect the lights.

Red, thin, fragrant,
It grows low, close to the ground.

Eh, calls, blue,
With a tongue, but there is no ringing.
(flower bell)

On a finish branch with a honey filling,
And the skin on the branch of the breed is hedgehog.

The fruit is green all summer
And in early autumn, red with akens.

In quiet weather, we are nowhere else,
And the wind will blow - run through the water.

Redeled arrow
Oak dumped at the village.

I walked barefoot at the fence
And scalded with green boiling water

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Bonds and baskets weave for me.

Video: "Riddles about summer"

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