Different riddles for children with answers. What interesting riddles can you make children?

Different riddles for children with answers. What interesting riddles can you make children?

Funny riddles for kids in verses.

Children love to solve riddles. If you offer the game in riddles-signs for two and more children, then a competitive incentive will come into force. Someone will solve the riddles faster and more precisely.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

All children love animals, some do not part in toys-blows either day or night, and riddles about animals are always guessed by kids with pleasure.

  • A thorny ball sits in the grass, you step away a little, it will soon hide in the foliage, minted at a cat (Hedgehog)
  • In the morning, near the stream, the tail washes, washes the mouth, striped (Raccoon)
  • The heel buried in the mud, fell into the puddle on the back, but it can not be scolded because it was (Piggy)
  • I hear Australian kangaroo in the room and see, then not a fairy tale or a dream - this is turned on (Television)
  • Huge ears and a long trunk, like a huge house, he lives in Africa and in the zoo. And it is called (Elephant)
  • In winter, he sleeps in the den and can roar, collects raspberries, his name (Bear)
  • He sits in a high grass and chews the leaves, is afraid, looking around, what if the wolf goes to him? (Hare)
  • She and Bodata, delicious children gives milk, she is friends with the guys and easily jumps along the pebbles (Goat)
Communication with animals is always interesting for children
Communication with animals is always interesting for children

Video: children's riddles about animals

Riddles about plants for children with answers

Riddles about plants will help kids remember the properties of plants: how they bloom, how they smell and what they are called.

  • In the spring, he blossomed in a clearing and a leaf was eaten by a bunny. It is yellow, and after fluffy, his name is (Dandelion)
  • The twigs are not at all leaves, but stitching needles. What is beautifully dressed up in the house? This is a tree (Christmas tree)
  • This flower is similar to the sun, loves it and a bee and a bug. White color of its petal, this flower (Chamomile)
  • The green skin and tail is green, it hides in the leaves, a cunning. You will find it in any garden, this is strong (Cucumber)
  • This beautiful flower leaves the skin on the skin. It blooms magnificently and smells fabulously, the name is this flower (Rose)
You can make riddles about plants right in the park or in the forest
You can make riddles about plants right in the park or in the forest

Riddles about sports for children with answers

Riddles about different sports will help to interest the child with these useful activities.

  • Everyone runs on the Bolshoi Field, the stands shout: “Goal !!!” What is this game called? Of course, this is (Football)
  • Glorious on ice slide is not an easy competition. This beautiful sport on ice (Figure skating)
  • The club should drive the puck into the gate faster and more precisely. This game for strong men is called the word (Hockey)
  • One, two, three, four, five! Jump under the counter. Jump under the account fun (Jump rope)
  • I drive sticks in the snow, I see two strips from behind. I am flying from a hill, like a wind, because I'm on (Skiing)
And after football, you can solve the riddles
And after football, you can solve the riddles

Riddles for fairy tales for children with answers

Reading fairy tales is very fascinating children. They are transferred to the world of fantasy and in their imagination themselves become fairy -tale characters. Riddles on these topics return children to a fairy tale.

  • The storage fell down from morning to evening, but in a new elegant dress left for the ball (Cinderella)
  • He rolled along the path, blocked his side in the stove, met with a fox, with a wolf, who is it? (Kolobok)
  • She is cold and insidious, she has a lot of anger and anger, but still she melted (The Snow Queen)
  • His fox carried him behind the mountains, for the forests, but the cat helped him, returned home (Cockerel)
  • That girl hid in the forest from sadness, seven small dwarves guarded her. They took care of her and gently, her name was (Snow White)
  • She got lost in the forest and cooked the bear, but she returned home, called this girl (Masha)
Everyone loves fairy tales
Everyone loves fairy tales

Riddles of tricks for children with answers

To solve tricks to children is fun and interesting at the same time. The answer to the riddle that fits in the rhyme does not fit the meaning at all, so you need to think a little before you say it.

  • He is sitting in a booth and guarding the yard, the uninvited guest will not pass, he joyfully wags your tail and this of course (Not a cat, but a dog)
  • There is a wheat ripe in the endless expanse and this earth is called (Not the sea, but a field)
  • A cow will come out on the field, eat a dandelion and eat milk, and in the evening the mistress of the steam room is needed (Not tea, but milk)
  • We take clothes from it, in the morning when the alarm clock will ring. We call this place with mom (Cabinet, not a refrigerator)
Merry game in puzzles-obstacles
Merry game in puzzles-obstacles

Riddles about vitamins for children with answers

  • To see well, to jump very cleverly, ate, with vitamin A, a tasty bunny (Carrots)
  • If the doll has caught a cold, she needs a vitamin. Get well faster, eat, doll (Orange)
  • Vitamin D enters the children's body easily if children drink in the morning and dinner in dinner (Milk)
Riddles about vitamins
Riddles about vitamins

Riddles about tools for children with answers

Riddles about tools will help children remember their names and the purpose of each of them.

  • She bites the board with iron teeth, the assistant will help to cut the logs (Saw)
  • Who is not afraid of blows? Who is used to working all day? He will score all nails on time, hardworking (A hammer)
  • If the castle is being built in the sandbox, it will be decorated richly, so that the work was arguing quickly needed a bucket and (Shovel)
Sand castle
Sand castle

Riddles for school and about school for children with answers

Riddles about school will help children get used to new duties and gain useful skills.

  • To write beautifully and read the children at school gradually, and for the game and running around are at school (Turn)
  • They are drawn by children and kids, these magic sticks are called (Pencils)
  • In that house they sit at the desks, they study in the classes of funny, rings a call there and calls for a lesson, this house is called (School)
  • Beautifully and even letters to write to children (Notebook)
  • There I folded notebooks, books and caramel. Very comfortable bag this school (Briefcase)
  • You need to run, you need to jump, make different figures. To get five in the lesson (Physical education)
Interesting classes at school
Interesting classes at school

Riddles about toys for children with answers

It is impossible to imagine a children's game without toys. Children love their toys very much, sometimes consider them their living friends. Riddles about toys will probably like kids.

  • You can dress her in the dress, you can drink her tea, you can leave her and leave. She won't cry, she will forgive you (Doll)
  • With a bike, you can daze into any distance, hold your steering steering down and press stronger (Pedal)
  • To pour tea toys, to make a dish, young cooks need a real one (Tableware)
  • To refuel the car, dad took gas and watering can. And my typewriter only needs to be inserted (Battery)
  • This friend will not leave in trouble and you can wear it with an armpit, he is warmer and softer than anyone, your favorite plush (Bear)
Childhood where games and toys
Childhood where games and toys

Video: riddles of Korney Chukovsky

Video: Riddles for kids

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