Riddles for logic - the best selection for children and adults: 120 puzzles

Riddles for logic - the best selection for children and adults: 120 puzzles

In our article you will find many interesting mysteries for logic for both children and adults.

Riddles are always interesting and fun, and riddles for logic, in addition to the entertainment effect, also have educational. As a rule, they almost always have a small catch that makes the brain look for an answer by logical thinking. And therefore, having fun, you can increase your horizons, and even get a dose of new knowledge.

Riddles for logic - the best selection for children and adults

Riddles for logic

Riddles for logic for children and adults:

  1. What muscle in the human body is the strongest? (Answer - calf and chewing muscles.)
  2. What are always talking about in the future? (Answer - about tomorrow.)
  3. Which word is always written incorrectly? (The answer is the word “wrong.” It is always written - “wrong.”)
  4. How many months a year have 28 days? (Answer - all months.)
  5. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Answer - dreams.)
  6. The river that is "placed" in the mouth? (Answer - Desna.)
  7. How can you bow your head without lowering it down? (Answer - by cases.)
  8. It is light and heavy, but nothing weighs. It is fast and slow, but does not walk, does not run, does not fly. What is this? (Answer - music.)
  9. The more of them, the smaller the weight. What's this? (Answer - holes.)
  10. A wooden river, a wooden boat, and a wooden smoke flows over the boat. What's this? (Answer - Rubanok.)
  11. The grandmother carried a hundred eggs to the bazaar, and the bottom fell, how many eggs were left in the basket. (The answer is not a single bottom fell.)
  12. Moscow - 100, Yaroslavl - 1000, Arkhangelsk - 500. What is it about? (Answer - rubles, images on bills.)
  13. On the ship, two sailors one look to the west, and the other to the east, but they see each other as it happened. (Answer - they look at each other.)
  14. Ducks flew, one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two. How many were there? (The answer is three.)
  15. How many fruits can I eat on an empty stomach? (The answer is one fruit, since the next ones will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
  16. In one family, two sisters had one brother each. How many children are in the family?
    (Answer - only 3 children, two sisters and brother.)
  17. How to put a pencil in the room so that no one can step over or jump over it? (Answer - put a pencil near the wall.)
  18. It changes during the year, but can be fixed. (Answer - date.)
  19. What can I do, what can you repeat in life? (The answer is to crawl between your legs.)
  20. What is broken, but never falls? What is falling, but never breaks. (Answer - heart and pressure.)

Riddles for logic - interesting

Riddles for logic

Interesting riddles for logic:

  1. Union, the number then the preposition - that’s the whole mystery. And in order to find the answer, you could, you need to remember the rivers. (Answer - source.)
  2. On the table lies 100 sheets of paper. For every 10 seconds you can calculate 10 sheets. How many seconds will be needed to count 80 sheets? (Answer - 80 seconds)
  3. Residents of medieval Europe sometimes tied wooden chocks to the soles. For what purpose did they do it? (The answer is to protect against dirt, since there was no sewer and the slop was poured right into the street.)
  4. A man bought fruits for 10 rubles apiece, but sold them 5 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it? (Answer - he was a billionaire.)
  5. He may not have children, but he is still dad. How is this possible? (The answer is the pope.)
  6. Is it possible to catch water using a network? (The answer is possible if the water is frozen.)
  7. What will become more if it is turned upside down? (Answer - number 6.)
  8. What can you take in the left hand, but you can’t in the right one? (Answer - elbow of the right hand.)
  9. In the month, three Sundays fell on even numbers. What day of the week was the seventh of this month? (Answer: Friday. Sunday will fall on numbers: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.)
  10. The bank stands on the table. It should be so that one half of it is in the air, and the other on the table. What lies in the bank if it falls after half an hour? And why? (The answer is ice. It will melt, and the bank will fall.)
  11. Where do people pay for what they take away from them? (Answer - hairdresser.)
  12. Rainted, but in boots. He walks on the ground, but upside down. (Answer - a nail in a boot.)
  13. What small horse should you put between two pronouns so that the name of the country is obtained? (Answer - pony, Japan.)
  14. Where does the southern wind always blow on earth? (The answer is at the North Pole.)
  15. How many different numbers should be used to write the number 100? (The answer is two, zero and one.)
  16. The night watchman died during the day. Will they give him a pension? (The answer is that they don’t give a dead pension.)
  17. What island calls itself the subject of linen? (The answer is Jamaica, I am T -shirt.)
  18. The person is completely healthy, not died, not disabled, but they take him out of the hospital in his arms. (The answer is a newborn.)
  19. What kind of crane can not be washed from? (Answer - from construction.)
  20. Which person can hold the elephant? (Answer is chess player.)

Riddles for logic - complex

Riddles for logic

Complex puzzles for logic:

  1. The husband and wife lived. The husband in the house had his own room in which he forbade his wife to enter. And now the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to go into this room. She took the key, opened it, turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then she saw a book on the table. She opened her and heard that someone was opening the door. This is a husband. He took the key, opened the room and realized that someone was in it. How did my husband guess? (Answer - the husband touched the light bulb, it was hot.)
  2. What are the three animals that Moses took into your ark? (Answer - the Prophet Moses did not take animals in the ark, this was done by the righteous Noah.)
  3. Crossroads, traffic lights. Kamaz, wagon and motorcyclist stand and are waiting for green light. Yellow, Kamaz went. The horse was frightened and bit the ear to the motorcyclist. Like an accident, but who violated the rules? (The answer is a motorcyclist, he was without a helmet.)
  4. You are standing in front of three switches. Behind the opaque wall there are three bulbs in the off state. You need to make manipulations with switches, go into the room and determine which bulb that each switch belongs to. (Answer-first you need to turn on two switches. After some time, turn off one of them. Come into the room. One light will be hot from the switch on, the second is warm from the turned off, the third is cold, from the untouched switch.)
  5. How to fill the barrel by one half, without using measuring devices?
    (The answer is to tilt the barrel and pour it until it is in a horizontal position, so that the beginning of the bottom is visible, and the edge will not touch.)
  6. A fairy -tale gnome is a new candle, which he shines on the road, walking around the city. It can make a 1 new candle of 5 candle cores. If he gets 25 cores, then how many nights will he have enough reserve of new candles? (The answer is for 6 nights. He will be able to make 5 new candles of 25 cores, and when they burn out, he can make the sixth of those 5 cores that will remain from them.)
  7. Once, one collector of ancient money saw a coin in an antique store, on which the date was the 175th year BC. This Roman coin was not very expensive. But the collector did not buy it. Why? (The answer - the collector realized that he had a fake in his hands, since the master who made a coin did not know that he was living "before our era.")
  8. There was a rich master. One morning he had to go on a trip. But before leaving, the watchman ran up to him and began to shout that the Barin did not go anywhere, because he dreamed that the Barin would have an accident. But the master took it and fired it. For what? (Answer - the watchman slept at work.)
  9. 3 turtles crawl. The 1st turtle says-two turtles creep behind me. The 2nd Turtle says-one turtle crawls behind me and one turtle crawls in front of me. And the 3rd turtle-two turtles crawl in front of me and one turtle crawls behind me. How can this be? (Answer - turtles crawl around.)
  10. One morning, the man notices that in one of the tires of his car there is absolutely no air. Nevertheless, he gets into the car and goes 150 km to his client. After the visit, he returns back. Although he did not pump his tire, he was able to move on his car without any problems. Why could he drive a car? (The answer - the tire was lowered on the spare wheel.)
  11. There is a prison, next to the hospital. There are rails around them, and on the rails the train moves around at high speed. One boy needs to go to grandfather in jail, and one girl to his grandmother in the hospital. How to do this if the train does not stop?
    (Answer - the boy needs to throw the girl under the train, then he will go to jail, and the girl will be taken to the hospital.)
  12. The school principal has brother Nikolai. But Nikolai has no brothers. Could it be?
    (Answer - yes. The school principal may be a woman.)
  13. Two friends considered passers -by. One was sitting still and counted all passers -by. And the second went back and forth and considered those who were coming towards him. Who counted more? (The answer is the same. The second goes in one direction considers some, in the other - others.)
  14. My life can be measured in watches. I serve when I decrease. When I'm thin, I'm fast. When I am fat, I am slow. My enemy wind. Who am I? (Answer - candle.)
  15. How much land does a pit with a diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 3 meters contain? (The answer is not at all, the holes are empty.)
  16. On the table were three cucumbers and four apples. The child took one apple from the table. How many fruits are left on the table? (The answer is 3 fruits, and cucumbers are vegetables.)
  17. Whom the simple mortal sees every day, the king is very rare, and God is never. (The answer is to your own kind.)
  18. The man jumped out of an airplane without a parachute. He landed on hard soil, but remained unharmed. Why? (Answer - the plane stood on the ground.)
  19. It is not more than a height of a glass, the size of a glass, no more than the coverage of human hands, but no matter how much water is poured into it, it will still not be filled. (The answer is the sink.)
  20. What time does the moon weigh more? (The answer is when it is complete.)

Riddles for logic - short

Riddles for logic short

Short riddles for logic:

  1. More than an hour, less than a minute. (The answer is a second, the arrow of some watches.)
  2. Why is a stop clock in trains red, and in blue aircraft? (Answer-there is no stop crane in the aircraft.
  3. The boy paid for a bottle with a traffic jam of 11 rubles. A bottle costs 10 rubles more than a cork. How much does a cork cost? (Answer - 50 kopecks.)
  4. In which city did the male name and the side of the world hide? (Answer - Vladivostok.)
  5. Why do they often go, and rarely drive? (Answer - up the stairs.)
  6. It goes to the mountain, then from the mountain, but remains in place. (Answer - road.)
  7. In what word is 5 "E" and no other vowels? (Answer is a migrant.)
  8. Which table has no legs? (The answer is dietary.)
  9. How can a person not sleep for 8 days? (Answer - sleep at night.)
  10. What animal do people go and cars pass? (Answer - zebra.)
  11. In which word "no" is used 100 times? (Answer - groans.)
  12. What is an elephant without a nose? (The answer is chess.)
  13. What path did not ever go and drove through? (Answer - Milky Way.)
  14. What kind of cork can not plug a single bottle? (Answer - road.)
  15. In what word "hid" a drink and a natural phenomenon? (Answer - grapes.)
  16. You can tie it, but you can’t untie. (Answer - conversation.)
  17. Before what ordinary mortals does the president take off his hat even? (Answer - hairdresser.)
  18. They are metal and liquid. What are we talking about? (Answer - nails.)
  19. How to write a "duck" in 2 cells? (Answer: in the 1st-the letter "y", in the 2nd-point.)
  20. Guess the riddle - who has a heel behind your nose? (Answer - shoes.)

Riddles for logic - funny

Riddles for logic funny

Funny puzzles for logic:

  1. Small, gray look like an elephant. Who is it? (Answer - elephant.)
  2. A pear hangs - you can’t eat. Not a light bulb. (The answer is a stranger pear.)
  3. What is the name of the fear of the arrival of Santa Claus? (Answer - claustrophobia.)
  4. Not ice, but melting, not a boat, but floats. (Answer - salary.)
  5. What is the difference between the priest and the Volga? (Answer: Pop - Father, and Volga - Mother.)
  6. Before calling a woman a bunny, what should a man check? (The answer is to make sure that he has enough “cabbage.”)
  7. When does a person have as much eye as a year? (The answer is the second of January.)
  8. One magician said that he could put a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this? (The answer is in it - room.)
  9. What is the kindest in the world, bringing with a motor? (Answer - Zaporozhets.)
  10. What needs to be put on a pie before eating it? (Answer - teeth.)
  11. You can’t lick - it will not get up, it will not get up - it will not fit! (Answer - a thread in a needle.)
  12. There is a woman on the floor, opening her hole. (Answer - stove.)
  13. From a slide crawling, in a hill running. (Answer - snot.)
  14. What is the name of the shadow from the horseradish? (Answer - horseradish.)
  15. Grain, passed fire, water and copper pipes. (Answer - moonshine.)
  16. How to catch a tiger in a cage? (Answer - there is no tiger in a cage, a tiger strip.)
  17. What is the difference between the worker and the engineer? (Answer - the worker washes hands before “going” to the toilet, and the engineer after.)
  18. How many shoes do a woman need for “complete happiness”? (The answer is one pair more than she already has.)
  19. Kolya’s boy works at the school with a cook, and dad at the meat processing plant. The question is, what is the weight of the boy Kolya? (The answer is excess.)
  20. What is common between milk and a hedgehog? (Answer - the ability to curl up.)

Riddles for logic - with a catch

Puzzles for logic with a catch

Riddles for logic with a catch:

  1. Two people are approaching the river. At the shore, a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. How? (Answer - they were on different shores.)
  2. Galki flew, sat on sticks. They’ll sit down one at a time - the jackdaws are unnecessary, they will sit down two - the stick is superfluous. How many sticks were there and how many galls were there? (Answer - three sticks and four galks.)
  3. Once upon a time there was one orphan girl, she had only two kittens, two puppies, three parrots, a turtle and a hamster. She decided to go living out of food. It goes by forest, field, forest, field. She came to the store, but there are no feed there. She went back home. And the girl fell into the pit. If she gets out, dad will die. If it stays there, mom will die. You can’t dig a tunnel. What should she do? (The answer is to get out calmly, she is an orphan.)
  4. A child was born in a family of blacks in the Congo, all white, even the teeth were snow -white. What is wrong here? (Answer - children are born without teeth.)
  5. In one day, 2 boys were born in one maternity hospital. Their parents moved to the same house. The boys lived on the same landing, went to the same school, to the same class. But they have never seen each other. How can it be? (Answer - they were born blind.)
  6. The boat sways on the water. A staircase is thrown out of her side. To the tide, the water covered only the lower step. After how long will the water cover the 3rd from the bottom, if during the tide the water arrives 20 cm per hour, and the distance between the steps is 30 cm? (The answer is never, since the boat rises with water.)
  7. How many colors do I have, if all of them except two are roses, all except two are tulips, and all except two - Margarita? (Answer - three flowers: rose, tulip and margarita.)
  8. A cowboy, gentleman and yogi are sitting at the table. How much legs cost on the floor?
    (Answer - 1 leg. Cowboy puts his legs on the table, the gentleman puts his foot on the leg, and the yogi meditates)
  9. Guests came to you, and in the refrigerator there is only a bottle of lemonade, a bag with pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you open in the first place? (Answer - refrigerator.)
  10. George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nero - Who is “extra” on this list? (Answer - Sherlock Holmes, he is a fictional character.)
  11. Which bird need to pluck feathers to turn out at once morning, day, evening and night?
    (Answer - from duck, day.)
  12. A man went into the bar, went to the bartender and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender instructed him with a gun. The man said “thank you” and left. Why? (The answer - the man had a strong hiccup, and the bartender decided to help him, scaring him.)
  13. The man went into the dark room, hit something, the glass crashed, and Lucy died. What happened? (Answer - Lucy was a fish.)
  14. Lera and Katya decided to play. One girl played with a doll, and the other with a plush bear. Lera did not play with a doll. What did every girl play with? (Answer - Lera played with a plush bear, and Katya with a doll.)
  15. All people want them to have a lot of this vegetable, but you can’t buy it anywhere. What is this vegetable? (Answer-cabbage-money.)
  16. There was a stone on the seashore. A word of 8 letters was written on the stone. When the rich read this word, they cried, the poor rejoiced, and the lovers parted. What was this word? (The answer is temporary.)
  17. At the bottom of the sea lies a chest. It all has everything except one. What is not in it? (Answer - voids.)
  18. You dropped the ring in coffee. You can get it without wet your hands, if you have nothing and you can’t pour coffee? (Answer - yes, if coffee in grains.)
  19. He sits on the pope and looks in the ass. What is the profession of a person? (Answer - coachman or coachman.)
  20. It was in the winter. He lost his brother Ivanushka his sister Alenushka. He went forest, look for her with a field, and sees a large river in front of him. How can he cross the river?
    (The answer is on ice, it was in winter.)

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