English for children with pronunciation - alphabet, score, numbers, animals, fruits, vegetables, months, days, furniture, figures, clothes, family

English for children with pronunciation - alphabet, score, numbers, animals, fruits, vegetables, months, days, furniture, figures, clothes, family

In our article you will find thematic collections of words - English for children with pronunciation.

English for children with pronunciation - profession

English for children with pronunciation - profession:

thirtypopular professions
Name Transcription Pronunciation Translation
Actor [æktə] [act] Actor
Actress [æktrəs] [Aktroes] Actress
Baby-Sitter [Beibi ‘Sitə] [Baby Sith] Nanny
Builder [bıldə] [build] Builder
Businessman (Woman) [bɪznəsmən] [BesesMan] Businessman
COOK [kʋk] [Cook] Cook
Chef [ʃEF] [Shaf] Chef
Chief [ʧi: f] [Chiif] Boss
Clerk [klɑ: k] [Claak] Service
Cosmonaut [kɔzmənɔ: t] [Coismenot] Astronaut
Dentist [dentıst] [Dantist] Dentist
Doctor [dɔktə] [DOKE] Doctor
Driver [Draıvə] [drive] Driver
Engineer [enʤı’nıə] [Anginie] Engineer
Farmer [fɑ: mə] [Faame] Farmer
Flight Attendant [Flaɪtə’Tendənt] [Flythendantent] Stewardess
Guide [gaıd] [guide] Guide, guide
Hairdresser [hɜə, dressə] [Hedrase] The hairdresser
Housewife [hauswaıf] [Hausvif] A housewife
Journalist [ʤə: nəlıst] [Joenaalist] Journalist
Lawyer [Lɔ: Jə] [Loye] Lawyer
Manager [mænıʤə] [manege] Manager
Musician [mju: ’zıʃən] [Musichen] Musician
Pilot [paılət] [Paylet] Pilot
Police Officer [pə’li: s’ɔfısə] [Palis Office] Police officer
Secretary [sekrətrı] [Secrtry] Secretary
Shop Assistant [ʃɔPə’Sıstənt] [Chopesistant] Salesman
Soldier [səulʤə] [SOULZHE] Soldier
Sportsman [spɔ: tsmən] [SPOSOTMEN] Sportsman
Tailor [Teılə] [Tayle] Tailor
Teacher [Ti: ʧə] [TICHE] Teacher
Veterinarian [vetərı’nɜər signific] [Viteerinernie] Veterinarian
Waiter [Weıtə] [Weite] Waiter
Waitress [WeıTRəs] [Waytraz] Waitress
Writer [Raıtə] [Wright] Writer
Service sector, construction and production
Name Transcription Translation
Adjuster [ə’ʤʌstə] Collector, adjuster
Agronomist [əg’rɔnəmıst] Agronomist
Baker [beıkə] Baker
Bartender [Bɑ:, Tendə] Bartender
Bodyguard [bɒdɪɡɑ: d] Bodyguard
Bricklayer [Brık, leıə] Mason
Butcher [buʧə] Butcher
Caretaker [kɜə, teıkə] Warden, watchman
Carpenter [kɑ: pıntə] A carpenter
Computer Operator [kəm’pju: tə’ɔpəreıtə] PC operator
Concrete Worker [kɔnkri: t’wə: kə] Concrete
Confectioner [kən’fekʃnə] Container cook
Controller [kən’Trəulə] Dispatcher
Courier [kurıə] Courier
Crane Operator [kreın’ɔpəreıtə] Construction crane operator
Dairymaid, Milkier [dɜərımeıd, mılkə] Milkmaid
Dishwasher [dıʃ, wɔʃə] Dishwasher
Electrician [ılek’Trıʃən] An electrician
Eretor [ı’rektə] Installer
Fisherman [fıʃəmən] Fisherman
Fitter [fıtə] Installer, installer
Foreman [fɔ: mən] Brigadier, master
Gardener [gɑ: dnə] Gardener
Glazier [gleızjjə] Glazier
Guard [Gɑ: D] Security guard
Janitor [ʤænıtə] Cleaning woman
Joiner [ʤɔınə] Carpenter
Letter, postman [Letə, pəustmən] Postman
Librarian [laı’brɜərıən] Librarian
Loader [ləudə] Loader
Locksmith [lɔksmıθ] Locksmith
Mechanic [mı’kænık] Mechanic
Medical Assistant [Medıkələ’sıstənt] Feldsher
Miner [maınə] Miner
Plaster [plɑ: stərə] Plasterer
Plumber [plʌmə] Plumber
Porter [pɔ: tə] Porter, Swiss
Printer [prıntə] Printer, printing worker
Repairer [rı’Pɜərə] Master, repairman
Sailor [seılə] Sailor
Shoemaker, Cobbler* [ʃu:, meıkə, kɔblə] Shoemaker
Smith [Smıθ] Blacksmith
Specialist [Speʃəlıst] Specialist
Street Cleaner [Stri: T’Kli: Nə] Street cleaner
Train Driver [Treın’draıvə] Driver
Trainer, Coach [Treınə] Trainer
Travel Agent [trævl’eıʤənt] Travel agent
Turner [Tə: nə, kəuʧ] Turner
Unskilled Labourer [ʌn’skıld’leıbərə] Householder
Welder [Weldə] Welder
Work Superintendent [Wə: k, sju: pərın’Tendənt] Prost
Specialties of the budget sphere and government posts
Names Transcription Translation
Cardiologist [kɑːdɪˈɒlədʒɪst] Cardiologist
Civil Servant [sıvl’s: vənt]] An official, a civil servant
Clergyman, Priest [klə: ʤımən, pri: st] Priest, clergyman
Deputy [Depjutı] Deputy, deputy
Educator [Edju: Keıtə] Educator
Firefighter [faɪəfaɪtər] Fireman
Head Teacher [Hed’TI: ʧə] Head teacher
Investigator [ın’Vestıgeıtə] Investigator
Judge [ʤʌʤ] Referee
Minister [mɪnɪstə] Minister
Nurse [nə: s] Nurse
Obstetrician [ɔbste’Trıʃən] Obstetrician
Oculist [ɔkjulıst] Okholist
Pediatrician [pi: dɪə’trɪʃn] Pediatrician
Politician [pɔlı’Tıʃən] Politician
Public Prosecutor [pʌblık’prɔsıkju: tə] Prosecutor
Secretary of state [sekrətri əv steaf] State Secretary, Minister
Serviceman [sə: vısmæn] Serviceman
Surgeon [sə: ʤən] Surgeon
Tax Officer [Tæks ɔfısə] Tax inspector

English alphabet with pronunciation for children

English alphabet with pronunciation for children:

English letter Transcription Russian analogue
AA [eɪ] Hey
BB [biː] Bi
CC [siː] Si
DD [diː] Di
Ee [ː] And
FF [ɛf] EF
GG [dʒiː] Ji
HH [eɪtʃ] Eich
II [aɪ] Ay
JJ [dʒeɪ] Jay
KK [Keɪ] Kay
LL [ɛl] El
Mm [ɛm] Em
NN [ɛn] En
OO [əʊ] OU
PP [piː] Pi
QQ [kjuː] Kew
RR [ɑː] or [ɑɹ] A or ar
SS [ɛS] Es
TT [Tiː] TI
Uu [juː] YU
VV [viː] In and
Ww [ˈDʌb (ə) l juː] Dabble-y
XX [ɛks] The ex
Yy [waɪ] Wow
ZZ [zɛd], [ziː] Zed, Z


Letter English transcription Russian transcription Sound(English transcription)


(Russian transcription)

AA [ei] [hey] [æ] [e]
Ee [I:] [and:] (Long) [i:], [e] [and:], [e]
II [ai] [ah] [ai], [i] [ah], [and]
OO [əu] [OU] [o] [about]
Uu [juː] [Y:] (Long) [ju:], [ʌ] [Yu], [a]
Yy [wai] [wow] [aɪ], [i] [ah], [and

Consistent letters, similar in appearance to Russian letters and pronunciation:

Letter English transcription Russian transcription

Sound(English transcription)



(Russian transcription)


CC [siː] [SI:] [k], [s] [k], [s]
KK [Keɪ] [Kay] [k] [to]
Mm [em] [um] [m] [m]
TT [Tiː] [T:] [t] [t]

Consistent letters that are similar to Russians, but are pronounced or written differently:

Letter English transcription Russian transcription

Sound(English transcription)



(Russian transcription)


BB [biː] [bi:] [b] [b]
DD [diː] [di:] [D] [d]
LL [el] [email] [l] [L]
NN [en] [en] [n] [n]
PP [piː] [PI:] [p] [P]
SS [ES] [Es] [s] [With]
XX [eks] [the ex] [ks] [KS]

Consistent letters that are not in Russian:

Letter English transcription Russian transcription Sound(English transcription)


(Russian transcription)


FF [EF] [EF] [f] [F]
GG [dʒiː] [ji] [dʒ], [g] [J], [g]
HH [eɪtʃ] [Eich] [h] [X]
JJ [dʒeɪ] [Jay] [dʒ] [J]
QQ [kjuː] [Kew] [kw] [kV]
RR [ɑː] [a:] [r], [ɑ :] [p], [a]
VV [viː] [in and] [v] [in]
Ww [‘Dʌblju:] [dable] [w] [uv]
ZZ [zɛd] [Zed] [z] [h]

English account, pronunciation numbers for children

English account, pronunciation numbers for children:

0 zero [‘Zièrèu]
1 one uan [wʌn]
2 two that [ˈTuː]
3 three fri [θriː]
4 four fOR [fɔː]
5 five fIV [faɪv]
6 six syks [sɪks]
7 seven s’Even [ˈSevn̩]
8 eight eit [eɪt]
9 nine nine [naɪn]
10 ten ten [ten]
11 eleven il’Even [ɪˈlevn̩]
12 twelve tu’elv [Twelv]
13 thirteen surt’in [θɜː’Tiːn]
14 fourteen fort’in [ˌFɔː’Tiːn]
15 fifteen fift’in [ˌFɪf’Tiːn]
16 sixteen sykst’in [ˌSɪK’SSTIːN]
17 seventeen sevent’in [ˌSev (ə) n’Tiːn]
18 eighteen eit’in [ˌEɪ’Tiːn]
19 nineteen nail’in [ˌNaɪn’Tiːn]
20 twenty tu’enti / [ˈtwenti]
21 tWENTY-ONE twentti Uan
22 twenty-Two twenty that
23 twenty-Three twenti srya
24 twenty-Four twentti F.
25 twenty-Five twenti Five
26 twenty-Six twenti Syks
27 twenty-Even twentti Saven
28 twenty-Eight twentti eit
29 twenty-Nine twenty Nin
30 thirty soti / [ˈθɜːti]
31 thirty-One soti Uan
32 thirty-Two soti that
33 thirty-Three soti sra
34 thirty-Four soti Fer
35 thirty-Five soti Five
36 thirty-Six soti Syks
37 thirty-Even soti Saven
38 thirty-Eight soti Eit
39 thirty-Nine soti Nin
40 forty f’rti / [ˈfɔːti]
41 forty-One f’Orti Uan
42 forty-Two f’Orti that
43 forty-Three f’Orti sra
44 forty-Four f’Orti F.
45 forty-Five f’Orti Five
46 forty-Six f’Orti Syks
47 forty-Even f’Orti Saven
48 forty-Eight f’Orti eit
49 forty-Nine f’Orti Nin
50 fifty f’Ifti / [ˈfɪfti]
51 fIFTY-ONE f’Ifti Uan
52 fifty-Two f’Ifti that
53 fifty-Three f’IFTI SRO
54 fifty-Four f’Ifti F.
55 fifty-Five f’IFTI FIV
56 fifty-Six f’Ifti Syks
57 fifty-Even f’IFTI SEVEN
58 fifty-Eight f’IFTI EIT
59 fifty-Nine f’IFTI NINN
60 sixty s’yksti / [ˈsɪksti]
61 sixty-ONE s’yksti Uan
62 sixty-Two tu
63 sixty-Three s’yksty sra
64 sixty-Four s’yksti Fri
65 sixty-Five s’yksti Fayv
66 sixty-Six s’yksty Syks
67 sixty-Even s’yksti Saven
68 sixty-Eight s’yksti eit
69 sixty-Nine s’yksti Nyne
70 seventy s’Eventi / [ˈsevnti]
71 sEVENTY-ONE s’Eventi Uan
72 seventy-Two s’Eventi that
73 seventy-Three s’Eventi sra
74 seventy-Four s’Eventi F.
75 sEVENTY-FIVE s’Eventi Five
76 seventy-Six s’Eventi Syks
77 sEVENTY-SEVEN s’Eventi Saven
78 seventy-Eight s’Eventi Eith
79 seventy-Nine s’Eventy Nyne
80 eighty ‘Eit / [ˈeɪti]
81 eighty-One ‘Eita Uan
82 eighty-Two ‘Eita that
83 eighty-Three ‘Eita srya
84 eighty-Four ‘Eita f
85 eighty-Five ‘Eita Five
86 eighty-Six ‘Eit Syks
87 eighty-Even ‘Eita Saven
88 eighty-eight ‘Eita eight
89 eighty-Nine ‘Eita Nine
90 ninety n’Anti / [ˈnaɪnti]
91 ninety-One n’Anty Uan
92 ninety-Two n’Anty that
93 ninety-Three n’Anty sry
94 ninety-Four n’Anty F.
95 ninety-Five n’Anty Five
96 ninety-Six n’Anty Syks
97 ninety-Even n’Anty Saven
98 ninety-Eight n’Anty Eight
99 ninety-Nine n’Anty Nin
100 one Hundred Uan H’andrid /[ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]


Number in words Quantitative Order Translation
1 one fIRST the first
2 two second second
3 three third third
4 four fourth fourth
5 five fifth fifth
6 six sixth sixth
7 seven seventh seventh
8 eight eighth eighth
9 nine ninth ninth
10 ten tenth tenth
14 fourteen fourteenth fourteenth
20 twenty twentietH twentieth
21 twenty One twenty First twenty first
100 hundred hundredth hundredth

Colors in English for children with pronunciation

Colors in English for children with pronunciation:

  • Yellow - yellow (Elou) [`jeləʊ]
  • Green - Green (Green) [ɡri: `n]
  • Blue - blue, blue (Blue) [Blu:]
  • Brown - brown (brown) [braʊn]
  • White - White (White) [waɪt]
  • Red - red (ed) [red]
  • Orange - Orange (Orendge) [`ɒRɪNDʒ]
  • Pink - pink (pink) [pɪŋk]
  • Gray - Gray (Gray) [ɡreɪ]
  • Black - Black (Black) [Blæk]
  • PURPLE- Violet (brewer) [pɜːpl]
  • Beige - beige (Baiga) [beɪʒ]
  • Khaki - khaki (kaki) [kɑːkɪ]
  • Vinous - burgundy (vines) [vaɪnəs]
  • Turquoise - turquoise (terchis) [tɜː (r) k (w) ɔɪz]
  • Blue- Blue (Blu) [Blu:]
  • Light Green (Light Green) [Laɪt Gri: N]
  • Lilac- lilac (Lylak) [`laɪlək]
  • Azure - azure (eZhe) [`ʒʒə]
  • Dark Purple- dark purple (Dark Pipple) [Dɑːk PɜːPL]
  • Coral - coral (coral) [`kɒrəl]
  • Golden-Golden (Golden) [`gəʊldən]
  • Silver- Silver (Silve) [`sɪlvə]
  • Copper- copper (cape) [`kɒpə]
  • Pastel- pastel (pastel) [`pæstl]
  • Emerald - Emerald (Emerald) [`emərəld]
  • Aquamarine- aquamarine (equamarine) [ækwəmə`ri: `n]

Animals in English for children with pronunciation

Animals in English for children with pronunciation:

Pets names

domestic Animals [dəʊˈmɛstɪk ˈænɪməlz] pets
cow [kaʊ] cow
bull [bʊl] bull
horse [hɔːs] horse
stallion [ˈStæljən] stallion
mare [meə] mare
goat [gəʊt] goat
he Goat [hiː] [gəʊt] goat
sheep [ʃiːp] sheep
rAM [ræm] ram
donkey [ˈDɒŋki] a donkey
mule [mjuːl] mule
pig [pɪg] pig
cat [kæt] cat
dOG [dɒg] dog
calf [kɑːf] calf
lamb [læm] lamb
foal [fəʊl] foal
piglet [ˈPɪglət] pigue
kitten [ˈKɪtn] kitty
puppy [ˈPʌpi] puppy
mouse [maʊs] mouse
rat [ræt] rat
chinchilla [ʧɪnˈʧɪlə] chinchilla
hamster [ˈHæmstə] hamster
guinea Pig (Cavy) [ˈGɪni pɪg] [ˈkeɪvi] cavy

Wild animals

wild Animal [waɪld ˈænɪməl] wild animal
wolf [wʊlf] wolf
fox [fɒks] fox
bear [beə] bear
tiger [ˈTaɪgə] tiger
lion [ˈLaɪən] a lion
elePhant [ˈƐlɪfənt] elephant
ape (monkey) [eɪp] [ˈmʌŋki] a monkey
camel [ˈKæməl] camel
rabbit [ˈRæbɪt] rabbit
hare [heə] hare
antelope [ˈÆntɪləʊp] antelope
badger [ˈBæʤə] badger
squirrel [ˈSkwɪrəl] squirrel
beAver [ˈBiːvə] beaver
zebra [ˈZiːbrə] zebra
kangaroo [ˌKæŋgəˈruː] kangaroo
crocodile [ˈKrɒkədaɪl] crocodile
rhino (rhinoceros) [ˈRaɪnəʊ] [raɪˈnɒsərəs] rhinoceros
deer [dɪə] deer
lynx [lɪŋks] lynx
seal [siːl] seal
tortoise (Turtle) [ˈTɔːtəs] [ˈtɜːtl] turtle
cheetah [ˈʧiːtə] cheetah
hyena [haɪˈiːnə] hyena
raccoon [rəˈkuːn] raccoon
giraffe [ʤɪˈrɑːf] giraffe
hedgehog [ˈHɛʤhɒg] hedgehog
leopard [ˈLɛpəd] leopard
panther [ˈPænθə] panther
eLK (Moose) [ɛLK] ([muːs]) elk
anteater [ˈÆntˌiːtə] ant-eater
opossum (Possum) [əˈpɒsəm] ([ˈpɒsəm]) opossum
pUMA (COUGAR) [ˈPjuːmə] ([ˈkuːgə]) puma
wolverine [ˈWʊlvəriːn] wolverine
dinosaur [ˈDaɪnəʊs] dinosaur

Animal groups

The name of the group Transcription Approximate translation
colony (of ants, rabbits) [ˈKɒləni] the colony
swarm (of bees, flies, butterflies) [swɔːm] roy
flock (of Birds, Geeze) [FLɒK] flock
herd (of Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Goats) [hɜːd] herd
pack (of Dogs, Wolves) [pæk] flock, pack
school (of fish) [skuːl] a flock, a jamb
pride (of Lions) [praɪd] pride, flock
nEST (OF SNAKES) [nɛst] nest
litter (of puppies, kittens) [ˈLɪtə] brill, offspring, litter

What do animals say?

growl [Graʊl] roar, growl
squeak [skwiːk] squeak
scream [skriːm] scream
roar [rɔː] roar, growl
cluck [klʌk] clorize
moo [muː] mumble
chirp [ʧɜːp] brush
bleat [Bliːt] bleat
bark [bɑːk] bark
howl [haʊl] howl
quack [kwæk] croak
hiss [hɪs] hiss
laugh [lɑːf] laugh
tweet [Twiːt] tweet
meow [miːˈaʊ] mew
purr [pɜː] purr

Months, days, seasons in English for children with pronunciation

Months, days, seasons in English for children with pronunciation:

A month in English Translation Transcription Sound in Russian
January january [‘ʤænju (ə) ri] [Jae’nyuri]
February february [‘Febru (ə) ri] [Februeri]
March march [mɑ: tʃ] [MACH]
April april [‘Eipr (ə) l] [Aiprel]
May may [m ei] [May]
June june [dʒ u: n] [Giun]
July july [dʒ u’lai] [Giulay]
August august [ɔ: ’g λst] [ogast]
September september [SEP ’TEMBə] [SEPTEMBE]
October october [ɔk ’təubə] [OKTOUBE]
NOVEMBER november [nəu ’vembə] [Novembre]
December december [di’s Embə] [dysembe]

Months by seasons in English

The time of the year in English Transcription and transliteration Russian translation Months by season
(US, UK)
Months by season
winter [‘Wɪntə]
winter December, January, February November,
spring [sprɪŋ]
spring MARCH, April, May March, April
summer [‘Sʌmə]
summer June, July, August May, June,
July, August
autumn (be)
Fall (AE)
[‘Ɔːtəm] [Father]
[fɔːl] [foul]
autumn September, October, November September,

Light memorization poems:

Poem in English Translation into Russian


January, February, March, April, May
June, July, August. Hooray, Hooray!
September, October, November, December,
These are the months that i can remimber!


January February March April May
June July August. Hurrah Hurrah!
September October November December,
These are all the months that I know!

How Many Days?

Thirty Days Has September,
April, June, and Novmber,
February Has Twenty-Eight Alone,
All the Rest Have Thirty-One;
Excepting Leap Year - That ‘S The Time
When February’s Days are Twenty-Nine.

How many days?

Thirty days since September,
April, June and November.
Only in February is twenty -eight,
in all the other thirty -one,
except for the leap year,
When in February twenty nine

The year

30 Days Has September,
April, June and Novmber.
All the Rest has 31,
Except for February Which Has 28 Days
And 29 in a leap-year.


30 days in September,
In April, June and November.
Everyone else has 31,
Except February, in which 28 days
And 29 - in a leap year.

Fruits, berries, vegetables in English for children with pronunciation

Fruits, berries, vegetables in English for children with pronunciation:

  • Fruits - fruits - [frːts] - fruts;
  • Berries - berries - [ˈberrɪez] - Beriza;
  • Lemon - kbvjy - [ˈlemən] - laman;
  • Kiwi - kiwi - [ˈkiːwiː] - kiwi;
  • Mango - mango - [ˈmæŋgəʊ] - mangou;
  • Orange - orange - [ˈɔrɪnʤ] - Orinji;
  • Graphfruit - grapefruit - [ˈgreɪpfruːt] - graepfrut;
  • Banana - Banana - [bəˈnɑːnə] - Benan;
  • Skin - peel - [skɪn] - skin;
  • Pomegranate - grenade - [ˈpɔmegrænɪt] - waggranet;
  • Peach - peach - [piːʧ] - peach;
  • Apple - apple - [æpl] - eple;
  • Pear - pear - [pɛər] - PIER;
  • PineApple - pineapple - [ˈpaɪnæpl] - pineepl;
  • Apricot - apricot - [ˈeɪprɪkɔt] - aprikot;
  • Seed - bone - [siːd] - sid;
  • Flesh - pulp - [fleʃ] - flash;
  • Persimmon - Hurma - [Persimon] - Persimen;
  • Melon - melon - [ˈmelən] - Malen;
  • Flesh - pulp - [fleʃ] - flash;
  • Watermelon - watermelon - [ˈwɔːtəmelən] - Wotermelen;
  • Plum - plum - [plʌm] - flame;
  • Grapes - grapes - [Greɪps] - Graep;
  • Strawberry - strawberries - [ˈStrɔːbərɪ] - stroberi;
  • Raspberry - raspberries - [ˈrɑːzbərɪ] - rangeri;
  • BlackBerry - Blackberry - [ˈblækbərɪ] - Blacbery;
  • Redcurrant - red currant - [ˈredkʌrənt] - Redkarent;
  • Blackcurrant - Black Currant - [Blækˈrənt - Blackerant;
  • Cherry - cherry - [ˈʧerɪ] - Cheri;
  • Gooseberry - gooseberries - [ˈgʊzbərɪ] - guzbari;
  • Leaves - leaves - [liːvz] - lie;
  • Twig - branch - [twɪg] - twig;
  • Blueberry - blueberries - [ˈbluːberɪ] - Bluberi;
  • Cranberry - Cranberry - [ˈkrænbərɪ] - Cranbari;
  • Vegetable [ˈ vedʒ tə b.ə l.] - vegetable
  • eggplant [‘ eGPLɑː nT] - eggplant
  • Bean [ˈ bIː n.] - beans
  • pEA [ pi:] - peas
  • cabbage [‘ k.æ bidʒ] - cabbage
  • potato [ p.ə’ tEɪ tə u] - potato
  • onion [‘ʌ nJə n.] - onion
  • carrot [‘ k.æ rə t] - carrot
  • cucumber [‘ kju:k.ʌ mBə] - cucumber
  • pepper [‘ pEPə] - pepper
  • tomato [ tə’ ma:təʊ] - tomato
  • radish [‘ ræ diʃ] - radish
  • beet [ bI:t] - beet
  • gourd [ guə d.] - pumpkin
  • haricot [‘ hæ rɪ k.ə u] - beans
  • garlic [‘ gA:lik] - garlic
  • Basil — [ˈ b.æ zə l.] - basil
  • celery [‘ selə ri] - celery
  • dill [ dil] - dill
  • parsley [‘ pA:sLI] - parsley
  • Sorrel [ˈ s.ɔː rə l.] - sorrel

Figures in English for children with pronunciation

Figures in English for children with pronunciation:

sphere [sfıə] sphere
octagon [‘Ɔktəgən] octagon
rhombus [‘Rɔmbəs] rhombus
rECTANGLE [‘Rek, tæŋgl] rectangle
parallepiped [, pærəle’lepıped] parallelepiped
square [SkWeə] Square
quadrilatral [, kwɔdrı’lætərəl] quadrangle
cone [kəun] cone
hexagon [‘Heksəgən] hexagon
cylinder [‘Sılındə] cylinder
hendecagon [Hen’Dekəgən] hendecagon
pyramid [‘Pırəmıd] pyramid
triangle [‘Traıæŋgl] triangle
helix [‘Hi: Lıks] spiral
trapezium [Trə’Pi: zɪəm] trapezius
hemisphere [‘Hemısfıə] hemisphere
parallelogram [, pærə’leləugræm] parallelogram
heptagon [‘Heptəgən] heptagon
pentagon [‘Pentəgən] pentagon
torus [‘Tɔ: Rəs] thor
octahedron [‘ƆKTə’HEDRən] octahedron
dodecagon [dəu’dekəgən] dodecagon
decagon [‘Dekəgən] decagon
cube [kju: b] cube

Clothing in English for children with pronunciation

Clothing in English for children with pronunciation:

English Word Or Phrase
Russian name
clothes [kləʊðz] clothes
women’s Clothes [ˈWɪmɪnz kləʊðz] clothes for women
men’s Clothes [Menz kləʊðz] clothing for men
children’s Clothes [ˈTʃɪldrənz kləʊðz] children's clothing
baby Clothes [ˈBeɪbi kləʊðz] baby clothes
sports Clothes [spɔːts kləʊðz] sportswear
women’s Clothing [ˈWɪmɪnz ˈkləʊðɪŋ] women's clothing
ladies ’clothing [ˈLeɪdɪz ˈkləʊðɪŋ] damian clothing
men’s Clothing [Menz ˈkləʊðɪŋ] men's clothing
children’s Clothing [ˈTʃɪldrənz ˈkləʊðɪŋ] baby clothes
sports Clothing [spɔːts ˈkləʊðɪŋ] sportswear
winter Clothes [ˈWɪntə kləʊðz] winter clothes
winter Clothing [ˈWɪntə ˈkləʊðɪŋ] winter clothes
summer Clothes [ˈSʌmə kləʊðz] summer clothes
casual Clothes [ˈKæʒʊəl kləʊðz] casual wear
formal Clothes [ˈFɔːml̩ kləʊðz] official clothing
expensive Clothes [ɪKˈSpensɪv kləʊðz] expensive clothing
cheap Clothes [tʃiːp kləʊðz] cheap clothes
nice Clothes [naɪs kləʊðz] beautiful (elegant) clothing
shabby Clothes [ˈƩæbi kləʊðz] worn/battered clothes
designer Clothes [dɪˈzaɪnə kləʊðz] designer clothing
tailor-Made Clothes [ˈTeɪlə meɪd kləʊðz] clotted clothing
handmade Clothes [hændˈmeɪd kləʊðz] handmade clothing
ready-Made Clothes [ˈRedɪ meɪd kləʊðz] (purchased in the store)
work Clothes [ˈWɜːk kləʊðz] workwear, workwear
working Clothes [ˈWɜːkɪŋ kləʊðz] work uniform
uniform [ˈJuːnɪfɔːm] uniform, working form
protective Clothing [prəˈtektɪv ˈkləʊðɪŋ] overalls, protective clothes
footwear [ˈFʊtweə] shoes
headgear [ˈHEDɡɪ] headdress
underwear [ˈɅndəWeə] underwear
sportswear [ˈSPɔːTSWEEL] sportswear
swimwear [ˈSwɪmWeə] bathing suit
sleepwear [sˈliːˌpwer] nightwear
clothes [kləʊðz] clothes
clothing [ˈKləʊðɪŋ] clothing, dress
garments [ˈꞬɑːmənts] clothing, robe
wear [Weə] sock (clothes), clothes
dress [Dres] dress
outfit [ˈAʊtfɪt] a full set of clothes
attire [əˈtaɪə] the robe, outfit
apparel [əˈpærəl] clothing, clothing item
fashion [ˈFæʃn̩] fashion
style [staɪl] style
vogue [vəʊɡ] fashion
haute couture [ˈHot kuˈtjʊə] high-fashion
Outer Garments [ˈAʊtə ˈɡɑːmənts] Outerwear
warm Coat [wɔːm ˈkəʊt] warm coat
fur Coat [fɜː ˈkəʊt] fur coat
sheepskin Coat [ˈƩiːpskɪn ˈkəʊt] (coat-) sheepskin coat
storm Coat [stɔːm ˈkəʊt] glory
parka [ˈPɑːkə] park (long jacket with a hood)
snowsuit [ˈSnəʊ suːt] snowsuit
coat [ˈKəʊt] coat
topcoat [ˈTɒpkəʊt] coat
overcoat [ˈƏʊvəkəʊt] coat, overcoat
trench Coat [trentʃ ˈkəʊt] long waterproof coat
raincoat [ˈReɪnkəʊt] raincoat
waterproof Coat [ˈWɔːtəprːf ˈkəʊt] waterproof coat, raincoat
slicker [ˈSlɪkə] waterproof cloak, macintosh
leather Jacket [ˈLeðə ˈdʒækɪt] leather jacket, leather jacket
bomber Jacket [ˈBɒmə ˈdʒækɪt] short coat
car Coat [kɑː ˈkəʊt] half a wrapper
windbreaker [ˈWɪndbreɪkə] vetrovka
windcheater [ˈWɪndtʃiːtə] vetrovka
sports Jacket [spɔːts ˈdʒækɪt] sport jacket
Women’s Clothes [ˈWɪmɪnz kləʊðz] Women's clothing
casual Dress [ˈKæʒʊəl dres] everyday clothes (dress)
formal Dress [ˈFɔːml̩ dres] long evening dress
summer Dress [ˈSʌmə dres] summer dress
woolen Dress [ˈWʊlən dres] woolen dress
cocktail Dress [ˈKɒkteɪl dres] evening Dress
low-Cut Dress [ləʊ kʌt dres] dress with deep neckline
evenging Dress [ˈIːvn̩ɪŋ dres] evening Dress
evening GOWN [ˈIːvn̩ɪŋ ɡaʊn] evening Dress
business Suit [ˈBɪznəs suːt] business suit
pants Suit (Pant Suit) [pænts suːt] [pænt suːt] women's trouser suit
uniform [ˈJuːnɪfɔːm] (work uniform
button-Through Dress [ˈBʌtn̩ θruː dres] khalat dress
pINAFORE DRESS [ˈPɪnəfɔː dres] sarafan
house Dress [ˈHaʊs dres] homemade dress
maternity Wear [məˈtɜːnɪti weə] clothes for pregnant women
maternity Dress [məˈtɜːnɪti dres] dress for pregnant women
sweater [ˈSwetə] pullover
jersey [ˈDʒɜːzi] sweater, knitted jacket
cardigan [ˈKɑːdɪɡən] cardigan
jacket [ˈDʒækɪt] jacket, jacket
vest [Vest] vest
blouse [Blaʊz] blouse
shirt [ʃɜːT] shirt
tunic [ˈTjuːnɪk] tunic, blouse or jacket (usually with a belt)
T-shirt [ˈTiː ʃɜːt] t-shirt
tank Top [tæŋk tɒp] knitted vest, T -shirt on straps (amer.)
halter Top [ˈHɔːltə tɒp] short top
skirt [skɜːt] skirt
miniskirt [ˈMɪniskɜːt] mini skirt
long Skirt [ˈLɒŋ skɜːt] long skirt
pleated Skirt [ˈPliːtɪd skɜːt] pleated skirt
black Skirt [Blæk SKɜːT] black skirt
pANTS [pænts] pants, panties
slacks [Slæks] wide trousers (male or female)
trousers [ˈTraʊzəz] pants
jeans [dʒiːnz] jeans
denims [ˈDenɪmz] jeans
shorts [ʃɔːTS] shorts
swimsuit [ˈSwɪmsuːt] bathing suit
swimming Suit [ˈSwɪmɪŋ suːt] bathing suit
bathing Suit [ˈBeɪðɪŋ suːt] bathing suit
bikini [bɪˈkiːni] bikini
jumpsuit [ˈDʒʌmpsuːt] sport suit
warm-up suit [ˈWɔːˌməp suːt] training suit
training Suit [ˈTreɪnɪŋ suːt] training (sports) costume
Men’s Clothes [Menz kləʊðz] Men's clothing
business Suit [ˈBɪznəs suːt] business suit
three-Piece Suit [ˈΘriː piːs suːt] costume "Troika"
tuxedo [tʌkˈsiːdəʊ] the tuxedo
tail Coat [Teɪl ˈkəʊt] froke
tails [teɪlz] froke
black Tie [Blæk Taɪ] black tie-butterfly
white Tie [waɪt taɪ] white tie-butterfly
trousers [ˈTraʊzəz] pants
slacks [Slæks] wide pants
jeans [dʒiːnz] jeans
denims [ˈDenɪmz] jeans
shorts [ʃɔːTS] shorts
jacket [ˈDʒækɪt] jacket, jacket
blazer [ˈBleɪzə] blazer, sports jacket
vest [Vest] vest
sweater [ˈSwetə] pullover
turtleneck Sweater [ˈTɜːtlnek ˈswetə] turtleneck
pullover [ˈPʊləʊvə] pulover, sweater
jumper [ˈDʒʌmpə] jumper, sweatshirt
sweatshirt [ˈSwetʃɜːt] sweatshirt, training shirt
shirt [ʃɜːT] shirt
polo Shirt [ˈPəʊləʊ ʃɜːt] polo T-shirt
T-shirt [ˈTiː ʃɜːt] t-shirt
tank Top [tæŋk tɒp] knitted vest, T -shirt on straps (amer.)
warm-up suit [ˈWɔːˌməp suːt] training suit
training Suit [ˈTreɪnɪŋ suːt] sports (training) costume
tRUNKS [trʌŋks] underpants
bathing Trunks [ˈBɑːθɪŋ trʌŋks] swimming trunks
swimming Trunks [ˈSwɪmɪŋ trʌŋks] swimming trunks
swim Trunks [swɪm trʌŋks] swimming trunks
swim Briefs [swɪm briːfs] swimming trunks
uniform [ˈJuːnɪfɔːm] work uniform
work Clothes [ˈWɜːk kləʊðz] work clothes
overalls [ˈƏʊvərɔːlz] working trousers, overalls
Underwear [ˈɅndəWeə] Underwear
hosiery [ˈHəʊzɪəri] knitted linen
sleepwear [sˈliːˌpwer] clothing for sleep
robe [rəʊb] robe
underwear [ˈɅndəWeə] underwear
lingerie [ˈLænʒəriː] lingerie
panties [ˈPæntɪz] panties
bra [Brɑː] bra, bra
sLIP [slɪp] combination (linen)
half Slip [hɑːf slɪp] underskirt
briefs [Briːfs] short cowards or underpants
underpants [ˈɅndəPænts] pants; man's underwear)
T-shirt [ˈTiː ʃɜːt] tenniska
undershirt [ˈƏndərˌʃərt] t -shirt
pantyhose [ˈPæntiˌhoz] tights
tights [TaɪTS] tights
leggings [ˈLeɡɪŋz] leggings, leggings
stockings [ˈSTɒKɪŋZ] stockings
sOCKS [ˈSɒks] socks
slouch Socks [slaʊtʃ ˈsɒks] knee socks
knee-High Socks [niː ˈhaɪ ˈsɒks] knee socks
pajamas (Bre: Pyjamas) [pəˈdʒɑːməz] pajamas
nightgown [ˈNaɪtɡaʊn] long night shirt
sleepshirt [ˈSliːpʃɜːt] nightgown
housecoat [ˈHaʊskəʊt] women's robe
robe [rəʊb] robe
bathrobe [ˈBɑːθrəʊb] bathrobe
terry-Cloth Robe [ˈTerɪklɒθ rəʊb] bathrobe

Family in English for children with pronunciation

Family in English for children with pronunciation:

The main family

  • sPOUSE  (form) [spaʊs]/[spaʊz] - spouse or spouse;
  • husBand (non -form. hubby) - husband;
  • wIFE [waɪf] - wife (pl. Number wves [waɪvz]);
  • relative [‘Redətɪv] - relative ( relatives - relatives);
  • pARENT [ˈPeərənt] - parent ( parents - parents);
  • adoptive Parents - foster parents;
  • mother [ˈMʌðə (r)] - mother ( mum - mother);
  • father [ˈFɑːðə (r)] - father ( dAD - dad);
  • child [tʃaɪld] - child (non -form. kID [kɪd]);
  • children [ˈTʃɪldrən] - children;
  • daughter [ˈDɔːtə (r)] - daughter;
  • son [sʌn] - son;
  • sibling  (form) [ˈSɪblɪŋ] - brother or sister;
  • sister [ˈSɪstə (r)] - sister;
  • brother [ˈBrʌðə (r)] - brother;

Grandmothers and grandfathers

  • grandParents - grandmother and grandfather;
  • grandmother [ˈꞬrænmʌðə (r)] - grandmother Gran, Grandma, Granny;
  • grandfather [ˈꞬrænfɑːðə (r)] - grandfather (Grandad, Grandady, Grandpa);
  • grandchild [ˈꞬræntʃaɪld] - grandson or granddaughter;
  • grandchildren - grandchildren;
  • grandson [ˈꞬrænsʌn] - grandson;
  • granddaure [ˈꞬrændɔːtə (r)] - granddaughter;
  • great Grandmother - great -grandmother;
  • great Grandfather - great grandfather;
  • great Grandchildren - great -grandchildren;

Distant relatives

  • uncle [ˈɅŋkl] - uncle;
  • aunt [ɑːnt]/[ænt]- aunt;
  • cousin [ˈKʌzn] - cousin or sister;
  • nEPHEW [ˈNefjuː /ˈnevjuː] - nephew;
  • niece [niːs] - niece.

Relatives in marriage

  • sTEPFATER [ˈStepfɑːðə (r)] - stepfather;
  • sTEPMOTER [ˈStepmʌðə (r)] - stepmother;
  • sTEPDAUGHTER [ˈStepdɔːtə (r)] - stepdaughter;
  • stepson [ˈStepsʌn] - stepson;
  • sTEPBROTER [ˈStepbrʌðə (r)] - half -brother;
  • stepsister [ˈStepsɪstə (r)] - half -sister;
  • father-In-Law [ˈFɑːór ɪn lɔː] - father of a husband or wife (Svororkor; father -in -law);
  • mother-In-Law [ˈMʌór ɪn lɔː] - mother of a husband or wife (mother -in -law; mother -in -law);
  • son-In-Law [ˈSʌn ɪn lɔː] - son -in -law (daughter's husband);
  • daughter-In-Law [ˈDɔːtər ɪn lɔː] - wife of a son, daughter -in -law;
  • brother-In-Law [ˈBrʌór ɪn lɔː] - son -in -law (sister husband); Shurin (wife's brother); Ilust (husband of their own martyr); Dever (husband's brother);
  • sister-In-Law [ˈSɪstər ɪn lɔː] - daughter -in -law (wife's wife); Sillar (husband’s sister); Sword (wife's sister).

Expressions about family and relationships in English

Phrase Translation Pronunciation
Yes I have kids Yes, I have children Yes, Ai Have Children
No, I'm the only child No, I’m an only child Know, Aim En Only Chayld
Are you married/married? Are you married? And Yu Marid?
Are you meeting someone? Are You Dating Someone? And Yu Datin Samuan?
Are you idle/unmarried? Are you? And Yu single?
I have a brother/sister I have a Brother/A Sister Ay hev e brose/e system
I have no children I Don’t have children Ay dant Have Children
I have a son/daughter I have a son/a day Ah hev e san/e dote
Do you have a brother or sister? Do you have a brother or a Sister? Du Yu Have E Braze about e system?
Do you have children? Do you have children? Du Yu Have Children?
Do you have a boyfriend/girl? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Du Yu Have E Boyfrand/Golfrand?
What do your parents do? What Do your Parents do? WATE DU YO PARENTS DU?
I divorced I’m Divorced Aim Divorst
I am a widow/widow I’m widowed Aim Whidoud
I'm married (married) I’m marrid Aim Marid
I am engaged I’m Engaged Aim Ingead
I am idle (unmarried) I’m Single Aim single

Furniture in English for children with pronunciation

Furniture in English for children with pronunciation:

Living Room - Living room

  • Armchair [ˈɑːmˈʧ e ə] - chair
  • Bookshelf [ˈbʊkʃelf] - book shelf
  • Carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] - carpet
  • Clock [klɒk] - watch
  • Chair [ʧeə] - chair
  • Coffee-Table [ˈkɒfi-ˈteɪbl]-coffee table
  • Cushion [ˈkʊʃən] - sofa cushion
  • Drinks Cabinet [drɪŋks ˈkæbɪnɪt] - bar
  • Electric Fire [ɪˈl e ktrɪk ˈfaɪə] - electric fireplace
  • FirePlace [ˈfaɪəˌpleɪs] - fireplace
  • Floor lamp [flɔː læmp] - floor lamp, floor lamp
  • Games Console [gɪmz kənˈsəʊl] - game console
  • Hammock [ˈhæmək] - hammock
  • Houseplants [ˈhaʊsplɑːnts] - indoor plants
  • Lamp [læmp] - lamp, lamp
  • LampShade [ˈlæmpʃeɪd] - lampshade
  • Piano [pɪˈænəʊ] - piano
  • Picture [ˈpɪkʧə] - picture
  • Radiator [ˈreɪdɪeɪtə] - radiator
  • Record Player [ˈr e kɔːd ˈpleɪə] - player
  • Rocking Chair [ˈrɒkɪŋ ʧeə]-rocking chair
  • Rug [rʌg] - rug
  • Sofa [ˈsəʊfə] - sofa
  • Tv-set [tiːˈviː-s e t]-TV
  • Vase [vɑːz] - vase
  • Wallpaper [ˈwɔːlˌpeɪpə] - Wallpaper

Study - study

  • Bookcase [ˈbʊkkeɪs] - bookcase
  • Bureau [ˈbjʊərəʊ] - Bureau
  • Computer [kəmˈpjuːtə] - computer
  • Couch [kaʊʧ] - Takhta
  • Desk [desk] - desk
  • Office chair [ˈɒfɪs ʧeə] - work chair
  • SAFE [seɪf] - safe
  • Shelting [ˈʃelvɪŋ] - rack
  • Speakers [ˈspiːkəz] - speakers
  • Table lamp [ˈteɪbl læmp] - table lamp
  • Waste Paper Basket [Weɪstɪpə ˈbɑːskɪt] - Basket for paper garbage

Bedroom - bedroom

  • Airbed [ˈeəbed] - inflatable mattress
  • Bed [Bed] - bed
  • BedSpread [ˈBedSpred] - bedspread
  • Blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] - blanket
  • Carpet [ˈkɑːrpɪt] - carpet
  • Chest of Drawers [tʃest əvˈdrɔːz] - chest of drawers
  • Closet [ˈklɑːz ɪ t] - wall cabinet
  • Cradle [ˈkreɪdl] - cradle
  • Curtains [ˈk ɜ ːtənz] - curtains, curtains
  • DUVET [ˈDuːveɪ] - down blanket
  • Dresser [ˈdresə] - toilet table
  • Mattress [ˈmætrɪs] - mattress
  • Night Table [naɪt ˈteɪbl] - bedside table
  • Pillow [ˈpɪloʊ] - pillow
  • Pillow Case [ˈpɪləʊkeɪs] - pillowcase
  • Sheet [ʃiːt] - sheet
  • Wardrobe [ˈwɔːdroʊb] - wardrobe, wardrobe

Kitchen is a kitchen

  • Bin [bɪn] - garbage bucket
  • Coffee Machine [ˈkɒfi məˈʃiːn] - coffee maker
  • Cooker [ˈkʊkə] - stove
  • Cupboard [ˈkʌbəd] - cabinet for dishes
  • Dishwasher [ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə] - dishwasher
  • Fridge [frɪʤ] - refrigerator
  • Gas meter [gæs ˈmiːtə] - gas counter
  • Gas stove [gæs stəʊv] - gas stove
  • Kettle [ˈketl] - kettle
  • Light Switch [Laɪt SWɪʧ] - switch
  • Sideboard [ˈsaɪdbɔːd] - buffet
  • Sink [sɪŋk] - shell
  • Socket [ˈsɒkɪt] - outlet
  • Sponge [spʌnʤ] - sponge
  • Stool [stuːl] - chair
  • Table [ˈteɪbl] - table
  • TableCloth [ˈteɪb (ə) lˌklɒ] - tablecloth
  • Torch [tɔːʧ] - burner
  • Oven [ˈʌvn] - oven
  • Water meter [ˈwɔːtə ˈmiːtə] - water meter

Bathroom - Bathroom

  • Bath Mat [bɑːθmæt] - mat in the bathroom
  • Bathroom Cabinet [ˈbɑːθru (ː) m ˈkæbɪnɪt] - shelf in the bathroom
  • Bathroom scales [ˈbɑːison (ː) m skeɪlz] - Libra
  • Cold tap [kəʊld tæp] / Hot Tap [hɒt tæp] - a tap with cold water / tap with hot water
  • Hairdryer [ˈheədraɪə] - hairdryer
  • Iron [ˈaɪən] - iron
  • Ironing Board [ˈaɪənɪŋ bɔːd] - ironing board
  • Laundry Basket [ˈlɔːndri ˈbɑːskɪt] - underwear basket
  • Mirror [ˈmɪrə] - mirror
  • Shower [ˈʃaʊə] - shower
  • Shower Cabin [ˈʃaʊə ˈkæbɪn] - shower cabin
  • Shower Curtain [ˈʃaʊə ˈkɜːtn] - shower curtain
  • Soap [səʊp] - soap
  • Soap Holder [səʊp ˈhəʊldə] - soap dish
  • Toilet [ˈtɔɪlɪt] - toilet
  • Toilet puper [ˈtɔɪlɪt ˈpeɪpə] - toilet paper
  • Toilet Paper Holder [ˈtɔɪlɪt ˈpeɪpə ˈhəʊldə] - holder for toilet paper
  • Towel [ˈtaʊəl] - towel
  • Towel rail [ˈtaʊəl reɪl] - Banner for towels
  • Vacuum Cleaner [ˈvækjʊəm ˈkliːnə] - vacuum cleaner
  • Washing Machine [ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn] - washing machine

Hall - the hallway

  • Bench [Benʧ] - bench
  • Bromo [Brʊm] - Broat/brush
  • Coat Stand [kəʊt stænd] - Coat hanger
  • Dustpan [ˈdʌstpæn] - scoop
  • Door [dɔː] - door
  • Doorbell [ˈdɔːbel] - doorbell
  • Doormat [ˈdɔːmæt] - a fucking rug
  • Fuse Box [fjuːz bɒks] - electrical panel
  • Hanger [ˈhæŋə] - hanger (shoulders)
  • Mop [mɒp] - mop
  • Power Socket [ˈpaʊə ˈsɒkɪt] - outlet
  • Shoe Cabinet [ʃuː ˈkæbɪnɪt] - shelf for shoes
  • Shoehorn [ˈʃuːhɔːn] - spoon for shoes

Words in English for children with pronunciation

Words in English for children with pronunciation:

Word Russian transcription Translation
I ay i
you yu you you
he hee he
she cabbage soup she is
it it it
we in and we
they zay they
Word Russian transcription Translation
my may mine, mine, mine, mine
your e

yours, yours, yours, yours;

yours, yours, yours, yours

hIS hiz his
her hyo her
its its him, her (about an inanimate subject)
oUR aUE ours, ours, NPSHE, our
their zaye them
Word Russian transcription Translation
this zIS this one, this one, is
that zet the one, those
these zIS these
those zos those
Slovo Russian transcription Translation
Myself maisalf myself, by itself, on their own
Yourself YCELF yourself, himself
Himself himell yourself, himself
Herself hooself herself, herself
Itself ITSELF yourself, itself, itself, itself (for inanimate)
Ourselves AUESELVZ yourself, yourself
Yourselves Yoselves yourself, yourself
Themselves zemsallves yourself, yourself
Slovo Russian transcription Translation
Someting Samfin something, something, something
SOMEBODY Sambadi Someone, someone
SOMEONE Samwan someone, someone
SOMEWHERE Samwei somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
Anything Enifin

Anything, something, everything

(for question)

Anybody Enibodi someone, someone, anyone, everyone, any (for the question)
Anyone Enivan someone, someone, anyone, everyone, any (for the question)
Anywhere Enibe somewhere, somewhere, anywhere, anywhere (for a question)
Nothing Nafin Nothing, nothing
Nobody Nawbadi nobody, nobody
No one nouvan Nobody, nobody
Nowher NoveEE Nowhere, nowhere

Expressions to greet and say goodbye in English

Phrase Translation Pronunciation
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbai
See you later! See You Soon Xi Yu Sun
Good morning Good Morning Hood Monin
Good evening Good Evening Hood Ivnin
Good afternoon Good afternoon Hood AFTENU
Great Hi Hai
Hello Hello Hallowe
How are you?/How are you?/How are you? How are you?/What’s up? Hau and yu?/Wats up?
How is it? How is it going? Hau from IT Gowin?
How are you doing? How are you doing? Hau and Yu Duin?
Bye Bye Bai
Hello/Hello Hi Hai
Goodnight Good Night Good night
See you! See You Xi Yu
Have a good day Have a nice day Have E Nays Day
Good weekend Have a nice weekend Have E NiS Wicent

Ways to thank and answer gratitude

Phrase Translation Pronunciation
Thanks to Thatk you SENK Yu
Thanks a lot Thanks a lot SENKS E LOT
Thank you in advance Thancs in Advance SENKS in Advance
To health You’re Welcome Yua Welkam
My pleasure Not at all NAT ET Ol
I don't know how to thank I can find you enume Ah Kent Sank Yu Inaf
Do not mention it Don’t Mance it Dont Menshn IT
Sincerely/I appreciate it I appreciate it Ai Eprashieite Ita
Thank you very much Thank you Very Much SENK Yu Wari Mach
That's very kind of you That’s Very Kind of You ZETS Vari Kind of Yu
Please You’re Welcome Yua Welkam
Thanks Thanks SENKS
I am grateful to you I’m GratEful Aim Greitful

Daily phrases for communication

Phrase Translation Pronunciation
I'm afraid that I’m Afraid that Aim Efraid Zet
Be healthy Bless You Blaz Yu
Actually Really Riali
All in all Anyway Eniyay
As a result AS A Result Ez E Rasalt
Together Together/Two of Us Tugze/TU OF AZ
See it? Can you see it? Ken Yu Si IT?
maybe PROBABLY Runned
Actually Actually Ekchuli
That's all That’s all ZETS OL
Where is the pharmacy? What is the Pharmacy? Wooa from Ze Farmashi?
Where are you? What are you? Wea ah?
Really Really Riali
Dofiga A LOT E Lot
Think I Think Ai Sink
It's a pity that you have to tell you I’m sorry to see it to you Aim Sori TU SAY IT TU YU
Lived once There Lived ZEA LIVD
Come to visit me Come Round Cam Round
As if Like/Sort of Like/variety of
What about? How ABOUT Hau Ebaut
What is it called/how it is How It’s Called Hau Its Kold
Something like this SOMETHING LIKE that Samsin Like Zet
It depends It depends IT Dependes
Briefly speaking Anyway Eniyay
Shortly speaking In short In short
By the way By the way Bai Ze Way
Is anybody home? Is Anybody at Home? From Enibadi Et Home?
I have to go I have to go Ah hev that go
May be Maybe Magi
My clock is in a hurry/lagging behind My Watch IS Fast/Slow May Uchch from Fast/Slood
What did I stop at? What I Stop? Wea did Ai Stop?
Do not go to the fool Don’t Fool Around Don Ful Eraund
I do not see I can’t see it Ay kent si ite
I don't think I Don’t Think So Ai Dont Sing SOU
I can not find I can find find it Ay Kent Find It
Well/uh Well Wel
One day Once upon a time Wans Apon E Time
It turned out It is turned out IT Turnov Out
Turns out It Turns out IT Turnes out
A shame It’s a shame Its E Shem
How much? How Much is it? Hau Mach from IT?
Stop Stop it Stop it
Simply put Simply Put Simpli Put
Right now Right Now Wright Na
How long is it?/What time is it? What Time is it? Wat Time from IT?
Gather together Get Together Get Tugeez
So what/and what next? So What? SOU Wat?
Type Kind of Kind of
That's it and it There you go ZEA Yu Gow
Take it easy Calm Down Cam Down
Do you want me to come? Do you Want Me to Come? Du Yu Wont Mi that kam?
Want? Do you Want? Du Yu Uont?
Honestly To be Honest That bi onest
It depends on the It depends on IT Dependes he
This is not for sure It’s not certain Its notes Syuten
This is there It is there IT from ZEA
I would like I WOULD Like/I’d Like Ah Wood Like/Aid Like
I'll be back I’ll be back I'll be back
I/I did/Gise Done Dan
I'm home I’m at home Aim Et Home
I'm alive I’m alive Aim Eliv
I'll pick you up I’ll pick you up Ail Peak Yu Ap
I know I Know Ai know
I mean I mean Ay min
I'm at work I’m at work Aim Et Warc
I dont know I Don’t Know I do not know
I'll be back soon I’ll be back soon Ail bi back Song
Clearly understood I see Ay si

Video: how to quickly learn English?

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