Quotes in English with translation - beautiful, short, motivating, about love, life, dreams, friends: the best selection

Quotes in English with translation - beautiful, short, motivating, about love, life, dreams, friends: the best selection

A large selection of quotes in English with translation.

Quotes in English about study - the best selection

Quotes in English about study - the best selection
Quotes in English about study - the best selection

Quotes in English about study - the best selection:

  • Any Fool Can Know. The Point is to Understand. - Albert Einstein. Any fool can know. The fact is to understand.
  • It is the Mark of an educated to be able to entertain a though without accepting it. - Aristotle. This is a sign of an educated mind - to be able to develop a thought without accepting it.
  • Live as If You Were to die Tomorrow. Learn as If You Were to Live Forever. - Mahatma gandhi. Live as if you would die tomorrow. Learn as if you have to live forever.
  • I have no special talent. I am only Passionatly Curious. - Albert Einstein. I have no particular talent. I'm just terribly curious.
  • I am not a teacher, but awakener. - Robert Frost. I am not a teacher, I am awesome. and
  • Tell Me and I Forget, Teach Me and I May Remember, Involve Me and I Learn. - Benjamin Franklin. Tell me, and I will forget, teach me, and I can remember, involve me and I will remember.
  • Learning is a TREASURE THAT WILL FOLLOW ITS OWNER EVERYWHERE. - Chinese Proverb. Training is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
  • Education Is a Gift that None Can Take Away. - American Proverb. Education is a gift that no one can take away.
  • Teaching Is More Imparting Knowledge, it is inspiring Change. Learning Is More Absorbing Facts, It is Acquiring Understanding. - William Arthur Ward. Training is not just a transmission of knowledge, these are inspiring changes. Training is not just an absorption facts, this is their understanding.
  • Education Breeds Confidence. Confidence Breeds Hope. Hope Breeds Peace. - Confucius. Education gives rise to confidence. Confidence gives rise to hope. Hope generates the world.
  • Education Is the Most PowerFul Weapon Which You Cange to Change the World. - Nelson Mandela. Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.
  • Children Must Be Taught How to Think, Not What To Think. - Margaret Mead. Children need to be taught how to think, and not what you need to think about.
  • Education Is Our Passport to the Future, for Tomorrow Belongs to the People who Prepare for it Today. - Malcolm X. Education is our passport to the future, because tomorrow it belongs to those who are preparing for it today.

Quotes in English with a translation about dreams

Quotes in English with a translation about dreams
Quotes in English with a translation about dreams

Quotes in English with a translation about dreams:

  • All OUR Dreams Can Come True, if We have the Courage to Pursue Them. - Walt Disney. All our dreams can become a reality if we have the courage to follow them.
  • IF YOU CAN Dream it, THE YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT. If you can dream of this, you can achieve this. Walt Disney
  • The Future Belongs to Those Who Believe in the Beauty of Their Dreams - Franklin D. Rooosevelt. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
  • Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You have Imagined. - Henry David Thoreau. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.
  • WhatEver The Mind Can Conceive and Believ, it can Achieve. - Napoleon Hill. Everything that the mind can imagine and what he can believe in, he can achieve.
  • There is only One Thing that Makes a Dream Impossible to AchievE: The Fear of Failure. - Paulo Coelho. There is only one thing that makes the dream impossible: fear of failure.
  • Too Many of us are not living our Dreams BecAuse We Are Living OUR FEARS. - Les Brown. Too many of us do not live our dreams, because we live our fears.
  • Don’t be pushed art by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart. ? Roy T. Bennett. Do not allow yourself to be led by fears that are hidden in your mind. Let dreams blooming in your heart lead you.

Beautiful quotes in English with meaning

Beautiful quotes in English with meaning
Beautiful quotes in English with meaning

Beautiful quotes in English with meaning:

  • You are not with me Anymore. BUT THK YOU For Days Spent Together. You are no longer with me, but thanks for the days spent together.
  • There is no lie only in silece. Only in silence there is no lie.
  • PEOPLE MUST HAVE SOMETHING GREAT IN COMMON. Only Thus They Will Not Break Up BecAuse of Trifles. People should have something significant among themselves. Then they will not tear because of trifles.
  • We Cannot Regain Confidence. We can get rid of resentment, but we will not be able to restore trust.
  • YES, You Justed to Make Good for Yourself, But You Even Vink ABOUT ME. Yes, you just wanted to do well for yourself, but I didn’t even think about me.
  • I Will Never Be Close to You Anymore. It hurts ... I will never be so close to you again. It hurts.
  • Time Heals. So, Who Said that? Time cures. Well, who told you that?
  • I am not your love, I am johist your toy. I'm not your love. I am just your toy.
  • Baby, Your Soul Doesn’t Matter at All ... Baby, your soul does not mean anything at all ...
  • I Dissolved in You. And it was my mail mistake. I dissolved in you, and that was my main mistake.
  • YOUR Indifference Kills Me. Your indifference kills me.
  • One Day I Realized that I Hated the Whole World Just Because You Didn’t Love me. One day I realized that I hated the whole world simply because you did not love me.
  • Once you have to give time to ... time. One day you need to give time ... time.
  • It’s a Sort of Crime to Say that You’re Ok and Die Inside at the Same Time. To say that everything is fine, and to die in the soul at the same time is a crime.
  • I HATE POEMS, BecAuse I Read Them Only When I’m Sad. I hate verses, because I read them only when it is sad.
  • I Don’t Want to Hide My Tears. I am not ashamed Anymore. I do not want to hide my tears, I'm no longer ashamed.
  • I’m Sad. You Don’t Care. Familiar Things. I'm sad. You do not care. The usual script.
  • I cannot Stand Anymore. I Want to Throw EVERYTHING OUT ... I can't stand it anymore. So I want to throw out everything ...
  • Cure Your Soul on Yourself. Nobody Else Will Do it. Help your soul yourself. No one will do this instead of you.
  • TEARS DONKAUSE OF PAIN. They dropsAppointment. Tears do not fall due to pain. They fall due to disappointment.

Short quotes in English about friendship

Short quotes in English about friendship
Short quotes in English about friendship

Short quotes in English about friendship:

  • The Best Mirror is An Old Friend. - An old friend is the best mirror.
  • It is easier to torgive an enemy than a friend. - For forgive the enemy is much easier than forgive a friend.
  • EVERYONE SEEMS Normal Until You Get to Know Them. - All people seem normal until you recognize them.
  • One can Always Be Kind to People About Whom One Cares Nothing. - It is easy to be friendly with people who are indifferent to you.
  • Be Loyal to the One Is Loyal to You. “Trust the one who trusts you.”
  • It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers. - It is better to be in chains with friends than in the garden, but with enemies.
  • A Friend Is Someone Who for You Her He’d Rather Be Anywhere Else. - A friend is the one who is here for you now, although he would prefer to be in another place.
  • A Road to a Friend’s House Is Never Long. - The road to the house of a friend is not long.
  • The only way to have a friend is to be one. - There is only one way to find friends - to become a friend yourself.
  • A Faithful Friend Is a Medicine of Life. - A faithful friend is a medicine in life.
  • Friends May Meet, But Mountains Never Greet. - A mountain with a mountain does not converge, and a person with a person will always converge.
  • When a Friend Asks There is No Tomorrow. - When a friend asks, “tomorrow” does not exist.
  • One Whooks for a Friend Without Faults Will Havy None. - He who seeks friends without flaws will not find anyone.
  • Books and Friends Shoup Be Few But Good. - Books and friends should be few, but good.

Motivating quotes in English

Motivating quotes in English
Motivating quotes in English

Motivating quotes in English:

  • I am thankful for all of Those Who Said no to me. It’s BecAuse of them I’m Doing It Myself (Albert Einstein) - I am grateful to everyone who told me no. Thanks to them, I do everything myself
  • The Best Revenge is Massive Success (Frank Sinatra) - The best revenge is a grand success
  • In Order to Succeed, We Must First Believe that We can (Nikos Kazantzakis) - In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can
  • Only I Cange My Life. No one can do it for me (Carol Burnett) “Only I can change my life.” No one can do it for me
  • Motivation Will Almost Always Beat Mere Talent (Norman R. Augustine) - motivation almost always wins just talent
  • In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity (Albert Einstein) - in the center of the problem is the opportunity (Albert Einstein).
  • SUCCESS DOESN’T COME to You. You go to it (Marva Collins) - Success does not come to you. You go to him
  • Success is 99% Failure (Soichiro Honda) - Success is 99% failure
  • Genius Is One Percent Inspiration, and Ninety-Nine Percent Perspiration (Thomas Edison) - Genius is 1% of inspiration and 99% sweat
  • IF You do not Think ABOUT THE FUTURE, You Cannot Have One (John Galsworthy) - If you do not think about the future - you will not have it
  • The Way to Get Started is to Quit Talking and Begin Dinging (Walt Disney) - To start, you need to stop talking and start doing
  • A Pessimist Sees The Difficulty in EVERY Opportunity. An Optimist Sees The Opportunity in EVERY Difficulty (Winston Churchill) - the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty
  • IF YOU ARE WORKING ON SOMETHING THENT You ReLALY CARE ABOUT, You DON’T HAVE To be PUSHED. The Vision Pulls You (Steve Jobs) -If you are working on something exciting, what really excites you, you do not need to push you. Vision is very pulling you
  • The People Who are Crazy Enough to Think They Cange the World Ares Who Do (Steve Jobs) People who have enough recklessness to think that they can change the world - and there are those who change it
  • Knowing is not enunch; We must Apply. Wishing is not enunch; We must do (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) - alone knowledge is not enough; We must use them. One desire is not enough; We must act
  • I DIDN’t get the By Wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it (Estee Lauder) - I achieved this without wanting or hoping, but working
  • Action is the Foundational Key to All Success (Pablo Picasso) - action - fundamental key to any success

Quotes in English for VK, Instagram

Quotes in English for VK, Instagram
Quotes in English for VK, Instagram

Quotes in English for VK, Instagram:

  • Leadership is the Ability to get Extraordinary Achievument from Ordinary People - Leadership is the ability to receive extraordinary achievements from ordinary people.
  • Integrity Is the Most Valuable and Respected Quality of Leadership. Always Keep Your Word - Honesty is the most valuable and respected quality of the leader. Always keep your word.
  • Keep Your Face to the Sunshine and You Cannot See a Shadow - Turn around to the sunlight, and you will not see the shadow.
  • SOME PEOPLE LOOK for A Beautiful Place. Others Make a Place Beautiful - Some people are looking for a great place. Others make a place beautiful.
  • Work While They Sleep. Learn While They Party. Save While They Spend. Live Like They Dream - work while they sleep. Learn while they have fun. Add while they spend. Live the way they dream.
  • You Don’T Always Need a Plan. Toometimes You Just NEED to BREATHE, TRUST, Let GO, and See What Happens - Do not always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what will happen.
  • Toometimes You Never Know The Value of a Moment, Until Itsomes a Memory - Sometimes you cannot understand the value of the moment until it becomes a memory.
  • IF YOU Cannot Do Great Things, Do Small Things in A Great Way - if you are not able to do great things - do small things in a great way.
  • A champion is defined not by Their Wins BUT By HOW THEY CAN REDER WHEN THEY THEY FALL - The champion is determined not by victories, but by how it is restored after the defeat.
  • Motivation Comes from Working on Things We Care ABOUt - motivation comes from work on things that are important to us.
  • NEVER APOLOGIZE For Having High Standars, People Who Really Want to Your Life Will Rise to Meet them - never apologize for your high standards. People who really want to be in your life will try to match them.
  • Don’t Wait. The Time Will Never Be Just Rightt - don't wait. The most suitable time will never come.
  • Stop Being Afraid of What Cold Go Wrong and Think of What Cold GO RIGHt - stop afraid of what may go wrong and think about what can go as it should.
  • Working Hard for Someting We Don’t Care ABOUT is Called Stressed; Working Hard for Someting We Love Is Called Passion-work hard on something that does not bother us is called stress; work hard on something that we love is called passion

Songs from songs in English

Songs from songs in English
Songs from songs in English

Quotes from songs in English:

  • ToMetimes it Lasts in Love, BUT SOMETIMES It Hurts Inst, (Sometimes love brings happiness, but sometimes only pain.)
  • How Can I BE Lost, If I’ve got now to go? (How can I get lost if I have nowhere to go?)
  • You can do anything you set your mind to, man. (You can do everything you strive for.)
  • Were there is love there is like (Where there is love, there is life there.)
  • When love is not madness it is not love. (If love is not crazy, then this is not love.)
  • Love Never Dies (Love never dies.)
  • True Love Is Rare, and it’s The only Thing that Gives Life Real Meanin (True love is rare, and only it gives life a genuine meaning.)
  • The Heart Wants What It Wants. There’s no logic to these Things. You Meet Someone and You Fall in Love and that’s that (The heart wants what he wants. There is no logic in this. You meet someone and fall in love, that's all.)
  • The Spaces Between Your Fingers Were Creed So that Another’s Cold Fill Them in. (The space between the fingers exists in order to be filled with a lover's hand.)
  • One Word Frees of All the Weight and Pain of Life: That Word is Love. (One word frees us from the cargo of life hardships and pain: and this word is love.
  • All Around The World, Peole Want to be loved. (All over the world people want to be loved.)
  • Your Reflection I’ve Erased, Like a Thousand Burned Out YesterDays. (I have erased your image from my memory, like a thousand burned out yesterday.)
  • I can find Imagine A Life Without, Breatheless Moments Breaking Me Down. (I cannot imagine my life without breathing in the moments that destroy me.)
  • There’s a Fire Inside, of this Heart, A Riot ABOUT To ExpLode into Flames. (In this heart, fire and a riot that is about to break out.)
  • You’ll Never Be Loved Till You’ve Made Your Own. (You will never love until you take the first step.)
  • BelievE Me When I Say Goodbye Forever Is for Good. (Believe me, when I say goodbye forever, this is for the better.)
  • The World Moves On, Another Day, Another Dramama. (The world does not stand still: the next day is another drama.)
  • The Truth Hurts Worse than Anything I Cold Bring Myself to Do To You. (True, he wounds more than any of the ways of my revenge to you.)
  • Had to Lose My Way to Know Which Road to Take. (I had to go astray to understand which road to choose.)
  • Automatic, I Imagine, I BelievE. (As if programmed, I dream and believe.)
  • Life Isn’T Always What You Think It’d Be. (Life is not always the same as you think.)
  • Life’s a Game Made for EVERYON and Love IS A Prize. (Life is a game for everyone and everyone, and love is a reward in it.)
  • It’s to Forget ABOUT THE PAST, To WASH AWAY What HAPPENED LAST. (It's time to forget about the past, erase what happened recently.)
  • Seasons Change But People Donolt. (Seasons are changing, but people - no.)
  • Were ’S a Will, There’s a Way. (Where there is a dream, there is always a chance.)
  • Your Promises, They Look Like Lies, Your Honesty, Like a Back Thats a Knife. (Your promises are so similar to a lie, and behind your honesty you hide a knife.)
  • You are What You Love, Not Who Loves You. (You are a reflection of what you love, not the one who loves you.)
  • I’ve Told a Million Lies But I Tell A Single Truth, There’s You in EVERYTHING I do. (I lied a million times, but now I say the only truth: you are in everything I do.)
  • You Yourself, As Much AS ANYBODY in the Entire Universe, Deserv You Love and Affection. (You yourself, no less than anyone else in the universe, deserve your love.)
  • You can find your heart feel solaring it won’s. (You cannot make your heart feel what it does not feel.)
  • The Very Essence of Romance is Uncertainty. (The whole essence of romantic relationships is in uncertainty.)
  • IT WAS LOVE At FIRST SIGHT, At LAST SIGHT, At Ever and Ever Sight. (It was love at first sight, from the last glance, from an eternal glance)
  • I Love You Without Knowing How, Or when, Or from Were. I Love You Simply, Without Problems Or Pride: I Love You in this BecAuse I Do Not Know OFER OF A LOVING BUT THIS. (I love you, not knowing how, when or from where. I just love you, without problems or pride: I love you in this way, because I do not know a single other way to love.)

Quotes from films in English

Quotes from films in English
Quotes from films in English

Quotes from films in English:

  • “Mama Always Said Life Was Like A Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You’re Gonna Get. " - “Mom always said that life is a box of sweets. You never know what you will pull out. ”
  • "I’m The King of the World!" - "I am the king of the world!"
  • « Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer " - "Hold your friends close, and enemies are even closer"
  • "I’m Going to Make Him An Offer He Can’s" - "I will make him an offer, from which he cannot refuse"
  • "A man who sod spend Time with his HIS Family Can Never Be a Real Man" - "A man who does not have time for a family will never be a real man."
  • "Houston, we have a problem" - "Houston, we have problems"
  • "There’s no Place Like Home" - "There is nothing better at home"
  • « After all, Tomorrow is Another Day! ” - "Tomorrow will be a completely different day" ("Done by the Wind")
  • "I’ll be back" - "I'll be back"
  • "Elementary, My Dear Watson" - "Elementary, my dear Watson"
  • "The first rule of first club is: you do not talk about fight club." - “The first rule of the fighting club: no one to tell anyone about the fighting club
  • “Don’t Ever Let Somebody Tell You-You Can’s, Not Even Me. Alright? You Dream, You Gotta Protect It " -“Never let anyone tell you-you cannot do something, even to me. Good? You dream, you must protect it.
  • "EVERY MAN DIES, BUT Not EVERY MAN REALLY LIVES." - “Each man dies, but not everyone actually lives” William Wallace from the “Brave Heart”
  • “Do, or do not. There is no "try" " -" Do or do not. No need to try " - Yoda" Star Wars: the Empire is responding to a response "
  • EVERY PASSING MINUTE IS Another Chance to Turn it All Around. - Each minute passing is another chance to change everything. Vanilla Sky
  • I am Big! It’s The Pictures that Got Small. - I am a great star, just the films became small. Sanset Boulevard

Quotes in English about the meaning of life

Quotes in English about the meaning of life
Quotes in English about the meaning of life

Quotes in English about the meaning of life:

  • When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Tequila! - When life gives you lemons - drink tequila!
  • To live is the rarest Thing in the World. Most People Exist, that’s all - Living is a rare phenomenon in the world. Most people just exist.
  • One Word Frees of All the Weight and Pain of Life: That Word Is Love. One word liberates us from all weights and pains of life: this word is love.
  • Advice is Like Snow; The Softer It Falls The Longer Itlls Upon, and the Deeper Its Into the Mind. The advice is like snow: the softer it lies, the longer it lies and penetrates deeper.
  • I’ve Failed Over and Over and Over Again in My Life. And that is who I SUCCEED. I suffered failures in my life again and again. And that is why I succeeded. Michael Jordan
  • It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s The Life in Your Years. - It matters not the number of years lived, but the quality of your life in these years. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • "There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy!" “There are so many reasons in the world to be happy!”
  • Do SoMething with Passion or not it All -Do something with passion or do not do at all
  • Do Not Squander Time - This is Stuff Life is made of. "Do not waste time in vain - life consists of it."
  • Happiness is not a destination. It is a Method of Life. Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.
  • The Will to Win, The Desire to Succeed, The Urge to Reach Your Full Potential ... These are the keys that will unlock the Door to personal Excellence. - The desire to win, a thirst for success, the desire to completely reveal their potential - these are the keys that open the door to personal self -improvement.
  • Follow Your Heart. - Follow your heart.
  • The Mind Is EVERYTHING. What You Think You Become. - The mind is everything. What do you think about, the more you become.
  • We Can Easily Forgive a Childa Is Afraid of the Dark; The Real Tragedy of Life is when Men are Afraid of the Light. - A child, frightening darkness can be easily forgiven, but adults hiding from the light are a real drama of life.
  • IF YOU LET YOUR PAST GO, IT DOESN off MEAN THET Your PAST Will Let You Go. “If you renounced your past, this does not mean that your past renounced you.”
  • When you start Thinking a Lot ABOUT YOUR PAST, Itsomes Your Present and You Can’T See Your Future Without Its. - When you begin to think about the past, it turns into your present, behind which the future is not visible.
  • Wisdom is knewing How Little We Know. - Wisdom is an understanding of how little we know.
  • EVERYONE Underwent Someting that Changed HIM. -Everyone went through something that changed him.
  • We Do Not Remember Days, We Remember Moments. - We remember not days, we remember the moments.
  • To live is the rarest Thing in the World. Most People Exist, that’s all. - Real life is a rare thing in the world. Most people only exist.
  • He, Who Makes a Beast of Himself, Gets Rid of the Pain of Being a Man. - The one who arouses the beast in himself does not feel how it hurts - to be a man.
  • EVERYONE HAS ONE’S OWN PATH. - Everyone has their own path.
  • Trying ABOUT HAPPINESS OTHERS, WE FIND OWN HAPPINESS. - Trying to make others happy, we find our own happiness.
  • When in Doubt, Tell the Truth. “When you doubt it, tell the truth.”
  • When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Tequila! - When life gives you lemons - drink tequila!
  • EVERYONE is the Creator of One’s Own Fate - Each of us is the creator of our own fate.

Quotes about love in English

Quotes about love in English
Quotes about love in English

Quotes about love in English:

  • NEVER LOVE ANYONE WHO TREATS YOU Like You’re Ordinary. “Never love anyone who treats you, as if you are ordinary.” Oscar Wilde
  • The Way to Love Anything Is to Realize that it may be lust. -A way to love something is to realize that you can lose this. Gilbert Chesteron
  • Love is A Game that Two Can Play and Both Win. - Love is a game that two can play, and both win. Eva Gabor
  • Friendship Offten Ends in Love; But Love in Friendship - Never. - Friendship often ends with love. Love friendship - never. Charles Kaleb Collon
  • Love is an Irresistible Desire to be Irresistibly Desired. - Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Robert Frost
  • Love is a fire. BUT WHETHER It is going to warm your heart or down your house, you can Never Tell. - Love is a flame. But you can never predict whether she will warm your heart or burn your house. Joan Crouseford
  • To love is not to look at One Another, But to look Together in the Same Direction. - Love is not to look at each other, but to look together in one direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Immature Love Says: I Love You BecAuse I Need You. Mature Love Says. I Need You BecAuse. I love you.- Emballed love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you." Erich Fromm
  • To be brive is to love unaconditionelly without Expecting Anything in Return. - Courage is to love unconditionally, not expecting anything in return. Madonna
  • Love Is the Most Important Thing in the World. It’s all for love. Love. - Love is the most important thing in the world. Everything for love. LOVE. Michael Jackson
  • Fortune and Love Favor The Brave. - Luck and love prefer brave. Ovid
    Love: Two Minds Without a Single Though. - Love is two minds without a single thought. Philip Barry
  • "It was love at first Sight, At Last Sight, At Ever and Ever Sight." “It was love at first sight, from the last glance, from the eternal gaze.” Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

Quotes about summer in English

Quotes about summer in English
Quotes about summer in English

Quotes about summer in English:

  • “What Good is the Warmth of Summer, Without the Cold of Winter to Give It Sweetness.”
    John SteinBeck. "What is good in the warm summer, without the cold of winter, to give it sweets."
  • “Summer Will End Soon Enure, and Childhold as Well.” George R.R. Martin. "Summer will end soon, and childhood too."
    “The end-off-Summer Winds Make People Restless.” Sebastian Faulks. "Winds of the end of summer make people restless."
  • “Watching the Summer Close is Like Watching A Good Die For no Apparent Reason.” Darnell Lamont Walker. "Watching the end of summer is like watching a good child dies for no apparent reason."
  • “It Is Easy to Forget How Effervescent and Free WeLL FELT THAT Summer.” Anna Godbersen. "It is easy to forget how we all felt hissing and free that summer."
  • “There is someting deep sethin us that sobs at endings. Who, God, does Everything have to end? Why sages all Nature Grow Old? Who Do Spring and Summer have to go? ” Joe Wheler. “There is something deep inside us that sobs at the end. Why, God, should everything end? Why is all nature aging? Why should spring and summer go? "
  • “Shall I Compare the to a Summer’s Day?” William Shakespeare. "Should I compare you with a summer day?"
  • “Deep Summer is when Laziness Finds Respectability.” Sam Keen. "Deep summer is when laziness takes on respectability."
  • “AH, Summer, What Power You have to Make Us Suffer and Like it.” RUSSELL BAKER. "Ah, summer, what is your strength to make us suffer and like."
  • “A man says a lot of Things in Summer He soresn’s in Winter.” Patricia Briggs. "A person speaks a lot of things in the summer that does not matter in winter."
  • “Summer Bachelors Like Summer Breezes, Are Never as Cool As the Pretend to Be.” Nora Ephron. “Summer bachelors, like summer brisia, are never the steep as they pretend.”
  • “SOME of the Best Memories are Made in Flip Flops.” Kellie Elmore. "Some of the best memories are made in the Vietnamese."
  • “Working is bad enunch in the Winter, But in the Summer, IT Can Becptley Intolayble. Stuck in Airless Offices, EVERY FIBER of OUR Being Seems to Cry Out for Freedom. We’re Reminded of Being Stuck in Double Maths While the Birds Sing Outside. ” Tom Hodgkinson. “Working in winter is quite bad, but in the summer it can become completely unbearable. Stanking in airless offices, each cell of our being seems to appeal to freedom. We are reminded that we are stuck in double mathematics, and birds sing on the street. ”
  • “A Perfect Summer Day IS Wen the Sun is shining, The Breeze Is Blowing, The Birds Are Singing, and The Lawnmower Is Bromen.” James Dent. “An ideal summer day is when the sun shines, the wind blows, birds sing, and the lawn mower is broken.”
  • “It’s a Sure Sign of Summer if the Chair Gets Up when You do.” Walter Winchell. "This is a sure sign of summer if the chair rises when you do."
  • “Who is Summer Mist Romantic and Autumn Mist Just Sad?” Dodie Smith. "Why is the summer fog romantic, and the autumn fog is just sad?"

Sports quotes in English

Sports quotes in English
Sports quotes in English

Quotes about sports in English:

  • Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. ”
    (Age is not a barrier. This is a restriction that only in your head.)
    -Jackie Joyner-Kersee
  • “I Always Felt with Greatest Asset Was Not My Physical Ability, IT Was My Mental Ability.”
    (I always felt that my most valuable property is not a physical opportunity, but mental.)
    - Bruce Jenner
  • “You have to do sooning in your life that is Honorable and not cowardly if you are to live in your yourself.
    (You must do something honorable and not cowardly in your life if you intend to live in peace with yourself.)
    - Larry Brown
  • “An Athlete Cannot Run with Money in His Pockets. He must run with hope in his head and dreams in his head. ”
    (The athlete cannot run with money in his pocket. He must run with hope in his heart and dream in his head.)
    - Emil Zatopek
  • “Persistency can Change Failure Into Extraordinary Achievement.”
    (Persistence can fail an outstanding achievement.)
    - Marv Levy
  • “I’ve Learned that someting constructive comes from EVERY Defeat.”
    (I realized that something constructive comes from each defeat.)
    - Tom Landry
  • Good is not good beltter is Expected. ”
    (Good - it's not good when it was expected better.)
    - Vin Scully
  • “You Were Born to be a Player. You Were Meant to be Gere. This Moment Is Youurs. ”
    (You were born to be a player. It should have been so. This is your moment.)
    - Herb Brooks
  • "Nobody Who Ever Gave His Best Regretted it."
    (None of those who laid out 100%were regretted about it.)
    - George Halas
  • “When you win, say nothing, when you lose, say less.”
    (If you win, do not say anything, if you lose, say less.)
    - Paul Brown
  • “Leadership, Like Coaching, Is Fighting for the Hearts and Souls of Men and Getting them to Believ in You.”
    (Leadership, like mentoring, is a struggle for the hearts and souls of people and strengthening their faith in you.)
    - Eddie Robinson
  • “Always Make a Total Effort, Even When The Odds are AGainSt You.”
    (Always lay out in full, even if the chances are against you.)
    - Arnold Palmer
  • “You have to express of youurself Before you can do them.”
    (You must expect success from yourself before you reach it.) The original “Things”, but with a literal translation, the expression may sound rudely.
    - Michael Jordan
  • “IF You Train Hard, You’ll Not only Be Hard, You’ll Be Hard to Beat.”
    (If you train hard, you will not only become solid, you will be hard to beat.
    - Herschel Walker
  • “IF YOU CAN BELIEVE It, The Mind Can Achieve IT.”
    (If you can believe it, the mind will be able to achieve this.)
    - Ronnie Lott
  • “Without Self-Discipline, Success Is Impossible, Period.”
    (Without self -discipline, success is impossible, periodic.)
    - Lou Holtz
  • “IF You Don’t have confidence, You’ll Always Find A Way Not to Win.”
    (If you have no confidence, you will always find a way not to win.)
    - Carl Lewis
  • “You’re Never a Loser Until You Quit Training.”
    (Until you stopped trying, you have not lost.)
    - Mike Ditka
  • “Never Give Up! Failure and Rejection are only The First STEP To SUCCEEDing. ”
    (Never give up! Failures and failures are only the first step to success.)
    - Jim Valvano
  • "Make Each Day Your Masterpiece."
    (Do your masterpiece every day.)
    - John Wooden

Video: Great quotes of Omar Khayyam, who will surprise you with their wisdom and depth

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