Crochet knitted Lalalupsi dolls: master class, schemes and description. Best Lalalupsi dolls associated with crochet: photo

Crochet knitted Lalalupsi dolls: master class, schemes and description. Best Lalalupsi dolls associated with crochet: photo

Lalaloopsy dolls are extraordinary toys, they gained immense popularity in children, thanks to a stylish form. Such toys can be made independently - crochet. How to do this - read on?

At all times, the girls loved to play dolls and now nothing has changed. The only difference is that there are more toys of such a plan. LalaLoopsy dolls gained great popularity. Many girls choose them for games most often. Make a lalalupsi from various materials. And mummies-horsemen make such toys on their own using yarn and ordinary knitting hook.

A doll in this way is a good gift for the baby. Moreover, if my mother knit it with love, I tried to make Lalaluplen the most beautiful. Further, we consider in more detail how to crochet the doll yourself.

How to tie a crochet laral laralupsi: master class, diagrams and description

These dolls differ from the rest in a certain design. LalaLoopsy has many friends, each has its own unique style, has a unique character. Below you will see images of almost all LalaLOOPSY. Which of them you will knit a child, choose you. Next, read the Crochet Master class-Lalalupsi.


To create such beauty, you will have to prepare yarn in various colors in advance. White - for hair, bow and dresses, blue - For decoration of dresses and shoes. Beige - for the face, arms, legs, pink - For headphones, scarf, red - For a scarf, black - For finishing, hats, buttons.

In addition, take:

  • knitting hook, needle, felt
  • buttons for the eyes
  • scissors
  • filler to make the doll out voluminous
  • ribbons for decoration
  • a brush in order to streamline hair.
How to knit LalaLoopsy
How to knit LalaLoopsy

To understand the knitting scheme, you should know how the air loop, column, etc. are correctly designated. In the further scheme, such abbreviations as:

  1. Air loop - vp
  2. Nakid column - sBN
  3. Semi -column (no crochet) - pSBN
  4. Nakid semi -column - pSSN
  5. An increase - 2SBN in the next. P.
  6. Reduce - 2SBN Prov. together

IMPORTANT: Start knitting from the head, for this you will not have to connect the rows, but knit the loops in a spiral and rotate according to the scheme, if so indicated. For convenience - mark the beginning of rows with a special thread, otherwise you can get confused.

A gift to the girl - with her own hands. LalaLOOPSY doll
A gift to the girl - with her own hands. LalaLOOPSY doll

Knitting is best started from the upper part of the product - heads.

  1. 6 SBN (Art. Without n.)
  2. 6 SBN in the next. P.
  3. 1 SBN, increase - 6 times
  4. 2 SBN, increase - 6 times
  5. 3 SBN, increase - 6 times
  6. 4 SBN, increase - 6 times
  7. 5 SBN, increase - 6 times
  8. 6 SBN, increase - 6 times
  9. 7 SBN, increase - 6 times
  10. 4 SBN, VP, 4 SBN - in this row, you should get 60 loops
  11. From the eleventh to the nineteenth, knit SBN without increments
  12. With 20 sBN Prov. together,more precisely 8 SBN - reduce 6 times
  13. 7 SBN Prov. Together - 6 times
  14. 6 SBN Prov together - 6 times
  15. 5 SBN Prov together - 6 times
  16. 2 SBN to reduce, 2 SBN to reduce - 6
  17. 3 SBN to reduce - 6
  18. Fill the finished head tightly with van or synthetic winterizer
  19. And crochet the doll's neck
  20. vP - 26 p. 12 - reduce
  21. reduce 6
  22. 6 SBN
  23. add 6 - 12 loops should turn out.

In order for the head to hold well on the neck, it is better to insert cotton wool and a wire frame in the middle.

Crochet - Lalalupsi dolls
Crochet - Lalalupsi dolls

Further tie the main part - the body of LalaLOOPSY.

  1. 1 SBN, add - 6
  2. 5 SBN, add - 3
  3. 6 SBN, add - 3
  4. 24 SBN,
  5. 7 SBN, add - 3
  6. 27 SBN
  7. 8 SBN, add - 3
  8. From 37th to 42 row, knit all the loops without increments
  9. 43 row - 3 SBN, reduce - 6
  10. Reduce 12 loops, fill the body with a filler
  11. To reduce 6 loops, close them, it remains to make hands, legs.
Amigura - how to crochet?
Amigurumi - how to crochet?

How to tie the hands of Lalalupsi?

  1. 4 SBN in a circle
  2. 4 add
  3. 6 SBN, 3 VP, SS (connecting columns) in the second loop,
  4. And SS (connecting columns) in the third loop of VP
  5. From the fourth to the 18th row-8 SBN.

The legs of the doll:

  1. 6 SBN in a circle
  2. 1 SBN, add - 3
  3. Third and fourth rows - 9 SBN
  4. Fifth or seventh-SBN, decrease
  5. From eighth to 23rd rows-8 SBN

Then mount the wire frame inward and fill with synthetic winterizer both the arms and legs of the dolls. Sew them to the body.

Crochet. LalaLOOPSY doll
Crochet. LalaLOOPSY doll

Clothes Tie the doll with amigurumi from white, blue threads. Start knitting from the blouse on the waist width, tie 6-7 rows. Next, using the increase in loops in each row, tie the dress. Below make a blue ruff. And you can tie a belt of blue yarn on the waist.

You can also come up with or choose any pattern for knitting clothes, decorate the outfit with inserts of fabric, artificial fur, etc. Accessories will look original in the form of buttons, ribbons, stones, etc.

For hair Apply the threads thinner, then your doll will look more natural. To make them, you will first need to create a wig, and then sew or glue it exactly on the work of it.

Hairstyles You can create different: braids, weaving. If desired, make a doll with or without bangs. Create your eyes either from buttons, beads or from felt, embroider cilia with black threads. Make your mouth from red felt. You can also embroider it with red yarn and even draw it with felt -tip pens.

How to tie a sailor Lalalupsi doll, pirate, marshmallows, Princess Line: Description, photo

According to the scheme provided above, you yourself can now create the image of any LalaLoopsy doll. After all, for this you will only need to change the color of hair, eyes and outfits. But in general - the head, torso, arms, legs are knitted according to the same instructions. The difference is only in clothes, style, hairstyle, accessories.

Below the images are options for needlewomen: a sailor, princess, amigurumi, pirate, etc. Looking at these creations, you will figure out which doll will have more to like your child.

LalaLoopsy doll - Sailor
LalaLoopsy doll - Sailor
LalaLoopsy with pink hair
LalaLoopsy with pink hair
Princess Laima
Princess doll tied to crocheted
Lalaloopsy - a doll sailor
LalaLoopsy - doll pirate

The best Lalalupsi dolls tied: photo, video

Using various accessories, of different colors, you can knit that doll that he is like. And if the process turns into a joint action, then this toy will be loved for a girl. And perhaps then the baby herself will sew her dolls, handbags, wallets.

Beautiful Crochet Doll
A beautiful hook doll. Marshmallows
Lalalupsi doll - with your own hands
Lalalupsi doll - with your own hands
Needlework - Knitted Lalalupsi dolls
Needlework - Knitted Lalalupsi dolls

It’s not such a difficult task to connect LalaLoopsy, just spend one day and a beautiful toy is ready. Moreover, the process of its creation gives only positive emotions, soothes the nerves. And your child will probably like this occupation.

Video: How to tie LalaLoopsy crochet?

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