How to make a pupa of voodoo from paper, branches, felt: manufacturing tips. Who and why was the voodoo chubby invented? The difference between the voodoo doll and the volt doll

How to make a pupa of voodoo from paper, branches, felt: manufacturing tips. Who and why was the voodoo chubby invented? The difference between the voodoo doll and the volt doll

How to make a voodoo doll with your own hands

We decided to give a non -banal gift to my relatives or good acquaintances, but do not know what to buy? Don't be upset. We have a ready -made solution for you. Give the original souvenir and come up with a story: why this gift is the most necessary and how it will contribute to the embodiment of the desires of the bestowed.

What do we propose to do, you ask? Voodoo doll. But not the present, after the manufacture of which love spells and lapels are made, but souvenir. You will get a gift with meaning. He will definitely find an honorable place on the shelf among books read to the holes and favorite caskets.

We do not invite you to study the foundations of magical craft now. And the article will not have texts of conspiracies and love spells with high power. But you will definitely fit your handles impatiently to create a simple universal and original “square” souvenir.

Voodoo - magic of African peoples
Voodoo - magic of African peoples

Who and why was the voodoo chubby invented?

Interesting magic will be interested in knowing how the voodoo cholel is being done. We hasten to disappoint you: master classes and step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of souvenir, rather than requisite to guide spoilage and curses, will be presented here. In our article there are no instructions for the manufacture of a classic voodoo doll. Here - only creativity and positive!

What is the powerdolls Wood?

  • Voodoo is a religious course of slaves brought from Africa to South and Central America. The main principle of Voodoo Magic is a sacrifice. After the completion of magical actions, a person is healed morally and physically.
  • Both protective talismans and amulets can be endowed with magical properties. A mandatory element of the rituals of this religious course is the Voodoo doll.
  • How do otherworldly forces manifest the action through the doll? Special magic rites turn the usual doll into an intermediary between a person who performs a magical action, and to those to whom conspiracy words are directed. The latter in this case acts as an object of magical influence, sometimes not knowing about it.
With the help of voodoo magic, you can manage someone else's life
With the help of voodoo magic, you can manage someone else's life, even being on different continents
  • A certain connection arises between the magician and the doll, which is based on the strands of the hair of the “victim”, nails, fragments of clothing belonging to the victim. Projection of the doll on a particular person, the magician endows it with the name. However, this is not enough for a full -fledged “work” of the doll. It is necessary that the doll is endowed with the facial features of the object of magical exposure.
  • Magic rituals with a doll applying it are completed using special needles. The doll used in the ritual should be burned or thrown into the victim’s house. Also, the doll can be “buried” next to the house of the object of magical influence.
  • But the voodoo doll is not always a source of black magic. Such a doll is just a tool in the hands of a person who devoted himself to the study of black or white magic. Therefore, the prevailing negative opinion about the voodoo doll is groundless. With the same success, you can endow with negative characteristics ordinary paper on which the magician can write its spells, or, for example, a feathers.
Voodoo doll is used both in black and white magic
Voodoo doll is used both in black and white magic

The difference between the voodoo doll and the volt doll

  • The classic way to manufacture the voodoo doll is that solid material is taken as the basis. For example, a tree. Together with the tree, wax is also used, but only as an auxiliary material. But another doll used in the rituals called volt is made of wax.
  • What is the difference between Voodoo dolls and a volt doll? The biological particles of the victim are placed inside the Volta doll. And this enhances its negative effect (for example, it can be hair). Nails and blood of the victim are laid in the voodoo doll.
  • The energy effect of the dolls is not entirely equivalent: if the volt destroys the aura of the person at whom the force of magic is directed in a sorcerer given by the sorcerer, then the Voodoo doll is just an intermediary between ancient spirits and the magician, which allows the latter to achieve the desired result. The rite using the Voodoo doll is powerful in strength, but it cannot lead to the death of the victim.
The volt doll is more dangerous, made of wax
The volt doll is more dangerous, made of wax

Councils for the manufacture of voodoo dolls

We discard the thoughts that with the help of a doll made in this lesson you can commit harmful witchcraft. We gathered here for another purpose: to engage in interesting and fascinating needlework and create a memorable gift.

Councils for the manufacture of voodoo dolls

  • Since our doll is done exclusively with good intentions, and will serve faithfully to its new master, we will clean all the materials involved in the work. Cleaning tools, fabrics consists in the energy neutralization of materials. This means the following:

The source materials (buttons, threads, fabrics, paint, glue) are not of natural origin. So they drank the energy of other people before getting into your hands. You can clean, using salt, incense, sandalwood oil or ordinary earth.

  • If you want your presented voodoo pupa to bring good and well -being to your master, then try to collect it in an appropriate psycho -emotional state: with pure thoughts and positive energy. This differs in the Voodoo doll, made by yourself, from the same doll, but purchased in the store. Therefore, before work, tune in to the right thoughts and do not mix your intentions with emotions.
  • To attract wealth and good luck in the manufacture of a magic product (even if it is just a souvenir), you need to think about finances, visualize the picture of the return of debts, repayment loans, other operations, the result of which will be beneficial for the keeper of the Voodoo doll. Remember that the voodoo doll is impregnated with positive energy only if, in its manufacture, the master does not speak rude words, curses.
Instructions for the manufacture of voodoo chubs
Instructions for the manufacture of voodoo chubs

What will be needed to create a souvenir voodoo doll:

  • You can sew our magic doll from any material, but it will be much better to choose for this purpose material that is traditionally used for the manufacture of a magic product. Immediately discard the idea of \u200b\u200bsewing the pupa of voodoo from synthetics. This material will not suit us. It is better to pay attention to wood, straw, wax, woolen fibers, cotton.
  • Voodoo doll can be sewn on different patterns. But she should have limbs and head. Outwardly, such a doll should resemble a person.
Voodoo dolls
Voodoo dolls

What colors of fabric are suitable for the souvenir voodoo chuck?

  • The color of the fabric for the doll is selected depending on what we want to wish the future owner of the doll.
  • Prevailing yellow gives the owner the doll with success, attractive to the opposite sex, as well as mutual understanding, trust.
  • White fabric In the manufacture of a doll - a symbol of the world, immaculate, health. Using the white fabric, the magician relieves the owner of the doll from slander.
  • If you use it red fabrics For the pupa of Voodoo, its owner will acquire love, energy, power and passionate love.
  • Using materials purple It will help the future owner of the Voodoo doll from healing both physical and moral, will give wisdom, the ability to anticipate and remain resistant to black magic.
  • Using materials green colour - To multiply prosperity and prosperity.
  • Materials blue Strengthen the approval and the occurrence of severe sympathy.
  • Prevailing blue colors - This is a protection against evil forces.
  • Made in pink colors Voodoo doll is a talisman for family comfort, harmonious relationships, happiness.
  • Black colors Mages are used fabrics for the Voodoo doll to get rid of the owner of the doll from addictions. However, with black cloth you need to be very careful. After all, this is the color of sadness, quarrels, confusion and even the evil eye.

Black fabric for Voodoo doll is a classic version of the manufacture of props in black magic.

The color of materials in the manufacture of Voodoo doll has an impact on its energy effect
The color of materials in the manufacture of Voodoo doll has an impact on its energy effect

How to make a souvenir voodoo doll - made of felt, paper, branches and sticks: step by step

Voodoo doll from paper with a set of clothes:

Of course, this doll is not for children. Such a gift can be given only to a very close person who perceives everything with humor.

Here is this doll:

Voodoo doll with a set of clothes
Voodoo doll with a set of clothes

Voodoo doll from branches and sticks

  • From twigs and sticks we collect the base of the doll in the form of a cross. Where the twigs will be crossed, we tightly bandage a rough durable thread.
We fold the cross from the sticks
Folding a cross from sticks
  • Wrap the resulting cross with a synthetic winterizer. In the manufacture of a classic voodoo doll, Spanish moss is used to wrap the cross from the branches, while the movement should be continuous, consistent.
Wrap the cross with a synthetic winterizer or straw
Wrap the cross with a synthetic winterizer or straw, then wrap the fabric strips
  • After turning the hands and legs with a synthetic winterizer, we go to the head and repeat the actions.
  • Then the doll needs to be wrapped with strips of fabric. We fix each strip on a doll with glue or make several stitches with a needle.
  • From multi -colored yarn or other material we make the hair a doll. We sew clothes: skirt, scarf. Voodoo doll with a broom - a symbol of good health and abundance. And if you sew a bead, a gold coin to the voodoo chuck, the doll will protect the owner from the bad evil eye.
Voodoo chuck with a heart - an original gift for the day of lovers
Voodoo chuck with a heart - an original gift for the day of lovers
  • It remains to make the face of the Voodoo doll. We take beads or buttons for the eyes. The mouth and nose can be embroidered.

We work out into the body of the doll 7 pins of the following colors:

  • Yellow pin for success
  • White pin will bring positive
  • Red pin is a symbol of power and strength.
  • A pins of purple color - a symbol of spirituality, love
  • Cherry punch helps to rebuff from negative energy
We work on 7 pins into the finished doll
We work on 7 pins into the finished doll

Such a voodoo doll is considered kind, and is not able to harm.

How to make a voodoo chuck from felt?

  • Prepare the felt of two colors. One will be the main one. From it we will sew the body of the doll. The second color is for the heart. You can use red felt, or replace it with pink.
How to make a voodoo chuck from felt
How to make a voodoo chuck from felt
  • We print or transfer to the paper in another way the pattern of the voodoo doll.
Voodoo doll: pattern
Voodoo doll: pattern
  • We cut out two identical details from the felt felt. We also cut out the heart and divide it in half. We sew the two parts of the doll’s body with the estimated seam. We sew the heart. Decorate: add eyes, decorative lines and any elements to your taste. It can be flowers, embroidered twigs, patches.
Voodoo doll made of felt

Voodoo doll - needle

  • To make the voodoo chuck, you need to print the pattern and transfer to the fabric.
  • Two identical details of the pupae are sewn by a mixed seam.
  • Such a doll can be sewn from felt or use calico, other material.
Voodoo chuckle
Patter of the voodoo doll needlewoman

Video: How to make a cool voodoo doll with your own hands?

How to make a souvenir voodoo doll in a box?

The doll, made according to this description, will not have magical properties. But if you decide to make a funny souvenir, then you are on the right track.

We arm ourselves with the following materials and tools:

  • Cardboard box
  • A piece of fabric (it is better to take dense calico)
  • Printed pattern
  • Filler for stuffing (this can be syntepuh or holofiber)
  • Scissors, needle, threads, eye buttons
  • Crafts
  • Cezalia, stamp pillow, a piece of foam
  • In addition, we need a simple pencil, black Liner, a white or pastel pencil marker.
  • Simple pencil, watercolor black pencil, thin black marker, white oil marker or pastel pencil, sewing pins, tea and coffee for tinting the doll, double -sided tape.
How to make a voodoo chuck in a box
  • We transfer the pattern to the fabric.
Patter of the pupa of Voodoo
We transfer the pattern to the fabric
  • We fold in half and sew the parts along the contour by hand with small stitches or on a typewriter. Do not forget to leave a small segment imperishable. Through it, we will turn and fill the toy with synthetic winterizer. After that, we cut out the workpiece, retreating a few centimeters from the edge. We fill with synthetic winterizer. We do not regret the filler, the toy should be dense.
We sew the details
  • Tour the fabric of the openings for twisting and sew using a secret seam. We prepare a tea-coffee decoction for tinting. We make coffee or tea so that a rich dark shade is obtained. To give a pleasant aroma, add cinnamon or vanilla to tea or coffee.
Fill the doll with synthetic winterizer
  • Now, using a piece of foam rubber, apply a solution to the toy. We put on drying in the oven at an open door and a temperature of 70-80 degrees. We make sure that the doll does not fire! After the doll dries, sew the buttons-eyes and embroider its mouth. We sew the dill on the arm or on the stomach.
Apply tea-coffee solution to the pupa
Apply tea-coffee solution to the pupa
After tinting the doll, we "decorate" with a decorative darn, embroider a smile
We sew the buttons
  • We decorate the box: we cut out a square or a rectangle of such size from scrap-paper that it “fits” inside the boundaries of the box cover. We draw a primitive toy. This does not need superpowers for drawing. Even if you draw crookedly, this inconspicuous flaw will give a special charm to the finished drawing.
We decorate the box
  • If drawing is not your horse, then do not be upset! Just download a suitable picture from the Internet and print it on a craft paper.
Ready box
  • Using a black pillow of black color, we tone the edges of the box with a piece of foam. In the absence of a stamp pillow, we use watercrael pencils or acrylic paints. We glue the pattern on the box of the box. At the bottom of the box we put the bunch of sow and place our doll there.

This souvenir turned out

Video: Voodoo doll

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