How to make a doll with clothes from cardboard with your own hands: schemes, stencils, photos. Twisting doll dergunchik, puppet, Shrovetide, growth, for a finger theater - with your own hands with cardboard toys

How to make a doll with clothes from cardboard with your own hands: schemes, stencils, photos. Twisting doll dergunchik, puppet, Shrovetide, growth, for a finger theater - with your own hands with cardboard toys

Make interesting cardboard dolls with your child: “Dressing”, twitch, puppets, on hinges, for a puppet theater.

Even today, when toy stores have flooded the dolls and navels of various modifications, toys from paper and cardboard continue to be popular. It is difficult to say that the child gives more pleasure, jointly with parents, making homemade dolls with clothes, puppets and characters for a finger theater, or the game with them. Highlight an hour or two, take care of your child creativity. In our article you will find templates, schemes and instructions that will help you.

How to make a doll with clothes from cardboard with your own hands: schemes, stencils, photos

Pupa and pups of paper and cardboard with replaceable clothes appeared in the 18th century, especially popular among girls during the Soviet Union. Perhaps the shortage of toys affected, perhaps in the absence of a computer and the Internet, children needed to take time and fantasize somewhere.
Modern divorced children are also not averse to playing with cardboard crafts. They themselves can come up with the design of dolls, “dress” them to their liking, at their discretion in clothes of various styles and even eras.

Cardboard dolls with replaceable clothes were played in the 18th century.
Cardboard dolls with replaceable clothes were played in the 18th century.

In stores of books and stationery you can buy ready -made puppet dolls with clothes, accessories, furniture and even houses. But is it not more than doing something like that?

Important: making puppets from cardboard with clothing - the lesson is very economical. Most of the tools and materials for this type of crafts already have at home. Moreover, you and your child can realize even the most unexpected ideas.

For creativity, you will need:

  • a few leaves of cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • chancellery and manicure scissors
  • pVA glue
  • color pencils, felt-tip pens, markers and handles with sparkles, all-all that is suitable for the design of puppet clothes and accessories
Cardboard doll-disabilities from the store.
Cardboard doll-disabilities from the store.

So, you can make a cardboard doll in a few ways:

  1. Buy in the store you like and your child a pipe of paper with clothes. Strengthen her cardboard. To do this, you need to cut the doll, which, as a rule, consists of two half, front and rear. Drive the doll first, which looks at you face. Cut with a margin, slightly retreating from the contour. Speak the paper blank on a sheet of cardboard, then cut down the contour. Gently, also already along the contour, cut the back of the doll, glue it onto the cardboard. Where necessary, straighten with small manicure scissors. You will get a toy with a dense frame.
  2. Choose in our article or on the Internet you like the doll template, print it on a color or black and white (then you still have to paint) the printer, then do the same as described in paragraph 1.
  3. Draw the doll yourself. As you like or your child. It will turn out unique, you yourself will create the whole image from scratch.

Important: a doll - a dressing from cardboard can be absolutely any character: a beloved hero of a daughter from a cartoon and a fairy tale, a famous actress, singer or model (then you will need to find her image in full growth, preferably, in a swimsuit or tight -fitting clothes, in a magazine or a magazine or a magazine or a magazine On the Internet), as well as the girl and members of her family (then you will need a full -length photo). And who said that this should only be a person? From cardboard with clothes you can make a mini-mouse, someone from small ponies, so on.

Cardboard Mini-Mas with clothes.
Cardboard Lalalupsi with clothes.

Will a child draw a doll or you yourself? You can do this directly on cardboard if it is white, or on a sheet of office paper.

  1. Divide the sheet in half horizontally.
  2. Divide one of the halves in half with a vertical line.
  3. Look at the picture of how to make the body of a child, a teenager, an adult proportional to the head.
  4. Accordingly, divide the vertical line into 4, 6 or 8 of the same segments. If you draw a girl from a hi monster or another cartoon, it is not necessary to save proportions.
  5. From each point on the vertical line, draw horizontal rays so that the body of the doll turns out to be proportional to the left and right. Remember that all these lines are auxiliary, they will then clean. Therefore, draw them subtly, barely touching the paper.
  6. Draw a doll - front view. Carefully cut, attach to the second half of the sheet. Circle and draw a doll - view from behind. Cut.
  7. Stick both halves of the dolls, if desired, make a stand.
The proportions of the human body.
Cardboard doll drawing scheme.

You may like one of the blanks below.

Cardboard doll template: boy and girl.
Cardboard doll template: girl.
Cardboard doll template: boy.
Cardboard doll template: guy and girl.
Cardboard doll template: man and woman.
Cardboard doll template: Girls Monster Hai.


Dresses for cardboard dolls. Cardboard doll costumes

Dresses and costumes for cardboard dolls are best done with paper. Then the valves will bend better, do not break and better hold.

  1. Take your doll, attach it to a sheet of paper and circle it with thin lines along the contour. You will have to circle as many times as you plan to do it for it.
  2. Draw clothes. It can be in any style, for any season. Fantasize!
  3. Draw clothes on the valves on the shoulders, forearms, waist, hips, legs. Dresses and costumes should stay well on the doll.
  4. Color and decorate your clothes.
  5. Carefully cut off the dresses and costumes that you got.

You can also use the templates.

Clothing for doll-girls made of cardboard.
Clothing for doll-parain from cardboard.
Clothing for doll-boy of cardboard.
Clothing for doll-girls made of cardboard.
Clothing for puppet-shells from cardboard.
Clothing for male dolls made of cardboard.

Video: How to make a paper doll?

Cardboard dolls

Having a cardboard at hand, you can make a voluminous cardboard guitar, which is suitable not only for paper dolls, but also with nipple, dolls like Barbie or monster high.

  • guitar cut
  • white office paper or album sheets
  • white cardboard
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • marker
  • scissors
  • glue
  • muline threads or silver
  • beads
Cardboard guitar template.
Cardboard guitar template.
  1. Download the guitar template or draw. You will need to divide it into details.
  2. Transfer to the cardboard of the deck of the guitar. You need to do this four times: twice without an outlet (round -shaped holes on the guitar), twice with a socket.
  3. The guitar’s neck requires two details.
  4. Draw three four parallel lines on cardboard. The distance between them is about 0.7 cm. Between the two extreme, draw cloves. This detail is needed to make the deck voluminous.
  5. Gently cut the details of the guitar. Start collecting a musical instrument, as shown in the figure.
  6. Stick the part with the cloves between the two decks - with and without a socket.
  7. Stick two more details of the deck on top.
  8. Glue the guitar vulture, attach it to the deck.
  9. Color the guitar with paint or nail polish of the flowers you need.
  10. When the paint dries, draw horizontal stripes on the grif - frets.
  11. Using threads, beads and glue, make a string guitar.
  12. Decorate the guitar with stickers, patterns, sparkles at your discretion.
Cardboard guitar: materials, tools and blanks.
Assembly of cardboard guitar.
Decor of cardboard guitar.
Cardboard guitars for dolls.

Video: cardboard guitar

Cardboard doll glasses

For Barbie, Monster High and Pupov, you can make bright and unusual accessories - cardboard glasses with colored lenses.

Forms are excited, lenses and arcs of cardboard glasses.
Forms are excited, lenses and arcs of cardboard glasses.


  • cardboard
  • transparent color film
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • glue
  • scotch
  • flomasters, markers, pens with sparkles, nail polishes, so on
  • ruler and centimeter tape
Cardboard glasses.
Cardboard glasses.
  1. Forms of faces and the size of the heads of dolls can be completely different. In order for cardboard glasses to sit, it is better for you to measure the distance between the eyes of a particular doll, the size of the eyes themselves, the distance from the eyebrows to the lower eyelid, so on.
  2. See what the forms of lenses, excuses, an arc of glasses can be, pick up the one that you like and suits the doll under the style.
  3. Draw a sheet of cardboard in accordance with your dimensions, draw glasses and stuff.
  4. Gently cut the glasses. If the cardboard is thin, duplicate the details and glue them.
  5. From a transparent color film, cut the details to the size of the glasses of glasses.
  6. Glue the "lenses" to glasses.
  7. Color and decorate your glasses at your discretion.
  8. Bend out the glasses of the glasses.

Cardboard portfolio for dolls from cardboard

To make a cardboard portfolio portfolio for a barbie or a cardboard doll:

  • download and print the template (or redraw it to the size you need)
  • translate the contours of the portfolio on a sheet of cardboard
  • cut the workpiece
  • fold the workpiece, glue in the places you need
  • color and decorate the portfolio
Cardboard portfolio: template.
Polling portfolio from cardboard.
Cardboard portfolio for dolls.

Video: How to make a backpack for dolls?

The mobile doll dergunchik

From cardboard it is easy to make a mobile doll on hinges of any configuration. It’s so convenient to play. It is also suitable for a home puppet theater.

Mobile pups of cardboard.
Mobile pups of cardboard.


  • puppet templates (you can take them from this article, download on the Internet or draw yourself)
  • cardboard
  • the hole punch or awl
  • rivets (the smallest)
  • glue
  • scissors
  • materials and tools for drawing and coloring
  • materials and tools for sewing, if you plan to make a doll clothing their fabric
Materials and tools for the manufacture of a mobile doll from cardboard.
Materials and tools for the manufacture of a mobile doll from cardboard.
  1. Print the template of your doll. If you draw it, remember that every detail should be finished. Usually, movable dolls are articulated in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankle. You may have more or less joints.
  2. Transfer the workpiece to the cardboard, if necessary, paint and decorate the doll clothes.
  3. Gently cut the doll.
  4. Connect the joints of rivets. Make holes with an awl. Small screws are also suitable for you, like in the frames of glasses.
  5. If you make clothes for dolls made of fabric, stop this stage.
  6. Collect the doll, you want, make accessories for her.
Mobile doll from cardboard: Step 1.
Mobile doll from cardboard: Step 2.
Mobile doll from cardboard: Step 3.
Mobile doll from cardboard: Step 4.
Mobile dolls made of cardboard.

Such pretty dolls may turn out:

Family of hinge puppet dolls.
Cardboard dolls on hinges.

You can choose one of these templates.

A template for a hinge doll made of cardboard.
A template for a mobile cardboard doll.
Mobile fairy from cardboard: Template.
Doll-girl is mobile: template.
Sharnary clown of cardboard: template.
Cardboard Dog-Dog: Template.
Cat Cat from cardboard: template.

Important: if you want to turn your cardboard articulated doll into a ducky, attach the details of the arms and legs from the back. In each of them, make holes, as shown in the figure, pass the connecting thread into these holes. At the end of the connecting thread, hang the bead. You can also attach a holder stick to the dug.

Details of doll-dermgunchik.
Scheme of fastening parts and connecting threads.
Cardboard dergunchiki.
You can attach a holder stick to the dugunchik.

Video: Paper Bear

Puppet doll

Turning a hinged cardboard doll into a puppet is also very easy.

  1. Take two sticks from inflatable balls, for sushi, or just two simple pencils. Fold their cross - cross and fasten with tape.
  2. Do the hooks in the hands and legs of the cardboard doll (on the hands and lower legs), pass the threads in them.
  3. Tie the ends of the thread to your improvised handle.
Doll - cardboard puppet.
The doll is a puppet of cardboard.

Finger Theater dolls

A finger puppet theater is an excellent entertainment for a child from 2 years old. You can independently make dolls-characters of his favorite fairy tale and stage it. And if the baby is already 3 years or more, he himself will be happy to take part in the creation of dolls.

Important: the easiest option is to download finger doll patterns, cut them and glue them to cardboard for strength.

Cardboard dolls for the finger theater: Template.
Cardboard dolls for a finger theater: a boy and a girl.
Cardboard dolls for a finger theater: three pigs and a wolf.
Cardboard dolls for the finger theater: animals.
Cardboard dolls for the finger theater: Kolobok characters.
Cardboard dolls for the finger theater: Princesses.

If you want to make fingers from cardboard yourself, prepare:

  • cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • chancellery and manicure scissors
  • materials and tools for painting and decorating dolls
A cardboard doll for a finger a home -made.
A cardboard doll for a finger a home -made.
  1. Draw the characters of your future production. Their size should be such that you can make 2-4 holes for your fingers or child.
  2. Color and decorate the dolls, then cut them out.
  3. If the cardboard is thin, make a toy in two layers.

Doll Maslenitsa

Important: read in this article, what crafts from cardboard, paper and other materials can you make on Shrovetide with a child.

For a scarecrow - Maslenitsa from cardboard take:

  • color cardboard
  • colored paper
  • white paper
  • the pencil is simple
  • ruler
  • color pencils, felt -tip pens, paints
  • glue
Cardboard dolls on Shrovetide.
Cardboard dolls on Shrovetide.
  1. Two sheets of colored cardboard are neatly, using a ruler, fold it with an accordion, and then in half.
  2. Connect them together by putting one on the other.
  3. From colored and white paper, make a larch, hairstyle, headdress.
  4. Combine the details of the dolls.

Cardboard and fabric doll

Cardboard dolls can be “dressed” in dresses and costumes from fabric. Take one that does not pour. Then it will be enough for you to cut out the details of the clothes and simply glue them to the puppet body.
Also, from cardboard and fabric you can make beautiful dolls in the kimono, in the Japanese style. Take:

  • fabric flaps
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • compass
  • glue
Cardboard and fabric doll: blanks.
Cardboard and fabric doll: Step 1.
Cardboard and fabric doll: Step 2.
Cardboard and fabric doll: Step 3.
Cardboard and fabric doll: Step 4.
Cardboard and fabric dolls.
  1. Draw on cardboard, and then cut two circles with the same diameter, two identical strips and a rectangle.
  2. Collect the doll: glue two strips and two circles, glue them to the rectangle.
  3. From colored or painted white cardboard, make a doll hairstyle.
  4. Put the workpiece on a flap of fabric, wrap it as shown in the drawings below.
  5. From another flap of fabric, make the sleeves of the kimono.

Cardboard and paper doll

Use the templates from below or similar to make volumetric toys from cardboard and paper.

Volumetric dolls made of paper and cardboard.
Volumetric dolls-springs from paper and cardboard.
Paper or cardboard doll.

Video: Doll-Drill "Santa Claus"


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