Beginning with knitting needles for a boy: instructions, diagrams, photos

Beginning with knitting needles for a boy: instructions, diagrams, photos

From this article you will find out in what ways you can knit a peel of knitting needles for a boy.

Children, whether it is preschool or school age, are very mobile, and especially boys. Knitted by knitting needles for a sleeveless jacket will not embargo movements, and warm in the cold months of the year. In addition, it can be tied both elegant and home. How to tie a sleeveless jacket for different occasions? We find out in this article.

How to knit a sleeveless needle for a boy with a V-neck?

The sleeveless needle for a boy consists of 2 shelves: front and rear. We will connect the Bezukavka to a boy aged 1 year. First we knit the back shelf According to the following principle:

  1. First, we find out how much you need to dial the loops for a sleeveless jacket. To calculate the number of loops: We type 20 loops, knit with a pattern with which you want to knit a sleeveless rows of 10 rows, and measure the width of the resulting piece of the product in cm. Thanks to simple mathematical calculations, we learn the density of knitting. We calculate how much you need to dial the loops for a sleevery of 40 cm wide.
  2. We type loops (each knitter has a different number of loops, it all depends on the thickness of the threads, knitting needles and knitting density).
  3. We knit an elastic band 1*1 (1 front loop, 1 wrong), 4 cm high.
  4. We knit with the main pattern, for example, with a prying viscous (we knit all rows with the wrong loops) 22 cm in height.
  5. For armhole, on one side of the product, close 4 loops, knit the row to the end. Then we close 4 loops on the other side of the shelf, and knit a row.
  6. In the next row, you need to close 3 loops on one and the other sides.
  7. In the third row from the beginning of the armhole we close 2 loops on both sides.
  8. In the fourth, fifth and sixth rows, we close 1 loop.
  9. From the beginning of the armhole we knit a shelf 19 cm high, and close all the loops. The back shelf is ready.

The front part of the sleeveless jacket To the level of armhole is knitted in the same way as the back shelf. When the front shelf of the product is connected to the level of the armhole, we make the following actions:

  1. Close 5 loops on each side of the shelf for a armhole, then, in the next row - 3 loops, then 2 rows of 2 loops, and then 1 loop.
  2. Together with the armhole we begin bring and neck: We divide the loops on the spoke in half.
  3. Then we knit each left and right parts of the shelf separately, decreasing in the central part, on the front side of the product, 1 loop - 12 rows.
  4. Close 1 part of the shelf along the shoulder line.
  5. In the same way we knit 2 part of the shelf.

We sew both shelves together. We tie both armhole and around the neck with an elastic band 1*1 (1 front, 1 wrong loop).

Scheme of patterns of knitting knitting sleeves for a boy with a V-neck
Beginning for a boy associated with knitting needles with a V-neck

How to knit a sleeveless needle for a boy with a rounded neck?

The sleeveless needle for a boy with a rounded neck consists of two shelves: the front and rear. We knit a sleeveless jacket for a boy of 10 years. First we knit the back shelf:

  1. Determine the density of the knitting: We collect 20 loops on the knitting needles, knit 29 rows. It should turn out a piece of a knitted canvas size 10*10 cm.
  2. If you also have the same knitting density, then we collect 83 loops on the knitting needles, if not, we calculate individually.
  3. We knit an elastic band 1*1 or 2*2, 3 cm high.
  4. We knit the main pattern, 29 cm high.
  5. Begin bring the armhole: Close in the front rows 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 loop.
  6. From the beginning of the armhole we knit the main pattern, 17 cm high.
  7. Farther we will connect the rounded neck: We calculate the number of loops, and exactly in the middle we close 21 loop, then in the front rows we close 3, 3, 2 loops. Since our canvas was divided into 2 parts, we knit from 2 glomeruli or first one part of the shelf, and then the other.
  8. Simultaneously with the neck, we also form a bevels for the shoulders: we close 4, 4, 4 loops in the front rows.

We knit the front shelf:

  1. Before the armhole we knit everything the same as it was done with the rear shelf.
  2. After the start of the armhole, we knit 6 cm, and we begin to form a deep neck: We close exactly in the middle of 11 loops, then in the front rows, on both sides, we close 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1.1, 1 loop.
  3. Together with the neck, we close the bevels for the shoulders (just like on the rear shelf).

We sew together both parts of the sleeveless jackets. Around the neck and a armhole we dial the loops on the knitting needle, and knit with rubber bands 1*1, 3 cm high.

A sleeveless jacket for a boy with a rounded neck

How to knit a sleeveless needle for a boy with a whole canvas?

Remooks with whole canvas are well suited to young children. We knit the sleeveless needle for a boy for 1 year. We begin to knit from the front of the sleeveless jacket:

  1. We collect 66 loops on the knitting needles, and knit with a pantry viscous (all ranks of the wrong), 3 cm high.
  2. Then we knit as follows: at the beginning of the row and at the end, we knit 7 loops with a gastard, in the middle - another pattern. After 3 cm from the beginning of knitting, we make holes for buttons on both sides: we knit 2 together with the front, cloak. We knit the next hole after 5 cm. So we knit the canvas, 23 cm high.
  3. We make a neckline: Exactly in the middle, we close 22 loops, and we knit the separated parts of the shelves separately from 2 balls, 7 cm high. We still knit 7 loops with a gastard viscous.
  4. We collect 22 loops and combine both parts of the product, knit 15 cm high.
  5. For a armhole Add 15 loops on each side of the shelf, along the edges of 7 loops with a gastard, knitting height 15 cm.
  6. We finish the product with a gastard, 3 cm high, then close all the loops.
  7. We sew the buttons to the sleeveless jacket, tie the neck with a hook - and it is ready.
A whole canvas sleevelessed for a boy with knitting needles
A whole canvas tied knitting

How to knit a sleeveless needle for a boy on buttons in front?

We knit a sleeveless needle for a boy for 1 year. First we will connect the back In the next sequence:

  1. On two knitting needles, we collect 89 loops folded together (so it is necessary to do so that the beginning of knitting is not too dense). Then we pull out one knitting needle and knit an elastic band 1*1 with it. We knit an elastic band 3 cm high.
  2. After the elastic band, we begin to knit the main pattern. We knit with an even sheet 14 cm high.
  3. After 17 cm from the beginning of knitting, we form the reglan: in all the front rows we close 1 loop on both sides. So we knit in a height of 4 cm.
  4. Close all the loops. The back is ready.

Before the sleevelessed, it consists of two shelves: right and left. We knit the right shelf:

  1. We collect 48 loops on the knitting needles.
  2. 3 cm knit with an elastic band 1*1 (1 front loop, 1 wrong).
  3. Then we knit the main pattern of 14 cm in height.
  4. On the right side we begin to launch raglan: Close one loop in the front rows. So we knit 4 cm. On the left side of the shelf, we do not reduce the loop (knit exactly).
  5. After knitting 21 cm, we close all the loops at once.
  6. On the left side of the shelf, we put the loops over the knitting needle along the entire length, and we knit with an elastic band 1*1, 3-4 cm (this is a bar for buttons).

We knit the left shelf:

  1. We collect 48 loops on the knitting needles.
  2. 3 cm knit with an elastic band 1*1.
  3. Then we knit the main pattern of 14 cm in height.
  4. On the left side we begin to launch raglan: Close one loop in the front rows. So we knit 4 cm. On the right side of the shelf of the loop we do not reduce (knit exactly).
  5. After knitting 21 cm, we close all the loops at once.
  6. On the right side of the shelf, we type loops on the knitting needles along its entire length.
  7. We knit 1*1, 4 rows with an elastic band.
  8. In the fifth row, at the same distance, we knit 4 holes for buttons (1 hole - 2 together with the front, cloak).
  9. We knit with an elastic band 1*1 more 4 rows.
  10. Close all the loops in the row.

We sew together all the parts of the sleeveless spaces. Around the neck, and then the sleeves, we separate the loops separately and knit an elastic band 1*1. We sew the buttons on the right shelf. The sleeveless jacket is ready.

Knitting pattern of pending on buttons in front for a boy

So, after reading this article, we will be able to knit a sleeveless jacket for a boy.

Video: Stylish children's sleeveless jacket. A brief description of the work

What else can be tied with knitting needles:

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