Vaseline oil for newborns - easy care for the baby: use, which is better, how to use?

Vaseline oil for newborns - easy care for the baby: use, which is better, how to use?

This article refers to ways to use vaseline oil for newborns.

Parents of young children should have a petroleum jelly in a family first -aid kit. Our  grandmothers  and  parents, even in those distant times,  used  this is  means To give children's skin tenderness and velvety, for cleaning a tiny nose, to eliminate problems with the tint of the baby, and the oil was used to lubricate the chest during feeding.

Vaseline oil is a suspension that has undergone high cleaning, and not having smell and taste. There are no harmful components in Vaselin, therefore it is allowed to use it for only the babies that only born.

Why do they use vaseline oil for newborns?

Vaseline oil is suitable for care for newborns
Vaseline oil is suitable for care for newborns

After applying petroleum jelly, a thin protective film appears on the epidermal layer. Such a layer of paraffin effectively protects the skin from microtrauma, which can form from friction with diapers, swings and other clothes. The tool can moisturize and disinfect the surface of the epiderma. This is why such oil is required:

  • Sitting the skin before massage
  • Defense against diaper rash and sweating
  • Labia processing to newborn girls
  • Purification of nasal passages
  • With constipation
  • Softening crusts on the head
  • Lubrication of folds after bathing

It is worth knowing: Vaseline suspension for a newborn is mainly used only externally, and with constipation - inside the anus. But before this use, children are still better to consult a specialist.

Vaseline oil for newborns: which is better?

Which vaseline oil is better? Here are two important tips:

  1. Buy this oil only in a pharmacy. So it will be safe and useful for crumbs. Oil is made on the basis of oil products, but it is purified and not dangerous for the skin of the baby. But 100%warranty This will be, if vaseline oil is bought in a pharmacy, and not in a cosmetic store or at an unknown manufacturer on the Internet.
  2. Evaluate the expiration date of the fund. It will be better if the oil is made recently, and not sold with the period of implementation at the end.

Here are a few more important recommendations:

  • Keep a suspension in a regular place for storing other drugs. No need to put it in a refrigerator. The place of storage should be dark and ventilated.
  • Open bottle must be used for 2 weeks.
  • Distribute the suspension according to the epidermis with a thin layer to avoid the risk of absorption of its particles into the blood and prevent the poor operation of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Vaselin is recommended before the consumption of sterilize. How to do this correctly, read below.

How to sterilize petroleum jelly for newborns: tips

Sterilization of vaseline or other type of oil
Sterilization of vaseline or other type of oil

At the reception, when consulting with a pediatrician regarding the use of Vaselin Suppies, the doctor will certainly advise this remedy before spending, for the only born baby, sterilize. Here are the tips on how to do it correctly:

  • Pour water into a small bowl.
  • Lay on the bottom an old small towel or other fabric.
  • Install a bubble with petroleum jelly in a bowl.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil, turn off the gas.
  • Hold the remedy in hot water another 15 minutes.

Thus, you can sterilize any other oil that you consume for the crumbs. Before use, cool the heated suspension to room temperature. It is forbidden to put a cold bottle in hot water, as the glass can crack. If the oil is poured into a plastic bottle, then it is necessary to pour it into clean glass containers, for example, a bottle of alcohol or other pharmacy products.

Vaseline oil for newborns - light care of the baby: body use, for massage

Vaseline oil for newborns - light care for the baby
Vaseline oil for newborns - light care for the baby

Experts, when assigning massage procedures for breast crumbs, advise using Vaselin Suppiesia. This is necessary so that the parent’s hands glide well along the epidermis of the child, without causing uncomfortable sensations and any damage.

The oily vaseline suspension is used instead of cream products during massage. It is especially effective when the baby is prone to allergies. The composition of this suspension does not add aromatic, coloring substances and the rest of chemistry. It softens the upper layer of the epidermis. As a result, massage is more tender. Vaselin Suppies is perfect for care for delicate skin and for massaging young children, since:

  • She is without taste and smell
  • It is hypoallergenic
  • Great moisturizes the layer of dry epiderma
  • Healing microcracks and wounds
  • Protecting the upper layer of the skin from infections and mechanical damage

For a baby at the very beginning of life, you need comfort. It is important to choose the right body for the body and massage. This will help to establish tactile contact with the tiny, without causing the negativity from the touch of the parent. After all, the irritable aroma of some other care product can cause unpleasant sensations that will lead to the tearfulness and other disorders of the baby's nervous system. Therefore, you need to choose oils with a minimum smell. Vaseline is better than other means, since the care of the tiny is easy and safe for it.

Vaseline oil for newborns for diaper rash, acting: how to use?

Vaseline oil for newborns is suitable for diaper rash, poking
Vaseline oil for newborns is suitable for diaper rash, poking

Vaseline oil for newborns is used as a cream from diaper rash. After application, a film is formed, which protects the skin from contact with bowel movements and diaper. When applied to the folds, disinfection occurs.

How to use diaper rash:

  • It is recommended to rinse the baby’s ass after removing the diaper and apply a new layer of oil again.
  • Apply petroleum jelly with a thin layer, this will help the skin breathe.
  • After application, you need to wait until completely absorb.

When processing the skin during rashes during the sweating, you should also rinse the skin with warm water, dry with a towel and apply petroleum jelly. Do not trim the baby’s skin, as it is already irritated from diaper rash. Apply the oil carefully, almost without rubbing.

Vaseline oil for processing the labia of newborn girls: how to use?

Vaseline oil is suitable for processing the labia of newborn girls
Vaseline oil is suitable for processing the labia of newborn girls

The newborn girl does not have a protective barrier in the genitals, which the adult woman has, due to the specific structure of this area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Therefore, the infection can get inside is very simple. In addition, the genitals are constantly in contact with urine and feces.

Immediately after birth, the girl has discharge on the labia. Doctors call them "Smegma". This is a original lubricant, the result of the sebaceous glands in preparation for the birth. But it is worth knowing the following:

  • If there are few smogms, then the girl does not need to specially process the genitals of the girl.
  • It is only necessary to wash with warm water once a day and wipe with wet wipes intended for this when changing the diaper.
  • However, if there are too many smogms, then these discharge must be removed, since in the fat contained in the below fat, bacteria can multiply.

Use Vaseline Suppiesia to clean the labia of a newborn girl simply:

  • Wash the baby with warm water.
  • Moisten a wand with a cotton tip in the product.
  • Gently peel the labia from the discharge.

Smegma is a dense substance, but with the help of petroleum jelly, it will be removed without problems. After a few such procedures, there will be no trace of the discharge.

Vaseline oil for the nasal of a newborn: how to use?

Vaseline oil is suitable for caring for the nose of the newborn
Vaseline oil is suitable for caring for the nose of the newborn

In the nasal passage, different peeling, crusts and mucus can accumulate in a newborn. If they do not remove them in a timely manner, then the child’s breathing becomes difficult, he will not be able to sleep and eat calmly. Vaseline subservice is used to clean the nose in children. It helps to make the mucous membrane more humid and healthy, and such a tool simplifies the purification process. How to use it correctly? The procedure is performed as follows:

  • Take a cotton pad and separate its circles from each other.
  • Then divide one of these circles in 4 parts.
  • Now, from the received one part, make a dense flagellum, twisting it with your hands. The denser this strip, the better it will turn out to clean the bow pass.
  • Moisten a cotton flagella in petroleum jelly and insert, not too far into the baby's nose.
  • Scroll it clockwise during 10-15 secondsAnd then get it.
  • Do the same with another nasal passage.

Based on Vaseline, many different ointments are made. One of the most popular - Oksalin. It is used for respiratory infections. But it is allowed to use it only after the age of two. Until that time, the use is contraindicated. This is due to anatomy of nasal passages in infants. Therefore, when exiting in winter to the street, grease the nose of the child with vaseline oil.

Vaseline oil for newborns for constipation: how to use?

Vaseline oil for newborns with constipation
Vaseline oil for newborns with constipation

Effective use of petroleum jelly with constipation. But it is necessary to use according to the instructions that say:

  • "Inside to children after three years".
  • Use 2 teaspoons before meals twice a day.
  • Vaseline lies on the walls of the intestines, helps soften the feces.
  • No harm is caused to the body, and emptying is painless. The intestinal microflora is not damaged.

Children under three years old, and in particular, newborns, can be used by Vaseline for constipation, but only if you lubricate the tip of the enema. This will ensure its more careful introduction. Many parents introduce 1-2 drops Oil in the anus with a conventional pipette. This softens it and helps the child quickly get rid of constipation.

Advice: Before any use of petroleum jelly with constipation to a newborn, first contact the pediatrician consultation.

Remember: The health of the child in your hands!

Is it possible to process the folds of a newborn with vaseline oil?

As mentioned above, it is best to do the skin of the skin of a newborn with vaseline oil. The folds are smeared after each bathing. This is done to protect the skin so that diaper rash and sweating do not appear on its surface.

Rinse all the folds of the baby with warm water well. Blind with a towel and only then can be applied with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. This should be done every day after bathing.

Vaseline and peach oil: which is better for newborns?

Vaseline and peach oil: which is better for newborns?
Vaseline and peach oil: which is better for newborns?

All pediatricians are advised to use vaseline oil to care for the newborn. But many parents do not trust this tool, since this is paraffin, which is made of oil products. Therefore, they prefer to use coconut, apricot, sterilized sunflower, olive, corn or peach oil. The latter is one of the most popular care products. What is better for newborns? Here are some tips:

  • Before using the product, apply a few drops to the baby's skin. Wait a while, and if irritation and redness are absent, oil can be used.
  • If the crumbs are allergic to peach or other vegetable oils, then it is better to use Vaseline.
  • Peach seed oil is quickly absorbed into the skin. If it is necessary that the product remains on the surface with a thin film, for example, during massage, then it is better to use a tool from paraffin.
  • If we talk about the aesthetic side, then petroleum jelly, due to the fact that it is poorly absorbed, it can dirty clothes. In contrast, other types of natural oils do not create such a problem.

When choosing oil, rely on the advice of a pediatrician, the purpose of the product and reaction of the skin of the baby. It is better if there are two types of oil in your first -aid kit: petroleum jelly and peach or other natural. Vaselin - for massage, and for skin care - peach, coconut, cedar, apricot or others.

Vaseline oil for newborns: use for the head from crusts

Vaseline oil for newborns is used for the head from crusts
Vaseline oil for newborns is used for the head from crusts

Many experts recommend using vaseline oil to remove crusts on the head in newborn children. With its help, they soften, which helps to accelerate the process of their disappearance. Here is a way of application:

  • Apply a petroleum jelly on your head for 30 minutes.
  • Put a piece of polyethylene on top and put on a cap. This is necessary so that the crusts are steamed and better away.
  • Then comb your head with a comb with frequent teeth, it is advisable to do this with a wooden crest.
  • Now wash your head thoroughly with baby soap.
  • If after washing you see that some crusts have moved, then scratch the skin again with a scallop.
  • Repeat the procedure once every seven days, until the crust is completely eliminated.

Literally after 2-3 crust procedures, the crust will completely disappear.

Vaseline oil for newborns: reviews

Vaseline oil for newborns
Vaseline oil for newborns

Over the years, the effectiveness of the use of petroleum jelly was checked. Our grandmothers and parents used such a tool to care for their children. In the hospital, doctors advise using it. Therefore, it is worth listening to these recommendations and purchase a tool. Read more reviews about vaseline oil for newborns from other parents, how and why they use it.

Svetlana, 22 years old

My son is already 2 months old. Our pediatrician recommends in winter in windy weather, lubricate the crumbs and face with vaseline oil. This will serve as a magnificent protection against weathing and frost. The product moisturizes the skin, and it does not peel off. This is my favorite tool for diaper rash. I lubricate the skin of the child after each bathing. From birth, there have never been a sweating or other skin problems.

Olga, 25 years old

The second child - a girl recently, recently was born. With the help of petroleum jelly, on the advice of the Pediatrician, I take care of the genitals of my daughter. Perfectly removes all excessive discharge. Also, with his help, they got rid of the crusts on his head.

Elena, 24 years old

My baby is already a year old. I trust only with petroleum jelly. It always has it in our first -aid kit. Nasal congestion, any rashes on the skin, when going out, with constipation and in many other cases, it is Vaselin. Great for massage.

Video: Best oil for child massage - Dr. Komarovsky

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