Why is the chin, the lower lip, head, the hands of the newborn shaking? What to do if the chin is shaking at the baby: doctors' advice, mom reviews

Why is the chin, the lower lip, head, the hands of the newborn shaking? What to do if the chin is shaking at the baby: doctors' advice, mom reviews

The reasons for the tremor of the chin, pens, legs in newborns.

After the birth of the crumbs, young mothers may have a lot of reasons for concern. This is especially true if the child is the first, and the woman has no idea how to handle him. In this article we will talk about the tremor of the chin and other parts of the body in newborns.

Why is the chin of a newborn shaking?

Pediatricians consider the chin in babies, the age of which has not reached three months. This is due to the fact that the system of nerve endings of the crumbs has not ripened, it is imperfect and responds poorly to irritants.

The kid stayed in the stomach for 9 months, the sounds muffled, there was no bright light. He felt everything through a dense layer of bubble, as well as his mother’s abdomen. After birth, the situation has changed dramatically. Now, with all loud sounds and flashes of light, the baby encounters independently. There are several reasons why there is a shaking in the crumbs.

Why is the chin of the newborn shaking, the reasons:

  • Neurological. It is associated with immaturity of the system of nerve fibers, which inadequately reacts to various stimuli.
  • Hormonal. It is due to the fact that a large amount of norepinephrine is produced adrenal glands. It appears as a result of a stressful situation, for a baby it can be a flash of light, a loud sound, or sudden movements, its movement.

Why does the chin and the lower lip are shaking in the newborn?

Accordingly, the easiest option to calm the baby is to normalize the mode of sleep and wakefulness, and try to irritate the nerves of the baby less. Up to 3 months, the system of nerve endings of the crumbs normalizes, most of the reflexes that he had immediately after birth disappears, new, characteristic of adults come in their place. Thus, the shaking of the chin, limbs, as well as the lower sponge, stops. If you do not know why the newborn is shaking a chin and a lower lip, contact a neuropathologist.

The norm of shaking in newborns:

  • If the baby heard a loud sound, or a scream.
  • Immediately after waking up, my mother turned on the light, the baby can sharply tremble, cry, scream. With these symptoms, the shaking of the chin can be observed. This is a variant of the norm.
  • If the baby froze. This often happens at the reception at the pediatrician, especially in the winter, when the baby needs to be undressed to weigh and measure its growth.
  • If the baby is hungry, or went to the toilet. How simple processes are for an adult, for crumbs are a load. Indeed, in the stomach, food took place through the placenta, the baby himself did not ate anything. Now he needs to try, suck milk from his mother’s breast, so hunger, and even ordinary bowel movements can cause shaking. Some mothers are determined by this basis when the baby goes to the toilet, and they use this phenomenon to accustom the baby to the pot.
The baby is crying
The baby is crying

Does the newborn have a chin and a leg, is it dangerous?

If you notice that the newborn has a chin and a legIt's time to go to a consultation. The shaking of one part of the body, the lower or upper limbs is an alarm.

When the shaking of the chin is not a variant of the norm:

  • When the baby was 3 months old, but the symptoms not only do not decrease, but exacerbate. That is, if, along with the shaking chin, shuddering the head, handles and legs connects.
  • A very disturbing symptom is the shaking of a chin and any one part of the body, for example the right. It is urgent to contact a neuropathologist if the lower sponge walks with the crumbs, along with this, there is a shaking of the right, left handle or legs. That is, movements, spasms are not common, but in certain areas of the body.
  • Shaking occurs regardless of the presence of stimuli. That is, the chin, the head is not shaking in the case of reaction to stimuli, but even in a calm environment.
  • If shaking occurs at night. When the baby is sleeping, he is in a calm state, so no tremor should be.

Why is the chin of a newborn at rest shaking?

If there are no irritants, then shaking is a symptom of a neurological disease.

Why is a chin of chin in a newborn alone:

  • Heavy birth. Hypoxia of the fetus, vacuum, squeezing of crumbs often cause birth injuries, and neurological disorders. Thus, strong pressure is on the child’s skull, as a result of which hematomas, hemorrhages and intracranial pressure can occur. Which negatively affects the nervous system of the crumbs and is a pathology.
  • Severe pregnancy, a sharp rejection of psychotropic drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. That is why pregnant women are not recommended to abruptly quit smoking, but to do this gradually so that the child does not have a shock, and problems with nerves do not appear.
  • Pregnant infections. If a woman was ill with some kind of ailment in an interesting position, this may affect the state of health of the child. The virus is very weakens the system of nerve endings of the child and can cause various pathologies and malfunctions in the baby organs and systems.

What to do if the hands of a newborn are shaking?

In order to quickly cope with problems, it is necessary to comply with a number of simple rules.

What to do if the hands of the newborn are shaking:

  • The first, before going to bed, be sure to bathe the baby in slightly warm water with the addition of molary and valerian tinctures. These baths soothe well, normalize sleep. Some pediatricians recommend adding a couple of drops of lavender oil to bathing water. There is no need for the smell to be very strong, a weak aroma is enough for the child to calm down.
  • Be sure to make a massage to the baby. This is not necessarily some kind of special complex, enough light stroking and more intense movements. It is necessary to learn a few simple techniques, among which stroking, shaving, and kneading.
  • Below in the video you can find how to do massage for newborns. Any massages lead to normalization of muscle tone, so cramps will occur much less often. Be sure to feed the child at the same time, accustom to a certain regime. Try to walk at the same time, and lay the child at certain hours. This will contribute to the normalization of the work of the nerve impulses. Thus, the baby gets used to such a daily routine, situations that can disturb his nerves will disappear.

Video: Massage to a newborn

What to do if the chin is shaking in the newborn when crying?

Crying is stress for crumbs, so shaking is an answer to stimuli.

What to do if the chin is shaking in the newborn when crying:

  • Do not overcool the child, dress him according to the weather. When the baby screams, cries, in no case should you calm it with a rattle. This even more shakes the nervous system of the child. Take it in your arms and shake it. Try to make the house calmly, the situation without screams, scandals and loud sounds.
  • When performing massage, turn on calm, classical music. The child should get used to the white noise, he calms him. In the future, the child will not need silence in order to fall asleep.
  • He will calmly fall asleep in rather noisy conditions. However, sounds should in no case be sharp, very loud. Try not to include bright light during periods of feeding at night. Leave the nightnage on, or maximize the light.
The baby is crying
The baby is crying

The baby has a chin, what to do?

If there are symptoms that cause concern, be sure to contact a neurologist. There are several mandatory examinations, one of which is 3 and 6 months.

The baby has a chin, what to do:

  • Usually, a child is prescribed sedatives, such as glycine, pantogs. Also often recommend relaxing massage, baths. If necessary, the doctor will write a direction for a special massage. It is carried out in whole courses, if necessary, parents can master the massage techniques themselves, during a consultation with a specialist.
  • Mandatory follow the doctor’s recommendations, since the child’s health and his development directly depend on this. For the baby to develop normally, be sure to adhere to all the rules, and organize the daily routine. For a child, bathing in the bathroom with a small inflatable collar is very useful. Thus, this allows you to freely move the pens and legs of the child, swim.
  • Water affects the muscle system of the child very well, relaxing it. After such a bathing, the child often falls asleep. Try to massage 1 hour before feeding. In no case should you do it before bedtime, as it stimulates, it can cause awakening and sleep disturbance. It is best to massage immediately after waking up, 1 hour after feeding, or an hour before it. If the baby screams, worries, resists, set aside the massage until the child calms down.
After feeding
After feeding

Shaking a chin in a newborn: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of mothers who are faced with a similar problem.

The chin is shaking in the newborn, reviews:

Elena, Mom Gleb, 4 months. We have the problem of shaking the chin from birth, by 3 months did not disappear. The birth was very difficult, so we were immediately registered with a neurologist after birth. The doctor prescribed glycine, pantogs, soothing baths. Now the situation has improved significantly, but the child is still very restless, sleeping badly. We try to calm the child and establish the daily routine. We walk a lot on the street.

Olga, Mom Matvey, 1 year. Matvey was born with a healthy child, but childbirth was very swift. Therefore, up to three months I sometimes watched the shaking of the chin. At the reception at the pediatrician at 6 months, the doctor noticed that the child has shaking the lower sponge. We were discharged a referral to a neuropathologist. During the examination, the doctor did not notice obvious violations, made an ultrasound of the brain. There were no serious violations, we were prescribed just a relaxing massage. Now the child is a little over a year old, and tremor is not observed, the baby is developing according to age.

Oksana, Mom Sonya, 6 months. Unfortunately, the daughter appeared earlier than planned. She gave birth to a child at 7.5 months, he was premature, and the nervous system is unstable. Until 4 months, she practically did not sleep, she constantly screamed. There were also problems, frequent regurgitation. Along with this, tremor was observed in handles, legs and chin. We were prescribed coraxon or neuroxons. We have chosen a more expensive analogue of these drugs. They took Somazin syrup, as well as glycine before bedtime. The medicines helped, everything normalized. Now the shaking of the chin is very rare, and only in cases where the stimulus occurs. That is, if the child is cold, or a loud sound is heard.


A lot of interesting things for young mothers can be found in articles below:

The neuropathologist will check the reflexes of the child, and will be able to judge the development of the baby, the condition of the nervous system. If the child is restless, often bursts, along with a shaking chin there is a throwing away head back, most likely, the child has intracranial pressure. If you start treatment in time, then there will be no consequences.

Video: shaking a chin in a newborn, Komarovsky

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