How to determine the umbilical hernia in the baby, a newborn child on their own at home: signs of umbilical hernia, symptoms of substitution, photo

How to determine the umbilical hernia in the baby, a newborn child on their own at home: signs of umbilical hernia, symptoms of substitution, photo

In this article, we will consider how to independently determine the umbilical hernia in the child.

Without umbilical cord, the child cannot develop in the womb, because it supplies him with blood and all important nutrients. With the first cry of the child, the umbilical cord is no longer needed. The remnants of the umbilical cord dry and fall off, and the hole remains a reminder in the form of a navel. But sometimes a small curvature can form. This is called umbilical hernia.

How to determine the umbilical hernia in a baby, a newborn: symptoms and signs, photo

Approximately 5-10% of all newborns are born with an umbilical hernia. The bulge can occur suddenly or grow slowly. The navel hernia in babies and children is the same as in adults: weaknesses in the abdominal wall around the navel are responsible for the fact that the connective tissue pushes out.

The umbilical hernia is one of the most common defects in infants and young children. If the umbilical hernia has already been in the family, the probability of repetition is increasing. But it is important to be able to determine the umbilical hernia, and not to confuse it with another disease or just fat.

In newborn and infants, muscles in the umbilical region have not yet fully grown and grew up, and through the cracks of connective tissue the intestinal internal organs can turn out without damage to the skin.

The concept of hernia
The concept of hernia


  • with improper development, still inside the mother in the tummy, when the abdominal wall was not formed properly
  • in case of improper tightening of the umbilical cord or even with the development of infection
  • if The umbilical ring did not grow together or grew incorrectly
  • heredity also plays the role
  • along with this, strong tension will provoke its appearance (frequent and strong crying, constipation)

Important: umbilical hernia can protrude both in the umbilical ring and beyond. You can determine the hernia in about a month, when the umbilical wound completely heals.

The initial stage of hernial education
The initial stage of hernial education

The main symptoms for home diagnostics:

  • In most cases, umbilical hernia in children does not cause discomfort. Only external signs indicate the umbilical hernia: soft protrusion near the navel. It can be of different shapes and size.
  • Besides, She is not visible constantly And more often with tension of the abdominal muscles. This protrusion often disappears at night, when the abdominal muscles of the child relax. With tension, for example, during a scream, the bulge becomes greater.
  • Especially Speaking hernia It is a typical sign of umbilical hernia.
Outside the ring
Outside the ring

Characteristic signs in order to independently determine the umbilical hernia in the child:

  1. The presence of a bulge in the navel area. It can be round, oval, small or large-on average, from 0.5 to 3-4 cm
  2. The bulge is quite soft and most often painless
  3. Not always, but more often asymmetric. Many parents panic when they see near the navel, especially in the lower part, small tubercles (in the photo below at number 1). This is not a hernia, but only a fat fat!
  4. The skin in the navel can become a little bluish if the intestinal loops are protruding, or reddish if the oil seal/liver is bulging. It can remain completely Without color changes!
  5. A wide umbilical ring is felt near the bulge, which is a breakdown circle
  6. Easily cleaned inside with characteristic cotton and returns back with an increase in intra -abdominal pressure
Do not panic ahead of time!
Do not panic ahead of time!

Important: a poor dream or appetite can sometimes be a concomitant signal, but only you should not rely on it. Indeed, without an umbilical hernia, many children behave similarly.

How to determine the umbilical hernia in a newborn child yourself: diagnostic methods at home

Knowing the main features, now it is easily possible to determine the umbilical hernia in the baby on your own.

  • When the child screams, laughs, coughs, sulksing or cries, a bump becomes visible - usually up to 5 cm maximum. If it is more, we urgently eat in the hospital. Less than 0.5 cm - there is nothing wrong, but do not forget to watch.
  • The umbilical hernia without tension is similar to a small hole surrounded by a muscle ring, located at the navel. But more often in the navel area, a bulge forms through which the lower fabric is squeezed out. Therefore, the naked eye is noticeable, this protrusion is near or in the navel itself.
Umbilical hernia in a newborn
Umbilical hernia in a newborn
  • If you want to make sure that you have a hernia even more, you do not have to immediately contact a pediatrician or surgeon. You can inspect your child yourselfat home by palpation. To do this, put the baby on the back and choose the time when he is in a good mood. When he screams, we do not inspect or touch anything.
    • Lightly with fingertips, we press this bulge. If this is a hernia, it is easily succumbing and inserted into place in the abdominal cavity! At the same time, you can hear such a gurgling or squirrel sound.
    • You can also feel it yourself The ring around the hernia.
    • If the protrusion is large, but on its own, with a light push, it is not inserted into place - this may speak for the complication.
Small protrusion
Small protrusion
  • Very often, young parents are so worried about their baby that they constantly look at him. And it happens that so called The “skin navel” is considered a hernia. But in fact, this is just a feature of a particular child, not hernia. If you doubt, then consult a pediatrician. Above, we attached a photo of normal children's navel.
  • The second question is worth considering - Anxiety and constant crying. Firstly, the hernia does not hurt and often does not bother. It can hurt in case of physical activity or strong tension of the abdominal muscles! The second - It does not cause colic! But flatulence or constipation still does not affect it in the best way, but sometimes they can act as additional symptoms.

We also recommend reading "How to treat umbilical hernia in children?"

Non -hazardous protrusion that requires observation
Non -hazardous protrusion that requires observation

How to determine the umbilical hernia and its pinching in the baby?

Abdominal painin a child with an umbilical herniais a sign of problems! When pinching, part of the body is not supplied with blood! And if you do not correct the situation in time, it is possible to die of this part.

We offer introductory symptoms to determine a pinched umbilical hernia:

  • Sometimes the intestines fall into the trap of the umbilical hernia. This is called infringement of a hernia. When this happens, the child usually experiences severe pain, And the bulge can be solid and red. An urgent medical examination is necessary to put the hernia in place on time in order to prevent possible damage to the intestine.
  • If a child does not have a pain reaction when touching the arc, A arched bag can be slightly pressed on the stomach. If the newborn does not show signs of pain, does not cry and does not twist, then everything is in order.
  • A sign of possible problems, even in the future, will be abdominal pain in a child, especially After active movements. For example, you made a child morning gymnastics, and he begins to cry a lot. This is a confirmation that you need to contact a specialist.
  • Sometimes additional ultrasound procedure. It serves to monitor the progress of the umbilical hernia. Especially if the bulge is relatively great and may contain the loops of the intestine, for further research, you can not do without ultrasound.

Visit a doctor in the following cases:

  • The bulge becomes painful
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea occurs in the presence of a bulge
  • The stomach increases
  • The body temperature rises
  • The bulge is more swollen, bleeds or becomes bluish red
  • The bulge stopped hiding back into the abdominal cavity

The umbilical hernia is usually harmless to the child. Basically, it disappears on its own during the first 3 years of life. And in very rare cases, there is a danger that the intestines will fall into it and pinches. In adults, the percentage of this danger is much higher.

If the umbilical hernia has not gone by itself up to three years of age, it should be surgically eliminated until preschool age. The operation is usually carried out from 5 years, but much depends on the situation. If the operation is not performed in time, the risk of pinching increases. In girls, the existing umbilical hernia can create problems with a later pregnancy.

Video: How to determine the umbilical hernia in a newborn child?

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