Top life hacks girls for beautiful nails at home

Top life hacks girls for beautiful nails at home

In our article you will find information on how to make your nails remain beautiful as long as possible. We will tell you about life hacks for beautiful nails.

Female hands are always in sight, so it is very important that they are always beautiful and well -groomed. And the perfect everyday manicure can help in this. And so that it is just that, you need to properly care for your nails, otherwise your fingers will not look very presentable visually. Therefore, we decided to share the girls with life hacks for beautiful nails.

Top life hacks girls for beautiful nails at home

Top life hacks girls for beautiful nails at home
Top life hacks girls for beautiful nails at home

Top life hacks girls for beautiful nails at home:

  • Always find time to strengthen nails - Do it every day. Some women, especially those who are by nature strong nails, practically do not care for them. And they act in this way in vain. After all, sooner or later problems will make themselves felt. And all because even the highest quality decorative coating for manicure has a negative effect on the nail plate. Also, do not forget about ultravioletus, which also worsens the condition of the nails. Therefore, do not be lazy and apply prophylactic agents as often as possible, which contains zinc and titanium. These two substances will contribute to the fact that your nails will become solid as a stone. Well, of course, do not forget about the cream with protection against ultraviolet radiation. It must be applied before each exit to the street.
  • Periodically make healthy baths - Ideally, they need to be done at least once a week. Choose a day, for example, Saturday, remove a decorative coating from the nail plate, and make a salt bath. Also, a few drops of citrus essential oil can be added to the saline solution, and then your pens will literally rejuvenate. Yes, if possible, then leave the nails without covering for the entire weekend, this will contribute to a faster restoration of the nail plate, and it will be radiant and healthy.
  • Fight with yellowness, especially if you like nude shades of manicure. The yellowness will make such colors less attractive, and in general it will negatively affect the visual perception of your pens. Therefore, if you notice that you began to appear a similar problem, then immediately start to fight with it. If you do not start taking measures at once, it will be very difficult to cope with the yellowness. The easiest way is to apply a whitening toothpaste on the nail plate and rub it with a toothbrush with a soft, preferably natural, bristle. If this method is not suitable for you, try whitening the nails with lemon juice. But do not hold it for a very long time, and after washing, be sure to apply a nutrient hand cream.
  • A special mask will help make the nail plate a healthier plate -Use it 1-2 times a week. Not many fair sex know that our nails, like the skin, periodically need to make masks - nutritious, cleansing, healing. Such a procedure will help your nails have natural hardness, which means that you do not have to get acquainted with nail extensions. The simplest mask that will help strengthen the nail plate is prepared literally a moment. Take one tablespoon of olive oil, add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the nails. Leave the composition on your hands for at least half an hour. But the longer it will affect, the better the effect will be.
  • Never be lazy to apply a special base for decorative coating “Even if it seems to you that you can do without it once.” You must understand that even this one will have a negative effect on the nail plate once. Yes, you will not see anything like that right away, but over time, your laziness will make yourself felt. Your nails will inevitably lose some of their hardness, and begin to extend. To prevent this from happening, apply a special base in two layers, and be sure to process it in the inside of the overgrown tip. And one more advice - do not save on the basis, buy only high -quality, and preferably from trusted suppliers.
  • Be sure to degrease the nail plate after removing the old decorative coating - A very important stage of manicure, which is definitely not necessary to skip. You probably heard stories that the new manicure literally on the second day began to swell and exfoliate, although the girl claimed that she had not wetted her hands and did nothing that could damage the integrity of the coating. As a rule, the reason here lies precisely in the absence of degreasing. Many ladies who themselves make a manicure simply remove the old coating and apply a new one. But at the same time, they forget that modern means to remove decorative coating have mitigating aggressiveness of the product of the substance. They create a fat film invisible to the human eye, and if it is not removed, then the varnish will not stay on the nails for a long time. Therefore, after its removal, be sure to degrease nails with a means that contain alcohol.
  • Remember that your enemy manicure scissors - Do not be surprised, but that’s exactly what. Yes, they can be used to cut the cuticle, but not to shorten the nail plate. The thing is that after cutting off excess length, we are very much injured by nails, since its edge is not very even. As a result, we have to take a file and additionally saw the edges. With this action, we contribute to the fact that the edge of the nail platinum begins to spin. So that there is no such problem, get special bites. They remove the length literally with one click and plus everything immediately seal the slice.
  • Use medical iodine to accelerate nail growth “But be prepared for the fact that for some time you will have to put up with the yellowness of the nail plate.” In this case, you have two ways to accelerate the growth of your nails. So, take a cotton wool, moisten it with iodine, and treat it with a nail plate in advance from decorative coating. You can apply it in several layers. It is best to do it at night. If this method does not suit you, then heat the water to room temperature, add a couple of drops of iodine to it and lower your fingers into the solution. Wait 15-20 minutes, get your hands with a towel and treat with cream.
  • Cold water, as a way to accelerate the drying of varnish - But keep in mind that you can use this method extremely rarely. Everyone is familiar with the situation when there is no time to dry the varnish, but I really want to make a beautiful manicure. In this case, we take a large bowl of water and put it in the freezer for about half an hour. This time you can calmly spend on a hairstyle, makeup, and the selection of an outfit. Next, we take out a bowl from the refrigerator and proceed to the process of applying varnish. As soon as this process is over, carefully lowering our hands into ice water. We wait for two or three minutes and also carefully take them out. In no case do not three hands with a towel. We give the water to the water in a natural way, as soon as the water itself evaporates from your hands, the manicure will be ready to go out. But drying the nails with a hairdryer is strictly prohibited. Since warm air will definitely not accelerate the drying process, and in addition to this it can contribute to deforming the decorative coating.
  • The newspaper will help make fashionable nail design - Such a life hack will appeal to those girls who prefer to make manicure exclusively at home. So, process the nails taking into account all the rules and apply varnish on them, be sure to dry everything well. Next, we take any newspaper and cut a piece with text from it - its size should coincide with the size of the nail. We will use a piece of newspaper as a sticker. Lower his water, shake off excess moisture a bit, and attach it to the nails, smooth everything well. Wait when the paper is completely dry - it will take at least 10 minutes. As soon as this happens, take the tweezers and remove the paper. As a result, the letters of the text are printed on the nail, and you only have to apply the fixing base.
  • PVA glue for beautiful nails - Such a life hack will appeal to everyone without exception. If you do a manicure yourself, you probably know that no matter how hard you try, the skin around the nail plate in some places is stained with varnish. Of course, you have to take a cotton swab and try to remove everything. And the most annoying thing is that sometimes the hand “naughty” and you remove part of the varnish not only from the skin, but also of the nail itself. To prevent this from happening, you can use PVA glue. Apply it in advance to the skin around the nail and wait for it to dry. As soon as this happens, you can start manicure. When everything is done, it will be necessary to carefully remove the film that protected your skin.
  • Any sour product will help to remove a decorative coating “Just be prepared for the fact that this can take a little more time.” As a means to remove varnish at home, you can use vinegar and lemon juice. To remove varnish, you will need one of these products and cotton pads. Moisten disks in vinegar or lemon juice and wrap the nails with them, leave everything in this form for 10 minutes. Next, remove the disk from your fingers and proceed to the varnish process. He seems to be swollen, and you will only have to carefully remove it. After removing the varnish, be sure to rinse your hands with clean water. This must be done in order to stop the effect of acid on the nail plate.
  • Alcohol will help make a beautiful water manicure - An original life hack that will help you make an individual manicure. Process the nails as you usually do, apply a plain coating, and dry it thoroughly. Next, take a bright color feltster - red, green, blue, pink. Apply any pattern that you want to the nail plate. Next, take an orange stick, calm it into alcohol, and begin to shake the droplets on the pattern. Due to the effects of alcohol, it will begin to blur, and in the end you will receive a fashionable water manicure.
  • Lifehack, how to make a matte coating on the nails - Sometimes a girl really wants a more calm manicure, but only brilliant varnishes that are very attractive to themselves. What to do in this case? Everything is very simple - use steam, but not as hot as possible. It should be quite comfortable for your pens. If you try to hold your hands over boiling water, the burn will be guaranteed to you. So, paint the nails with any varnish that you have in stock, dry everything well and degrease. Next, boil the water, and turn it off as soon as a strong seething goes. We wait 2-3 minutes and bring our hands to a couple, literally for one minute. Everything, your matte manicure is ready.
  • Ideal points on manicure are very simple to make - Cool life hack from improvised means. Do you really like a manicure with perfect points, but you don't have a dotter at hand that they draw? Do not particularly be upset about this. Surely you have hair hairpins with which you fix the hairstyle. So they can be used to draw points. Just straighten one of them. Make such a flat stick, dip it in the varnish. Make sure that it is not a lot, otherwise the desired drawing will not work. Next, gently put the hairpin on the nails, and press slightly. Everything, the perfect round point is ready. Repeat the procedure as many times as you want.
  • It is very simple to make varnish brighter - The main thing is to apply it correctly to the nail plate. All women know that the decorative coating always looks brighter in the bottle, and when it is applied to the nails, the color becomes more faded. Of course, such a surprise can be very upset, especially if the color is very different. But such a little trouble can be easily avoided. Try to initially paint your nails with white matte varnish, and only then apply the desired shade. Believe me, the result will definitely surprise you.
  • Circular oil is excellent protection for the completely dried varnish - Life hack, for impatient representatives of the fair sex. Sometimes it happens that for some reason a woman cannot, or does not want to wait for a complete decorative coating, and decided, for example, that she urgently needed to print a message on the phone. In order not to spoil the manicure with your actions, you need to do one manipulation - take oil for the cuticle and gently drip them onto the nails. It blurred on a flat surface, and will help protect the coating from damage.
  • Festive manicure from improvised means - If you do not have time to visit your master, and the manicure does not fit very much to your festive outfit, do not be very upset. Surely you have a shadow with sparkles at home. With their help, you can easily correct the situation. Apply a layer of varnish to the nails, but do not dry it to the end. It should remain slightly sticky. Next, take a brush with a soft pile, dip in the shade of sparkles and arrange over the nails. Then, lightly, blow on the brush so that the shine settles on the nail plate. Everything, your festive manicure is ready, it remains only to wait for it to completely dry.

How to make a girl beautiful nails on her own - life hacks for manicure design

Most of the fair sex think that you can make a beautiful and bright manicure exclusively in the cabin, or with the master of their craft. But in fact, with a great desire, every girl can make it herself. The main thing is to draw the design correctly. How to do this correctly at home we will try to tell you. You will find ideas and secrets below

How to make a girl beautiful nails on her own - life hacks for designing manicure:

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How to make a girl beautiful nails on her own - life hacks for manicure design
How to make a girl beautiful nails on her own - life hacks for manicure design

A very simple design that any woman can do.

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Flower compositions are always trend, especially in summer.

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The flower is easy to draw with small points.

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Macs on the nails always look perfect.

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Home design idea step by step

If you want an original manicure - draw a light and air feather.

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Short nails can also be beautiful, the main thing is to choose the right design.

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Bright manicure that can be done very quickly.

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