Teimurov Paste - Instructions for use. How to use the pasta and ointment of Teymurov from sweating armpits, smell of legs and fungus?

Teimurov Paste - Instructions for use. How to use the pasta and ointment of Teymurov from sweating armpits, smell of legs and fungus?

The main scope of Teymurova pasta. A means of getting rid of sweating and fungal diseases.

Teimurov Paste - Instructions for use

Photo: The use of Teymurova pasta

Pasta and Teimurov ointment: Composition

Paste Teimurovmeans from pharmaceutical groups, used for reduction sweat discharge in areas axillary and foot. A drug it has thick consistency and grayish shade, nice aroma.
AT  paste Teimurov  enter the following ingredients:

  • salicylic and bornaya acid
  • oxide zinc
  • lead, talc
  • glycerol
  • oil mint
  • sodium tetrable
  • water distilled
  • emulsifier
  • formaldehyde

Ointment it has properties fight with arising worries: slump discharge night, shoes; crazymycosis on the initial stages.
We will analyze compound pastes component and details:

  • talcfundamental component, used in most produced drinking and Badov. It has in your own composition huge source silicon and magnesium
  • zinc oxide  in dose near twenty five percent present in  paste for provision dried, binder, absorbing actions. Provides anti -inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Such component wide use at manufacturing  cements and abrasive dentist past , cosmetology
  • glycerolmain guarantee provision viscosity funds. Actively apply  in cosmetology and different medical areas. Such component  enters in compound past and rinses for mouth
  • acid bornayabasic disinfectant, which the not provides irritive effect on the skin
  • Tetrabarate sodiumprovides disinfectants and canning properties drug
  • solution formaldehydewonderful deodorizing means, helps kill microbes
  • hexameteleetraminfor achievements  antiseptic effect; acid salicylic —  important component, providing anti -inflammatory effect. Common component, incoming in compound most past, talkov, creams
  • lead acetatepresent in very small dosage, near 0.2 gram. It has exceptional binding and anti -inflammatory property. Toxic, that's why added in compound in very small doses
  • etheric oil mintpresent in paste  for narrowing and cooling vessels
  • distilled water and emulsifierordinary auxiliary elements

How to use the pasta and ointment of Teimurov from the fungus of the foot and nails?

Photo: Skin sweating problem

Smell, from whom trying people get rid at help diverse deodorants not will disappear. AT source his development life and reproduction fungus.

  • Paste Teimurov positively acts on the neutralization and flexence malicious  microorganisms. Medicine eliminates discharge from glands sweat, conditions prevention fungus, reduces on the zero foci zones diaper rash
  • For receipt the greatest result on the the first stage means apply two times  in day. If a problem it has very serious character application carried out threefour times in day

Increased sweating in areas armpit it has multilateral factors: diseases endocrine systems, disturbed hormone balance, bad personal hygiene, availability superfluous weight. But not in dependencies  from causality  problem a drug provides effective impact and effective result per small temporal equivalent.

  • AT areas  armpit a drug apply on the ten minutes, then rinse. Session treatmentseveral weeks
  • To contraindications on use pastes Teimurov related: pregnancy and lactational period; chronic diseases kidneys; inflammatory processes skin; inclination to allergic reactions; intolerance defined component  from composition drug; children before 14tI years
  • Paste Teimurovbeautiful panacea ,eliminating sweating legsgood antiseptic. One from his functionsdrying skin cover, in hearth inflammatory process. Such medication means eliminates smell  and disinfect cutaneous cover
  • Medicine should use on appointment doctor and only in therapeutic goals. To disadvantages therapeutic funds refers manifestation harsh smell. Price on the medicine very democratic and available
Photo: Accepting the bath before applying Teymurova pasta
  • Paste Teimurov often used at overcoming about wrapping WHO acting on the fungus, at ugriah, eczema
  • AT problematic zone this is complex medicine gives multifaceted impactantiseptic, drying, deodorizing, antifungal, anti -inflammatory
  • Successfully applied female and male floor. Compound funds it has  consistency,which easily rinse
  • AT some countries Europe forbidden usage given medicinal drug fromper presence in him such components how formaldehyde and lead

Domestic  doctors proven, what availability in drug harmful components not exceeded permissible norms. Her usage fully harmless and safely.

Specialists recommend conduct procedure treatment before sleep, in the evening. Before application funds should thoroughly wash, applying soap all limbs, zones armpit, thoroughly dry.

Layer cream at application must to be thin, so how paste not absorbed good, and maybe leave white traces on the body. If a apply paste on the dirty body, due effect treatment not will be reached.

Use remedy very carefully, at hit funds on the mucous membrane shell eyes, thoroughly rinse eye water.

Pasta and Teimurov ointment from sweat with armpits

The best time application in the evening, after conducting hygienic events. Thoroughly and thin layer make it ointment in skin covers. In the morning remove the remains ointments  with bodies and moisten processed site skin cover cream children's. Diligently watch  per reaction ointments in areas axillary.

Skin covers here sensitive, how on the legs, necessary to avoid manifestation reactions allergies.

Pasta and Teimurov ointment from the smell of legs

To eliminate sweating paste Teimura apply two times in day. After application pastes on the legs, pull out them  and sit thirty minutes. Sam rubbing spend several minutes, special attention, drawing interdalseva zone.

If a on the fingers there are wounds, abrasions or cracks per several days before procedures application pastes should do baths with solution potassium permanganate.

Photo: Feet sweating

Teimurov Paste from sweating in areas palms

Photo: Potness palms

Before sleep, in the evening make it for hands bath on next recipe: one canteen a spoon soda divorce in one liter warm boiled water. Arms put on the ten minutes in bath.

After baths apply on the arms big amount pastes T emurova, set aside them in sour on the half an hour before complete drying. After procedures wash arms water and dry wipe towel.

Treatment spend one a week, passing procedure daily.

Photo: A man uses paste to treat sweating legs

Pasta and Tamurov ointment to children. How to use Teymurov’s pasta and ointment during pregnancy?

This pasta has no contraindications for children or pregnant women and is used as well as for ordinary people.

If a you feeling lung burning and small redness not worry, this is quite normal reaction, which will pass through several minutes.
Everyone patient interested efficiency treatment and deliverse from diseases. Guarantees what paste sayer you from problems no.

But majority cases proves significant solution and disappearance problems, in result correct application. After passed course, maybe, again renew application hygienic funds: drinking, antiperspirants. If a no effect to you not brought usage pastes should turn to dermatologist, maybe disease it has very serious character.

Pasta and Tamurov ointment: analogues

There are three analogues to this product in the pharmacy market:

  • Crockmed
  • Formagel
  • Formidron

Before changing the product to a similar one, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and composition of the product in order to exclude individual intolerance.

Pasta and Teimurov ointment: reviews

  • If a you not properly and uncontrolled applied paste on the significant sites your his bodies maybe appearance signs intoxication. Them manifestation accompany: nausea, vomit, diarrhea, head pain, possible dizziness, diverse rashes
  • Judging on reviews doctors and patients already not one generation it felt miraculous effect from use pastes
  • it irreplaceable drying and antiseptic means, which must be in a medicine cabinet everyone man

Serves how panacea against sweating bodies and fungal diseases skin.

For of people in elder age  paste it has unique inappropriate means against sweating, which u them overstated per check availability sets diseases.

Video: Getting rid of sweating and unfavorable smell

Video: Using Teymurian pasta to get rid of sweating


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