Nails on the fingers turn yellow, blacken, whiten, depart and lay - why: causes, treatment, prevention

Nails on the fingers turn yellow, blacken, whiten, depart and lay - why: causes, treatment, prevention

If you have a yellow or blackened a nail on your finger, then read the article. It describes the causes, features of treatment and prevention.

Nails, like hair, are the main indicator of the state of health of the human body. They are the first to begin to respond to stress, illness, inflammatory processes taking place in the body. Very small changes in their condition and appearance leads to anxiety, psychological discomfort and constant attention from others.

Read on our website an article on what is nail prosthetics. You will find out when it is done and what is the essence of the procedure.

Why do nails turn yellow? What to do when such a problem appears. You will find answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Why do nails on the fingers become yellow, black, blue, depart, laying, whitening?

The nail on the toe becomes black
The nail on the toe becomes black

If the hair can be hidden under a headdress or radically change the hairstyle - and only then start using vitamin complexes, use masks, then the nails need urgent treatment. Even the varnish coating will not change the situation, but only aggravate it. Indeed, under the outer shell of well -being, harmful fungi can multiply, hide the onset of a serious illness.

Nails are part and continuation of the skin of the human body. They are ranked to the ledges of the skin and perform several specific functions. Nails consist of dense plates, have, as a rule, a rounded shape. The main function of the nails is to protect the phalanges of the fingers from mechanical exposure and help in fine motor skills, when you need to pick up the object, grab a small part. Why do nails on the fingers become yellow, black, blue?

  • Diseases of the nail surface are originally caused by the external transformation of the plate and the periologe sections of the skin.
  • Dermatologists argue that infectious lesions on the legs and hands differ from each other, have many different causes and clinical manifestations.
  • In addition, in the treatment process, completely different medical schemes are used.

To avoid problems, it is useful to understand the occurrence of foci of lesions on the nails of the legs, their manifestations at various diagnoses and find out what effective methods of counteracting the disease exist. Below are different reasons for the development of the disease of the nails. Read further.

What are nail disease on the fingers?

Nail disease on the fingers
Nail disease on the fingers

The main external sign of the health of the nail is a smooth, slightly shiny plate of pale pink. What are nail disease on the fingers?

Unfortunately, negative changes in its species are manifested quite often at any age, being not only a consequence of injuries, but the first symptoms of serious problems in the body. Dermatologists conditionally divide all nail diseases into fungal and black.

Changing the structure of the nail plate, Negribic family, provoke:

  • Endocrine system malfunctions
  • Neurological diseases
  • Gene anomalies and inheritance defects
  • Traumatic situations
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Deficiency of vitamins, trace elements in the diet
  • Skin diseases, infections
  • The use of tobacco products and their effect on the body

All of the listed symptoms, except for the lesions of the internal system of the body and congenital anomalies, are quickly eliminated as soon as a person begins to be more attentive to his health. The necessary consultation with a dermatologist, identification by diagnosing the causes of nail lesions, and subsequent long -term treatment will require fungal diseases. They are characterized by rapid reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, in conditions of high temperature and humidity.

What diseases does a change in the color of the nail on the fingers indicate?

Changing the color of the NGA NGA tolerance speaks of the disease
Changing the color of the nail on the finger speaks of the disease

An experienced doctor on the external condition of the nail plate can conduct preliminary diagnosis of the body and note the problem. What diseases does a change in the color of the nail on the fingers indicate? Often, the beginning of internal pathological changes can be determined, starting from the shade of the surface of the nail:

  • Blue for the cloth roller, a little yellowish nail color: diabetes mellitus
  • White points of interspersed: liver disease
  • Bluish tint: oxygen deficiency
  • Pallor of color: the beginning of anemia, malfunctions probably occur in the kidney system
  • Thickening of the nail layer, slow growth: problems with the lungs

But often nails can suffer from the fungus. They lay, crumble, exfoliate. More information about the signs of fungal pathologies of the nail plates is written below. Read further.

Fungal pathologies of nails on the thumb and other toes - symptoms: fall off, depart, darken

Fungal pathologies of nails on the thumb and other toes
Fungal pathologies of nails on the thumb and other toes

Experts distinguish several common diseases of the nails on the thumb and other fingers caused by damage to the fungus and infectious microbes.

Nail fungus may appear after buildingTherefore, you should turn to trusted masters.

The main, uniting all fungal pathologies, symptoms:

  • Loss of a natural shine, dull appearance.
  • Changing the shade of the nail plate, it darkens, can turn blue or get black.
  • Thickening of the nail plate.
  • Metting, nail plate departs. There is a gradual further destruction, which leads to the fact that the nails begin to fall off.

There is an article on our site about how and how to treat the nail with a fungus. You will find in the article the names of drugs that help.

Read more about fungal diseases of the nail plates below. Read further.

Mycosis - what it is: fungal damage to the nails on the fingers of the legs

Mycosis - fungal damage to the nails on the fingers
Mycosis - fungal damage to the nails on the fingers

Mycosis is a pathological state of a fungal nature, accompanied by damage not only to nails on the fingers of the arms and legs, but also of the part of the skin around them. The causative agent of the disease is a thread mushroom. It is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, or after contact with infected things.

Candidias - what is it: nail fungus on the toes

The catalysts of the disease are candidates Albikans. The disease develops in areas of the skin, nail plates. The main reason for occurrence is non -compliance with personal hygiene rules, as well as infection from contact with an infected person.

What is onychomycosis: nail fungus on the fingers

Onychomycosis: nail fungus on the fingers
Onychomycosis: nail fungus on the fingers

The problem with the nails on the fingers of the legs and arms is caused by dermatomycetes, yeast or moldy species of fungus. The disease goes through several stages of infection. Initially, external changes are insignificant - only small gray furrows are visually visible on the nail. What onychomycosis - nail fungus?

Without timely treatment, the disease goes into a normotrophic stage. Its symptoms are already more pronounced:

  • Full of nails
  • The appearance of small points on the plate of yellow or white
  • Stratification, brittleness

Later, the situation may worsen. A purulent infection with an unpleasant odor is added to the symptoms of the disease. Due to intoxication of the body, a manifestation of signs of an allergic reaction on the skin is possible-a rash, irritation.

The main causes of onychomycosis are:

  • Visiting public institutions - sauna, bath, pool
  • Injury to the nail plate
  • Prolonged use of potent medical medicines

This is a very serious disease that requires urgent treatment. If you have its signs, urgently consult a dermatologist or mycologist.

Strigerating lichen: fingers fungus

Strigerating lichen: fingers fungus
Strigerating lichen: fingers fungus

The popular misconception that cutting lichen manifests itself exclusively on the skin and on the hairline. Unfortunately, doctors talk about the existing form of pathology that affects the nails of the toes.

  • Infection with this fungus is transmitted from contact with the patient or through objects of his hygiene.
  • The assuming factors are a decrease in immunity, vitamin deficiency, the presence of chronic forms of diseases.

External signs of the disease are similar to other fungal pathologies:

  • Changing the appearance of the nail plates
  • Thickening, stratification and cringing of the nail bed
  • The appearance of longitudinal grooves on the plate

With a neglected form, the nail begins to separate from the box. In most cases, the disease proceeds isolated, but sometimes doctors note the simultaneous damage to the skin and hair.

Fungal epidermophytosis of the nails on the toes: what is it, how is it transmitted?

Fungal epidermophytosis of the nails on the fingers
Fungal epidermophytosis of the nails on the fingers

The disease provokes the type of infectious fungus - epidermophyte. Most often diagnose the disease of fungal epidermophytosis in men and women after 40 years. The causes of infection with epidermophytone are quite simple - the fungus is transmitted through personal hygiene items, as a result of contact of the feet with rubber rugs in showers, wearing someone else's shoes.

With a disease, the nail plate changes its appearance - the outlines appear in the form of strips, yellow stains. Gradually, the color is transferred to the entire nail. You can observe a thickening, increased brittleness. In advanced forms of the disease, the nail plate exfoliates. Dermatologists talk about the possibility of a fungus at the same time the legs and feet of the patient. They swell, become red, peel off, discomfort appears, a feeling of constant itching.

Negribe diseases of the nails of the toes: views

The black type of disease of the nails of the toes and hands is divided into congenital and acquired. In the first case, we can talk about a genetic predisposition inherited from parents to children. Congenital abnormalities of the nail plate closely interact with other diseases - disorders of the sweat glands, skin, disease and changes in the structure of the hair. Read more more.

Anonichia - why the nail on the fingers does not grow: the reasons

Anonichia - the nail on the fingers does not grow
Anonichia - the nail on the fingers does not grow

Anonichia or the absence of a nail plate on the toe, is quite rare and is most often a hereditary anomaly. The risk of acquired incidence less than 3%.

Possible causes of the onset of the disease are:

  • Chronic pathologies
  • Skin diseases, dermatosis
  • Mechanical injury of the nail bed

A congenital defect, when the nail does not grow, unlike the acquired, cannot be treated. The only way out is his disguise.

Leikonichia - why the nail hurts: the causes of the pathology of the nails of the toes

Leikonichia - the nail hurts
Leikonichia - the nail hurts

Disease Leikonichia It is accompanied by the occurrence of small white spots on the nail bed. The degree of damage is individual - from isolated cases to multiple manifestations. Why does the nail hurt? The causes of this pathology of the nails on the legs are diverse. These include:

  • The impact of external factors
  • Traumatic situations
  • Chemical lesions

In addition, internal pathologies lead to the development of the disease - metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, lesions in the central nervous system.

Melanonichia: Why do nails on the fingers blacken?

Melanonichia: Blake nails on the fingers of the legs
Melanonichia: Blake nails on the fingers of the legs

For the disease caused by the deposition of the melanin pigment into the nail plate, the appearance of black, brown spots or stripes on its surface is characteristic. The dimensions of the spot, at the beginning more similar to the hematoma, gradually increase, affecting part of the phalanx. In most cases, the disease of melanonichia manifests itself as an external symptom of pathologies that have arisen in the body. Why do nails on the fingers blacken?

It's important to know: In the case of diagnosis of melanonichia, a patient on a melanoma is mandatory - a malignant tumor.

Therefore, if the nail plates are blackened, it is necessary to contact the doctor for examination and making the correct diagnosis.

If you don't know which doctor treats nail diseasesRead the article. It describes in detail what pathologies and to whom to contact.

Other nail diseases on the toes: List

Nail disease on the fingers
Nail disease on the fingers

Types of diseases of the nail plate are quite extensive. In medical practice, there are more than a hundred pathological conditions that affect the health of the nail. Here is a list of other diseases of the nails on the toes:


  • Accompanies pathologies of skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, various forms of dermatitis.
  • Expressed by a thickening of the plate, peeling. Thick and solid plate Indicates precisely the presence of such a disease.


  • In this case, the nail plate is exhausted. It becomes fragile, thin, easily breaks.
  • Atrophy is a consequence of anemia, a lack of vitamins and nutrients.


  • The disease is characterized by changes in the color of the nail.
  • As a rule, this is due to the use of drugs, against which there is a lack of microelements necessary for the body.
  • Chromonichia may appear in avid smokers or to be the result of the use of poor -quality nail polishes.


  • It is manifested by inflammation of the periologeal roller caused by injury, a chemical lesion, followed by the introduction of infection.
  • The beginning of the disease can cause even a burr or a small wound.
  • In addition to the infectious principle, it may be a symptom of the digestive tract problems, the failure of the intestinal and gastric system.
  • Visually, the manifestation of the disease is grooves on the surface of the nail, redness and edema of the nail hole.
Nail disease on the fingers
Nail disease on the fingers


  • It has a popular name - an ingrown nail.
  • In this case, the perioline roller becomes red, swells and becomes inflamed over time.
  • The main causes are narrow shoes, poorly conducted pedicure, inadequate distribution of body load, flat feet.
  • Onychocryptosis can lead to the risk of developing bone osteomyelitis, and the spread of infections according to the lymphatic system.
  • Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, immunodeficiency - increase the likelihood of developing the disease and its transition to the chronic stage.

Hippocratic nails:

  • The disease is expressed in an increase in the size of the nails on the legs and the end phalanx of the fingers.
  • There are also other signs: the soft tissues of the nail rollers thicken and become more loose, the curvature of the nail bed increases.
  • Doctors associate the disease of Hippocrates with damage to the capillaries in the lungs.
  • In addition, the symptoms of the disease can be observed in the presence of tuberculosis and cancer formations in the lungs, cirrhosis of the liver, the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestine, and tumors of the esophagus.

Transverse cutting of nails:

  • The disease is characterized by the appearance of a transverse furrow on the nail plate, dividing it into two parts.
  • The causes of the appearance can be inflammatory and infectious processes in the body, injury to the nail during pedicure, skin diseases.
  • To avoid further development of the disease, it is necessary to exclude traumatic factors.

Now you know what diseases of the nails of the fingers on the legs. If you have any symptoms or signs, urgently consult a doctor. He will prescribe an examination, make the correct diagnosis. If the nail plate suffers from some pathology, then it must be treated. Read further.

Treatment of nail disease on the toes

Treatment of nail disease on the toes
Treatment of nail disease on the toes

It is a mistake to think that the pathology will disappear without intervention. Especially, the fungus on the legs will not disappear independently. In cases of infectious disease, it is unacceptable to self -medicate. Only accurate diagnosis will quickly get rid of the disease.

Most often, the doctor, having identified the pathogen, will offer a comprehensive treatment regimen, including:

  • Local drugs: sprays, ointments, solutions
  • Antifungal drugs For oral administration: capsules, tablets
  • Auxiliary help from the fungus: baths, local lotions, compresses

Helps well in the treatment of fungal lesions of the nail - celandine. It fights pathogens, cleansing healthy cells of the nail.

Features of treatment depend on a specific disease:

Fungal nail lesions:

  • First of all, the type of exciter fungus is revealed, sensitivity to it is determined.
  • As a treatment regimen, general therapy - antifungal medicines for oral administration, local - ointments, cream.


  • The patient is prescribed drugs with ketoconazole or slotrimazole. To maintain the body, immunomodulators, vitamins are added to the treatment regimen.

Fungal epidermophytosis:

  • As the main treatment regimen, antifungal ointments, tablets are used.


  • If the cause of the disease is injury and external factors, treatment is not prescribed.
  • When infected with a fungus, a course of special therapy is prescribed aimed at suppressing the focus of the disease.


  • General antibacterial therapy is prescribed, aimed primarily at the treatment of a periosal roller.


  • If it is impossible to remove part of the ingrown nail on your own, at home, surgical surgery is required.

Treatment of any disease of the nail plate is always complex and long -term. It is important to follow a doctor's recommendations. It is worth noting that the treatment of many, for example, fungal pathologies, can take place over several years. Only with the correct appointments and the implementation of patients of all prescriptions, the nail begins to grow, acquires a healthy appearance. Well established itself in the treatment of fungal lesions of the nail plate - mycoseptin.

After that, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to avoid a second illness. Read further.

Prevention of nail diseases on the toes: Recommendations

Prevention of nail diseases on the fingers
Prevention of nail diseases on the fingers

As a rule, for the health of nails on the fingers of the arms and legs, only proper care for them is necessary. To keep the nails strong and beautiful, you can adhere to several general recommendations in order to prevent diseases:

  • During the pedicure, cut your nails in one direction. This will avoid further stratification.
  • Enter the necessary vitamins, mineral supplements in the diet.
  • Use a nutritious moisturizer from dry legs.
  • When visiting the pool, saunas use personal hygiene products, wash carefully, wipe the feet dry. Performing all actions will avoid infection with a fungus.
  • Do pedicure only in proven salons, where all the tools undergo disinfection.
  • Correctly select shoes. This will avoid many problems associated with the development of diseases of the legs.

There are a lot of diseases of the nails on the legs and almost all of them are characterized by an external change in the plate, its shade and structure. If changes in the condition of the nails are disturbed, you must consult a good dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an external examination, take the necessary tests. If the reaction of the nails followed serious internal violations, he will direct to the necessary narrow -profile specialist. Good luck!

Video: A simple way to remove the fungus on the nails, a penny method

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Comments K. article

  1. With an ingrown nail, it very significantly facilitates its cutting pharmacy ointment Uroderm with urea in the composition. It itself has such a problem, and only this ointment helps out, but before it had to steam the skin for a long time.

  2. Most likely, the fungus, if the nail also exfoliates from the nail bed, then it is definitely. You need to cut off the affected area completely. Mizol's solution helps very well, it is more affordable for price, although the same Naphthyfin has 1%, as in more expensive analogues.

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