Feng Shui manicure: 7 rules, fingers, the correct shape, what fingers should be distinguished with color, symbols for attracting, good luck, love, health, money? The best designs of manicure on Feng Shui: Ideas, photos

Feng Shui manicure: 7 rules, fingers, the correct shape, what fingers should be distinguished with color, symbols for attracting, good luck, love, health, money? The best designs of manicure on Feng Shui: Ideas, photos

This article will talk about how to correctly perform a manicure, taking into account the intricacies of Know-Shui knowledge.

The art of manicure Feng Shui is based on determining your ideal color compositions and highlighting certain fingers with other shades of varnish to attract positive energy in the sphere of life that you want to improve. According to the exercises, each of the fingers is connected energetically with the events that we experience, emotions and feelings, character traits (sexuality, complexes, etc.). A properly executed manicure according to the laws of Feng Shui will help strengthen the necessary qualities.

How to make a manicure on Feng Shui: 7 important rules

Feng Shui is based on the harmonization of space and every detail. Therefore, a manicure on Feng Shui requires compliance with certain rules. They are also called 7 "gold" laws:

  1. We never make a manicure with bad thoughts or in a bad mood! If you want to attract joy and positive moments in your life, then make the right mood. And for this, cleanse your thoughts, ten -minute meditation will help perfectly, if necessary, turn off the phone so that no one interferes with you;
  2. Manicure for women give a fueling for the energy charge, so Take care of the proper atmosphere during its creation. You should not only place items on your desktop according to the right scheme, but also create a cozy atmosphere. To do this, you can light the aroma lamp, turn on soothing music;
  3. Select the place where you will spend the manicure. Each side and room is responsible for a certain sphere of our life (we offer a photo of the correspondences below);
  4. Next is needed determine your element;
  5. After choosing The correct shape of the nails. It should be in harmony with your spontaneous temperament;
  6. Choosing the right finger, to highlight, to activate the right sides and aspects;
  7. Color Must be in harmony with your element. In addition, each shade has its own characteristic. Color's compatibility or decoration They also play a significant role. The correct block can repeatedly strengthen the selected sphere.
Choosing a place
Choosing a place

Feng Shui manicure: We determine our element

Each element of the elements has its own set of shades, which favorably affects their carrier. Knowing its element and colors perfectly suitable for it, it is not difficult to exclude from everyday life or to avoid shades as much as possible, which are absolutely not suitable for your element. It is determined by the last figure of the year of birth.


You can read more information about conflicts and compatibility of the elements in the article "How to determine your element by Feng Shui: Characteristic"

Feng Shui manicure: perfect color schemes for different elements

  • For fire All bright, saturated shades are suitable in the range from yellow to burgundy tint. The advantage should be unequivocally given to red or wine! Apply additional colors with sliders or stamping. By the way, the use of rhinestones will be.
  • For woodgive preference to calm beige or brown tones. Your perfect color is green in all its manifestations. But the palette of purely black or blue-black is also suitable. It is these colors that help to find peace of mind, to get success in business. The design of minting or web will be a great addition.
  • For water.Your colors: sea shades for calm, black for practicality, white for purity of thoughts. An excellent solution will be such fashionable color, purely black or white rubs, chameleons.
  • For metal.Your main colors are white, gray and variety of metallics, gold - they will ensure the hardness of the spirit, attract money. The palette of brown, yellow and black colors will help attract success and mutual understanding with others. An interesting addition to such colors will be fluids, foil prints with strokes, a metal or golden rub, rhinestones.
  • For the Earth.A basic shade for your manicure is recommended by a natural beige or brown kner - they will help create a good mood. For calm, complement the image with shades of brown and yellow. Unlike other elements of a strict ban on pink shades, you do not have.
By the elements
By the elements

Of course, do not unconditionally follow these recommendations. These are rather tips than 100% guide to action. After all, the monotony of flowers is annoying. Feng Shui manicure gives tips, but it is not worth excluding metal rubbing or rhinestones for wood. Especially if you want experiments. Just try to use them in minimal quantities or less often.

Feng Shui manicure and nail shape

Feng Shui manicure focuses on rounded and not very long nails. Sharp corners are able to “cut” positive energy, and through long nails the energy is lost. But still it is worth considering your element:

  • Representatives Fire Long square nails, ballerina or almonds are just suitable
  • For Metal a rounded or clear square, ballerina, more medium length is suitable
  • Land, On the contrary - short nails, circle or oval, let's say a soft square
  • Wood only a rounded shape is suitable, medium length
  • For Water - short or medium length of the nails, without sharp corners

Important: but do not forget to take into account the length and thickness of the fingers, the shape of the cuticle - it sets when determining the shape.

Take into account your shape of nails and fingers
Take into account your shape of nails and fingers

Feng Shui manicure: Finger value

We will analyze in more detail the meaning and relationship with each finger on the right hand. After all, a manicure on Feng Shui considers her the main, leading, giving energy!

  • Thumb- associated with mental activity, success in business, intellectual development, victories, scientific discoveries.
  • Forefinger - discontent and manifestation of selfishness. But if it is highlighted, you will emphasize the hardness and resistance of the spirit.
  • Middle finger - irritability, grumpiness, personal problems. The correct shade can jam these features and wrap them even on the opposite. Its discharge also promises a large cash flow and promotion through the career ladder.
  • Ring finger - Attracting new acquaintances, friends and lovers. Gives a good mood, energy and romantic stability.
  • Little finger- He is responsible for blood ties, family, harmonious relationships and tranquility. For smoothing conflicts.

The value on the left hand has the opposite nature


Feng Shui manicure-what fingers need to be highlighted: to attract wealth, love, good luck, calmness, health?

Important: Feng Shui manicure allows you to highlight only two fingers!

Fingers of both hands:

  • Big - creative and professional growth, breakthrough
  • Indicative - determination, determination, business management
  • Medium - achieving goals, success, cash profit
  • Nameless - Love, romance, vital energy
  • The little fingers - adaptation, sociability, establishing relationships, good mood and relaxation

In combination:

  • For love We stain in red or pink colors the middle finger of the left hand and the ring right. You can only block the flow on the ring finger of the left hand
  • Varnishes of yellow, white or orange, cream tint, select the right little finger and ring finger to harmonize relationships and ties with the outside world
  • Calm will give the block in color on the right index and middle fingers. You need to use a soothing gamut (we consider the colors below)
  • To promote the career ladder - emphasis on the thumb with active varnishes
  • BUT Strengthen leadership qualities The index, for example, will help red
  • Cash flow It will ensure the release of large and medium or medium and nameless in the metal, silver or gold range, as well as in the green and red palette. But you need to draw money signs only on the left hand! After all, the right side gives energy, so it will be distant from the energy of the universe.
  • For success - select the middle and index fingers with rich colors, And for health - cover with lemon, orange or blue
We highlight
We highlight

The choice of varnish color will help you adjust your energy flows, because He also carries certain information. It is worth choosing in accordance with your element.

Feng Shui manicure-colors: meaning, combination, advice on use

  • Apricot - The basic color of heat and sun. Passes to warm mental relations, creates a feeling of additional comfort. It has a beneficial effect on the psychological state, calms and sets up on positive emotions. Helps to arrange people to yourself.
    • Combined with black and gold.
  • White- The basic, universal color that does not cause rejection of the elements. This color symbolizes the purity of the mind, body and soul.
    • In manicure, it is better to use white with a small shade of yellow, pink or blue, because They more organically shade the skin color.
  • Turquoise - symbolizes health and prosperity, increases the protective functions of the body, stimulates brain activity, stabilizes the state of the nervous system.
    • In manicure, both an independent color and as a stone texture with the participation of this color will look great, which is considered the trend of the summer season.
  • Blue - The color of peace. A cold shade, like a contrast shower - invigorates and cleanses thoughts, refreshes, raises the level of attention and concentration. Suitable if your life lacks balance.
  • Blue shades should be chosen by a business lady, and simple designs like silver ribbons of different widths and light stretching of sparkles will make it unique.
  • Yellow - A symbol of the sun, summer warmth, light. He symbolizes calm, is able to give a positive attitude, cheer up and faith in oneself. It has a connection with brain activity, affects its speed and quality of work, improves health.
    • The combination in tandem with black or white colors, and it can be supplemented with stylish geometry or sparkles.
  • Green- A representative of nature, its revival. For humans - the color of formation and maturity, the strength of the spirit and faith in himself. Testifies to the good health and firmness of concepts, unity of the genus and the world. It has a strong sedative and restoring effect, and normalizes the psycho -emotional state.
    • In beautiful green color, the design of broken glass or opal foil will look very interesting.
  • Gold -It is a symbiosis of several shades, it is equated to shades of brown-yellow gamut. It has a rather strong influence, strengthening the physical and mental power of man.
    • In manicure, gold should be used as a decoration. The release of several fingers will be organic with gold sparkles or foil.
  • Brown - Despite the vast variety of brown shades, it is worth choosing lighter and warm colors for life. They carry more warmth and sensations of security. While the dark ones are depressing and weighting the atmosphere, they have an overwhelming effect.
    • In manicure, it is combined with all colors.
  • Red -One of the basic female flowers, and according to Feng Shui, is considered the color of money. It symbolizes all strong female qualities: love, beauty, passion, determination. He also characterizes his carrier as a bright and self -confident person. It has a greater impact on a person than other colors. It helps to increase the heartbeat, raise self -esteem, increases pressure.
    • In manicure is one of the running flowers. It is more often used as an independent color. An unusual solution would be a matte design, black smeast, a web.
  • Citric- Bends a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. It also has a strong effect on the human body. It contributes to the overall strengthening of the physical and spiritual state, raising immunity, improves the flow of lymph, helps in solving psychological problems, relieves tension and fatigue.
    • It is worth using only to highlight some fingers or as a decor. Too bright, can tire.
  • Orange - A rather rare color, often avoided. However, it is this color that is a symbol of joy and physical activity, shows your positive qualities, sets up for lightness and open communication. A good option for people suffering from depressive states.
    • In manicure, it is good to supplement it with a beautiful gradient of 3-4 colors.
  • Purple- The color of confidence, strength and power, is close in terms of characteristics to red. However, the body acts in a completely different way: it is able to lower the temperature, pressure, eliminates anxiety. This is the color of internal confidence in its strength and perfection.
    • In manicure, it is beautifully combined with silver mica sparkles.
  • Pink -In fact, it includes all stereotypical ideas about itself, and Feng Shui manicure was no exception: the female color of tenderness, immaculate, tenderness, symbolizes sensitivity, spring revival, and readiness for love. Promotes the complete elimination of negative energy and aggression.
    • In manicure, absolutely any design is suitable for all shades of pink: sliders, sparkles, transparent rubbing.
  • Grey - A fairly neutral color. A symbol of peace, easy detachment, practicality. Basically, it is chosen by people who do not want to declare themselves and attract attention in every way.
    • In manicure, Gray is perfectly complicated with black and white or pale pink graphics, a light gradient of 2 colors looks beautiful.
  • Blue - The problems of the psyche are stronger than everyone else: insomnia, obsessive aggressive thoughts, excitation of a nervous nature. Brings peace, adoption of himself. Promotes the development of creative abilities, spiritual practices.
    • In manicure, blue is more used in fairly dark shades, closer to black or purple. A great addition will be designs with a white web or modeling.
  • Violet- A symbol of mystery, intriguing and festive color. Often characterizes the carrier in sensitive intuition and sacred knowledge. It helps to calm down, to tune in to a harmonious attitude towards yourself and the world, to find a balance, it is easier to make decisions. Eliminates unnecessary experiences.
    • In manicure, it is complemented by various silver designs from strips to foil nail.
  • Black in a manicure, a Feng Shui is rushing an enhancing and protective load.
    • But it is better to use as a decor.

Feng Shui manicure-the best designs: ideas, use of decor by elements

Feng Shui manicure takes into account every detail. Therefore, decorative drawings should be chosen in the desired element.

  • Earth - sand textures, liquid stones, landscape components in the drawings
  • Fire - stripes, rays, lace
  • Water - Any marine theme in the choice of elements
  • Wood - Wakes, flowers, butterflies
  • Metal - geometric drawings, abstract compositions, space
With rocks
With rocks
Fiery bends
Fiery bends
Each nail can be distinguished in different colors, in this case activation will occur with color
Each nail can be distinguished in different colors, in this case activation will occur with color
Blue butterflies that are suitable for wood
Blue butterflies that are suitable for wood

When choosing a manicure on Feng Shui, you should understand what problem you would like to solve with the help of color. But if you don't like the shade, you should not choose it. Feng Shui is harmony with yourself and others. Therefore, if you are not ready for radical changes, go to them gradually.

Video: How to make a manicure according to the rules of Feng Shui?

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