Is it possible and how to determine the character of a girl by manicure? What does the shape and color of the nails mean - what character?

Is it possible and how to determine the character of a girl by manicure? What does the shape and color of the nails mean - what character?

In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to determine the character of a woman by her manicure, as well as how to do it.

You might not know, but the girl’s manicure is able to tell not only about her mood, but also about some characteristics of character. It is the nails that allow you to characterize any girl at a distance. Let's figure out with you what the color of manicure and the shape of the nails mean.

Manicure and character of a girl in the application frequency: meaning

The character is manicure
The character is manicure

First of all, you can determine the character by manicure by the frequency of its replacement. In general, when the girl changes manicure, this speaks of her desire to feel like a woman. This means that others really want to like her. So, the more often it changes the color or shape of the nails, the more the need for approval is developed in it. She feels herself a woman more.

As a rule, when a girl does not have a manicure at all, this suggests that she does not feel attractive and does not even hope that men might like.

When a woman herself looks after herself, but she misses her nails, she is sure of herself and she does not have time for her nails. That is, she likes what she does, and she does not want to waste time in all sorts of little things in the form of manicure. However, as soon as she has a free minute, she will immediately make herself a beautiful and attractive manicure.

So sometimes the lack of manicure can indicate simply the lack of time, and not of self-doubt or something else.

The form of manicure and the character of the girl: meaning

Despite all the opinions, you can determine the nature of the girl’s manicure depending on the shape of the nails. Let's figure out what and what form means.

  • Square. Girls with such a manicure are characterized as smart, counting on their mind and logic, and not on feelings. They are pedantic and often learn perfectly. They need order in everything and they are attentive to the little things. They are inquisitive and have a sharp mind. They do not occupy determination and independence. Often you can hear some good advice from them. They try to update manicure faster if some cracks or chips appear.
  • Rounded square. Girls who love a “soft square” are practical. They always devote a lot of time to work and their favorite business. They do not like to sit just like that and they can be safely called workaholics. Often they are not limited in one talent and it is difficult to find something that they cannot cope with. Often they idealize people and justify to the last, so they are hard to disappoint. They believe in fate and try to achieve their goals with all their might.
  • Rounded. A neat manicure says that the girl is sentimental. She is dreamy and lives according to her own rules. At the same time, she is an idealist. He does not like scandals and always tries to impress people. This leads to the fact that they are eventually accused of her. Instead of a violent dispute, they prefer to conduct a calm discussion.
  • Oval. Most likely, such girls love classics in clothes. They strive to be elegant in everything, even in a home environment and leisure. They are distinguished by femininity, delicacy and try not to climb into other people's affairs. Sometimes they like to gossip. At the same time, there are enough romance and concerns in them. As well as previous representatives, they do not like to quarrel and endure the SOR.
Forms of nails
Forms of nails
  • Pointed almonds. It is similar to the character of girls with an oval form. The only difference is that they pay more attention to their appearance. They often adjust the manicure, because this form requires constant strengthening and stronger nails. They are able to charm, but sometimes show infantility. Offective and often think through actions to make it more profitable for themselves.
  • Stylet. It is preferred by creative girls, characterized by emotionality. They like to attract attention, and they spend a lot of effort and time on themselves, forgetting about everyday matters. They are able to offer non -standard ways to solve problems. They love freedom, this is the only way they dissolve in what is happening around. They differ in sensitivity and vulnerability.
  • Short pointed. Such a girl is used to monitoring fashion and trying to introduce unusual elements into her own style. She does not occupy creativity and determination. She often succeeds, especially in business. In deeds and love, pedantry and sometimes even cruelty shows. In the character there is impatience and inconstancy.
  • Ballerina. Also indicates creative potential. Girls with such nails try to be unique. They always identify unusual details, for example, an unusual vase can bring to the house. This form is inherent in aesthetes that can admire the beauty of the dish, but you can’t taste attention. They have a good taste and they prefer practical things. They can dream and show pedantry and perfectionism.
  • Trapezius. This form has become popular in recent years. Such girls are not afraid to stand out. They have a good mind and charisma. They can accept and love themselves as they are and they do not want to change anything. There are those who have little energy. They sometimes show passivity and amenable to others' opinion. Under external calm can be hidden in a stormy character.
  • Short. Such manicure is chosen by active, energetic and versatile girls. They know how to surprise, especially their ability to manage everything. Less organized friends often envy them. In everyday life and at work they show pedantry, and they can also be safely called independent and independent. They like to argue and we must pay tribute to them, they come out winners. Although such girls are sociable, they seek to be alone with them.

The color of the manicure and the character of the girl: meaning

Character in the color of the nails
Character in the color of the nails

You can determine the character by manicure by the color of the nails. Let's analyze the general color schemes and which girls choose them.

  • French manicure. He shows a fundamental and self -confident nature. If the girl likes the classic, then she can be called cunning and unpredictable. The fact is that she can smile sweetly, but inside she will be stiff and prudent.
  • Red bright color It shows a demanding person, and this applies to both itself and others. She likes the attention of men, but she is always impregnable. She must be more accurate with her, because she does not tolerate criticism and ridicule. She can easily light herself with passion and also easily burn.
  • Dark and saturated colors Choose secretive and impregnable girls. Color, as a rule, is not chosen by chance. Thanks to the colors, the girl remains noticeable, although outwardly she is closed to everyone.
  • Light pastel shades Choose girls-activists. They do not hide anything, open to everyone and sometimes even too much. They like to take up new things and they are not afraid to tell the truth in person. Sometimes they are tactless, but at the same time they are still respected and they have a good reputation.
  • Multi -colored manicure shows a shameful and even a little windy nature, which is constantly confused with something. Such girls are unreliable and infantile, they think little about others, do what they want. Such a woman is able to become a best friend today, and tomorrow it may disappear.

Red manicure character of a girl - what does it mean?

Red manicure
Red manicure

As we said, you can determine the character by manicure depending on the color of the nails. Let's look at several colors separately. The first will be red.

In general, a bright varnish indicates that a person sets himself a clear specific goal and is ready to follow it. That is, he is ready to "go on the heads" just to get what he wants.

Directly red color indicates an emotional and passionate girl who is not afraid to stand out. At the same time, she appreciates love for herself and romance.

Black manicure - character: meaning

The character of black manicure can also be determined. As a rule, influential and powerful girls prefer it. They always know what they want and they are not afraid of any difficulties on the way. Some believe that girls with black manicure are arrogant, but usually they are mistaken, as they simply envy the will of the will of these women.

Violet manicure - character: meaning

Violet shades in psychology are considered uniting the opposite, as well as reconciliations. This color combines blue and red shades that speak of passion and judgment.

The nature of the manicure of this color is defined as creative. Such a girl is suitable for difficult issues and can combine incompatible. She has very well developed intuition.

At the same time, the girl is characterized as very sensitive and vulnerable. So, the fair sex with such a manicure can be dreamers and are not always ready to come to terms with generally accepted principles.

Video: Test: How to determine the nature of the nails?

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