TOP-9 sports for the development of children: for boys and girls. What sport is suitable for every child?

TOP-9 sports for the development of children: for boys and girls. What sport is suitable for every child?

This article will help you study sports for children who are well temping and develop a child.

Many parents are wondering which sport is most suitable for their child. The decision must be made individually, taking into account the interests of the child and his capabilities.

In order for your baby to want physical activity, you need to start with yourself. Show him an example that you also like to go to the gym, swim in the pool, etc. Another article on our website on the topic will help you: "How to force yourself to play sports?".

And sport is a great thing for the smallest, because it develops the whole body, gives a positive impulse to action and has a great influence on the health of children. Find out which sports are most popular among young athletes. You will find below tOP-9 sports for children. Read further.

How to find out what kind of sports the child has a predisposition: what is the benefit of sports for children, tips

Sports for children
Sports for children

Important: Children should play sports!

This is excellent entertainment, especially if we choose group classes, and physical activity perfectly improve the figure and support the overall development of the young organism.

  • Children should play at least one hour at least two to three times a week.

That's the benefit:

  • Physical activity is an opportunity to practice proper posture, good coordination and concentration.
  • Sport helps to strengthen bones, muscle increasing and, of course, prevents excess weight and obesity, which are a real scourge among young people.
  • Parents should encourage their children to be physically active, especially in those days when young people spend so much time at home in front of a laptop or smartphone screen.
  • In addition, any team events are a great time to develop social skills and teamwork.

Tips for parents, how to find out a predisposition to what kind of sport in the child:

  • When choosing a sport for a child, you should pay special attention to what the baby wants and what is his physical capabilities.
  • Not every sport is suitable for everyone, and the coercion of babies or, even worse, children trying to pursue their own ambitions always ends with dissatisfaction and even conflict.
  • If the child is poorly oriented in this matter, this can lead to the fact that in the future a young guy or girl will generally refuse physical activity.
  • Of course, a good way is a conversation that always works, even with a four-five-year-old child.
  • It is worth explaining to your baby why you want it to play sports, what are the benefits and how fun they can receive these classes.

Remember: The opinion of the child is the most important thing, and it is important not to decide anything contrary to the desire of the baby. Do not give the baby to the section on the advice of grandmother, acquaintances or friends. This is the most common mistake that almost all mothers and dads make.

No need to go from the nasty, and give a calm baby to an active sport, and a fidget to the chess children's club. The child will refuse to go to the circle, as he will be uninteresting and uncomfortable.

Let us also remember that parents are the greatest example for the baby: if the family is active, children will also be prepared to be physically developed. You can convince yourself that this is a sport for the whole family: roller skates, a bicycle, running or playing football. The more often, the better. Below is a list of popular sports disciplines with tips for which they are best. Read further.

Cycling: Summer sport for preschool and school children

Bicycle skating: Summer sport for children
Bicycle skating: Summer sport for children

Cycling is one of the most popular sports among preschool and school age and adults around the world. It does not require professional equipment, large skills (it is enough to learn how to ride) and, above all, is not a “traumatic” sport. This is very important for young athletes and their constantly growing organism. Many people, both young and old, love to ride a bicycle. This is a great sport for children of any age.

You must also remember that cycling is a great way to spend time together with the whole family. By this, thanks to this, the habit of traveling in ecological transport from an early age is formed.

Skate skating: summer and winter sport for children from 6, 7 years old and older

Skate skating: summer and winter sport for children
Skate skating: summer and winter sport for children

Skating on ordinary and roller skates is both summer and winter sports for children 6, 7 years and older. This is another popular sport among families, because it is very pleasant and undemanding.

  • Roller skating in summer teaches to maintain balance, concentration and coordination of the whole body.
  • However, in order to skate, children must be able to walk well and not have the slightest problems with maintaining balance. Experts recommend getting up on rollers or skates no earlier than 4 years oldbut the most optimal age is precisely 6 years.
  • Otherwise, they can quickly be injured, which will impede in the future of physical activity.

The whole family can ride on ordinary or roller skates - simple uniforms, safe street and good weather enough to enjoy physical activity and its advantages. Skating on skates and rollers burns more calories than riding a bicycle. Therefore, parents of children with many unbridled energy should pay attention to this sport.

It is worth knowing: A similar sport is a scooter skating, which also greatly affects the development of stop in babies and prevents the development of posture defects.

Swimming or sailing: advantages of a popular sport for children from 3, 4 years old and older

Swimming or sailing: a popular sport for children
Swimming or sailing: a popular sport for children

Another popular type of physical activity recommended for young people is swimming in the pool or open water. Now even three- or four-year-old children learn to swim. This is a great idea for the formation of proper posture in children, strengthening muscles and spine and focusing attention on the task. This is the advantages of swimming or sailing - popular species for children from 3-4 years and older:

  • Swimming increases the body's performance.
  • This is a sport in which it is difficult to get abrasions and unexpected injuries.
  • Great entertainment for the whole family, thanks to numerous water toys: balls, rubber balls and animals.
  • Helps to develop good posture, strengthen the muscles.
  • Raises the willpower of the child and strengthens the character.

Experts recommend starting professional swimming with a child of six to seven years old, but diving into the water is not earlier than 10 years. If you want the baby to become a sailor or surf, you should also wait until he turns ten or eleven years old. Only then will it be quite coordinated and confident to cope with open water and control a boat or board.

Oriental martial arts: a sport for children who tempers

Oriental martial arts: a sport for children who tempers
Oriental martial arts: a sport for children who tempers

For several years already in fashion classes of eastern martial arts:

  • Karate
  • Kung Fu
  • Thekvondo
  • Judo

If your baby will deal with one of the types of eastern martial art, then you may need an instruction, how to tie a belt on a kimono - read about it in another article. Help your child, because at first, he may have problems with this.

In any of these sports for children, there are many opportunities, and all of them are associated with the education of young people in concentration, self -confidence and dexterity. This is because martial arts are not only purely physical actions, but also mental and emotional work on your own body.

  • Kids learn to focus, and at the same time they can enjoy healthy competition and learn to respect other people, including those who are physically weaker.
  • This tempers character.
  • Getting new belts is also a great pleasure for children and for many is the beginning of a new passion.

It will be easier to choose the right martial art, since more and more schools and joint classes for children appear throughout the country.

Dancing for the youngest children: a sport for the development of the body and coordination

Dancing for the youngest children: a sport for the development of the body and coordination
Dancing for the youngest children: a sport for the development of the body and coordination

Dance lessons are a good idea for physical activity for the youngest children. This is a discipline that develops the whole body of a small person and has a great influence on the coordination of children, teaches concentration. Children can choose from these types:

  • Ballet
  • Ball dancing
  • A wide variety of modern dances

Sensitive kids who are energetic and well synchronize their movements will feel good in dancing lessons. Children who know how to dance are more quickly learned to realize their movements and their aesthetics.

Parents must remember: Dancing is a sport that can cause injuries, and a lot of self -denial and self -confidence are required to achieve success. In important, dancing prevent obesity.

What sport is suitable for every child - athletics and gymnastics: what is the advantage?

Athletics and gymnastics: sports that suit every child
Athletics and gymnastics: sports that suit every child

Sports disciplines such as athletics and gymnastics are very demanding sports that pay off a slender figure and proper posture of the body. What are the advantages of such sports?

  • Such physical activity strengthens the muscles.
  • The correct muscle frame supports the spine.
  • Such a sport teaches the coordination of the whole body.
  • During training, children test their abilities and at the same time expand the limits of their endurance - whether it is long -range running or performing complex gymnastic systems.

Unfortunately, this sport can be not only complicated, but also cause various injuries. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the baby for training, which a good coach and a famous children's sports club will certainly help.

Team games - Sports for children in the stadium: Different species for boys and girls

Team games - sports for children in the stadium
Team games - sports for children in the stadium

Children love to spend time with friends. This is a good reason to record your baby in sports, where he will have the opportunity to play with other children of his age. Here are popular sports, training on which are held at the stadium - these are team games:

  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Handball
  • Rugby and others.

These are only some of the many team sports for boys and girls who require interaction and cooperation. During team games, children:

  • Train
  • Learn to obey the rules
  • Interact with other people

In each of these sports, good condition, concentration and development of skills are important, which greatly affects the physical and mental health of children. And the fact that you play in the group additionally mobilizes and prompts children to regularly participate in events.

Each such sports occupation is preceded by a worthy warm -up proposed by experts, which teaches the smallest children correct sports behavior and perfectly strengthens the bone and muscle systems of the whole body, preventing frequent injuries and reducing pain. It is worth noting:

  • A great advantage is the easy accessibility of this type of class for children, which are usually organized in schools or sports clubs.
  • Classes are inexpensive.
  • Children are divided into age groups, so they play and have fun among peers.

Training also stimulate children's interest in sports, and a passion vaccinated at an early age remains for a long time.

Tennis: a popular sport for children

Tennis: a popular sport for children
Tennis: a popular sport for children

Another discipline popular among parents and children is tennis. And we do not mean just watching the games of the world on TV. This is a discipline that requires good coordination of movements from the very beginning, so it is good for children from eight to nine years old. Of course, during training, the balance will improve even more, but the baby should be able to cope with a heavy racket at the beginning.

Tennis is an expensive sports discipline, since it requires not only the purchase of rackets, equipment and shoes suitable for the child, but also hiring a coach and sites that are expensive. But this is a popular sport for children at present.

Climbing: Favorite sport for children

Climbing: Favorite sport for children
Climbing: Favorite sport for children

More and more children are called climbing their favorite pastime. Your baby can start his adventure with climbing even at the age of several years, but only on the walls intended for such young children. Why is it worth choosing a climbing for a child?

  • This is a sport that is good for the formation of proper posture, muscle building, dexterity and concentration.
  • Children learn self -confidence. It is proved that adolescents who are engaged in climbing, better overcome different dependencies and train their character, and not just the muscles of the whole body.
  • This is also a good idea for the weekend entertainment for the whole family.
  • Climbing will also appeal to young children aged 15-17 and their parents.

Now you know what to choose from. Of course, there are other sports, but the above are the most popular. If the baby wants a section that, it seems to you, does not suit you, there is no need to dissuade the baby. Let the child go and try his strength, because he will always be able to change the lesson if he feels discomfort. Good luck!

Video: Presentation for children - sports. Development "Smart Child"

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Comments K. article

  1. I think that karate is the best sport for a child.
    Firstly developing physical qualities. He tempers the character, in addition, instructs the correct ethical education.
    My child is engaged in kosiki karate. This is a contact look, but there is a protective equipment, i.e. Children are protected by a helmet and a vest.
    In short, we train, perform, go to sports training camps. The coach is super! I advise everyone this school

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