How to tie a belt on a dress, kimono, coat: ideas, photos, description

How to tie a belt on a dress, kimono, coat: ideas, photos, description

The belt adds brightness and individuality to the image. Especially if it is interesting.

The belt always emphasizes the waist and gives out new shades. Moreover, it is appropriate with pants-skirts, and with dresses and with a winter coat. But in order for your image to become unique, the belt must be able to tie it correctly. How exactly - this will be discussed.

How to tie a belt correctly: the choice of accessory

  • Belt - an accessory is no less diverse than the models and styles of the dresses themselves. Simplest, classic version - This is a regular tape made of fabric or a strip of harder material (the same leather or leather replacement) on average about 5 cm in width. Moreover, both the first and second models of belts can be tied.
  • It also exists sash (about how to tie it, it is written below), which is well supplemented by various decor elements: jewelry, rhinestones, etc. The corset is also considered a variety of wide belts, but you should not tie it and try.
  • For a belt equipped with an elastic band, wearing exclusively at the waist, is characteristic narrow belts are better to tie to combine with adjacent dresses, and add the buckle to the wide.

How to tie a belt on a dress?

  • Let's start with simple solutions to tie a belt. It is easiest to tie the belt with a simple knot, leading it from behind and tied it, gently straightening the ends.
  • You can do not tie the usual in the same way, but double knot, and you can, before tie, twist the belt several times. Another option is to make a loop: fold the belt along, wrap around the waist and pass into the loop that turned out, both ends.
  • If you pass the ends in turn, in the opposite direction, you will get a double -sided loop.

How to tie a bow on the belt?

Always elegant semobant. You can tie it as follows:

  • We put the right edge on top of the left, start on the bottom and release up.
  • We make a loop of the desired length.
  • We lay the opposite tip of the belt on the resulting semi -bank and stretch through the resulting loop.
  • We pull the ends, making sure that the loop does not twist and does not tighten.

A gofre style can be fixed with a belt made of soft creeping fabrics:

  • We put the belt in the accordion, seeking its narrowing.
  • We tie the waist with the resulting belt, and then remove the right end above the left below, crossing them.
  • The directed end of the belt clasps the horizontally opposite horizontally and is displayed into the resulting loop.
  • We tighten the knot horizontally, avoiding twisting.
  • We straighten both ends (they should not be long), achieving the flowing streams.

The belt can be laid with a classic bow:

  • The ends of the tape are crossed and thrown behind each other.
  • Equip the lower edge with a loop, the upper edge is thrown behind the lower and draw the loop out.

How to tie a belt on a kimono dress?

The belt with which the kimono is tied up at the waist. obi. Tie a belt - a whole science and a certain etiquette, which in the homeland of Kimono, in Japan, from childhood taught girls. It is right tied belt Judged the presence of taste in the girl. The dimensions of the belt for the kimono are impressive: up to 4 m in length and up to 30 cm - in width.

  • We begin by throwing the right end over the shoulder so that it is below the shoulder about 20 centimeters.
  • The left end of the belt twice wrap the case, after which you must hold in your hands only a short segment of the tape.
  • Now we throw the right end by the left, tying the knot, than create an additional fixation.
  • Fold the right end of the Ob into the harmonica and fix it with a finger in the form of a bow, while wrapping the left end of the belt.
  • Next, we refuel the right end of the belt so that it takes a vertical position (it is possible that it will peek out from under the layers of the belt.
  • The last step - turn the Ob with a bow back. This is not so known here, but in Japan, Bant in front speaks of a woman belonging to special behavior.
The bow will be behind
The bow will be behind

With a bow you can offer many variations. A small specially adapted pillow will make it more magnificent. For particularly complex bows, there are even special cords of Obozhame, Obieag.

The bow can be decorated with a flowering sakura branch (or, in our conditions - cherries), sheathe cords with beads, decorate with pebbles, rhinestones, brushes. Ob for men look more strict - bows of their belts have the shape of rectangles or triangles. But in any case, the location of the bow is behind.

How to tie a belt on a kimono for karate, judo, taekwondo, aikido?

The main thing in the process tie the belt - Failure to allow twisting, otherwise the matter may end in the injury.

We perform the following actions sequentially:

  • Put the belt on the waist on the right, using the left hand.
  • With the help of the right hand, we wrap the body twice with them, making sure that there is no twisting.
  • We display the right edge of the belt on the left side.
  • We go over the belt, moving from below, under each layer and remove it up so that a free loop remains.
  • We bend the second part up and insert into the resulting loop, then let the belt through the layers.
  • We pull in opposite directions, tightening the knot.
On the kimono
On the kimono

How to tie a long belt on the dress?

  • Such long belts include, in particular, a sash that fashionistas borrowed from men.
  • The sash is wrapped on a waist in several layers, and the ends are fixed, making a node of various shapes, either at the front, or from the side - as you like. As an option, it is possible to even use a buckle fastener.
  • A long belt generally gives scope for imagination, it can not only be tied on the waist, but also transfer, knit bows and flowers from them.
  • To make a free loop, you need to fold in half and throw a belt back, while holding the edges of the belt and a loop in front of the eyes, into which we start both ends, and then let them go.
  • Tie a long belt You can not only a free loop, but also a semi -bank (and, both symmetrical and asymmetric).
  • From a half -bat (if the belt is not only long, but also wide), you can always create a flower by pushing the ear from the bottom under the knot - then we get two hemispheres from the loop, the folds of which will resemble a flower. For fidelity, it is better to grab a loop in the center using a pin.
  • Short belts can be fastened on a hook, buttons or buckle.
Different variants
Different variants

How to tie a belt with rings?

If there is one ring on the belt - there is nothing to think here: you will spread through it the free end and fasten or fix it in any other way. But what to do when there are two rings at once?

  • To get started, take up the free end and stretch the belt through both rings.
  • Now stick the tail between the rings.
  • Tighten the edge, fixing the belt in this way.
We fix it
We fix it

If your belt is made of materials such as thin skin or suede is the best way to tie a belt is difficult to find.


How to tie a leather belt on a dress?

  • If the belt is narrow, Then it needs to be wrapped in the waist, let it pass through the buckle and twice wrapped around the belt downward. Pass the free end through the loop, which turned out to be at the buckle and once again wrap the belt, hiding the remaining tail. If the edge turns out to be quite long - it can be left freely hanging.
  • The belt can be tied wider Putting it in a buckle and let go of the free edge, wrapping a belt before that. And after the hanging edge, blow through the buckle from the inside - so you will create a loop that will be released from the buckle.
  • Wicker leather belt, if a wide buckle corresponds to him, turns around the waist, and the free edge is threaded through the buckle. Then, on the outside, it needs to be wrapped with a number 8, thereby hiding the buckle.
  • Typically, complex weaving for leather belts is not used, a simple knot and buckles for fixing or a free loop are enough. How to make it:
  1. If there is a fastener - Just fasten the edge, which is longer, enter the belt from below, and then drag it into the loop, which turned out and stretch down.
  2. In the absence of a fastener The loop will turn out if your belt is long enough. Fold it in half and bring a loop and free ends in front of you, which then pass through the loop. And then, going from below, repeat the same thread on top.

How to tie a belt on a coat?

  • A narrow belt made of leather, especially if it is black, and the coat is light, it will look great if you use a bant node.
  • A belt made of the same material is considered traditional as the coat itself - it is customary to tie it with a simple knot that is located in front. But if desired, you can shift it sideways.
  • Just like a belt for a dress, tie a belt on a coat It is possible not only with a bow, but also with a semi -bank. Another option - try to use the bidermeer knot: Brave the ends and wrap the short longer, led into a loop that formed under the cross you folded. Now do it again, only now act not long, but a short end.
  • You can also use the method used when tying a tie: otake the belt at the waist and fold the ends with a cross, leading a longer one behind the second part of the belt, and then direct it back and put it under a freely hanging short edge. Now drive up again and, wrapping the belt, lower it down through the ring. For more reliable fixation, tighten the knot.
On a coat
On a coat
To knit
To knit

Video: Beautiful bow on the belt: we tie together

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